Shopping Addiction: How It Ruins Your Relationships | Hoarders

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Britain is in the throes of a Shopaholic frenzy we're all buying more stuff than we could ever possibly need I've spent a hundred thousand pounds easily but what have you never ever threw anything away there's just so much stuff what if instead of owning your possessions your possessions owned you we can't move in this room can we it's just a pig start in there in this series shopaholic hoarders get a short sharp shock as they confront the possessions burying them alive I can't get all that fit in our apartment good god this is my living room I'm sleeping on the floor this is an extreme collector desperate to tackle their hoarding habit once and for all their homes will be purged of their overwhelming horde the DVDs magazines toys clothes the lot is that honestly online when you see it all laying out like this doesn't it make you wonder how you've managed to function experts will sell off their stuff and use the money to redesign their homes but will they be able to part with their prized possessions not selling it for less than two Nick I'm sorry it's going terribly will these mountains of trash ever turn up Hidden Treasures how can you have 50 single shoes and will transforming their homes really transform their lives oh it's wonderful this is the business oh wow it's like a home rather than like a student Pap I love it [Music] it's three bedroom 18th century Cottage in Exeter may look like any other home but inside it's otter chaos thousands of dresses skirts shoes bags jeans and coats are strewn throughout the house and they all belong to one woman 26 year old shopping addict Amy Ormond I don't know exactly where everything is but I can find it within 48 hours usually a compulsive consumer Amy's clothes have taken over the home she shares with her marketing manager fiancee Ali just taking the Nick games there's no we can't move in this room can we what did you say to me you're going to stop stop spending didn't you every week normally spend 100 200 pounds it's an addiction Millions share as a nation we buy 3 billion items of clothing annually the average woman buys half her body weight in clothes every year in 2011 we sent a million and a half tons of clothes to landfill but Amy doesn't Chuck anything I like to keep and not throw because you never know when you're going to use it again the cost of buying new outfits every few days has left Amy and Ali with barely any money to pay for their wedding in just a few months time everything is kind of meant to go into our wedding fund and pay for stuff but it's not it's going on me names it's just bags of clothes come on we've got a house but it's nowhere near a home so it's got to that point now where something needs to give Ali [Music] it's got a big stress like when you can't even walk around your own house I just need to start to stop and it's just got to the point where it needs to happen they've both had enough and called in specialist help Nick Allen has 10 years experience dealing in antiques and collectibles over the next couple of weeks his job is to sell off as much of Amy's horde as he can I've got years and years of experience dealing in the antique trade with everything from high-end antiques through to overseeing house clearances I can spot the hidden value in items that other people simply don't see the money Nick mix will fund a redesign of the key rooms in Amy and Ali's house designer Abigail O'Hearn passionately believes that Interiors can change lives I believe Interiors are incredibly transformative if you walk into a space it's beautifully designed and you respect it and you love it you absolutely will not want to mess it up with stuff [Music] it began when Amy probably at a very young age I like dressing art and colors and clothes and just like buying loads you must get some kick out of it yeah I love buying it's like a hobby I'm curious how you actually maneuver and use rooms because there's a lot of stuff heaping up on the floor which I can't quite get my head around it's kind of stuff what's the next plans oh we're getting married you are yeah congratulations oh my word the 14th of July 2012. yeah not long and you've got a house you can't return to and be a married coupling I want this home to be a home and it's not it's just a house or a big wardrobe do you accept that Amy has a problem I know Amy's got a problem I'm just hoping that it's friends have said it family have said it but nothing really seems to hit home now maybe people that you don't know telling you but we ain't going to give you any choice need a scan you're committed to I am yeah are you yeah really maybe I am we'll find out Nick and Abby want to explore Amy's horde to learn about her and see the scale of what they're dealing with I can't even wash the floor I don't know how we're ever going to find Value in this is just closed to be honest I'm worried about that it's just clothes look the computer page is even on more clothes Amy loves to shop for clothes online but it's part of the reason her horde is so out of control sales of online fashion have soared over the last five years by over 150 percent in 2011 our cyber spend on clothing was nearly 5 billion pounds we'd embrace the convenience of 24-hour shopping and one click purchasing so now with literally one click of a button we can have Goods delivered to our door but it means we may spend more impulsively and are far more likely to buy something we later regret however there are ways to protect your bank balance from your urge to buy don't save your credit card information on shopping sites change the settings on your computer to get rid of targeted adverts what you don't see won't tempt you and delete your shopping apps off your phone the harder it is to visit the shopping site you love the less cash you'll spend Abby's design budget is limited to what Nick Reyes is selling Amy's stuff they'll need to be realistic tat within just a few months of purchase High Street clothes typically lose 80 percent of their original retail value so Nick's happy to finally find something a bit different in the mountain of clothes I found something what this 1930s stylish radio this is like 80 to 120 it's going to help you it's going to give you another 100 quid Nick and Abby are taking Amy's horde to a warehouse [Music] they believe if Amy can truly see the scale of her problem it'll motivate her to change we're going to clear this place out boxed bag it and spread it out so that we can see what we've got and up for sale to get as much money as we can to give to Abby unless we clear the lot we can't do our job yeah Nick and Abby may be worried about raising money for the redesign but there's a whole lot more at stake for Amy's fiancee Ali I absolutely love Amy Tibet but it's got to that point now where unless something does change and the spending and the hoarding stops and we seriously have to have a chat and think you know is this going to work long term because I'm not prepared to go through this forever and if it doesn't happen then you know I don't don't see a future I don't think so this is pretty much you know crunch time and Last Chance Saloon Nick is at the warehouse with Amy's entire horde the scale of it is shocking filling over 300 square meters it includes 106 dresses 142 handbags it's ridiculous 50 pairs of jeans over 300 tops and t-shirts 140 pairs of shoes seven digital cameras six hair straighteners and a rowing machine Nick's been counting it valuing it and working out how to sell it she's got clothes that she's bought she's tried on in the shop decided she wanted to buy them got them home and never ever worn them single shoes how can you have 50 single shoes where's the other one gone the average British woman has 39 pairs of shoes in her collection and half of women claim to buy a new pair every month but with cheap High Street shoes having virtually no resale value investing in high quality second-hand Footwear might be worth consideration and there are some Bargains to be had these slingbacks by Christian Louboutin can be found at around 250 pounds in second-hand stores at internet auction sites that's less than half what they cost new and they'll retain their value if you look after them Chanel pumps like these could be snapped up for less than 200 pounds are these Gucci sandals would set you back less than 100 pounds so remember when it comes to shoes quantity isn't necessarily better than quality [Music] by selling Amy's stuff Nick will raise money for the redesign of her home but also Stop The Horde from ever returning if we can get this stuff into the high streets there's money here we'll mark the stuff up at maybe 30 percent of the prices she paid for it originally and I think we're going to sell quite a bit maybe 1500 quid if we was to get it out to the marketplace and I'm quite excited now there's a lot of money's worth of stuff here but when Amy comes face to face with her precious clothes will she really be able to let go you're going to bug me I might get a mug you it's that gorgeous or whatever and I believe I can run for peace America thank you very much download v-lee now 26 year old fashion addict Amy and fiance Alice three-bedroomed home has been engulfed by her clothes the problem is so bad even their wedding could be at risk we're not going to get anywhere unless we get rid of almost everything unless something does change no I don't don't see a future I don't think dealer Nick Allen and designer Abigail O'Hearn are here to give her life on home a drastic overhaul we're gonna clear this place out boxing bag it and spread it out her entire horde has been removed to a warehouse where Amy will need to decide what to let dealer Nick sell Abby will use the money to redesign the three main rooms in their home where do you see this no but first with the house emptied of Amy's horde they are about to see the rooms clutter free with just the essentials for the first time in four years oh everything's gone everything like everything oh no I'm scared oh my God seeing her how strict bear of her beloved claws sends Amy into shock are you happy I'm not sure what would you rather have like this like yours before you're joking no oh we're gonna we're gonna have an argument Abby wants to create an interior so inspiring it'll have a powerful and Lasting effect on hoardaholic Amy I really believe that great Interiors shape the way that people behave so I desperately want to give Amy and Ali a fabulous space that they'll totally fall in love with and that they won't want to mess it up with stuff having met them both Abby thinks the look that would suit their home and personalities is New York Glam I want dark Hues in the living room and the color I've chosen is a beautiful great and it's almost like applying velvet to your walls the egg chair tomato red beautiful against that gray real shot of color 5000 pounds for an original I don't think Nick is going to pull that out of the bag but I totally believe that style has nothing to do with money so I've found an inspired one for 150 pounds I want to give Amy and Ally this fireplace every single room needs a focal point and that's exactly what their bedroom needs for Ali's study my plan is walls go Inky Inky blue black desk big piece of lot and it's totally and utterly his Zone Abby can't wait to share with Amy and Ali her vision for their horde free home how does it feel brilliant be excited I am I don't know where the aim is Miss Amy how does it feel um I don't know I don't think I'd use I'm kind of excited I'm more like a bit worried the living room was buried under heaps of clothes and boxes of stuff but is now finally clear of the Clutter and you don't get a little bit of excitement about seeing how fabulous your place is without all the stuff in it I don't think it helps when I'm there smiling jumping around I know you're not really happy so what were you thinking I was thinking deep dark gray I think it could be really beautiful I mean I don't know how you guys it wouldn't look like concrete like a no it would look like a New York gentleman's drinking Lounge club the lounge I'm not really sure on Gray I know she knows what she's doing I'm sure it'll be fine no but I wasn't expecting them until yesterday what was supposed to be Ali's first floor office was a walk-in floor drawer for Amy I want to do something really masculine in here good good I was thinking like a really beautiful dark deep blue brilliant really sexy sophisticated and then I was thinking that we would have your desk literally in the middle of this space so we won't shove it against the wall like a doctor's waiting room it will actually have it in the middle of the space and then you can I mean it's great for traffic flow you can sort of move around it Abby's glamorous bold vision for their home continues all the way to the main bedroom I think for wall color sort of a lilacy Hue Amy's squidging up her nose I don't like lilac it's not key Lila key it's a it's a soft in terms of lighting obviously this has to go because they're too tiny in a in a space that's too big we want I like my lights no they're too yeah they look like you should hang them on a tree like a Christmas tree or maybe they should be your earrings no they're too they're too small it needs something a bit more Grand the ceilings are very tall Abby wants the new Interiors to challenge Amy's urge to hoard which means the redesign needs to be radical it's a strange thing about Amy because she obviously takes a lot of pride in her appearance she experiments with fashion she loves it but she's very conservative when it comes to Interiors she's not totally convinced about my scheme but I'm pretty sure that when she sees the finished look she'll take as much love and respect and pride in that house as she does in her appearance Amy and Ali are at the warehouse for years their home and lives have been dominated by Amy's horde saying goodbye will be tough This Is The Moment of Truth ideally I would like Amy to get rid of everything but I'm going to push for 90 to 95 of that stuff to be gone if this happens we could look at getting anything up to 3 000 pounds for what I've seen so far I can't wait to see how she's going to react Amy is about to come face to face with every single item in her shopping horde [Laughter] stop the music off oh no that's quite a lot oh my babe it's everywhere is that honestly all mine oh no oh my God I'm embarrassed oh my God it's quite a lot in there I didn't expect that I love it does it bother you though seeing it all like this honestly I didn't think I had that much but all of this stuff here has never ever been won Amy this has never been warned a lot in there now do you see how much stuff you had yeah does it seeing it laid out like this make you as happy as when you buy it Phil quite excited by seeing stuff that I haven't seen for a long time but then I feel a bit shocked and a bit guilty just how much stuff I've got if I like the style I'd buy them in like different colors and different sizes well there's about 30 pairs of almost identical jeans I don't even think like when I'm buying them that they're similar to what I've got but now you set them all out they do look quite similar oh my God all my bags 150 bags what's that at least seeing it all like this do you think that you have a problem I think I might do yeah how do you feel about just letting it all go just giving it to Nick I could let a big percentage go this is the plan we're gonna load s the stuff that you want to keep on here right and then everything else week yourself right so start picking stuff that you really absolutely can't part with right fashion mad Amy needed a whole house to container Clause now she's being challenged to keep just one rails worth I want that these because I wear them to wear bomber jacket it's an uphill battle but the less she leaves for Nick to sell the less money Abby will have to reinvent their home I thought it was going to be bad I don't think it's going to be this bad there's no way that that's going to be the only rail she's going to try and take loads more that dress up there okay that's a lot of outfits in there but I'm just showing you okay yeah I know you just don't no you don't get what everything I'm going through like that I'm leaving behind um we've literally got no more room for shoes what about the jewelry I am flabbergasted what is that girl doing she just doesn't seem to get the fact that every item of clothing that she pulls out of that stock is less money that we're going to have for Abby's budget Less on the risk give it me I'm gonna put it over there there's not going to be enough room on that trolley yes there is there isn't there is I promise you how many handbags have you got here right that's it on handbags yes I'm going to be very authoritarian now I'm bossy that's Work summer bag because you don't use that in the winter you're with me on that oh Amy I want to be with you but you're driving me a bit crazy after two long hours Amy agrees to keep just two rails of clothes and her most beloved Shoes and Handbags meaning Nick has over 90 of The Horde to sell [Music] aim is done incredibly well but it's still tough to let so much go hey it's always gonna be hard doesn't it what's bothering you saying goodbye to it no just I feel really stupid like you feel stupid when I look behind and see what I've gotten but what you're doing is incredible you're trying so hard to confront this problem you've done so well to go from all of this to this I think you've done brilliant for one day really the both of you I think you should really be proud of yourselves [Music] as a nation we hoard High Street fashion seduced by rock bottom prices shopaholics now buy a third more clothing than a decade ago if you haven't got Abby and Nick to help you with your horde a clear out is still possible with just a few simple steps start by sorting your wardrobe into two piles put anything you haven't worn in the last year in one pile and give it to a charity shop and with the other pile invite your friends around and hold a fashion parade get them to give you the thumbs up or the thumbs down on every item in your clothing collection if they say get rid stick it on the charity shop pile what's left can be streamlined even further in the summer pack your winter clothes away and in the winter put your summer stylings where the sun don't shine but store any claws in sealed containers and away from sunlight so they're kept safe for the next time you want to wear them along with you [Music] okay it's good if Abby is to create the redesign Amy and Ally wants then Nick needs to maximize the sale value of Amy's clothes use Fabrics can be sold as scrap for around 800 pounds per ton in What's called the rag trade but Nick knows the place to start selling is on the High Street he's rendered shop premises for the next four days in the heart of Exeter hi hi how you doing hi what do you think brilliant does it look good yeah my picture is it your picture yeah or is it up for sale uh it's mine my jewelry box it's up for sale no my jewelry box this is going wrong that's coming back this is going wrong okay but although aim is desperate to be free of her horde getting her to start selling rather than buying might be tricky can I go around and pick up some stuff now I don't really want you to be taking any more stuff away what do you want to take away just a few little bit well like what not Matt go on tell me um my hairdressing kit it's up to you if you really want to take stuff go for it okay but what's going to happen is that we're going to have to compromise on the makeover if we don't hit the target we can't do three rooms as well as raising money for the redesign the shop should also be a way for Amy to learn to call much of her horde what do you want a marriage a house or a hold of clothes what's the priority here okay seriously what's the priority are you guys getting married or not yeah you are getting married definitely is it 2012 or 13 12 definitely yeah what do you want the weather you want the wedding yeah you want the house to be cool oh my God so help me out you've got to be selling this stuff we need to raise money it's 10 o'clock and outside customers are waiting it's time to sell I think makeover I think wedding think New Life think not shopping anymore think open shop guys the shop is open [Music] as customers fill the shop Nixon is element this stuff is genuinely a bargain get stuck in oh my God that's a tenor uh what do you think Fiverr I think I just got even more emotional because I saw loads of my motel stuff go for like five pounds and oh I don't want to get emotional but I might do Ali yeah my white suede boots went for seven pounds seven pounds I'm literally having a meltdown why why are you melting down because there's stuff being sold that I wanted to keep Amy may have spent tens of thousands of pounds on her clothes but its value now is a small fraction of what she paid unless we get cash it's gonna be no makeover start selling can I buy stuff myself like maybe if I could what price tag is this it's not a good start it's going terribly Amy's still shopping she's not selling I'm worried if all this doesn't sell then you know we're not going to have a makeover We're Not Gonna Nothing's Gonna Change regarding shopping habits or saving money and then that's not just the home that's our future then so with so much at stake will Amy finally learn to let go make a decision babe we can't keep going round and round clothes hoarder Amy Ormond and her fiance alley are hoping to get married in a few months time their house was in chaos and their savings were all that's spent on endless new clothes I just the point where it needs expert dealer Nick Allen is clearing the horde by trying to sell over 90 of it off designer Abigail at home will use the money to redesign three key rooms in a New York Glam style so beautiful Amy will never be tempted to hoard clothes again a new shot Nick's opened a shop in the Town Center to flog the fashion conscious girls of Exeter Amy's clothes this stuff is genuinely a bargain it's crazy didn't she spent just her whole weekend shopping [Music] it's cut prize claws have become the norm for consumers we're obsessed with chasing cheap could it be a false economy mass-produced attack and lose 50 percent of its value as soon as it leaves the store vintage claws don't need to break the bank either but tend to hold their value over time so long as you buy good quality products and look after them well before mass production techniques and cheap prices claws were generally built to last and bought to keep details on claws were hand-stitched with a finish to stand the test of time many modern High Street clothes have machine stitched embellishments which tend to fall off quickly ruining the look take this sequin dress it costs 90 pounds new on the High Street but in five years time will only be worth around a tenor whereas this gorgeous vintage equivalent is a bargain at 80 pounds and in five years time it will be worth near enough the same amount buying good vintage makes Financial sense but check for fading damage missing bits and nasty smells be wary of lace and other fragile Fabrics more prone to wear and tear try it on First and remember the golden rule of all purchases if you don't love it it's not worth buying in the first place [Music] 12 50. I'm a really good at the shop sales are steady and as the cash rolls in and it begins to perk up all right hello hello two pounds for the big one and a pound for the little one that's four I need to give you another fifth okay can I do both for fiber yeah thank you very very much I'm rubbish another happy customer babe you did a bog off I've done a bog off yeah oh this is quite fun running a shot it wasn't a buzz to begin with when I saw other people selling my stuff but now that I'm selling it it's good and it's been selling so yeah I feel brilliant just every single time something leaves the shop I know there's no chance of that item coming back in our house did you want to buy that one two pound please thank you the first day is trading has generated nearly a thousand pounds towards the redesign of their home that was the last deal of the day yeah we are closing the shop okay feeling it's been good this afternoon isn't it like once you get into it and once you realize like what you're raising the money for and the more you sell the better our house is gonna look make it more of like a home this is music to my ears because I was a little bit worried because at the moment Abby is freaking yeah enough cash unless we get a lot more money in you're going to have to compromise on the makeover guys I think you can do it so if I could just leave you guys in charge brilliant just keep me posted I gotta go when I see you next time I want to know that you smashed it see you later bye see you later good luck unable to start on the redesign until she knows what's in the pot Abby's eager to find out from Nick what's been made what a day with Grant a grand I'm sorry I've done my best I'm really worried about the money without the money I can't do anything transformative therefore Amy and Ellie won't take pride in their space and I'm scared that Amy will therefore go back to her old hoarding ways [Music] determined to keep the money coming in and The Horde going out Nick and Amy are off to sell the 1930s radio I'm going to ask him top money because this is the only thing we've got to sell for you yeah one-on-one with a fellow dealer Nick is in his element hello mate how you doing I'm all right you good cold she want me to buy this thing yeah it's nice but um I hope you don't want a fortune before I did my research I had a look on Bottoms a few of the websites radio collectors retails out at 395 Bonhams 250. I mean if it was Bay collides or something like that that's yeah m is 1930s valve radio was made at a time when radios TVs and telephones were becoming Mass consumer items fashionable designers queued up to create these products made of the latest materials like Baker light they were highly prized additions to any home today many of these products are still highly sought after and collectors are prepared to pay good money to own something by the right manufacturer this Echo radio designed by the celebrated architect Wells court is worth around two to three hundred quid but if you find the same radio in yellow you're rich they're incredibly rare and go for around 50 000 pounds and if you thought balls stereos were expensive think then this gramophone and radio sound system was the only one ever made it sold at Christie's in 1986 for 20 000 pounds and if you're watching TV on one of these then you might have a bad picture but you're in the money it was one of the first ever televisions on the market in 1936 it was sold for 99 pounds last year the same model sold at auction for 14 000 pounds but be warned it can't pick up digital TV [Music] it's probably about 50 quids Worth to me that's worth more that's like a boot fair price and I'll go to 80. you'll go to 80k yeah oh my God 80 pound is a real good shout on that it's a bid I'll go another 10 pound man there's no way I'm selling out for anything in two figures one an hour just get your money out open up the wallet and give us one and a half 110 and that's it I know I'll spin a coin and we'll split it so what a way of doing business 115 or 130 yeah heads or tails good get it in here while cool tails probably a deal as we agreed yeah with the dealers we agreed I should have let Amy flip yeah yeah so far all sales total just over 1100 pounds and while it's still short of the target Abby needs to complete three rooms it does mean she can make a start this is exciting part because I get to go in and hopefully create real magic um stressful because I still don't know the final budget but very exciting that I can actually start getting in there and painting some really cool colors the wardrobes will go Abby needs to create a space for a 250 pounds ornate a new feature fireplace for the bedroom I just need this to go because it's so ugly and my new fireplace to come in so now we're going to Sledgehammer we're going to remove it so it goes further back to the wall Godless [Music] whether they blending with the surroundings or like here contrast with them completely a fireplace can provide a dramatic solution to a room lacking a focal point painting the walls out in the palest of Hues makes this late Victorian cast iron show stopper stand out even more this Carrera marble corbel surround from 1880 needs few accessories it shouts instant Grandeur and totally ties into the elegance and glamor of the room but here this simple Aegean Limestone fire surround is the same color as the walls making the accessories the heroes as they literally pop out in the scheme if you want the impact of a beautiful fireplace but don't want to spend a fortune try a secondhand original from a Reclamation yard or a plaster replica like the one Abby has planned for Amy's bedroom it now looks like it's always there which was what my intentions also now I'm happy [Music] until Abby can be sure of all the extra fonts she'll have to put her plans for one of the rooms on hold if I can't redesign one of the rooms I'm concerned that it will become a magnet for Amy to clutter it up and get sucked back into that whole cycle so back at the shop it's vital The Horde continues to sell but it's cold wet and there's a recession on I think we've done a couple hundred I think or something like that today but I try and keep keep away from that if I don't know the figure then I uh don't get too intense right go go they need to raise at least another 600 pounds in there to secure all the money Abby needs 39 pounds what time is it it's like on lunchtime 39 pounds won't even cover the cost of a few tins of down pipe gray paint business is slow desperate to wave goodbye to as much of the horde as possible and raise money for their redesign Amy and Ali come up with a way to increase trade let's just say 20 pound fill up a bag of tops do you know how much you can get in these big bags no but yeah a hell of a lot well that gets rid of that love a lot doesn't it let's say bye look how thick these bags are yeah if I went down okay we'll say 15 pounds fill up as much as you can slowly customers arrived do you want any help with anything Amy does everything she can to encourage the sale of her horde all of the things along there we're doing 10 for 10 pound now shop closing down sorry to jump out of you there thank you very much thank you can you carry them 17.50 James there we go all right all right how much 458 458 how much did we need 600 no it's 142 down you've done that quick it's closing time for the shop there are still hundreds of items left unsold and they've Fallen just short of Abby's Target budget will Nick find a solution to raise the extra cash and help wave go by forever to even more of Amy's horde after four solid days selling clothes hoarder Amy and her fiance alley are still a couple of hundred pounds short of Abby's Target budget to complete the redesign of the three main rooms in their home Nick has a plan to raise the money and make sure most of the remaining horde doesn't return to Amy and Ally's house I phoned a guy called Eli who's a closed wholesaler if he thinks he can make some money he'll buy this stuff and sell it on to Market Traders and second-hand shops for a profit my big concern is Will Amy let go and sell it to him what about this we get him in I do the deal with him get him to make an offer and then it's up to you come on you all right get men get him in yeah selling off individual items to customers was the way to start but now Amy's been asked to sell the lot in one All or Nothing deal I think it's still 50 50 whether she is going to let go but she has to now she has to there's a lot of stuff there is a lot of stuff yeah all these shoes shoes well what size are you Amy seven seven okay that's a sellable size belts yeah I'd be willing to offer 550 okay I was hoping for a grand well yeah I think my absolute best price 750. I really can't do any more 800 done 800. 800 it's a deal good thank you Eli great that's a good bid NYX fix the prize but the final say lies with Ali and Amy make a decision babe hey we can't keep going round and round do you want to get married or not that's what it is because we can't the clock's ticking on that isn't it or do you just want to keep a load of stuff that you're not going to wear Amy [Music] you gonna do this I think we're going to take the offer well done so I can phone now being Taylor hi Abby how are you you've got another 800 to work with eight zero zero on top of the numbers already quoted okay cool thank you very much for giving me that good news brilliant all right see you soon see you soon bye well done with the deal done Ali and Amy can finally say A Farewell to The Horde but what will they make of Abby's vision of their future it's a new start [Music] with the extra money Abby's been able to complete all three rooms in the New York Glam Style I'm not quite happy yet because there's still a lot of other little finishing touches I need to do but generally I think it's going well I'm doing a shoe installation uh basically it's kind of a little reminder to Amy of how many pairs of shoes she had a lot of them were odd so I've painted them out the same color as her walls to look kind of Arty and funky and I've put them on her mouthpiece I mean I hope it's just a reminder that you know now she's living in quite a beautiful bedroom she won't want to clutter the floors with just loads of Cheapo shoes that she buys and then never wears an original sculpture for just two pounds worth of paint proving High design doesn't always equal high prices The Horde is gone and the redesign is complete three weeks ago shopaholic Amy was confronted with her entire fashion horde quite a lot after realizing how much money she'd wasted I'm literally having a meltdown she started to enjoy making money selling it do you want any help with anything and was finally able to let most of her horde go 12.50 Abby began work on transforming the key rooms of their home Amy's switching up her nose I don't like lilac this is Amy hi Amy but has the challenge of clearing the Clutter been worth it absolutely you ready oh my God the living room was once littered with Amy's Claws and household junk she and Ali wanted a room fit to entertain their friends oh my God I'm gobsmacked Abby has given them a fashionable space that the young couple will be able to enjoy married life in and you've got your fire I like it so happy yeah I'm very happy I don't expect this by placing lighting at various levels against the dark color scheme she's added drama and intensity rounded Furniture like this copy of Arnie Jacobson's famous egg chair a snip at 150 pounds breaks up the formal shape of the room so different doesn't it yeah get a guardy tour baby come on show us the rest come this way Doddy used to be a ble to be on his own because you did such a good job in selling all that stuff we now have a little office Abby has painted it a rich Inky blue and the minimal accessories make this office a perfect Retreat for the man of the house brilliant oh my God whoa this giant artwork only cost 80 pounds but its impact distracts from the room's small size and creates a sense of space by putting storage in the Deep window ledge it keeps precious floor space available nothing other than my stuff is going to be in here feel the confidence hear that thank you very much the bedroom was previously buried under a mountain of clothes muddled on romantic stressful Ally and Amy dreamed of a glamorous Boudoir they could begin their married life in okay master bedroom oh my God Abby's elegant New York Glam design is the perfect inspiration for a Shopaholic going cold turkey oh wow this is amazing so hopefully it just feels a little bit more like a bedroom what is that I like the rug by's a vegetarian I put a cow on the floor lovely the ornate replica fireplace painted to blend in with a color scheme provides a wonderful focal point I've done you a bit of a installation what do you think love it it's brilliant oh there's a surprise shoes hopefully it just feels relaxing but also quite hip it's lighter in here it's not dark and dingy I literally think it's brilliant thank you so much we raised 2750 how much do you think have we spent it must have been the lot yeah most of it and more maybe do I need an IOU there's still 350 left over so that's towards your wedding definitely that's great well what a success good job she's done so well and they love their space I mean they're really happy about their space so hopefully that's the massive incentive not to bring too much back in you're brilliant a weight's been lifted the house is lovely really nice I think I've done really well done brilliant I'm brilliant it is like a big weight off my shoulders of our shoulders really isn't it going forward I think I don't personally see it getting to where it was the problem I think now for the future we can definitely focus on us happy now though very happy really really happy foreign
Channel: Absolute Documentaries
Views: 13,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Absolute Documentaries, behavior patterns, consumer culture, consumer habits, couples therapy, decluttering tips, emotional fulfillment, family dynamics, hoarders series, mess vs organized space, minimalism movement, money management skills, must-see documentaries, online shopping risks, personal finance, real stories of addiction, retail therapy, self-improvement, strained relationship, tidying up
Id: wd7Ncsc6FRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 26sec (2786 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2023
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