Kid pretends to be me, so I pranked him

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it works this is me infiltrating a scam server where this guy with the profile picture wreck not to be confused with me at recrap 2 is scamming kids with a modified minecraft server i first got word of this from a youtube video of a fan getting scammed hi guys welcome back to another video and today i'm gonna show you guys they promised him all of his favorite youtubers would log on and a slot on my serve remember everyone if you transfer me five dollars you can be in a video for one whole minutes limited time offer purchase while you're still five whole minutes ten dollars transfer i am currently having a sale for my birthday my birthday was three months ago that's when i decided to ruin his scam operation so i contacted the person who sent me the video who had also been scammed to see if i could sneak on the server i'm actually kind of freaking out this is the real you carter is his name turned out to be a pretty cool guy and he gave me the ip to the server however i can't go logging into the server with the actual recrap account i needed a disguise something no one would expect spenceem07 look it's my brother's account but he said i could use it i tried logging on the server but there was a huge problem the server now had a whitelist the only way to get on was to get the fake wreck wrap to type my username in a command carter sent him a few messages but an hour went by and nothing was happening so in the meantime carter gave me the backstory of how he found himself on this server and there were several fishy things about it you got bedrock yeah hero brian did that oh you're right it took an hour and a half but eventually one of the admins logged on so carter sent in my username but i had doubts it had been a solid month since the last known scamming and they could have shut down turned their ways or maybe this is the wrong server it works what's up dude what's up follow me i'm gonna go get you stacked so you can do this stuff you see that mcdonald's over there yeah okay he gave me the typical starting gear you know a few apples to eat a trident with power four on it and flame oh my gosh that's every enchantment okay i'll just take a one of everything courtesy of the admins i had a full set of tools and got straight to work on the master plan hit fake rack rap with an anvil then get him in a call and reveal myself there were five of us carter carter's little brother aka lightning scorpion and wolf pulling off this feat would require teamwork greater than anything seen before in minecraft don't kill him don't kill him we need we need cooperation and peace okay i'm sorry i'm sorry they killed each other a few times but to be honest we made a pretty good team and went straight to the bottom of the world to gather riches for the track but in my time with carter i learned a few things about it and i don't care about rules so i'm going to turn x-ray on i mean i smell diamonds this way did you just learn how to do that like learn how to smell the diamonds yeah i found it on the internet as i made myself diamond armor i detailed the entire plan to the team first we're gonna build a statue of wreck wrap but we're gonna make sure to cover it in a wall of sand and give it as a present to wreck wrap this will give us a reason to keep them in one place so that as soon as we drop the walls we hit him with an anvil with a few preliminary anvils i created an entirely new discord so i could infiltrate their group chat and what do you know they accepted my invite oh my gosh i feel like i'm infiltrating a secret group love your videos perfect oh yeah a scorpion found a pickaxe that has fortune 255. let's go let's go now you might be questioning the character of this fake wreck rap not only does he scam people and allow fortune 255 but he says this in his bio i accept all dms telling me that i'm the greatest and blah blah blah blah please if you ever see that in my bio just hit me with an anvil my ego is getting too big alrighty we got a base of operations going oh this is so sick look at scorpion go look at him i made a base found a location to drop the anvils but we still had a lot of work left [Music] [Applause] building was going great at this point but then he realized the wall of sand is too small so it's got to go wow that's a bit sad as i was rebuilding massive sandball to reveal it to the fake wreck rap i was on a call with my friend parrot and he tells me he's made this cool tweet hello recrap two we don't have an actual punishment for losing the one million subscriber race how about the loser eats a ghost pepper this is what somebody looks like when they eat a ghost pepper it's not great some of you might want to see me eat a ghost pepper but here's the thing this is my face parrot hasn't shown his face so if you subscribe to me and i win you get a face reveal out of parrot and i've already shown my face so please subscribe i don't want to eat those peppers i've made some good progress the whole body is done but now we have the hard job of doing the face i need like five different colored blocks for the face so here goes the smile or actually i don't know if it's a smile or a beard no oh it doesn't even look good i'm gonna try brown concrete oh that looks oh that doesn't even look bad cool it's getting somewhere no we're not another one well i got very lucky if this sign got broke the entire wall would come down with that i think i think the statue's done yeah okay so i think the next thing we need to do is make a nether portal at sky limit so we have an easy way to get up there and just sit up there with anvils and wait to drop them i guess [Music] if the fake wreck wraps are gonna be sitting in these chairs i'm gonna go up here and make a portal so theoretically if we drop an anvil through this hole it'll hit a chair also theoretically if we drop an envelope through this hole it'll hit the other chair now all i needed to do was link a portal from the bottom of the world to the top of the wall and i can't tell you how many times i thought let's go it works only to realize it didn't connect up properly and i had to mine the obsidian and build a new portal actually i can tell you it was two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen different portals we did get it to work though also my teammates were making huge progress too i mean look at this a diamond beacon well some of them the last things i did for the trap was double check the drop so it would hit the actual wreck wrap but even if that missed i made a backup dropping i really need to hit this guy he's finishing it off let's go okay i don't know if i was being too precautious but if our first anvil attempt doesn't work i need to find a way to get the fake wreck rap to stand still so i can hit him with an anvil from up there and i think the best way to do that is to add a cookie dispenser cookie dispenser it works oh the last thing i need to do um is prepare and build the reason for this is i need the anvils on the last length of durability so that when they hit the ground they disappear and i can hit him with another one so this way hopefully i can hit him with seven anvils instead of one 60 damaged anvils let's go let's drop a few inside the head and summit world oh my gosh everything's ready okay somebody's on crim smp i really hope it's not the fake raft i started freaking out there should be no way the fake wreck rap knows it's a trap like everything's invisible at skyline there's just no way so i investigated the discord look at this i say hey recrap love your videos an entire day later mind you a that's all we said did the a mean anything i really had no clue but i hopped on the server to wait carter said he'd be on at four o'clock it was now four o'clock minutes went by nobody was logging on the fake rack rap should have logged on carter should have logged on did they know what was going on was my plan ruined uh no i just read four o'clock when it was actually 4 30. so i got worked up for nothing but carter logged on i showed them the newly improved cookie dispenser and we asked if rack rap could log on okay no what i couldn't believe he said no all of this work built up to this moment but then i realized something the person who said no was probably the one impersonating me just as i suspected when he logged off the other admin said hey yeah of course he can get oh my gosh okay perfect perfect okay i'm gonna go to the next guess what we're waiting i have a server idea i want to run by you too possibly get like a free revive okay here pause that for a moment oh my gosh she's on it's wreck rap there's wreck wrap full of metal right of course let's go okay yeah lead them over to the uh yeah they're in the they're sitting on the chairs oh they are okay which chair is record not uh uh wait he hasn't sat down yet okay he is in the right chair okay okay do i reveal it now um give it a second say hold on and then go come on i should have picked up uh did i hit them did i hit them did i hit him carter did i hit him not only did i hit him but i hit him with seven angels and get this i i still can't believe this he answered my discord call hey wreck wrap are you pretending to be me uh no no then why is your uh icon wreck wrap because because uh uh i i like you so much you know uh uh yeah yeah you're the best youtuber ever oh thank you thank you oh you're not wreck rap are you sure i don't know okay all right listen it is pretty funny and i get the joke but please don't impersonate me especially if you're asking people to give you money to be in a video or something like that have a good day [Applause] oh he was talking yo you should subscribe because we're so close to a million but like actually only subscribe if you want to watch the videos because that's what it's for so unless you're totally against it consider subscribing
Channel: rekrap2
Views: 7,226,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rekrap, lifesteal, Minecraft
Id: U8MHQrzP3-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 05 2022
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