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what is going on YouTube I am prepper princess the author of living on almost nothing if you are interested in purchasing my book I will go ahead and leave a link down in the description box below it is available in E ebook and regular paperback so today I'm going to talk to you about living on less now as you know I have lived on almost nothing or much less than the average person for 20 plus odd years and usually when I make a video like this what I do is I start out with the big stuff and then I kind of run out of time and then I don't really talk about the small stuff well the thing is is that I mean I could do a whole seminar of six classes two hours long each about different ways to save money and um today I want to talk about the small stuff small stuff that I like to like look in my wallet see there's a $20 bill and then realize that I can keep that $20 bill there for a really really long time so um I wish I could draw like a picture for you picture of a house and then what's outside and what's inside so um there are big bills and there are small things small things add up to a lot I always recommend starting with the big Bills first um renegotiating your mortgage rate if possible right now is not a really good time because of the interest rates um putting all of your money in a high interest savings accounts savings accounts right now are around 4 4 and a half% if you have any money put it in there you'll be earning money off of your money and it's like FDIC insured you don't have to worry about losing your principal or anything like that uh compounding interest is the eighth or ninth wonder of the world so if you've got money put it somewhere where it's making money um I always talk about uh cable and how people I can't believe that 60% of people still have cable TV with streaming services streaming services are absolutely free you get a Roku box for $25 it's a one-time fee and then it works off of your internet don't give me that you have to pay for internet too because if you're watching me you have the internet so um Roku or uh Amazon Fire stick or whatever your preference is and you get Pluto TV filmrise um I'm drawing a blank but uh free free is a good one you get free movies on Amazon Prime even if you're not an Amazon Prime member um there's tons of free movies on there uh my free flick canopy you can get through your local library and watch tons of documentaries YouTube has the History Channel you can watch all everything you want about Ancient Aliens here on YouTube Just a ton of different stuff get rid of the cable um cell phone the average person has a cell phone bill of $90 you can get them for so cheap mint mobile is five gigs link is down in the description box I'm an affiliate with them I've had mint mobile for three plus years love it you can go even cheaper than mint mobile you can go with T Mobile and they have plans as low as like5 or $6 a month if you're using your phone only for emergencies no data and no texting you just want it for emergency phone calls and have like 200 minutes per month it's like five bucks a month like seriously there's so many options out there uh car insurance if your car is paid off and it doesn't really have huge monetary value and you don't drive that much you can get liability only insurance for $50 a month or less I go with AAA uh same with home insurance always make sure that you do your shopping uh I also have trip AAA home insurance it's the cheapest on the market that's for Most states not all states states that start with W or M don't seem to be the cheapest with AAA um I don't know why but that's the big stuff okay maybe it's time to downsize maybe it's time to go from a one-bedroom apartment into a studio apartment maybe it's time uh to go into an efficiency Department if you uh you know whatever it is those are the big things so let's talk about little things so the first thing that you can save on people always talk about food but here's the other thing anything in your house that is disposable there is often a you you can often do without them completely or there's a total cheaper way to do it so here's some examples trash bags okay you can get plastic bags when you go to Like Home Depot or whatever and you can use those as trash Liners in a very very small trash can most of us have like 13-gallon trash cans or bigger so it doesn't work that way you have to buy trash bags depending on where you live and this works for me in Arizona it works for me here in California um I don't purchase trash bags I I actually got an accidental Amazon in shipment that included trash bags but I they're going to last me forever because here's what I do I put the trash bag in my trash and when I go and take out the trash I go like this and then I hold and then I'm still holding the trash bag with the trash bin I go like this all the trash falls out of the trash all of the F trash falls out into the bin and then I take the trash can and it still has the the trash bag on it and I put it back as long as it doesn't have any nasty gross liquids or tears or rips or holes or it doesn't smell bad it's going right back under my kitchen sink for my garbage okay that's something that you can consider doing if your town allows it I've never had anyone say anything to me about it um there's I know that rural areas like you have to bring your trash bags to a certain site and put it in there and I get it but for the majority of people um you can just throw your trash crash into the trash bin that's that's what it's for it used to be back in the 40s and 50s and even up into the ' 80s and '90s that you had a metal trash can and you literally threw your garbage in the trash can not in bags and then you would clean out your trash your metal trash bin every week cuz you had to buy it um another thing is paper towels I don't know the last time I bought paper towels I really don't um people I I I understand the convenience of paper towels but they are so expensive I think I saw like $12 I I don't even know how many rolls were in it I just I was just like what a waste it's like what I've I don't think I've ever even I don't know if I've ever bought paper towels to be honest with you washcloths you can get washcloths at Walmart they're like 12 for $3 you know you wipe up your little countertop and then you throw it in the washing machine instead of wiping up your countertop and throwing it in the garbage can you're just throwing it in a different vestibule and if you don't want to pay for washcloths you can cut up old t-shirts you can cut up old pants and use those as your washcloths um and people use paper towels for wiping their mouth at dinner now I might be like a poor girl from nowhere's Ville but I but I do keep separate dinner napkins for when I have guests over over and I need to pretend that I have um some manners um but I usually know how to eat properly so I don't get stuff all over my face so I don't know what kind of gooey stuff you guys eat but usually most of it goes from the spoon into my mouth so I don't really have a big problem with that another one is toilet paper so I don't never buy toilet paper it's it's not that um but I but when when the pandemic hit um you we had that whole toilet paper problem and um I didn't want to deal with it I had plenty of toilet paper cuz I'm a prepper I'm prepper princess so I had plenty of toilet paper but I didn't want to deal with the the concern of running out because I mean if I ran out it's like okay well now I have to uh get in the shower every time I go to the bathroom to take a shower because I'm out of toilet paper so um I bought a bedet and people um think that a bedet is like super expensive super fancy super hard to install it's not I'm not a plumber okay I'm not a contractor I'm just I I do it myself if I can if not I'll call somebody but you can buy a bedet I I have a green Co bedet I'll try and remember to leave the link in the description box um for the Amazon link um but mine is a green Co and you use it and you don't need to use nearly as much toilet paper so I read an article this is the things you research on Google right read an article that the average person and we're all adults here so I'm not trying to be funny is um men typically don't wipe when they go number one but women do and then when you go number two the average person wipes three or four times um when they go number two when they poop when you use a bedet um you don't have to wipe for number one if you're a girl for a men I don't know you guys are standing so it's different but um if you go number one you don't have to wipe cuz you just use the um when you go number two you just wipe once and you don't even have to wipe once if you don't want to um you know it the water is and people say ew that's disgusting well this is America I don't understand why you guys think it's disgusting it's actually much more sanitary much more hygienic much cleaner than using just toilet paper or using toilet paper in general it is so many less germs and you don't have to touch anything so um what how does it work please use common sense guys I mean you twist the knob and the gravity of the water shoots it at your butthole and it cleans it and then you wipe if you want to but you don't have to wipe four times because you're totally clean and I'm sorry if I that was too graphic but a lot of people always ask and they're like what about drips and it's like you're sitting down you got you sprayed yourself with water where do you think the water's going to go do you think it's going to suction up into your body or do you think it's just going to stand there you know the gravity has this this nasty habit of going down so if you spray yourself the drips go down and then they're not on you anymore okay so that's just common sense why I common sense is my superpowers it doesn't exist very often anymore so there's some really big things right there another thing that people do is they totally overuse laundry soap now I've made two or three videos about this when you have a laundry soap cap this this is not laundry soap but we're just going to use this as an example you have a laundry soap cap and people fill it all the way up to the top and then they dump it in but if you read the instructions if you read the instructions you only have to fill it up to here and that's it and then that's how much you use and if you take a pod like a tide pod and you put it in here if you slice open the podt and you put it in here it's even less than that it's it's drips it's barely anything so people grossly overuse their laundry soap and then when they're in horrible dire Financial Straits the first thing they want to learn is how do I save money on laundry well that's how you you know you just use a lot less laundry soap um you use the recommended amount of laund laundry soap that's what you do and you wash in cold water now for me personally I use even less than that because if you research you have to do a lot of research on this the agitation cycle is what cleans your clothes not the soap the soap is not what cleans your clothes the the soap what's the word it it makes it so that the dirt comes off your clothes a little bit a little bit better not a lot than water but then what happens is it's in that water and it gets all sudsy and then it clings to your clothes and then in order for and then it attracts more dirt so it makes your clothes look even dirtier so the more soap you use the dirtier your clothes are going to be and then the more soap you need to use to keep your clothes clean and people are are really crazy about the smell I like they want to walk around smelling like laundry soap well good for you you know use 10 Scoops and then but you if you can afford it use 10 Scoops I don't care have fun with that enjoy enjoy your your you smell it gain you smell like tide that's all I can smell you smell like Downey that's the thing but if you're actually asking about how to save money on laundry soap you've got much deeper Financial issues than trying to save a few bucks cuz if you're asking about laundry soap that's where I started I did the same thing when I was deep when I was thousand so much in debt I was like how do I save money on laundry CU I don't know why our brains go there maybe it's because we think that like how do I save money without affecting my life at all you know what I mean how do I spend less money without doing anything different that's how so more disposables uh if you have babies and they're in diapers um while you're at home use non-disposable and only use disposable when you go out it's not getting rid of it completely but it's greatly diminishing um the amount of money you'll be spending on disposables when it comes to soap for starters most of us ladies myself included have horrible hordes of soap that we need to get rid of um but we for some reason never do and then we just add onto the pile maybe it's time to stop for a minute and even though those aren't your favorite soaps it's time to use them it's time to get rid of them if they're liquid and you don't like them use them as dish soap you know that's what I do if I don't like something if I get a shampoo I don't like or doesn't work for me or a hand soap that's a liquid soap I'll I'll just put it in my dish soap cuz soap is soap to me and yes my dishes are squeaky clean uh with no residue residue water spots with no water spots we have good water where I live um shampoo and conditioner um I used to uh wash my hair every single day sometimes twice a day using and this was 20 plus years ago I had infusium 23 I don't know if they even still make it but back then it was $5 for shampoo five for conditioner and five for leave-in treatment $15 and I was going through a bottle like every week or two um and I didn't understand why so I started researching of course and uh come to find out that you're not supposed to wash your hair every day I mean there's certain people who have like super greasy hair and they should wash their hair every day um but my hair is like normal or on the border of fine so um actually washing my hair every day was causing it same thing with the laundry this the soap was sticking in and it was causing grease to accumulate on my head so I had to keep washing every single day and then after um just like two or 3 days um it started it started healing itself it started going back to normal so now I only have to wash my hair every and it used to be every 3 to 5 days now it's every 5 to 7 days is when I wash my hair so that's one way that you can shave save on shampoo and conditioner another thing is um you can add water to them um I do that all the time now it's not a big deal because I use V5 you know don't be afraid to go for the cheaper stuff the V5 is still less than a dollar at Walmart it's on the bottom shelf or you can go to the1 25 Tree Dollar Tree and they have them there um which is really great they're they're totally available everywhere and I love V5 I used to use swave and white rain but now I'm just a V5 girl and when I run out in one bottle of shampoo and one bottle of conditioner lasts me about 2 years or more and if people give me their hotel soaps or shampoos or whatever that they don't want cuz they know I'll take them like I'm not particular and I'll just add them into my V5 bottles just keep adding on I had a V5 family-sized green bottle of conditioner that lasted like 5 years like it was it was um and it was still good but it was getting kind of like okay I've been looking at this bottle for five years is it ever going to go away nope never went away I actually moved and left it in my house in Arizona crazy crazy crazy but um yeah use less use less of that stuff um same with things like makeup um okay so I use the same amount of makeup as just about any girl I use Foundation powder U mascara eyeliner and lipstick some people use more some people use less um but use try using less so um I use it for the dark circles that I guned under my eyes it runs in my family we all have dark circles under under our eyes and now I just use the foundation around my eyes right here and um the rest is just powder so instead of doing like all all Foundation is just right here around the eyes to get rid of the dark circles and then the rest is powder which is cheaper because I get all of my most of my makeup except the foundation at Dollar Tree and the the lipstick that I use is Wet n Wild that I get at Walmart which is cheaper than the Dollar Tree it's like 98 cents Wet n Wild I think it's SD40 or something I don't know I'm sorry I don't know there's a whole video on my my makeup somewhere out there just type in prepper princess makeup um so those are the small things that you can do you can also hang dry your laundry you can learn how to turn butter or margarine into spreadable butter or margarine because when you go to the store and butter is on sale for $2.98 but one tub of spreadable butter or margarine is like $7 and it's like tiny and and I don't know if you know this all of the spreadable butter is not butter it's all margarine it's like margarine and then they add water and um like canola oil vegetable oil that's all it is yeah you just you just put it in a thing and turn a blender on and you got your own spreadable butter for like a 70% less you can learn how to do that sort of thing um I also make my own cleaning soap I I just have an old spray bottle that I got from who who knows where um and I buy imitation Dawn G soap then I add a ton of water or soap that I don't like shampoo that I don't like to it and then I add water and make it just the right consistency by shaking it I put that in the little spray bottle 10% soap the rest is water then I shake it up and then that is my cleaning it cleans my countertops my floors my it it dusts my surfaces cleans my windows I use a microfiber cloth instead of paper towels for Windows and it works great people sometimes say to use newspaper but you have to pay for a newspaper um microfiber cloths are just like washcloths it's a one-time purchase and and they last for years and years and years and they can be reused over and over and over again remember that anything that you're doing to save money also helps the environment okay um other ways that you can save money the average person spends $130 to $230 per month on new clothing stop buying clothes most of us open you know it's so funny only in America we open our closets and it's packed full to the brim you can't you have to forcefully move your clothes apart to look at them to see what they are you're like I have nothing to wear stick to the basics you guys always see me I'm always wearing a plaid shirt like um and when it's really hot out I'm just wearing the undershirt um in which I have uh four of them black white green and blue so you guys have probably seen me from videos 5 years ago wearing the same clothes because I don't buy new clothes or I buy them so rarely this video is getting long so I'm going to uh get on the go here also um couple things gasoline is expensive so if you can try and make as few trips as possible that doesn't mean to plan your trips to go here here here and here it means make it so you don't have to make those trips at all so instead of going to the grocery store three times a week like every normal person make it so you only have to go once a week and then maybe once you've gotten that down to a science go for two go for two weeks I don't have to go to the grocery stores for two weeks this is awesome I hate I hate shopping I really do uh just waiting in line um and then having to check out my own groceries and then getting to the front of Walmart and then I get stopped by a person telling me they need to check my receipt to make sure I didn't steal anything after I just checked out my own stuff and after waiting in line to check out my own stuff and then I have to wait in another line to leave the store for their permission that's why I shop at Walmart as little as possible folks as little as possible I procrastinate on that as long as I can okay I'm going to stop here because yeah just look in your wallet see how much money you have and anytime you say I need something how much do I have in my wallet right now's I have one 21 $41 so I don't know how long that's been in my wallet could be months um so anytime that you say I need to buy something like whatever it is whatever it is just look in your and don't switch to a credit card or a debit CH card no cheating you know think about it as cash you're looking at this cash in your wallet and you're like I really need to buy um what do I need to buy I need to buy paint and then you remember that you have six six different uh Paints in your shed that you never threw away that you can mix to match the same paint that that you're looking to buy maybe you can use your reuse your painting supplies instead of throwing away that roll that paint roller try washing it we that was a thing in my house growing up as a kid we we never bought new we always had old old paint rollers and paint brushes that and we always washed them after like we used them until they were like spread apart and you couldn't even tell they were paint brushes anymore they look like little rose bushes all right folks that's what I've got for you today that's that's the best way to save money think how can I not spend this money how can I how can I get around not buying this don't buy toilet paper or paper towels or laundry soap shampoo conditioner Make It Last Forever not forever but mine lasted 5 Years anyway do what you can with what You' got prepper princess out what you doing NOA are you are you picking on your big brother are you picking on Rocky you guys are so stinking cute are so stinking cute you love your little sister don't you mister you love your big brother H Nala so much love so much love oh it's so cute oh bless you hello get her Rocky get her Mister she's getting you
Channel: Prepper Princess
Views: 30,012
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Money Saving, poverty, budget, finance
Id: 4qvDsVMx1Rw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 22sec (1522 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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