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hey folks prepper princess today we are going to be talking about how you've been doing your laundry wrong your whole life before i get started go ahead and hit that like button and make sure you watch this video to the end because i'm going to go over the only two cleaning products that i use in my house and why let's get going all right folks so what we have here is a standard jug of arm and hammer with plus oxiclean now as you see down here it says 25 loads of detergent now that is isn't it funny how you run out of laundry detergent way before you think you've done 25 loads well i can promise you that there's a reason for that so what most people do with their laundry soap is they fill it up to the top and then they toss it in the laundry well that is the incorrect way to do it so here is the deal first of all i add water to all of my laundry soap because the majority of liquid laundry detergent is made of water anyway but that's not the only problem so here's another thing i want to read to you the direction it says pre-treat for best results and then it gives you the instructions of how to do a pre-treatment now here's the funny thing is it's a pre-treatment it's not a pre-treatment and treatment it just says pre-treatment for best results so you just wet the fabric and put a little bit of detergent on it and then you put it in in the spots to get rid of tough stains now here's the deal is that if you are doing that that's called spot cleaning which is probably the most efficient way you can do it so you do your spot clean and you toss it in the laundry and that will get your clothes clean now these instructions are not really for people who have extremely dirty jobs who are covered in grease every day from working in the shop this is for standard clothing but again most people will just fill up the the cup now i don't know if you can see it see there's a letter a and a letter b and there's little tiny lines in there and of course they make it the same color as the lid so that it's very hard to see i have perfect 20 20 vision and it's really hard for me to see but if you can see those little letters a and b so what that means is that if you have a standard load this is how much you should be filling your cap that's it that's all if you have a heavily soiled load you should be filling it to there and that is it you've more than likely been wasting two-thirds of your laundry detergent just by not following the instructions and assuming that you fill up a full capful don't get me wrong i did it for years and years and years i actually only learned this in my late 20s that you're not supposed to use an entire cap full now if you read the tightwad gazette by amy decision amy indicates she does she's a numbers person she's a numbers gal and she actually says that using powder detergent is more cost effective than using this type of detergent because this is mostly water now here's my laundry soap is just one of those cheap ones that you get in the hispanic section of the laundry aisle at walmart i also have this one this one is also full this one is also full as you can see but they come in a bag so you're always paying for packaging and the ones in the the latino section always come in a bag and they're super cheap they're like two three dollars now instead of going with a standard scoop this is just a coffee scoop this is what comes with my powdered coffee my powdered frappuccinos that i get from da vinci's so on this one i follow standard practice and i fill it all the way up why because it's a third the size of this bottle top it's one third the size so this will fill fill it up about one third which is what is intended for standard soap now a lot of people on my channel will be like they say things along the lines of your disgusting you don't clean i think that we live in extremely over sanitized world now once i run out of this laundry soap this one's going to last me my neighbor actually left this and it was about this full and i filled it all the way up to here and i only do a load of laundry every two weeks i wear my pants twice before i wash them and my shirts i wash on a regular basis but i have so many it takes me at least two weeks to get enough clothing and towels and stuff like that to do a full load of laundry so this will last me months and then this laundry soap is going to last me another year and then this big one is going to last me another two years and then after that runs out i used to make my own laundry soap but i actually found it was more cost efficient for me just to buy a bag of laundry soap and be done with it these fells naps appear by purex izzy and the zote are about 97 cents and again these are at walmart and this is what is used to make to make your own laundry stove so this is a laundry bar and stain remover so instead of making your own laundry soap or what i'm going to be doing once i run out of all this soap i'm just going to open this up and i'm going to start spot cleaning my clothes so if there's a stain on my clothes it's a bar soap i'm just going to rub the bar of soap on the stain and then i'm going to throw it into the washing machine on cold cycle and that's going to be it i'm not putting in any other extra laundry soap why if you do the research on washing machines the majority of the cleaning done in your washing machine is based on the agita agitation cycle and not on the soap that you use that's why you see in other cultures in other countries a lot of people don't use soap and you see the women essentially beating the clothes on rocks because the rocks work as an agitation cycle and that's what gets out the stains so once i finish with that soap it'll be another purchase that i don't plan on on purchasing anymore and i've seen gain and tide go for god like 17 to 23 dollars a bottle and to me that is absolutely ridiculous again this is if you if you have horrible staining issues you know you've got a hubby who works out on the farm and he's covered in dirt and grime and grease then you might want to go with laundry soap but just for us average folks who work in a cubicle or don't have a lot of heavy duty heavy duty work and sweating and all that stuff just just follow the instructions correctly and i promise you your laundry soap's going to last a lot longer and don't forget to add water these are the majority of them are made of water and if you add water your clothes are still going to come out just as clean again if if it were up to me i would take this you know when it gets down to here and i fill it up to about halfway what i would intentionally do if i actually bought this thing is i would use half of it and just fill it all the way up and then i'd use half of it again and fill it all the way up that's one quarter concentrate and then i would just fill the line to the a or b depending on what laundry i was going to use so that is a huge money saver a lot of people don't do their laundry correctly and i'm going to go ahead and go and show you the only two cleaning products that i use again i used to make my own my own cleaning products and i found that it was more cost efficient and cost effective for me to buy them and they last for years and years and years and no it's not vinegar so i'll show you all right folks i've brought you over to my coffee corner where i've got three different types of coffee machines yes the nutribullet is for my frappuccinos but anyway so here is i only use two cleaning products that is dawn dish detergent and simple green the simple green i got in this big giant jug at home depot for about seven bucks the dawn i believe was like four dollars but here's the deal with the dawn so i just recently learned this so i got this professional spray bottle because i was putting anti-shatter film on my windows now here's the thing what you do is you fill the dawn to about half of this first little little line so it really only goes up to this little tiny line then you fill up the rest all the way with water this will clean anything it clean it does my dusting it cleans my toilet my windows my bathtub anything you can imagine it will clean it so when i go and wash my bathtub so as you know there's always a dirt ring around a bathtub i'll go and spray it i'll come back five minutes later i'll spray it again and i'll use this thing and it comes right off super fast another way that i save on this liquid and by the way this dawn is about nine months old i bought it just when i moved into this house and this is all that i have used i do still have a little bit of palm olive left and as you can see this is the palmolive watered down of course because i always water it down because it's ultra concentrated so i have this little tool and when you push on this button the soap comes out this little hole so as you're washing your dishes you're getting a constant flow of a tiny bit of soap at a time because otherwise we just take this bottle and we just squirt it in there like syrup and we just get it all crazy with soap and that is extremely wasteful and it's not just wasting bad stuff for the environment it well dawn's not really bad for the environment but you know the plastic container is but it's not just wasting things in the environment it is wasting your money it is literally like throwing dollar bills down the drain so i have this little tool they also have them in sponge form where the handle is you fill the handle with soap and then as you push down on the sponge the soap will very slowly come out so that you're not wasting soap if i'm not in the mood for dawn dish liquid i'll use simple green in either of these well simple green doesn't really do dishes but uh so the simple green is an all-purpose cleaner it's really great and also it's okay well it's really great for getting rid of grease grime and washing windows but so is the dawn so i could technically go even without the simple green and just go with dawn dish liquid in a one dollar or two dollar spray bottle that you can get pretty much anywhere but sometimes i just like the smell of pine and this does a really good job at cleaning ovens and this was a trick that my grandma actually taught me so it's the same deal this is ultra ultra concentrated so what you would do again is get a bottle and just fill it about halfway to that fir just a little tiny bit and then the rest gets filled up with water and it is super ultra concentrated this will also clean toilets bathtubs windows uh dusting it even does floors i use this for my floors as well in my libman mop and i use the libman instead of a what's the other brand the popular brand i don't use the popular brand i use the libman because the sponge or or cloth on the bottom can be taken out and thrown in the wash reclaimed and reused and you can put whatever cleaning soap you want to into the libman as opposed to ah the swiffer the swiffer you have to buy specific pads for it in specific cleaning ingredients for it which is very costly very expensive and it also has a battery operated where the the water sprays out the front and the libman is like it's it's just like one of these it sprays out like that so it's it's manually done instead of with a battery so it's much much cheaper so that is my advice these are my only two cleaning products that i use um and i believe that these are my only two cleaning tools that i use and that cleans literally everything i hope this has helped do what you can with what you've got prepper princess out what roof roof mommy's trying to take a bath mommy's trying to take a bath what are you barking at oh my god come here come here give me kiss give me kiss mwah i love you i love you
Channel: Prepper Princess
Views: 1,692,532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Low Income Living, Laundry, Money Saving
Id: Uch4dZCPTds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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