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hello everyone I am prepper princess the author of living on almost nothing if you are interested in purchasing my book I will go ahead and leave a link down in the description box below I pretty much don't buy anything as you all know I've been updating my early 1900s Craftsman and I'm still living on a thousand dollars a month or less well below the poverty line here in the state of California in the United States of America I will go ahead I don't I don't want to go over my bills I've done that a million different times but I live on almost nothing I get almost everything for free or really really cheaply and I am a bit of a misnomer in our current consumer Society we are always brainwashed into being taught to buy buy buy buy and I don't want anything I want a comfortable home I want a comfortable beautiful home but once it's comfortable and beautiful and using mostly used furniture that's been handed down to me my friend by friends and family pretty much you know all the repairs I'm doing myself and all the updates I'm doing myself um and once all of the updates are done I'm not going to continue a lot of people will buy a house they'll make the updates and then they'll change things out and re-renovate and redecorate and bind different throw pillows and different chairs different couch different curtains new TV you know they'll upgrade everything well once I'm done doing that that's it and then my bills are going to be around 600 a month and it's not going to last forever I've been living on a thousand dollars a month my entire adult life but we are getting to the point where I can't do it anymore it's going to be more around fifteen hundred dollars a month because I've had to forego things that I'm not comfortable with in order to achieve this goal I'm a very goal-oriented person and my dog seems to have uh something on his mind I'm a very goal-oriented person and I am very um competitive I'm very competitive with myself not with other people but I'm competing against myself and this is the last year that I'm going to do this I am getting older I have had to forego Medical Care like uh medical insurance not Medical Care medical insurance for a couple of years in order to afford this house and you know anything can happen so it's time for me to bite the bullet and start purchasing Medical Care again but uh in the meantime yeah anyway I don't want to get into that um but I do want to talk to you guys about how I get things for free or cheap for starters um I have all of my household expenses just like you do gas electric water sewer garbage property taxes uh etc etc and you know as well as my Renovations and every single transaction that I make goes on a credit card it gives me a really great visual presentation of my spending analysis what exactly I am spending my money on it goes line by line detail by detail every single penny that goes out of my pocket I pay it off every month so there is never any interest charges accumulating but it gives me a really good idea of what I'm spending and I get to earn rewards points now people always talk about rewards points and getting flights and things like that that's not something I use my rewards points for I use my rewards points for anything that I need not want but need so let's say I have a ceiling fan that just fell off of my ceiling I'll use my rewards points to buy a replacement ceiling fan if Christmas time comes up that's you know that's not a big deal for me I usually spend twenty dollars per gift per person and there's four children so I usually spend about eighty dollars per year and I'll do I'll do small things like I'll bake some brownies or put some candy in a dish maybe a Dollar Tree candle with some candy for some friends and family maybe a nice bottle of wine occasionally but all of that comes from my rewards points every single penny when it comes to entertainment now this is the biggest thing that everybody seems to have a problem with they really do feel that they need to spend their money for entertainment that I I don't spend anything any anything I don't think I think I haven't spent money on entertainment in at least five years and I will explain first of all my stomach cannot stomach dining out I can't eat fast food I can't uh eat any sort of food in a restaurant I I my stomach doesn't do it anymore uh hasn't been able to do it for a couple years I did make a mistake and try a couple of months ago big mistake will not happen again so I don't dine out I do not go to movie theaters the last movie I saw was the Melissa Melissa McCarthy movie where uh she was a girl scout leader I don't recall the name of it but they were making like cookies or something funny movie but it was the last one that I saw in a theater so that tells you how long it's been since I've been in a theater there is free entertainment at your fingertips everywhere you know back in the day back in the 40s and 50s people didn't have TVs in their home now we have TVs and it's almost uh people think it's a necessity no it's a form of entertainment I always have my TV on in the background whether it's uh White Noise rain sounds uh an aquarium a fireplace or I've got you somebody while I'm watching YouTube on in the background I've always got the TV on and I pay nothing I pay nothing people pay still pay for satellite and cable when we are living in a day of streaming where are there are thousands upon thousands so many movies I would never be able to watch them all in my lifetime available for free and the streaming apps are just like channels you know you get and you also get local you get ABC NBC CBS MSNBC Fox News all that stuff the weather channels you know whatever it is you get all that stuff for free on these apps and there's no need to pay 200 a month for cable or satellite when I can get that for free when it comes to going out people always talk about the library and I love the library I'm always the library renting books ordering books DVDs watching movies stuff like that always at the library love the library there are other things that you can do too I always talk about one-time purchases for entertaining yourself that is fins and goggles for swimming you've got cornhole baseball basketball soccer racquetball uh bird that little bird thing that you you hit with a tennis racket the birdie I don't know what I'm sorry I don't know what that what's that what that is called um you can do the big giant bubbles where you you put yourself in a bubble and you fight people in the bubbles uh you've got hacky sack tic-tac-toe I mean a million different things you've got board games too if you want to stay inside but I prefer the more outdoor activities and then you can go beyond that so you've got your T free TV you've got your free board games your Free Library you've got your free games that you can play outside you can pack a picnic you can go hiking biking swimming yeah I mean you name it and it's all free ever and it's all entertainment then you've got and people just use shopping as a form of entertainment and I used to do that in my early 20s but now I look back and I don't even know how I did it I I get so bored I get so bored shopping all right so you've got that there are other anything you want to do can be done for free anything I will say that again anything you want to do can be done for free all you have to do is plan ahead for it so museums you want to go to a museum great call the museum or go to their website and see when their free museum days are there are free museum days there are so many museums that participate in these and it's across every single state in the United States if you want to go to a museum you can do it for free you just have to find out when those free days are and go on those specific days um there is free fishing and hunting days so if you love going fishing but you don't want to spend the 50 a year on a fishing license every state has free fishing days uh usually it's at least four days per year but just go ahead and plan around that just go to the what are free fishing days in and then name your state and it's going to automatically populate the free fishing and hunting days for your state and then you can plan your kids your kids enjoyment around that you know go and take out the fishing poles pack a picnic have a blast bring a little radio or an i phone for playing music and do that do that feeding the Ducks is free it's very entertaining for me taking a camera out having a photography day doing the sunsets uh in your area doing the mountains the snow-capped mountains the if you live in the desert doing the sunsets in the desert if you can find the right Cactus and the right lighting for your Sunset you will have amazing photography pictures and then you can go and print them out at Walmart for like a dollar or less I think they're like 35 cents very very cheap if not free way to do it if you have a printer at home you can do it for free print them out for free photography anything if if you have some sort of entertainment thing that you think costs money I have a way that you can do it for free and you say I want to go to the bar and have a beer great save up your credit cards rewards points and then once you have twelve dollars and fifty cents go out and get your two beers down at the bar and you're done it's very simple everything can be done for free travel I have gone to Universal Studios for free I have gone to what's that other one Disneyland I've gone to Disney oh that was a bad choice I went on a weekend I went to Disneyland for free um I I don't even know what to tell you I've gone to the beach all the time go surfing not surfing Boogie boarding Boogie boarding for free I've done that I've had random strangers invite me onto their boat to go water skiing I'm in yeah let's go have a good time meet some new people happens all the time you just got to be outgoing be friendly be open-minded and you don't have to spend any money on entertainment I do the same thing for clothing the funny thing is is that my clothes I try and keep myself the same size so I don't update my wardrobe until my clothes are like threadbare and to be honest with you even when my clothes do become threadbare I just cut them into Rags use them as rags and then I don't replace that piece of clothing that is something that and I used to shop at thrift stores as a form of entertainment I don't shop at thrift stores anymore instead of buying 10 shirts and 10 pair of pants I just buy one shirt and one pair of pants but I do that at a regular price at like Target or on where something will fit me better but instead of having a whole bunch of clothes that just kind of fit okay I have a couple of clothes that fit really really great so that's something that I can do that I do too cleaning products I will buy a bottle of dawn for a dollar 25 and it will last me a year and I'm not talking about a bottle of dawn I'm talking about a bottle of dawn it'll last me for a year I have Simple Green that's Pro Simple Green that I bought probably four years ago and it's still four-fifths full it's still eighty percent full I haven't even used it cleaning supplies um soap I actually have friends who save their soap slivers for me and I remake soap I melt it down and I make it into new soap bars but I have so much soap you know just as like you know you can get them at the Dollar Tree like three bars of Ivory soap for a dollar 25. so it's soap is not a problem uh shampoo and conditioner VO5 still I think 98 cents at Walmart and since I only washed my hair once every five to seven days one jar or bottle of VO5 will last me for probably two or three years and you know I don't use a hot giant handful of giant scoop like go whipped cream scoop just use a little Dime dime size amount very very easy um shaving cream don't buy shaving cream I use conditioner as shaving cream for my legs super super soft skin works really great I haven't I haven't really spent money on anything and to be honest if somebody asked me hey uh do you want to go shopping for fun I'd say no I'd rather you know make a cup of coffee a homemade iced coffee that's my homemade double shot I can also make homemade lattes and homemade homemade espressos I'd rather just make a cup of coffee and go down to the park where the the Ducks and the geese are and just watch them and bring some Quaker Oats and throw some handfuls out and see how it goes maybe go looking for some of their eggs I wouldn't I wouldn't take their eggs but I'd just like to find them but I think that in this world it's a really really sad fact that you know eight out of ten people live paycheck to paycheck 8 out of ten people are heavily in debt and 8 out of 10 people live beyond their means because not only is their wage not good enough for the lifestyle that they want that they will actually give up their future for their present by using their credit cards in order to make themselves happy buying things doesn't make you happy developing relationships and developing a relationship with people or with nature that is what is truly going to make you happy and that is what is going to bring you peace I really really hope that you all we got to change the world man we got to change the world let's do this do what you can with what you've got prepper princess out okay [Music]
Channel: Prepper Princess
Views: 115,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poverty, finance, budget
Id: w_NUQ4RdLfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 37sec (1057 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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