Using Grian’s Pranks To Start A Minecraft War

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my friend green has taught me many things in my life how to build magnificent buildings make wonderful friends but most importantly how to prank and prank hard and today i'm using his teachings for justice because this video well this is my revenge story the echocraft server has moved locations to support the new features of the 1.18 caves and cliffs update and during our adventures to the new lands i kind of encountered a bit of a road bump now eventually i did make it to our new home but upon arrival two factions had formed in my absence the caves and the cliffs and i'm sitting here like like dude what has happened i've been gone for literally 20 minutes irl and y'all are acting like it's second period gym class and you're picking teams for dodgeball but you know in all honesty i don't really care because everybody wants me on their team right now i'm feeling pretty loved this one's the cave team this one's the cliff team all right one person at a time on each team we're gonna have a sales representative i want you to sell the chat steve chief chief was that the sale dutch okay all right now caves anyway do you guys have anything do you want to say the cave speak for them all right so i do have caves as majority right now that's what the chat says what does your heart tell you chief to hit the button and let it choose for me all right hit the button hit the button all right [Applause] [Music] after my fate was sealed to be allied with the cave dwellers lucid a fellow team member got obliterated by the cliffs team wow everyone get out of here you take the lead if you guys are listening to this prepare to be pranked [Music] picking the right prank for the job it's it's an art form you can't go around blowing up people's bases with tnt i mean guys do i look like i'm in middle school don't answer that lucky for me my good friend green who's been by my side since the beginning of my youtube journey has decided to bless me with the perfect prank in his latest video it utilizes a dispenser that has fed a constant supply of boats and places them on top of one another and just like in season 8 of hermitcraft if you go even close to the boats at all well let's just say there will be a lot of cleanup [Music] this is how serious i am i will chop trees in the night because i am a soldier of the of the night soldier of the night that sounds really epic actually i love that love the sound of i need to i've been dropping all this wood and no one told me lunatics [Music] i to be completely honest i'm a little nervous i haven't seen a single mob around here i see some nice fresh fruit but no mobs just moths applesauce no don't worry i'm not sponsored i can't i'm allergic [Music] hi i'm fighting cree i'm fighting right now how are you i'm on the phone i am recording um depends how it comes out [Music] yeah no it's getting into the recording so now i've died all of the wood that i've gathered is somewhere in the great forest and i am completely lost i'm i'm really lost and i i'm scared i'm gonna lose all my items i don't even know where i am oh don't you hurt me i'm a good squid i didn't do anything wrong please stop oh god i don't like this new portal new portal new portal new portal new not a new portal i hate this so much i'm going to lose all my stuff oh i hate you so much you're going to hurt me you're going to ruin my day both of you are come on squiggly powers activate skiddly powers activate powers activate we're really cutting it close on time this was supposed to be fun i don't even know where i was in the forest crank this down no come on i've totally lost all my stuff all of my stuff was gone because of a stupid mistake [Music] okay there's only one thing i can do [Music] so i'm currently in replay mod and this is where i get all of my replay shots for my videos right now i'm hoping to use this as a means to find where i last died so i can find where my stuff is relative to where i am because i don't have a lot of time left on the clock when i'm logged into the server so i need to be really smart about how i find where i died oh my god are you kid i'm are you it's all right here oh my god all right i gotta just run straight i just need to run straight and i need to move quick there it is oh please don't despawn please don't be spawn now i've got some good news or bad news depending how you look at it right now the boys are dominating my youtube analytics as the main subscriber demographic so to the oh god what's what's 20 percent of 20 000 uh so do the three girls that are watching my videos right now i just want to say hi mom and i don't know who the other two are but you should definitely tell your fellow lady friends to subscribe to me i have incredible vocal cords that's uh that's what my mother said there it is oh please don't despawn please don't despawn oh my god oh my god did i actually just do that no way i just did that no i am so happy right now with the materials gathered you'd think we're just gonna waltz in there like a clueless pedestrian spawning hundreds of boats in their base green would be so disappointed in you right now because clearly the g-man would want us to perform some precautionary measures to scope out the best spot for the prank and that's exactly what we're going to do [Music] ding dong ding dong [Music] hello ding dong ding dong hello oh there's branzie you can't walk in you can't i know i'm at the door i'm knocking i uh i come bearing a the whitest of flags i said the whitest of flags sorry one of your uh accomplices sort of uh jump the gun i i'm allergic to carrots that's not good do you trust people that are allergic to carrots i don't know i don't know how i feel about that do you trust people with lavender eyes that put secret bases in each other's friends bases and then terraments and terrorizes them for all eternity i'm sorry i was out of line not not if you're smart that would be ridiculous i simply want to check out the digs this thing came up like overnight i was i was curious to get a tour honestly as long as he promised not to be allergic to carrots again you know what that's fair if they're golden i can eat them delicious just can't we can't have that kind of energy in this this is a very you know calm uh collected place and i don't know what that was so we will just but yeah it's uh but i do i got carrots i got oh he's got carrots okay come on in yeah great fantastic oh man he should have led with that give him the carrot yeah you know what give me the carrot give me the carrot yeah all right all right all right give me give me one second oh jesus christ this isn't gonna kill me oh he's swelling ah delicious i'm actually excited for this i mean if you guys give a uh give a good tour i might even put a good testimonial on tripadvisor i love the touch of blood here and then a musical entry this is gorgeous interesting a little mean defense tower now you guys would say hold me up let me pull out my papers here so uh ah you guys would say that this is your main forward operating base correct uh absolutely this is their i mean our main base yep definitely now uh no this is good um do you have any uh state secrets you'd care to share for the uh testimonial uh yes the people here hate people without elytras and they don't make it easy to get anywhere so it should all be destroyed immediately perfect and last last question for this part um what is your social security number uh 119 now i took some notes during my reconnaissance trip to the cliff space the mains guard tower on their base could make for a perfect spot to set up the boat bomb but what do you do you know we've got a location for our prank which does nothing for us if we have cliff members crawling around their base constantly we need to create a distraction to lure branzi and zeal away from their base long enough so i can plant the boat bomb for a miraculous boat explosion so i called up fellow cavemen mad tiger and mayu to discuss possible distraction options and after endless strategizing we had nothing however as if fate planned this all along the enemy came to us with the solution to our problem this could be interesting uh well branzie just asked me if i wanted to kill some dragons for an elytra oh zl goes too mi you just just come with us to the track yeah you guys can do your thing you want to let chiefy do his thing so now matt and mayu will lure branzi and zeal away from their base to fight the ender dragon which gives me ample time to set up the prank this was working well but at any point other cliff members could log on to the server and catch me in the act so i'll need to move quickly and with precision i decided to afk at our base to keep a low profile until mayu messages me for the operations green light okay hard copy let's rock and roll don't cut no time to waste i need my stuff already wasting time [Music] okay we've got the location now we can actually start doing this oh i'm actually terrified [Music] hey chief yo yo yo what's going on what's up i'm currently in a busy with them do you need to help oh yeah i guess you could help with the boat placement oh oh that's how you fast oh that's easy that's chief do you have a dropper you need a dispenser like it's wait or no wait you need water actually nothing did happen we are okay we're fine i'm just looking at the tutorial and just taking guesses here yeah start load it up i can start loading okay all right i got in the boat oh my no okay it's fine it's okay now it's working okay okay so i'm gonna go up here and i'm just gonna keep uh oh crud wreck they beat the dragon we got to get this done quick [Music] [Music] i'm stressed oh [ __ ] just this went according to plan what can i say oh yeah i'm hitting 40 right now and they're only going to be getting worse this will be fun to try and like take this down though yep you can take away i'm thinking when they come back looking at them straight in the eyes and just saying like this is war or something uh for what i really don't know but like what if you like touch it and die though you know what that's a sacrifice i'm willing to have you make rick and i barely put the trap together in time cause zeal and branzi were starting to arrive i'm almost there [Music] yeah i can i see it yeah i can't be i can't i don't have anything there i have like three chests that's all it is he's being taken care of by the village people the village people the villagers oh boys boys good to have you here good to have you here look at you look at look at you guys you're so cute this is war this is war [Music] you
Channel: That Chief Guy
Views: 866,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft smp, minecraft smp java edition, eco craft, echocraft rekrap, echocraft season 3, echocraft, grian, grian hermitcraft 8, hermitcraft season 8, grian boat, grian boat bomb, boat bomb hermitcraft, the big boat, grian pranks, grian pranks hermitcraft, pranks minecraft, minecraft pranks, that, that chef guy, that chef guy minecraft, that chef guy echocraft, that chief guy, chief yt, chief minecraft, rekrap2 echocraft, branzy craft
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 15 2022
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