Budget Prepping at Walmart! Prepper Pantry Stockpile and Gear to buy this week - SHTF 2023

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Walmart is a great place to fill your prepper pantry and grab some prepping gear today I'm going to show you my top picks and maybe a few things not to buy at Walmart hey guys it's Jara with Wicked prepared welcome back to the channel everyone I am sitting here today getting ready to go into Walmart Walmart is such a ubiquitous store I feel like they're everywhere and just about everyone has access to a Walmart let me know down in the comments how far are you from your nearest Walmart and how do you feel about Walmart do you love it hate it or indifferent where I live it's one of our only options for shopping it's not far from my house and the prices are good so I do quite a fair amount of my shopping here I thought today I would take you into Walmart with me and show you my favorite prepper Pantry items and prepper gear at Walmart if you're just getting started and especially if you're on a tight budget this is going to be the place for you and I know I have seen a huge uptick lately with everything that's going on in the world we've seen a lot of people who are finally saying okay now I'm a little scared now I'm ready to do this they've known for a long time it's something that they should be doing but they've put it off until now and they just know they can't put it off any longer so they're getting food into their homes they're getting supplies into their homes and this will be great for people like that but even if you're a seasoned prepper you can always add to your preps at Walmart so let's go in and get started you can take care of many of your most basic prepping needs at Walmart and one of the first things that many people start their prepping efforts with of course is food you can easily build a good basic prepper Pantry on a budget at Walmart starting with that good old basic prepper staple beans and rice Walmart is a great place to buy rice it's about the cheapest place that I've found to buy plain white rice which everyone should have a good stockpile of I usually buy this 20 lb bag which is the best bargain when you look at the price per pound rice is a staple that over half of the world depends on for about 80% of their new nutrition it's very inexpensive it has a very long shelf life and it's fairly hypoallergenic rice allergies are very rare it can be served for any meal um from breakfast lunch and dinner and it can be also used to stretch many other types of foods don't overlook parboiled rice as an option the par boiling process makes it higher in nutrients and also easier to digest I thought since it was parboiled that maybe it didn't need to be rinsed but that doesn't seem to be the case I never realized this until recently but apparently you're supposed to rinse your rice before cooking to reduce the arsonic content isn't that nice so that's something to keep in mind for prepping purposes since obviously rinsing uses water another rice that's great to have in your prepper pantry is instant rice also known as Minute Rice because it's been cooked and dehydrated it doesn't even really require any cooking just adding boiling water and letting it set is enough to make it ready to eat that is a big bonus when it comes to emergency cooking and then of course we have beans wal Walmart has great prices on beans but the best price is going to be on the pinto beans because they come in the largest bag with the smallest unit price one negative to these is of course they do require soaking and quite a long cooking time or pressure cooking so you might want to consider either canned beans which are already cooked and ready to go or lentils if you want to know a little bit more about why I really love lentils and recommend them highly for your prepper Pantry check out the video I did on the healthiest foods for your prepper Pantry I will link one down below in the description box some of the positives of the dried beans like the rice they also have a very long shelf life and you can actually Sprout these pinto beans plant them and grow green beans from them so I consider this a multi-purpose item besides rice and beans I think a great food to stock up on for your prepper pantry is pasta pasta lasts a very long time and it's very inexpensive especially if you buy it in the bulk packages I usually buy the whole wheat pasta and I have some that I've had around for years and I haven't had any trouble with it going bad or anything like that so as long as you can store your beans rice and Pasta in a way that keeps moisture and bugs out of it it should last a very long time don't forget to pick up sauces to go with your pasta there are so many options from red sauce to Alfredo to pesto you can even get canned clam sauce which is my favorite this can give you a lot of different options so that you don't get sick of eating the same thing over and over again food fatigue is real you can even mix two sauces together for something different for example the alred po sauce could mix with any of the other sauces for a creamy version and if you start adding in some canned meats and canned veggies the options of meals are endless that brings us to the next prepper Pantry staple that's great to stock up on at Walmart canned foods I already mentioned canned beans but every prepper Pantry should have a good supply of canned fruits and vegetables including plenty of tomato products if you worry about the sodium content of these there are no salt added varieties available Walmart is also a great place to buy canned Meats protein is such an important component of any food storage and canned Meats is one great way to get that Walmart has some of the best deals on canned chicken especially if you buy it in these bulk packs some other good options from Walmart include roast beef diced ham corn beef and canned hams and of course we can't forget that Old Faithful prepper standby spam there's many flavors and varieties available but I actually prefer to get the Great Value brand because it's cheaper and we like it just fine and of course don't forget about canned tuna another protein staple if that's something that you and your family like it's also important to stock canned complete meals that can be eaten right out of the can if needed things like soups beef stew chili or baked beans and canned pastas always watch your unit prices when shopping at Walmart or anywhere else we usually assume we're getting the best deal when we buy the generic or store brand but look at these canned pastas for example the name brand ends up up being cheaper per ounce and per can when you buy it in these multi packs we also tend to assume it's a better deal to buy in bulk or buy larger packages and while this is often true it's not always the case look at these two broths the larger family size has a higher unit price than the smaller carton so always be careful and check when shopping in this area watch out for items like these that require additional fresh ingredients like butter milk or fresh meat that doesn't mean you can't include them in your food storage just that you need to account for those additional ingredient requirements somehow instant potatoes are another great thing to add to your prepper Pantry at Walmart I always look for the ones that don't require additional ingredients like butter and milk the Just Add Water potatoes these will likely have a shorter shelf life than the products that only contain potatoes but I think you'll find if you practice rotation and store what you eat eat what you store you won't be as concerned with shelf life differences like that another thing you'll want to stock up on at Walmart is what I call Pantry Basics things like sugar flour and oil that can be used to make many other foods from scratch the reason Walmart really shines here is because of their house brand Great Value I find when I look for deals on these items at warehouse clubs and places like that they often can't beat Walmart's prices because they only carry name brands and I honestly don't see much difference with this type of food these items are going to be very important if there comes a time that we can't get basic items like bread for example from the supply chain and we need to make our own when it comes to flour you will get a longer storage time from whole wheat berries and I did once get a wicked good deal on four gallon pales of wheat berries from ausen farms through Walmart but generally speaking there are better places to buy your wheat your whole wheat but it's still important to have a supply of ready ground flour on hand especially if you don't have a manual grain grinder I think most of us use flour on a pretty regular basis so keeping a 1 to 2E rotating Supply should be pretty easy and Walmart is a great place to get it a couple other things in the same area of the store don't forget your seasonings broths and bllons these things can go a long way towards making the other Foods you store palatable and creating a variety of meals that you won't get sick of eating the most important of these is salt not only is salt the most basic seasoning it's a necessary nutrient our bodies need to survive it's also used in food preservation it's recommended to store 5 to 8 pounds of salt per person per year salt is cheap at Walmart so buy a lot of it buy more than you think you need it's a forever food so it won't go bad before you can use it you'll also find a variety of shelf stable milk options here but for the most part this is not my favorite place to buy these shelf stable milk cartons like these can be a great addition to your short-term emergency Pantry but the price here is not good you can get the same thing at Dollar Tree for $125 for longer term storage instant milk powder is the way to go however the type that is generally sold at Walmart and many other grocery stores is usually not very tasty and doesn't appeal to to many people as just straight milk although it can be used as a baking and cooking ingredient my local store doesn't carry it but many Walmarts carry Neato which is a powdered whole milk that's a much better tasting option you won't find that here in the baking aisle though it's usually carried in the Hispanic food section of the store in that same section you will also find another one of my favorite dairy products to store that is canned media Crema which is sort of a light/ heavy cream product in a can which is great and it's very versatile it's a great addition to your pepper Pantry I always make sure I have a good supply of these and Walmart is a great place to buy them you can turn this product into all sorts of things like butter and sour cream and you can use it to add a creamy touch to many dishes if your store doesn't carry them in person you can sometimes find them available for shipping online the other shelf stable milk that I do like to buy at Walmart is the caned evaporated milk which is back in the baking aisle this is another good thing to have on hand and the Great Value brand is a great price my store also carries these really small little cans of carnation brand and I like to have a few of these on hand because if you only need a little bit of milk in an emergency situation when the power might be out it's better to have the precise amount you need and not have a lot of leftovers that you'd need to refrigerate another basic item that everyone needs to stock up on is vinegar plain white vinegar not so much as a food item but it has lots of other uses as well but it's sold here with the food food present preservation is a big one one of the big uses for this vinegar can be used to make pickles and increase the acidity of certain foods for safe preservation it's also very valuable for cleaning and laundry purposes the price just recently went up on this white vinegar at Walmart and so now I'm actually able to find a better price on this at Sam's Club but if this is the only option available to you it's not that bad next we have some breakfast options oatmeal is a good inexpensive option to have in your food storage and honestly these flavors instant packets are fine you don't have to get just plain oatmeal I mean you should have some plain oatmeal but we keep a lot of these packets on hand they're already flavored all you have to do is pour boiling water on them and they're ready to eat I buy so many of these I have some that have been around for years with no special storage measures and they're still perfectly fine pancake mix is another good breakfast option for your prepper Pantry make sure you get the complete just add water mix which most of them are I think and don't forget the syrup drink mixes are another good prepper Pantry item to get from Walmart these can be good to make your water taste better which can be an issue if you're drinking water that's been stored or treated with certain purifying agents they can also help if you get sick of drinking just plain water which some people do some of the fancier mixes with electrolytes can even serve as part of your first aid preps another area to fill your prepper Pantry at Walmart is nuts and peanut butter nuts can have a somewhat shorter shelf life but they are an important source of protein um good fats and concentrated calories when food is in short supply just like everything else make sure to rotate to go along with all this food we're going to need water water is so very important it's arguably the most important part of your preparedness plan probably even more important than the food after all you can live longer without food than you can without water and water is necessary to prepare a lot of this food that we just talked about filling our prepper Pantry with an emergency water plan really needs to comprise two parts storage of Clean safe water and methods to purify gathered water neither one of these alone is enough there are a lot of options for water storage Beyond what's available at Walmart I have a whole video on that that I will link Down Below in case you want to check it out but there are some things at Walmart that are worth getting especially if you're limited in your resources we like to keep a good supply of single serve water bottles on hand that we rotate through rotation is key here because these flimsy little bottles will not last forever but they're good to have on hand because they're grab and go I also always keep a case of these in my vehicle the kids are always grabbing one if they forgot to pack their water bottle or they have a friend who needs a drink or anything like that so they do get rotated very quickly if you decide to store gallon water bottles this can be a good place to get them but always go with this more clear type rather than the milk jug type because they're less likely to Spring leaks Walmart does have these water stor containers in their sporting goods Department they're not bad because they're very narrow so you could slip them in many different places and store quite a bit in a small area but they wouldn't be my first choice personally I choose to store a lot of our water in these jugs these jugs right here that I find over near the hardware department the reason these work well for our family is because we do use a water cooler for hot and cold water and so I can keep these rotated without having to worry about it because you definitely don't want to have your water going stale from just sitting there are water preservers that you can use but I've never seen those at Walmart and I prefer to just rotate most of our water supply these jugs here are stackable and so I can store quite a few of them our tap water is good so I just fill them up from the tap store them down seller use them on the water cooler and they stay rotated easy peasy like I mentioned there are lots more options for storing water that may be better than these but nothing that's available here at Walmart for water filtering and treatment we are going to head down to the Sporting Goods part of the store which is where we're going to spend most of the rest of our time today they have a lot of great gear down there that can fill a lot of your prepping needs they have these water purifying tablets that I always like to have on hand they're very portable you can stash them anywhere and keep them with you at all times you can also buy Bleach at Walmart that can serve as a means to purify water however bleach has a very short shelf life of 6 to 9 months before it starts to lose its disinfecting Powers so a better choice is storing pool shock this is something that you can usually find at Walmart at least during the spring and summer months I'm sure maybe in warmer climates where people use their pools year round it might be available year round but it certainly is not in my store here in Maine but with pool shock a little bit goes a very long way so just be careful how you store it because it's very costic and you can have it on hand during the times when it's not readily available I definitely don't think it's a bad idea to have a 6-month Supply or so of bleach on hand and rotate through it regularly which most of us easily do with normal cleaning and laundry but don't rely on it for your long-term needs besides water purification everyone should also have some sort of water filtration system Walmart carries the Sawyer brand the Sawyer Minis and these other couple of Sawyer filters these are known to be a very very good brand they are small But Mighty you can see here that this filter can filter up to 100,000 gallons it's a great option to start with for someone who's just starting out and maybe is on a limited budget or has limited places to shop they're also very portable so if you need to put one in a bugout bag or an evacuation kit or in your vehicle they're great for that this right here is something new Walmart used to carry LIF straws I'm pretty sure I don't see LIF straws here anymore but I do see this brand which I'm not familiar with so I can't really vouch for it but it looks very similar to LifeStraw with the added feature that you can screw it onto a water bottle which is a great option moving on from water everyone needs a way to cook their food if the power's out this would also give you one more way of sanitizing your water by boiling it if you've watched any of my cooking videos you've probably seen me using my butane burner which I absolutely love and I got it here at Walmart this is the burner that I have right here this Coleman butane stoves are considered safe to use indoors they're commonly used in catering and some Asian countries for indoor cooking so this is my number one choice for cooking indoors during a grid down emergency I will say it's better to be safe than sorry you should always have basic emergency measures and precautions like a carbon monoxide detector and a fire extinguisher handy when you're using alternative fuels and you guessed it Walmart is a great place to pick these up this little stove comes with its own carrying case and it's quite powerful and simple to use and fairly inexpensive at the time that I bought mine which was only a few years ago it cost less than $20 of course now it's up to $30 just that's the way things are going but if you look right here next to it it actually took me a minute to figure out what was going on here Walmart has come out with its own brand the Ozark Trail brand of basically the exact same butane burner it has a case and everything just like the Coleman now I've never tried this one so I can't vouch for it but I'm willing to bet that it probably works just as well as the Coleman in fact my burner that I've been using at home I've broken the hinge on the case and so I was thinking about picking up an extra one so maybe I'll grab one of these to give it a try and let you know how it is I don't necessarily recommend picking up the butane fuel at Walmart they do have the Coleman brand of fuel but I can usually get a better deal buying the offbrand at either the Asian market when I can get there or Amazon when it's on sale Walmart is a decent place however to pick up the smaller propane canisters we keep several Grill tanks filled at home for emergency purposes but it's always nice to have a few of these small canisters on hand as well Walmart sells them in a two- pack and a four-pack for greater savings walm also carries several options of very small portable little camp stoves if you need an option for keeping in your vehicle or stashing in your bugout bag or something like that another thing that we use for cooking all the time when we're off- grid camping that we get right at Walmart is a cast iron Dutch oven you can see that this one is out of stock these things are awesome for off- grid just have some charcoal handy which is also a great purchase at Walmart and you can get your coals going put coals under the pot and coals on top of the pot and bake right in your Dutch oven I've done cakes like this one pot dinners all sorts of things you can also use campfire coals if you don't have any charcoal you can stack multiple dutch ovens on top of one another to cook multiple courses all at once like dinner and dessert or dinner and a bread to go with it anything like that and then one other thing that we've picked up at Walmart that we keep as part of our preps is this Camp Chef stove this stove is definitely for outdoors it's not an indoor stove but we love having it we do use it for camping but what a lot of people use these for is canning so you will want to get a heat diffusing plate if you're going to use it for canning but this could totally save the day if the power goes out or the grid goes down for the long term and you're going to lose the food in your freezer you can whip out your canning jars your Camp Chef and get to work saving as much of that food as you possibly can my Walmart does have a small selection of these mountainhouse backpacking meals here in the sporting good section you know I'm a big fan of making our own meals out of single ingredient foods but these type of meals are handy to have available sometimes and they're perfect for certain people who don't enjoy cooking from scratch as much as I do some Walmarts in some parts of the country carry a much larger selection of things like this larger mountainhouse cans more of the meals like this even augus and Farm's number 10 cans our Walmart is not one of those that carries these things however you can sometimes find them online for shipping I know when we visited Utah in September I had to take a walk down the canned meat aisle and I was super jealous to find the cans of Keystone Meats sold right there on their grocery store shelves we don't have anything like that here it's really interesting how different the grocery stores can be between different areas of the country some other standout products in the Sporting Goods Department I actually really like their selection of backpacks they have even more than this online I especially like the hydration packs these allow you to easily carry your water right with you and drink whenever you need to without having to stop these are great for bugout bags you can can also get the hydration inserts by themselves to add to a pack you already have or replace one that needs replacing another thing right here in this area of the store Walmart has a decent little selection of watertight cases that you can store gear in that's susceptible to moisture damage they also have some wet dry bags that can be really good in your bugout bag and things like that right down here they have a toilet seat that is meant to go on a 5 gallon pale don't overlook that very basic need in an emergency situation if you don't have running water or you're hold up down in a Cellar or another area without facilities you're going to need a way to relieve yourself you don't have to have a toilet seat like this you can actually use a pool noodle which is also a great thing to get at Walmart especially if you can pick them up on clearance at the end of the season we use pool noodles for lots of things and those things always seem to pop up in the middle of the winter when they're not readily available so we always grab extra but if you have a toilet seat like this you can easily snap it onto a 5G paale Walmart also has some waste bags to go along with it if you'd like to see how I put together a whole toilet and hygiene kit in a 5G bucket I'll leave the link to that video down below my Walmart sells bleed stop with the backpacking supplies here this is a must have item for all of your first aid kits now let's talk a little bit about shelter or rather about staying warm if the power goes out during the winter which it tends to do for a lot of us here in Maine we have ice storms occasionally that can leave the power out for weeks for some people many of us probably remember the ice storms they had in Texas a couple of years ago it can be a very dangerous situation if you don't have a way to keep yourself warm one thing that we have from Walmart are these Mr Buddy heaters you can see that this model right here is out of stock I think this is one that we have you know I find this to be very telling that so much of the best emergency gear is out of stock and here's another example where I see that Walmart has now come out with an Ozark Trail brand of the same thing this is just like the heater over here that's out of stock but obvious obviously cheaper so this one might be worth giving a try now a heater like this is not going to heat your entire home so you need to close off areas and heat smaller spaces this microclimate concept is very important to remember I do have a video All About surviving a winter power outage if you'd like to see that I will link that one down below as well so definitely go down to the video description when you're done with this video because we've got several more videos down there that go a little bit more in depth with some of the things I've talked about today but another way that you can create a microclimate is with a tent it might seem strange to set up a tent within your home but setting up a small tent and packing the warm bodies into it can raise the temperature quite a bit and hold the warmth in and help you survive in frigid temperatures some people have even set the tent right up on top of their bed and slept inside the tent on the bed you don't want a very big tent for this you wouldn't be able to set up a large tent indoors very easily and it wouldn't do as good of a job at containing the warmth Walmart has several tents that would be good for this purpose in fact I even found one in the clearance aisle today besides tents and propane heaters another great thing to have is some warm base layers to put under your clothing and I like to pick these up at Walmart sometimes cuddle Duds is a good brand that they have at Walmart in fact usually at Black Friday which is coming right up they have a really good price on these so keep an eye out for that or join our new group Wicked prepared prepping Deals and Steals where I'll be posting deals on all sorts of prepping and survival gear you can also find things like thermal socks gloves and hats at Walmart which can really save you in a winter power outage it's also a decent place to pick up disposable hand foot and body warmers power outages during the winter can be very dangerous but we also need to consider power outages during The Heat Of Summer which can also be dangerous in its own right one of my favorite preps and something that has been one of the most popular items that I have ever shown on this channel is this battery operated fan right here it can be run off of batteries or a cord it folds down flat so it's easy to store and it works great and look right here beside it they actually have a smaller version now as well also in the Sporting Goods section Walmart is a pretty decent place to pick up things like flashlights and headlamps headlamps are a crucial thing to have in case you need to use your hands when you're working in a dark environment Walmart has everything from really cheap flashlights which I love because you can buy a ton of them and just stash them everywhere to more expensive heavyduty High Lumen flashlights and lanterns one thing I don't buy too often at Walmart anymore is batteries if you have to have the name brand batteries I find the warehouse clubs are usually a little bit of a better deal for those I do buy off brand batteries and Walmart has a great value battery that I've purchased and been happy with but Amazon has better deals on their Amazon Basics brand of batteries before we head out of the Sporting Goods Department let's check out the knife case this one has a lot lot of out of stock items but Walmart does carry some decent brands of knives for a good price so pick up a few of these for your emergency supplies over in the hardware department I have already mentioned these 5 gallon pales that Walmart sells this is a really good price for the 5 gallon pales if you have to purchase them sometimes you can get them for free from a bakery or a restaurant or something similar in fact sometimes people actually get them for free or just a dollar or two right from the Walmart bakery but if you have to purchase them Walmart has a great price and these buckets are food grade buckets they also have lids for the buckets you can use them for a number of things among them the emergency toilet like I mentioned earlier and many people use them to store bulk Dry Goods in the prepper Pantry moving on to housewares Walmart is really one of the best places to buy canning equipment and supplies this is very important to have if you preserve your own food but it's also important to have a supply for that situation like I talked about earlier if you have a power outage and you have to save save the food that you're going to lose from your freezer or if we find ourselves in some long-term situation where we're depending on our stored food and on growing raising and foraging food you're going to need a way to preserve the excess for leaner times Walmart has some of the best prices I've found on canning jars I personally choose to get my Lids elsewhere but this little caner down here this is the caner that I have that I've been using for years it's not the biggest and it's not the fanciest you can only do a single layer of quartz or pine but I have done so much canning with this little caner it's simple it's easy to use and it does the job especially if you're just starting out this is a great caner to get started with I also bought my water bath caner here although I don't see the one that I have in stock right now you also can't go wrong with their $2 canning funnel I use this for all sorts of things from my canning to freeze-dried meals and jars and everything in between a couple other sections of the store to check out for preps are cleaning personal care and first aid these are items that you want to make sure you have a good stockpile of in case you're unable to get them for any reason it doesn't have to be anything fancy but I am a big proponent of stocking up on extra of what you already use rather than buying something cheap that you won't use otherwise we don't want things just sitting there Gathering dust but for cleaning supplies what I usually stock up on I already mentioned the vinegar earlier and bleach and other than that the things that I like to have on hand are disinfecting wipes a multi-purpose Lysol concentrate that can be used in a variety of ways I use this in cleaning buckets I dilute this in spray bottles and use it as a multi-purpose cleaner one little bottle has lots of uses and lasts a very long time and the other thing that I keep on hand is this simple bleach cleaning spray up until recently this was only 98 toilet paper is another great prep to stock up on at Walmart this is giving me 2020 flashbacks walm Walmart is my favorite place to buy toilet paper generally even comparing the prices to the warehouse clubs that I shop I can usually get a better price at Walmart unless something is on sale at one of those other places this is the toilet paper that I usually buy but my store doesn't stock the very large package that I like to get so I usually order it and have it shipped I will have links for most of these things down in the description box below the video so you can check them out if you want to four Personal Care items same as cleaning items it doesn't have to be anything special but I really recommend just buying extra of what you already use it's not going to go bad think of the things that you definitely wouldn't want to be without if you suddenly couldn't get them from the store shampoo conditioner is a must for our household body wash deodorant toothpaste and I like to stock up in bulk on these cheap packs of six toothbrushes until recently they were only a do for six I can keep a ton of them on hand knowing we'd have toothbrushes for quite a while in a long-term grid down situation but in the meantime they really come in handy for overnight guests who forgot a toothbrush and things like that keep an eye out for clearance prices in this area usually once a year they'll do a clearance on this whole section and sometimes I can stock up on enough for a year or more at that time first aid supplies is another thing that I buy quite a lot of at Walmart one of my favorite finds is this little tube of antibiotic ointment for only 88 cents I stopped buying this at the Dollar Tree when I discovered this make sure you have plenty of supplies for w wound care do not underestimate this rubbing alcohol is another multi-purpose item that's good to have on hand it can be used for disinfection and sanitization and for a fuel as well okay guys that's all for today's video those are some of my top picks for prepper gear and supplies at Walmart it's impossible to put everything into one video so let me know down in the comments what are some of your favorite preps to pick up at Walmart if you made it all the way to the end of the video leave me one of these emojis down in the comments and check out this video up here next where I put Walmart up against Dollar Tree for some common preps to see who comes out on top I'm jro with W it prepared survive today Thrive tomorrow we'll see you next [Music] time
Channel: Wicked Prepared
Views: 149,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: walmart, prepping, prepper, shtf, doomsday, budget prepping, city prepping, canadian prepper, alaska prepper, riverside homestead life, homestead corner, rose red homestead, she's in her apron
Id: BqnSXqR21fE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 13sec (1873 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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