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what is going on YouTube I am prepper princess the author of living on almost nothing if you're interested in purchasing my book I'll go ahead and leave a link down in the description box below it is available in ebook and paperback form and all proceeds from the sales go to charity so I have done some pretty crazy stuff on this channel if you guys remember way way way back in the day um I have gone to abandon homeless encampments I've collected cans bottles firewood clothing from these places of socks baby clothes all this sort of stuff people thought I was insane and I had crossed a Frugal line then later in the channel I went to dinner with my my ex at the time was my girlfriend and during that we were sitting next to a party of about I don't know six seven people and they got up and left and one lady literally took one bite of her Burger and that is all she ate so what happens my my girlfriend picks she goes you want that I was like yes picks up the burger the fries the side salad everything sticks it in a to-go container for me I take it home and eat it didn't really think twice about it I was like this is some food it's gonna go to waste I might as you know it's a delicious 10 15 burger at this fancy restaurant I might as well take it home make some use out of it and you know eat it and I did and a lot of people at that time were like oh my gosh and germs that's disgusting that's so gross I would never do that you totally crossed a line this was pre -sea days so it you know there was none of that in the picture but at the same time people were just like you're disgusting you're gross you know all this other stuff I do other things I add water to my shampoo and conditioner I take my 98 Cent shampoo and conditioner and I put it in my dishwashing liquid and I use shampoo sometimes to wash my dishes if I am out of laundry detergent I still wash my clothes I just wash my clothes without laundry detergent the agitation cycle gets them clean I'm I hardly spend any money on clothes anyway so even if they are stained or messed up or dirty doesn't seem to bother me very much and people think I cross a line when I do that sort of stuff I make my own cleaning products out of simply just Dawn in water people think that I am not disinfecting anything properly well the only way to properly disinfect something using soap is by using bleach and hot water I don't use bleach I I don't like the smell I think it's too strong I think that it's bad for the environment so I don't use bleach and people think that I am somehow infected by not disinfecting because they assume that like everything is infected but here's the deal I never get sick the worst I ever get is a cold that lasts maybe two or three days I don't take any prescription medications I don't take multivitamins I don't take any sort of extra stuff in order to keep myself healthy this is just the way that I am and when I was on my extreme frugality journey I adopted all of these crazy habits and I just sort of kept them that I've been using them ever since for the last 15 20 years and it's never really let me down I recently did something where I I did something that I had never done before and I am curious if you all think that I again crossed a Frugal line so here's what I did enjoy the video a YouTube prepper princess so today I'm going to tell you a little story and tell you why I'm out here in the forest I'm grocery shopping and shopping for heat so here's a little story back when I was in Arizona we have these things called mesquite trees now Mesquite trees were very important to the indigenous people who lived there the Native Americans Mesquite is a we could we could instead of importing all of our coffee from South America we can make our own coffee from Mesquite trees this way this way sorry I've got rocky with me so it's kind of tough to hold the camera and Tim at the same time but uh we can make our own Mesquite is a tree that grows beans and those beans can be made they can be roasted and made into coffee and it tastes just like coffee I've made it myself and it can also be ground down into flour which is low glycemic a high protein high calorie carb just all around amazing flour people make these into pancakes stuff like that and it sells for like 21 dollars a pound and people in Texas and Arizona consider these mesquite trees to be um invasive like they don't like them I don't know why they provide food and they provide shade in the desert but I was working at a nursery back there and they were selling these mesquite trees for two hundred dollars it was like 287 dollars for a Mesquite tree and I was on a walk with the dogs in like an abandoned like baseball field it was an old baseball field it was overgrown and there were wild just mesquite trees growing all over this baseball field and I wanted mesquite trees for free shade and I was like why would I pay 287 dollars for a Mesquite tree if I can come out here with a trowel and dig them up for free so I dug up three and by the time I left Arizona I had I had three of them they were only about 12 inches long 12 inches tall and by the time I left Arizona they were about three feet tall and they they just don't die out there so everybody loves a garden who doesn't love a garden I love a garden but I don't like paying for the garden you know people talk about seeds I'm not good at seeds I'm good at Sprouts and I am out here I take the dogs for a walk here often now and let me let me show you something look behind me see all that that's all berries all of it now fields of it whoa hey stop quit pulling that's all berries it's 30 feet high by a quarter mile long and on this walk and over here stop over here berries all of it millions of them and people consider these to be invasive and they actually sometimes they will hire goats yeah you can hire goats in California they hire goats to come out here and clear them well stop would you please stop quit pulling so what I do I want berries I don't want to pay ten dollars for a small berry bush look right here see this well I'm about to pick it for free put it in a Ziploc bag take it home plant it does this cross the line foreign check out what else I just found you know they sell these for twenty dollars each at Home Depot and there's a field of them so I'm gonna grab some little ones put them in my front yard free 20 bucks saved plus I've got my three berry bushes which are likely Blackberry ten dollars saved there that's 50 bucks boom and while I'm out here might as well pick up a stick or two for firewood and by the time the summer and spring rolls around I've got all the wood I need for a family Barbecue and bonfire have I ever told you how much of a good boy that you are do you know how much of a good big brother you are to your little sister do you know how handsome you are just look at this little spot you are so handsome yeah you're my handsome boy and mommy loves you I love you oh let's get that third eye right there yes yes my little boy mommy loves you I love you I love you are you sleepy are you sleepy on mommy's lap do you wish you could fit your whole body on mommy's lap yeah oh oh my mister you're such a good Big Brother I am so proud of you did you know that mommy is so proud of you yes you're such a good boy Edwards was an over the road truck driver that traveled to California because of this is the Zodiac Killer soya killer was a serial killer who operated Northern California in 1968 1969 some of the links include the fact that Edwards was a Drifter and he could have been in California at this time the fact that Edwards killed couples and that the Zodiac Killer also killed couples symbols that are used to sign off on the Zodiac letters consist of 13 symbols Edward Edwards is 13 letters and
Channel: Prepper Princess
Views: 64,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Extreme money saving, finance, budget
Id: uSFbew81geM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2023
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