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I am going to ring your neck and here is why oh before we begin hello everyone I am prepper princess the author of living on almost nothing if you are interested in purchasing my book I will go ahead and leave a link down in the description box below this is how illiterate we are in the United States of America in Canada and Australia in the UK because that's just based on my viewership but this is how illiterate we are when it comes to finances I'm going to tell you some of the dumbest things I hear I mean dumb things that I hear not hear I read in my comment section and today just took the cake cuz I go in there and if somebody's offering really just really bad bad financial advice in the comment section I go and delete it I also have to go in there because of all the scammers who say that they're me and they're not I mean I hope that you guys are at the point I'm pretty sure you guys are pretty smart but um I hope that you guys are at the point where you can understand that unless it has the prepper princess with the check mark on it that it's not me if it says actual prepper princess and they say something like I made I love Jesus Christ Jesus Christ provides me with $150,000 per month with a simple $500 investment yeah you guys know that's a scam I hope I hope anyway all right so here are some of the dumbest things I hear all the time number one your house will never be paid off because you have to pay property taxes oh my god really you never really own your house because you have to pay property taxes this is from renters who don't want to have they either don't want to have their own house or they want to put put down people who were able to purchase their own house I don't know what is in their brain seriously okay yes you have to pay property taxes or maybe they'll say you shouldn't pay off your mortgage because you have to pay your property taxes as if as if paying their mortgage for the last 30 years has not included their property tax okay okay oh my God how do okay I'm gonna woaw here we go if you are renting an apartment from a duplex a quadplex an aplex a giant whatever you're renting an apartment you're renting a room somebody's paying the property taxes and it's included in your rent like your portion of the property taxes are absolutely included in the rent if you are renting from like a single property home you are paying the property taxes in your rent so don't think that just because you rent you don't pay property taxes you're paying them you're just paying them to the landlord then he's paying them so there's a middleman wow wow and if you are paying a mortgage people I can't believe people don't know this when you're paying a mortgage the property taxes are included in your mortgage you know why because most people don't pay okay let me okay here here's a little Financial um I guess it's advice okay so here's what my mom did she kept her and you can do this if you have a mortgage she kept her property taxes separate from the mortgage and she'd put whatever a couple thousand it was into a highin savings account and she would make money off of that money and then the money would be there when it was time to pay the property taxes but she made you know 50 100 bucks a year just by having that money saved in that account you don't have that option when you're paying it on a monthly basis when it's computed into your mortgage so if you have um if you have discipline in your finances I would recommend calling your bank and separating your property taxes from your mortgage and then just praying your property taxes once a year so that you can accumulate that extra interest it's it may only be $50 or $100 it might not worth it to you but it's something to consider and yes you are paying property taxes in your rent no matter what oh my gosh I got this one the other day you can't make money in the stock market anymore I had another one who said the property the the stock market has been trading sideways for the last 10 years or something like that okay now look okay okay oh my god um last year I had to check my accounts um last year and I didn't get to keep any I mean I don't keep any of this I don't take it out I made $16,988 And1 in my stock market accounts no they are not trading sideways no not everyone is losing money in the stock market no to you can't make money in the stock market you're crazy I made I make more off of my investments than I do from all of the work that I do my Pat my patreon my book sales my YouTube My I'm not going to say anything else but my other business like everything combined I make more money in the stock market than I do working so don't tell me you can't make money in the stock market you're insane and you should and I deleted that comment because that is horrible horrible advice that is a horrible comment to put on somebody's YouTube channel who's trying to teach people finances how to get out of debt how to accumulate wealth how to retire with dignity you're crazy and you're giving and you you obviously have no idea you are obviously not in the stock market because if you were you would have never said that if you don't know anything about money don't leave comments giving advice on a money Channel if you don't know anything about losing weight and you weigh 500 lb don't leave advice on a weight loss and fitness channel if you're not a doctor don't give medical advice on a doctor's YouTube channel you just don't do it stay in your lane bro stay in your lane yes you can make money in the stock market that is oh my gosh you guys let's do the fist bump in the comment section and I'm not talking about a high five fist bump I'm talking like let's punch these people in the chin maybe we can knock some sense into them that was my left hand let's knock some sense into these people this is insane you don't talk oh my gosh don't tell people that oh my God the next one is that you need money to make money this is a capitalist Society there are two ways to make your money you can make your money through your labor which is what most people do or you can make money through your Capital which is what a lot of people do the second one you you need money to make money obviously because you're making money off of your Capital the other one is working labor so you don't need money to produce labor you just produce labor so uh there's that um and then when it comes now we live in such a society okay so for those of you who say you need you might might need a little bit of money to make money but people don't understand that like starting your own business getting a business license costs like $200 it's like nothing to start to like get a business license and start your own business it's not diff I mean it's not super expensive it's less than two bags of groceries maybe one bag in this day and age my goodness yeah um I for I I fasted for 7 days and then I started eating again and I had a craving for twinkies um I'm not paying six bucks for twinkies no thank you so had to walk out on that one anyway yeah the the grocery store is crazy I was fortunate enough to get a chicken which is chicken breast and thighs I believe um got a huge bag of them for $148 a pound that's going to be the dogs food oh my gosh okay let me just tell you I tried liver like I read that liver is excellent for dogs which is great really great and I found some like on the manager's special for like 98 cents for like a for like 3 lb or 2 or 3 lbs I don't know how much it was it was a lot and I was like perfect I'll put it into their their crock poot dog food that I make them every few days oh my God it stunk up the house so bad so if you're going to be cooking liver cook it outside oh my gosh that's stunk so bad I will never putting liver in the crockpot again back to me not talking about dog food you need money to make money yes and no um what about doing things like uh door Dash you don't need money to make that money you need a car and you're going to have a car anyway there's a lot of things online that I'm seeing too um I was considering uh starting my own ebike rental company and then you know you pay like few 00 bucks for the business license and then I would have to get insurance and stuff like that because it's an ebike thing you need insurance for that type of business but um I found out that there are ebike rental companies where you can just sign up put your ebikes on there they take care of all of the insurance they're the ones who have the business and and they do all that you just list your your ebikes on there and they take a percentage off of what you make for that day so if I decide to do that in the spring I'm just going to put it on one of their websites I don't have to deal with the business license I don't have to deal with the insurance so it costs me nothing and I know that there's websites on there where you can rent your car out there's even places where you can put signs on your car and they will pay you to commute with a sign on your car like a few hundred bucks a month hey might be worth it to you might not um it's up to you but you don't need money to do that you're going to be commuting to work anyway um and the last one that drives me absolutely crazy I would be Rich if I were out of debt or I would be rich if someone else would pay off my debt like if somebody would pay off my debt now this is wrong for so many reasons um if you have debt Beyond a mortgage you don't have a income problem you have a spending problem so or it might be a combination of both but but um I have met a few people who have had to declare bankruptcy more than once actually one of them they you know and when you declare bankruptcy you wipe out all of your debt and these are not people who had student loans or certain medical debt or anything like they had no medical conditions whatsoever it was just literally consumer spending it was credit card debt and they were bailed out okay to income household uh and within a few years they had to declare bankruptcy again and this I've seen it with at least two people three three people I've seen it with three people or couples separate separate people or couples so um you would not be rich if you were out of debt because if that were the case in all three of these instances when they were bailed out they would be rich by now but each one of them had to declare bankruptcy again so um it's it's a spending habit problem it's a spending issue it's not a debt issue so if if I were to come over here and say okay I'm going to I'm going to pay off all your debt you're not going to be a millionaire in a couple of years I I would even go so far as saying okay um I'm going to pay off all your debt and buy you a house right it's not going to it's not going to change anything you may think you think that it's going to change something but no it's a spending problem you're just going to go out and get like if I were to pay off somebody's debt and buy them a house the next day they'd come home with like a super truck and a boat like pulling right up with 60 70 80 $100,000 worth of debt in the driveway overnight because they've got all that freed up money and they know and they know what they're doing so no you would not be rich if you were out of debt you would not it wouldn't and I always get that it would be so easy for me to do what you do if I had what you had or if I uh had a paid off house or if I had a paid off car or if I had a high income job then do it do it I mean quit saying it would be so easy if and show me you know show me that it would be that easy just show me it would be that easy all right folks this is a list of the dumbest cringeworthy eye rolling ridiculous things that people continually put in the comments section of my channel this is horrible give me a boom in the comments like seriously let's punch him in the face punch him in the face because you guys are driving me crazy read a book read my book living on almost nothing down in the comment section below all right folks I hope this video has been useful to you or at least entertaining because it was it is always entertaining to me to see people who are idiots think that they're smart and then I love putting them in their place do what you can with what you've got preer princess out I see that stub I see that stub yours what are you going to do get down Nala get down yeah you're my boy why do your eyes look all purey you're my Poltergeist boy oh mommy loves you and you and you little one Cutie
Channel: Prepper Princess
Views: 29,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Finance, budget, money saving
Id: L89NcmW057s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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