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hello YouTube I am prepper princess the author of living on almost nothing if you are interested in purchasing my book I will go ahead and leave a link down in the description box below I want to give a just real quick a little warning to people that I did not know about I am at the back end of pneumonia yeah I got a really bad case of pneumonia as did my contractor and my plumber so if you can see behind me there's tools every where and clutter and stuff like that because we're renovating my bathroom and um I'm sorry I'm I'm still a little bit foggy so if my mind wanders I'm sorry but um so one thing that you guys should know and I can't say the product brand or name but it's not just this one so the pneumonia was not caught by a person it was caught by the grout we were using to put in the new tile in the bathroom which is why me my contractor and my plumber all got sick is because we were all in there working and um I didn't know that that could happen and thank God like seriously folks thank God for my neighbor because she saved my butt here's a fun little story of something that happened right before I got sick like 2 days before I got sick the electricity went out for a long time sometime overnight and I get a text from my neighbor who is elderly lowincome super nice lady like she invites me over all the time she cooks me soup I helped her with a yard sale good neighborly good neighbor and um the electricity went out and she's you know elderly people are more susceptible to hot and cold and I had just woken up so I'm nice and cozy and warm and I get this text is your electricity out and I go oh yeah it is is okay and um she goes I'm freezing and I don't have any coffee it's been off since last night and I was like oh come on over so I plug in a couple of generators that I've got cuz you guys know I do J generators I sell my generators on Marketplace but you know they don't sell that fast so I still have like five of them on hand so I plug in my little electric uh TV heater in the TV and then I got these I you guys saw my video about uh he beat the heat I have these electric gloves and um I put on a pot of coffee and and uh brought out the toaster and made a bagel with cream cheese and here she comes she sits right in front of the fake fireplace warming up her hands I plug in the electric heated warm gloves and made her some coffee and she had a great time and then she was going home and she says um oh I need to to go to my son's house like 15 M away to charge my cell phone and I was like here just take this and then I hand her one of my generators a little tiny one like a little it's a little ebl the smallest one I have and it's fine for a cell phone or a uh laptop and I'm like here just take this you know plug it in and she like oh my gosh you know I have to get one of these can I buy one from you and I was like and again she's elderly low income and I'm like just keep it just you can have it and she goes no I want one for my son and I'm like I can't so I gave her one that's like $600 and I gave it to her for like $150 she's super happy but she it was so worth it because when I got sick I was in bed she had brought over bagels for me and and she knocked on the door and I couldn't get to the door and then she text me saying I brought over some bagels and I was like I'm sorry I couldn't answer the door I'm really sick um and she says can I get you anything and I said aspirin just cuz I had this this horrible headache that was pounding so bad that it made me super nauseous and I was like ready to throw up and I was like aspirin just to make the headache go away and and um and she go I said I can't answer the door to get it it's going to take me like an hour to get to it because I just walking to the door was so hard and she left so she left me like a month supply of Claritin and she she put them in these little baggies with instructions of Claritin one every 24 hours and I still have like 30 left she gave me a whole bunch of them and she gave me Tylenol and Tylenol PM with instructions like Tylenol uh two every 4 hours not to exceed so and so and then the Tylenol PM take two right before bed that is what got me through because if she didn't give me that stuff I would have been in agony and she she would have been in agony if I didn't have my generators and invite her over to get warm so be neighborly to each other that's what I've got to say about that but it the but she really saved my butt and then at the same time um you never like when it when it comes to solar generators you don't know who you're helping until like the situation arises and you don't know that you even need it until the situation arises so I do recommend a a solar generator to to everybody and um and not to use whatever grout it is that we use so the grout that we used I can't say the name because I don't want the company come coming in and suing me for saying that I their product made me sick but um just do like some sort of Google search like complaints about grout that makes people sick and it just made us so sick what is today I don't even know what day it is but I have not been out of bed I I slept for four days straight I slept through it and thank goodness my orange trees are ripe right now so I have been eating four or five oranges a day to just oranges water coffee oranges water coffee and just drinking so much and the oranges just helped so much and so did my neighbor bringing over that medication so thank you Diane you don't watch my channel but I'm just saying it thank you and thank you God for giving me such a nice neighbor um who who we can count on each other um so yeah just be careful with the grout that you're using because this was a grout that my contractor had never used he went to the local store instead of like a big box store and um nothing against the local store they didn't know but and I didn't know that grout could cause pneumonia but it can so uh yeah that sucked but on the bright side the bathroom looks beautiful what's read what's done so far cuz it's been everything's been sitting for a week because everybody's sick Joe might come back my contractor might come back tomorrow but if he doesn't I don't hold it against him cuz I'm barely able to function today sorry that that has nothing to do with finances and I've already spoke for 7 and A2 minutes that has nothing to do with finances except be good to your neighbor so there is one thing so I I had mentioned that I sell my generators on Facebook um because eBay no longer allows for you to ship lithium ion batteries so I closed my account on eBay because that's all I did that's all I sold um but I'm on Facebook and I I'm I don't go on Facebook to like talk to people right but you have to go into Facebook in order to hit that Marketplace button and there's always an ad right or like an article or something right in the beginning and there I keep getting this same one about living in the 1950s and there's this black and white picture of like a husband opening the door for his wife who's carrying the kid and they're like back in the 1950s you could afford a house a car kids uh all on one income and and I'm just like okay hold on so so okay let's let's talk about that for a second let's talk about how different our culture is now because in 1950 the average square footage of a house was 983 Square ft if you all remember my teeny tiny little uh Arizona House My two-bedroom two bath I love that house it's now my rental property but um you remember how small it was I've done tours of it and that was 900 square ft so uh 900 no sorry 893 ft not 983 so um so my little tiny twoed two bath is actually bigger than the average size house in 1950 okay nowadays the average house side is like what 2,800 square F feet it's like three times bigger so there's that and then the a I found out the average household has three cars um the average household with two adults has a minimum of three cars back then it was one car per household because the husband needed it to commute to work and the wife would do all of the grocery shopping by walking because everything was in Walking vicinity it was in town so uh there's that one car not three uh they didn't if you were Rich you might have a black and white 16in TV that got you three or four channels now we have a TV in every room uh we have internet cable cell phones those were all bills that they didn't have back then even in 1950 not everybody had a phone um it wasn't considered a necessity of life to have a telephone back then you might go to your neighbor's house and use their phone but not everybody had a phone and then we've got of course and that's just that back in 1950 only about 10% of the population went to college 10% % that's like now it's like everyone goes to college and of course the price of tuition in books is skyrocketed over the years but that's something that you have to consider as well and it's four people in 983 893 squet I can't I'm sorry less than 1,000 square ft for four people this house is about 1,000 square ft a little bit more it's 1,48 Square ft I believe um and and it's just one of me in here but if we were to do it by the standards of 1950 for let's let's just round it to 1,000 square ft for four people that's 250 square ft per person if you're a single person could you live in 250 square ft not many people would be comfortable in that little amount of space so it's it's a comparison like B yeah back in the 1950s could do it with just one income you could still do it now you can still do it now just find a house that's 900 square ft with no garage one used car that you can buy for the entire family and um no Cable One TV for the entire house one car for the entire family and nobody goes to college oh and of course in 1950 they didn't have have credit cards they had credit if you were able to get it if you were like a reputable human being the grocer or the the butcher might give you credit but for the there was no credit cards you had you if you don't if you don't have the money you don't get it so don't forget that so yeah you can do that just get rid of your credit cards and don't go to college and get a tiny what is now considered a tiny house uh with no garage and buy an old used car and yeah you can do that too one income there you go so that is um if you guys keep getting the same one on Facebook and the neighbor's doing yard work and the chainsaw is kind of distracting he's been doing that for an hour like his trees aren't even that big like what are you trimming what is he cutting over there I don't even know but that is something to take into consideration yeah there's a reason that it was so cheap in 1950 and trust me the and and it's so funny how people uh do things in their mind where it's like they take today's wages and compare it to like 1950 like yeah if I'm making $25 an hour you know but it were 1950 that's not how it works in 1950 people made like a dollar an hour or less like 50 cents an hour so come on it's not the same it's not the same people um my brain is foggy I was going to say something else and I don't recall don't worry I'll have a a bathroom renovation video for you when it's done it's almost done I had I had to I I can't speak me no talking no good today okay I'm going to call it for today because I'm not feeling very well and I think I'm going to go back to bed but uh watch out for grout do what you can with what you've got prepper princess out get him NOA get a rocky oh oh oh cheater oh cheater
Channel: Prepper Princess
Views: 114,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pneumonia, dangerous product, remodel, finance
Id: dLPJQfo3qs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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