Why I'm stealing Minecraft shoes

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would you stop a criminal from stealing shoes would you step up and be the hero or would you cower on the sidelines praying that you're not next next well today I'm neither of those I'm the dude stealing the shoes but before you judge me and my life's choices just know it's the only way I can ever wear armor again sorry that was a bit over dramatic let me explain a couple weeks ago I lost a bet which Banned Me from wearing armor on the echocraft server now I honor my bets but I'll be real it's been tough watching my friends whip by in the sky while I'm stuck on the ground like some kind of commoner I'm desperate to wear armor again and Desperation makes you do some crazy things like for example maybe crashing your friend's live stream who you lost the bet to but like I would never do that it's a total theoretical rhetorical question I mean who in their right mind would ever go crash someone's live stream oh that Chief is Chief welcome to the stream can I have my armor back man no please absolutely no a few days passed and I thought that was the end of that conversation but later solely hit me up and said he wanted to meet me on the server I just want you to look through that look through that I mean all right I just [Music] this is mine no this is what you could have won it's always said he made this armor for me as a second chance all I had to do to earn it was complete a challenge that he deems is borderline impossible that task is to steal every player's shoes on the server and give them to solely in a week's time now listen before you ask me I'm gonna just tell you no I don't have a foot problem I have a plan now quick lesson in stealing shoes is that you just can't walk up to someone and take it from them trust me I've tried that instead we're going to perform what's called a scam that's why I created the Anvil Gamble patent pending it's a fake event on the server specifically tailored for the biggest shoe Heist this world has ever seen this is a small replica of the Anvil Gamble and this is our lovely victim who we're gonna steal our shoes from if I lure him right over here he's going to dump all of his lovely belongings right in this chest once that's done we learn him even further over here to the Anvil gamble minigame far away from his items and while he's distracted and staring at the at the uh no no no you don't want your shoes come here and while he's distracted over here staring at the minigame I'm going to poof steal the shoes right out from under him and make my Sweet Escape I won't be flying because that that's not possible in survival mode but you get the point more than half the servers RSVP to the event but if there's one person I didn't want coming it's solely he's the only one that knows I'm on a mission to steal everyone's shoes including his if he suspects anything at all he could blow my entire cover wide open so to ease any suspicion I invited my friend onto the server to help co-host the event then we began welcome guys welcome to the you know first inaugural Anvil gamble the opportunity for you all to possibly ooze and maybe even lose your diamonds if you'd be so kind as to follow me the Anvil gamble has three stages to the entire event and the first stage is where we're going to begin now I'm going to be fully honest and say that you're probably gonna gamble your life away possibly so if you got time make sure to drop off any items that you don't want to lose in the chest provided this is it solely's most likely on to us I mean what was I thinking he already knows I'm on the hunt for everyone's shoes could I have made that any more obvious by asking people to stash them in some random chest it's clear I haven't thought this plant through even a little and now he's about to blow my entire operations Sky High never mind so this is the Anvil gamble Chief asked me to come over here and help run this because I'm you know an anvil guy I guess as it happens but with this game we will be dropping anvils from various Heights onto you standing right here on this trap door your objective is to guess how many hearts of damage you will take when you get hit by the Anvil wreck uh yeah I left my diamonds over in the shopping district I'm gonna go grab those real quick I can take care of it thanks mate I'm here okay all right we're gonna start with Lucid since he's first on the left hand on this trap door please thank you thank you okay now we're gonna start with a two block ball okay this is for five diamonds okay how many hearts of damage do you think you'll take take three let's go with three okay here we go I'm gonna die oh not quite not quite I'm gonna have to get this and looks like I only have like one see that yes can you get under right here and I'll I'll give it up okay all right bye guys this is all a facade There's No Angel again bye [Music] we got them boys I think that's bad can't say I expected to have a freaking wanted level on my face today but if wreck and I want to survive this Manhunt we need to meet up and safely stash the shoes away Chief oh my gosh if they're everywhere I know this is so scary dude where are you where are you going we did not plan a place to meet up okay so you know how you're describing I'm not really a professional oh you meet at Ollie's place at The Shrine it's good yeah yeah let's get there okay where are you where are you here oh my God I think we got caught well I'm telling you that's where Rick was at he was right here like literally as I stopped it he was right here I think I think it's supposed to be right here they're waiting for us to leave they're all around here there's something to do with this spot right here maybe they're over here over here on Lucid don't lose it I can hear it talking [Music] [Music] um foreign [Music] all right you're here why did we not die from that drop what the heck no yes yes yes okay wreck my guy oh my God oh my God holy crap dude that was crazy that word that was so well so much oh my God I didn't think we would do it I should mention now that solely and I agreed storing shoes and an ender chest is off limits so I took Rec to a secret location where we can safely stash the shoes all right you see me we're gonna go down now we're gonna die gosh oh my gosh dude come on come on oh my gosh Welcome to The Shoe Box oh my God okay first of all before we do anything if they come here do we have an Escape Route is there any way to escape because I don't have another invis well crap oh my God I need the Ender Chest oh do you not have an Ender Chest in here buddy not a professional this is what I've been calling the shoot box you had um so that was a decoy oh so I wasn't supposed to open it no I well now we know you've been here I quickly went back to my base to get the shoes from the Ender Chest but when I returned to the shoe box there was a serious problem my God they found it they freaking found it now apparently my lovely victims used a mod to compromise the location of The Shoe Box luckily the shoes are still safe with me but if I want to get to safety I need to travel very far away so I met up with Rick and we jumped into the nether until it was safe to resurface again yeah do we want to what do you think uh your call Chief this is your video you're absolutely right I'm I shouldn't cower behind success I should be the success embody it that's what Gandhi taught me baby here we go okay all right we're 5 000 blocks away we don't we don't need to shift that's fine now let's just set up chop there it is and now once again wreck here's our invis pots and here is the shoe box oh my once more I stashed the shoe box under the tree in hopes that no one would find it seemed like the best spot because when I was a kid I stashed countless things in the ground that I still haven't found if any all dig up a orange Matchbox car let me know I think direct before he logged off the server and since the ice was a complete success I'm running on a shoe stealing high right now as he's online maybe my next Target I just need your shoes why do you need my shoes I I just I I'll give you five totems oh take the shoes there he is hello another collection for you [Music] pleasure doing business with you I love you Tom nicholi I think I can spell that quickly just out here adding another one to the collection that armor is mine solely foreign terrific progress I mean look at all of the Green in the shoe box however yeah we haven't gotten like four people yet and Dylan freaking Ryan where is that man if he doesn't log on before Thursday uh I'm losing the bet uh I I need your shoes please I wow that was great easy pleasure doing business with you man thanks hey man [Music] can I have your shoes listen it'll be back by Thursday listen let's not think let's not make rash decisions here sir sir bad wenzo stop it I'm getting chased abuse please no no no sir listen listen the minigame it was all a joke and a good fun it's not a big deal I you don't need to worry about it no no no no no no no no no no no no no no where's the shoes foreign oh crap now did I deserve that absolutely am I going to stop stealing shoes absolutely not oh you're at the beach yeah man hi why is this man not wearing any shoes last time I checked his name isn't crossed off my list this seems a bit too odd to be a coincidence considering I've taken more than half of the server's shoes already it's very likely somebody has already warned brandsy about what I'm up to but then again I actually have a bad habit of worrying about things that aren't really happening so the best thing I can do in this situation is not pay any attention to the shoes at all Brandy tell me you have shoes I mean I don't have shoes but like I said easy solution let's go mine for shoes I mean we can also do that that's just time consuming oh man hello um one two three four get onto the crafting table for us all right and legally I'm gonna have to ask you to put on the boots so I have to tell you before I put on these boots solely may have talked to me about 25 minutes ago or so okay and and he said and I quote do not give Chief any boots whatsoever so I didn't make any boots apparently while I was mining for diamonds solely was able to snag two of the remaining shoes I needed I spoke with him later about this and he told me I was making progress way too easily so he hid the shoes somewhere in the world and my only hint is this single screenshot I'm assuming if I find the location of that screenshot I find the shoes I don't know for sure but I'm gonna just take a guess at this and say that's what I have to do so I spent the next several hours searching the world for any terrain that lined up with solely screenshot but I was getting nowhere I mean who would have thought that trying to find the exact location of a picture would be easy certainly not me so I turned to Google looking for help [Music] I found a strategy called block texture rotation which can reverse engineer the coordinates of any Minecraft screenshot after sifting through the code I realized this only works in older versions of Minecraft it can't be changing versions on this Minecraft server because frankly I don't own it so I'm back to square one I've only got two days left to get the rest of the shoes and I'm no closer to finding them I was about ready to give up until I noticed I missed something this tree right here because it has snow on it normally this wouldn't be such a big deal since there's plenty of snow-covered trees in the world however I was with solely when he got me that screenshot so I calculated the time it took for him to make the journey and back and if my calculations are correct the shoes should be somewhere in this region and get this there's only one location where snow-capped trees could spawn there's no way there's I'm listening to heavy funky guitar right now just to like calm me down I I need this W man I I want this win I really want to get this that might be it right up there oh my God what a freaking climb that's gonna be doing this for the armor actually I changed my mind it's definitely that that is definitely the place okay now up calculated okay if I'm correct this is the screenshot [Music] huh [Music] let's go [Music] oh my really you know what that's that's a selly in my book I can't believe it let's go he should have never as much as I'd like to continue the celebration I've still got one more pair of shoes to steal and this is going to be the toughest of them yet it's one thing to outsmart or out battle someone but how were you supposed to win against an opponent that doesn't even show up that opponent is Dylan Ryan and let me tell you the man's a ghost you see Dylan owns the shop where I bought my sword which has been getting crazy business as of late and despite Nobody seeing him online the shop is still being restocked my initial thought is that he plays at weird hours of the night so throughout the week I stayed up late multiple times just refreshing the server page to see if he logged on nothing I even tried messaging him to get a hold of him and now I'll be the first one to admit I did maybe just a little bit borderline spam him but you gotta understand man it's for the shows it was clear to me that expecting a response back from Dylan would be an unrealistic hope so I looked into ways to access his inventory using in-game exploits I tried learning how to get command blocks in survival looked into NBT data corruption I tried so many things but nothing worked so at this point it's out of my control if I want the chance at getting Dylan shoes I just need to be patient and hope that he'll respond but if not I've lost [Music] [Music] you my friend are a very difficult person to get a hold of okay gotta say I've been trying for a week but you're here now and this next sentence is going to sound very strange and all I can ask for is that you're gonna trust me I need your shoes I I need your shoes I just I need your shoes I I have wronged some people trying to obtain their shoes it I thank you I'm scared I am over the moon right now and finally after so much pain shoe box is completed I present to you every single players shoes I have to say Well done let's go okay here we go get dressed yes oh yes and finally a bet is a bet go for it fly high chief fly high yes baby oh my god oh I've worked so hard for this I've got to say you do deserve it some of what if you can part of me was hoping I'm taking it part of me was hoping you were gonna lose because obviously taunting that would have been amazing one of those two words tell you what you're a stand-up guy solely I'm paying homage to you thank you for a wonderful and stressful experience my friend
Channel: That Chief Guy
Views: 3,127,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, that chief guy, chief, chief minecraft, echocraft, minecraft survival
Id: _VAGcQ90JUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 09 2022
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