If I lose this bet, I can't wear clothes

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do you think it's possible to defeat Minecraft's deadliest boss while committing public indecency all because you don't want to walk around butt naked on a Minecraft server this isn't a rhetorical question by the way I need answers I got myself into some trouble it all began when my friends and I started a brand new server and starting fresh means that everyone grinds for hours just to get their hands on the best armor in the game well here's my hot take [Applause] I do not like getting my own armor it is so boring therefore I've developed a plan to obtain set armor without having to do any of the boring work it's just gonna cost me one crazy idea a whole lot of confidence and a friend who can't say no to a crazy bet do you think it's possible for me to defeat the warden without wearing any armor whatsoever not even with your suit on are you willing to maybe make this into a little bit of a bet oh now you know my weak point if I win then you have to stack me out with full netherite gear full armor elytra the tools everything now the plan is working perfectly but solely would only agree on one condition if you die you can't wear armor for the rest of the season kind of sounds like a scam but screw it I'm in all right just got back from vacation and now I'm gonna need a plan to figure out a way to kill the warden uh but more importantly not die doing it so I'm gonna look around the shops here and see if there's anything that could actually help me with that was this lethal defense okay whoa yo oh my God wait eight diamonds bro oh my God I know what I'm gonna be doing right now now this may sound like a bad idea that's probably because it is I'm uh only giving myself 24 hours to prepare to fight the warden and before you're going all like gee that's such a bad idea you should allow yourself to give more time listen listen if I don't have a deadline I might as well just never have been given the task in the first place because I'm just not gonna do it and I've already told solely about this so no changing my mind now oh my God finally that guy was bugging me all right let's get some diamonds [Music] [Applause] oh God oh my God oh my God now I've never even interacted with the warden up until that point and I gotta say I didn't know he had a freaking ranged attack that can shoot through walls seeing how quickly the warden finished me off made me realize that I could very likely lose this bet I know I originally did this to get some free armor but I'm starting to realize I may have bitten off a bit more than I can chew it's a scary thought but I can't keep thinking about that so I hopped back down into the mines managed to recover all my items and even got enough diamonds to purchase the sword come to Daddy wait was come to Daddy you you heard nothing enjoy who's your daddy no no seriously who who's that Man's father purchasing the sword has given me a strong offense against the warden however after our encounter with him we're gonna need a very strong defense too enter the totem of undying now just like the name entails if you're holding the totem it's gonna allow you to well not die but the problem is that these things are pretty hard to obtain in order to get a totem of and dying you need to kill one of these guys but fortunately for us people have been smart enough to develop Farms to get loads of these items in survival it's just gonna be a pain to do so okay this looks like the perfect spot for a rave Farm just need to dig a big hole okay hole is acquired now it's time for this lovely pick to become a villager's new home I just need to get a villager over here first yay I should probably try speed bridging then no oh no oh my God oh my God I totally choked oh my God buddy you have no idea just how much I went through to get you here [Music] back sesame [Music] okay I think I just saw some of oakers drop so if I'm correct we let's go now completing the raid Farm burn through quite a bit of time but we were pumping out plenty of totems for the fight and so with its completion I was not only able to get evokers to spawn but another rare mob which gave me an idea so there's a ravager right here I wonder how hard he is to beat with no armor on okay pretty hard apparently uh I'm gonna have to Workshop this idea for a bit bow and fire okay got him now it's just a single battle between you and I oh boy we do this without totem popping oh my sword broke or my shield oh no oh oh let's go that was so easy well my kid I could have done that all day now it felt so good to win but it was a short-lived Victory I mean once I realized that the warden Has the strength of five hole ravagers I knew Brute Force alone just wasn't gonna cut it so if I want to ensure my survival I'm gonna need to learn how the Borden operates therefore I called up my friend who survived 100 Days with him to teach me and we descended into the Earth to begin our journey you coming let me tell you the first thing you gotta do uh you have to find it's home where it lives now you might be thinking if we just wander recklessly like this eventually we'll set off some some Shrieker or something it'll summon some terrible demon that'll want to kill us that's that's not a real concern all right that's what children are afraid of okay so remember when I said you shouldn't just run around aimlessly and and would just do that because you shouldn't be afraid be very afraid that's a terrible idea never ever set one of these guys off because when you do then like you get one shot and then you get and then you get an another shot um and and then if you if you set off another one then the warden comes so what you're saying is oh my God but look down there cheap I just said [Applause] I'll smell you he can smell you what I don't know if it's good for me or for you but I can hear it oh God I dug right into another city oh Chief I'm I'm it's home another one [Music] frenzy do you have any idea what you're doing I really I don't know I feel like we were both underprepared for this moment [Applause] I guess I'm gonna have to beat the warden using Brute Force okay so I'm in a task world and I've set up my inventory to match exactly what I have on the echocraft server got my strong sword I've got my totems and if I go in survival like oh my God like like the dude still obliterates you but fear not because I have a plan you see Minecraft has a lot of potions in the game and each potion has a different effect while I came across this one called the potion of the turtle master so if I get myself a bunch of potions put myself in survival and spawn a warden if you'll check it out look at this I well I do move incredibly slow but on the plus side look at this I can take three blows from the warden with no armor to make these potions you need a turtle shell which means it's time to become a father to many baby turtles [Music] foreign [Music] I'm going to have to defend them against the monsters throughout the night I'm defending my babies I'm the Knight please don't please you're not all oh boy that's a broken shield oh my God I'm a little bit stuck um less than ideal oh is that is is that is that all right let's go let's go let's skew we got a skew I've got two scoots well I think we've got another skew you oh that's three and four okay a little more food for the turtles I need one more scoot here you go sir ah maybe I should have just given it some time but we got six scoop thingies all right let's head home make ourselves a brewing stand and finally after so long craft potions of the turtle master finally [Music] foreign yeah quite quite busy uh prepping stuff I gotta say this looks pretty good I'm feeling pretty confident so confident in fact that I've already hit up solely I'm ready to take on the warden he'll be here any minute so I think I'm gonna hop into a test world and just get some practice fights in with my setup just to you know warm up before the big fight what how does how do you run to me so fast I can't even do this in my email agent world oh God I'm in so much danger right now I don't think I'm gonna be able to use armor this whole season okay I think I fixed it we'll see oh oh yeah yeah yeah totally um this is going really well by the way we're we're doing perfect this I'm gonna win this thing for sure I can't tell you why I didn't figure out my fighting strategy before telling solely that the bite was happening considering I still had eight hours before I actually had to fight the warden I could have just used that time to prepare however solely's here I'm barely ready and if I still want to be able to wear armor for the rest of the season I'm gonna need to pray for a freaking Miracle but let me be real with you guys I I'm worried that I'll actually lose this bet right Chief death awaits yeah yeah I don't need your attitude it's not attitude it's positivity oh no I I'm pretty sure it's attitude positive attitude positive attitude you want to place a bet here Mr positive attitude okay now boys I am gonna be getting myself I'm gonna be not hearing you can hear me but I'm going to be muting you guys so I can okay get into this I'll talk to you on the other side okay have fun oh he's so gonna die he's gonna last um are we having a bet okay well um the heck is wrong with me why am I doing this maybe he was there I don't know where I want to put that this is honestly these are micro details remember the training let's go find a good spot to uh to spawn them there it is right over there all right here we go oh God is he up there he is okay we're fighting hi oh my God oh my God running like um foreign there you go no more armor for chief I'm gonna keep my eye on you for the rest of the season to make sure there are no tricky games you got it boss hold on a shield counts as armor no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no not in my book read the terms and conditions of the bets solely now I don't care what any of y'all say I am using that Shield but if you think this video is over just because I lost the bet sit down and buckle up kiddo because we're not done yet my original motive for this challenge was to get some free armor and I don't mind that I lost the bet I mean that's just the reality of Life guys but I'm just hot and bothered by the fact that I got cocky and fought the warden seven hours before I had to this isn't about the armor anymore I feel like I owe you guys a proper fight win or lose and maybe I'm the only one that's thinking that right now but screw it you can't tell me what to do it's my video please still love me though so to honor those seven wasted hours I hopped into a test World redesigned my entire fighting strategy and face the warden once more this time I'm prepared there he is there he is it's your Apple load up bro okay [Music] eat [Music] oh my God oh my shield almost oh I barely made it out there oh my God oh [Music] [Laughter] let's go oh my God that's so good suck it Warden
Channel: That Chief Guy
Views: 525,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft smp, minecraft survival, that chief guy, that chief guy echocraft, chief minecraft, chief
Id: zcyhTAQV2qM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 16 2022
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