Saving a kidnapped donkey

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how would you react if you learned that your best friend's donkey was stolen and worst of all you're the reason for its abduction uh this uh isn't a hypothetical question you see I was playing on the echocraft server when my friend Lucid approached me he wanted to know where he could find my friend Brandy's BFF yeah his name's donxy and uh yeah he's a donkey case there was any confusion no sure I thought it was a little strange that lucid wanted to know about donxy but I didn't think much of it I told him everything he needed to know and kind of went about my day I'm sure it'll be fine foreign oh dear God now this is my first time being an accomplice in a donkey abduction and I feel terrible like I don't want to be stealing from others I mean poor brandsy so I made about to save donxy and set things right [Music] just I really thought that donks he would just be in loose in space okay back to the drawing board it's been a few hours and I had a mutual friend send Lucid a message that someone was going after doxy that ruffled loose its feathers enough to schedule an emergency meeting for tonight Lucid still thinks I'm on his side so I'll attend the meeting undercover to find out where donkey is being stashed thank you only problem is that this plan was made by me and I'm historically prone to failure so if I'm gonna go to this meeting I need a Fail-Safe in case things go south after a bit of research I found myself a design for a self-activating teleportation chamber but like no way this works right I have never tried anything like this before I don't know if this is gonna work so if I cast onto the rod and then Rod an offhand then if I take some pearls and I toss that down I need to enter the Nether and so if I come back to spawn and if I did everything correctly and dear God I don't know if I did I could move this fishing rod to my hot bar select it and oh oh my god it worked holy crap that worked oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I set up another stasis Pearl and made my way to spawn for the meeting my only objective is to find donxy so I'll just play it low-key until Lucid takes me to him there has to be a traitor a month for me it has to be like I said historically prone to failure apparently those messages I sent caused Lucid to generate some suspicion and now he believes one of us is a traitor I thought there was no way he'd bring us to donxy but fortunately for me another member of the server popped through the nether portal which gave me an idea keep it moving buddy [Music] maybe we should go to the secret location yeah they're miles can know about should I have noticed that secret location in front of Mike can you hear me miles no [Music] there's an opening here hey cover it up it's toxic what are you doing I'm sorry I thought that was your job I'm sorry no I ran out of blocks that's not my problem okay even though I'm standing literally right next to donxy lucid's main priority is to sniff out the mole so before we continued any further he demanded we share all of our screens if anyone objected then that person will be labeled as the mole now I've got countless messages with my Anonymous party that easily label me as the culprit I mean there's no way I could clear the history in time I've still got my fail safe in case things go wrong but I really don't want to use it so I just gotta act innocent and pray that nobody suspects a thing get my screen where am I for life you can see me well we can see you all right here's mine oh I got back down so uh mayor may not have been the double agent all along I will see you boys later oh oh crap it didn't work oh my God it didn't work I knew it Why didn't it work this town I'm so sorry about the time gas not the time yeah I I completely lost him [Music] I thought it was lucid to be fair I thought Lucid was oh now yes I am the mole but I'll have you know that this isn't over goodbyes gentlemen oh oh that felt so that felt so sick I feel so creepy or not creepy like sneaky I was able to escape the nether undetected and got back to my base safely where I had a few words to say to my stasis chamber you are in big trouble that could have been so epic oh my God I I was so excited for that to work and then didn't label as a traitor I made my way back to donxi's last known location in hopes to rescue him but unsurprisingly he wasn't there I think honestly I'd be disappointed if they didn't that'd just be like poor abduction skills and captive skills so I guess Gigi Lucid since Lucid still has donksi it seems like I'm back where I started except that's not true because I've recruited a double agent and his name is wenzo I spoke with wenzo privately after the meeting and he mentioned that he had no real allegiance to lucid and he was willing to help me out should I be concerned that this guy is literally willing to betray his teammate on a whim probably am I still gonna hire him yup now unfortunately wenzo has no idea where donkey is being kept but we've devised a plan to solve just that problem wenzo will meet with Lucid at spawn meanwhile I'll be invisible nearby once Lucid takes wenzo to donxi I'll follow them undetected then boom I save donxi brandsey's happiness is restored and it's a happily ever after however if I'm gonna make this work I'm gonna need backup someone highly competent a professional donkey tracker a master of Espionage someone who lives and breathes stealth whoo okay Donkey trackers are way out of the budget good to know good to know yeah I need a cheaper alternative I need your help are you in [Music] no no I'm joking yeah yeah I am [Music] what are you doing Liz I don't know I don't I don't know are they going let's go with the mayu's house wait what wow he's leading to decoy I don't know we're completely lost okay so you're going to a fake base question mark oh my God this is frustrating I haven't heard back uh he said hi to another hide another hide another come on in part up all right we're going [Music] all right come up here oh my god dude what happened apparently Lucid was on to us from the start he suspected we'd be stalking him which is why he never showed wenzo the location of donxy but you see it's not a total loss because wenzo was able to learn that this hallway in the nether is somehow linked to donxi's location how did wenzo get that information out of lucid I I don't know and quite frankly I don't want to know I don't think I'm gonna like the answer so the mission is simple head to donxi's last known location and pick up the trail if Don sees actually in the nether I might be able to see him with the pie chart the pie chart works like sonar detecting any mob within the rendered area now say hypothetically I want to look if a donkey was loaded in the same area of the nether where donkey was last reported I mean I I could do that but like that's not cheating right [Music] why is there a chicken in here okay yeah the piedar method backfired like when I asked people to subscribe I started thinking of other options and realized donxi might not be in the nether at all so I began Gathering obsidian to make nether portals if there is a secret portal nearby I should be able to link up to it but when I was making my first nether portal you know what I came across a hidden tunnel right where the trail went cold you know what I did with that information nothing I covered it up and went back to building my portal and completely ignored it yeah not my finest detective work and it wasn't until four hours later when I was at the gym when I realized the sheer value of what I just stumbled upon follow me I want to show you something I ended up trying to like portal around here when I was portaling I accidentally dug in a little to the left and I found this I followed this tunnel it leads right to this Basalt pillar I've been wandering around here for a little bit trying to see if I can pick up a trail because that's a man-made Trail that's not natural generation I find it a little odd that if that's the last location that wenzo was guiding us before the trail ran dry it's really hard to argue that this is not it has to have something to do with things right they're definitely more useful things I could be doing in my life instead of looking for a donkey in a video game but listen man this is for the sake of my good conscience and I am getting that donkey back to bransy even if miles and I have to comb through every nook and cranny of these nether wastelands foreign [Music] have you found anything yet no okay excuse me sir please if you haven't seen donkey get out of here yeah you tell them yeah uh what's up yeah Keith what go ahead what dude I just woke up on the floor no way it's even the portal I don't know but like why would it be covered why how what okay I'm going I'm going in I'm going in I'm going in what on Earth the mysterious portal that Miles uncover dropped us off in a random field we searched the area tirelessly but found nothing I mean sure it's very possible that this could just be a random portal and is completely unrelated to donksy's whereabouts but I find it very odd that this portal was completely sealed in the nether which leads me to believe that someone went through the trouble to keep this portal a secret however these are just suspicions so the only way to prove it is by watching Lucid go through the portal with my own two eyes and I have a plan for just that Pretend This portal is our mystery portal and this is another self-operating stasis chamber that I used last time except this time please for the love of God I hope this doesn't break now if this stays this chamber were to be set up as so and I were to you know walk over to spawn and be like oh hey Lucid how are you man uh I've already found dogs he isn't that funny and then Lucia will be all like oh my God what no way I must go see for myself if he's worried about me stalking him I'll be like yeah no sounds like fun you have fun just let me know when you found him and I'll walk behind the corner and when I'm out of sight I just poof I'm gonna pot up I'll be invis as you can see I should probably get that on my hand if everything goes according to plan Lucid will come out of the portal from there miles and I will tell him leading us straight to donxy but there's one tiny little flaw this entire plan hinges on the assumption that this portal is in fact linked to donxy but if we're wrong then not only will the mission fail but donksi will be as good as gone because I'm out of ideas at this point okay I hear it this is like the Pinnacle of first world problems I I get it I'm with you I'm with you but listen man I've spent a week of my adult life looking for a digital donkey uh I just don't want to be wrong okay we're moving oh my God all right in the nether okay all right see you on the other side hanging up okay good time let's not fails [Music] ah hey man how you doing really good really good no I'm I'm doing uh doing pretty good myself if you know what I mean you know what I mean are you doing good yeah I'm doing it I'm very good uh if I were you I would be recording right now and I would personally uh go check on Donkey if you know what I mean now I just to ease your suspicions I'll fly away but I I record if I were you let me know and uh let me know when you've taken a look at donxy I'm gonna head out and do keep doing my thing [Music] let's go time [Music] I barely make it to my Lookout spot in time and lucid's already messaging me about two signs my heart sinks right then and there because one I don't know what signs he's talking about and two if he's already at donxy there's no way he could have beat me here which means miles and I were wrong about this portal trying to salvage this failed Mission I made my way back to spawn looking for Lucid it took 10 seconds for him to message me so he couldn't have gotten far and I was right apparently Lucid somehow confused the words go check on donxy with oh hey let me do this scavenger hunt right here thanks for the unwanted stress Lucid buddy old pal I got Lucid back on track and he said he'd go check on donxy or at least that's what I think he said because I I booked it out of it I need to get myself situated if he arrives so I clenched my cheeks and hauled back to Miles who was waiting for me huh hide is he coming yes no I I don't know maybe foreign [Music] dear God miles what are you doing we're so screwed [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] did they really do well yeah what is going on I'm really confused right now foreign I heard you I'm so confused right now I know I heard Chief I know I know he's like right here he's been following us since I have entire time maybe we did lead him straight to it maybe the whole time he maybe he finally did trick us [Music] the thing is though it's not even he would have known about it before we got here though because beautiful slime [Music] I don't know what's going on I swear Chief I hear your keyboard thinking here it's my next move [Music] pretty confident that's not a slime that is a keyboard right here all right boys let's do this dog should pay me I'm coming for you I'm busting them out come on work on Doxie baby all right come on let's go don't bring dogsie up there all right go go go work on it work on it [Music] you're not Glutton doxy go to the hands of you he needs the whole he needs a home [Music] where's Dumpty gone oh no what happened what do you mean you just had him dude what do you mean he disappeared he's not here oh I envizzed him yeah that's my beat oh that's why I couldn't find him there that was yeah uh sorry keep it moving we're blowing them out of here touch you [Music] I just want to give you a home this is so much slower than my mentor you're probably right I'm I'm doing the best I can man holy cow yeah he's right here he's right here oh oh crap yes I gotta get back to Miles wait what oh this is for doxy [Music] go go go hi [Music] I hope you're I really hope your miles yeah yeah Chi we are look what you just picked up no he got suffocated as I entered the nether mile I couldn't do anything about it because someone made him a book so I couldn't but he was suffocating was that definitely donkey where's my gear one thing did you pick it up nope what all right gear has gone missing and donksy's dead I can't imagine it gets any worse than this yeah so so Dolce has been dead for a while what turns out the original Donkey died long before I even began searching which means I went through all that trouble for random donkey at first I was mortified by this because Brandy is gonna be devastated when he finds out but then it occurred to me if none of us could tell it was the fake donxy from the beginning then surely frenzy couldn't either so I found some random donkey slapped a saddle chest and name tag on it and presented it to bransy I have a present for you is it is it inside the chest how do I get in the chest is it the saddle I use the saddle that's cool [Music] I literally can't even with you you remember how my gear went missing well apparently Lucid has it and if I want it back I need to earn it in the coming days well buddy challenge accepted
Channel: That Chief Guy
Views: 1,059,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, that chief guy, chief, chief minecraft, echocraft
Id: nKpHGP9Si9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 7sec (1447 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 03 2022
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