So I accidentally shrunk my friends

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i did some sketchy stuff in minecraft the other day and i wanted to show my friends what i found boy was that a bad idea boys follow me please because there i did a little bit of uh experimenting and kind of tweaking in the minecraft code and you know filtering through some data packs and i i found some interesting things and i i was hoping to share with you dude there's an in-room block yeah and you know funny thing about the emerald block almost as if i took this from another video it does a thing so you guys please welcome to my laboratory you welcome to my science lab so i that that is very expensive i'm gonna have to ask you to get right there if i can have you all hop into the observation room i want to show you guys something okay okay yeah okay observing it's pretty lit man i'm observing right it's it's not bad not bad digs so in the process of sifting through some of the minecraft code and data packs i found i came across this this is none other than a shrinking device no i've always wanted no no no no hold on hold on no no no no if you get to wait let me try let me verify brandy hold on hold on be careful with it though be careful be careful with it wait if you guys get too aggressive with it wait if you get too impressed it's a very fragile device there's only one thing if you do it too fast something like i don't know what's happened it does not stable code it's not stable code you gotta oh i got kicked from the server i told you it wasn't stable code after that little incident i rebooted the server and all of us hopped back into the world but something was wrong guys guys where are you where are you this is not the same world where's my lab oh whoa where's mike oh there you go wait wreck what is that [Music] wait let me get this straight so we were in the lab i was showing you the shrinking device right right right does anybody like have the shrinky thing can we just get back to normal well no i don't have it on me i've got nothing on me oh my god my face this is interesting let me let me go back into some of the code real quick uh huh [Music] uh-oh okay boys good news the shrinking device is here in the world excellent good bad news fantastic is that the ender dragon has it bad news you're on your own see you later all right i'm going with brandy i'm going with a leprechaun well i hope he takes you to his pot of gold don't worry i convinced them to stay i don't know if you noticed this when we screwed up the game it also put us in hardcore mode if we even want to have a chance at getting back to normal size we need to beat the game kill the dragon and not die once doing it okay well i mean i'm down if you're down let's just start gearing up just playing some craft like we normally would except two of us have been super sized and the other one is applying for uh a leprechaun job yeah i'm applying to be one of snow white's dwarfs oh we need stone tools or something hey um big guy maybe you could like go grab some sheep and like twist their necks off with their arms or something andre the giant don't die you got one life oh i can one shot cows they're like eight times my size get owned get owned cows truth be told we got a little carried away in our new bodies and didn't even know that night arrived we scrambled to find shelter but with sieve at four blocks tall that proved to be quite the struggle come on get it get it get it get it go go go go go get in crouch crouch come on get up don't hit your head big guy right there okay i think all of the holes are packed oh my god wreck you are so i can't stop saying it you just look so cute hey i'm just a normal person like you too chief you know you can't be treating the short people different [Music] we should focus on food today i say we just go in a direction and just like slaughter all of the animals on our way [Music] with a full belly we went down into the caves to get iron to upgrade our gear hopefully this will protect us for what's coming next oh suit up let's go okay grabbing some coal and then i went whoa you okay i got down to three hearts how are you guys doing on armor and stuff out here i'm fully i'm fresh you guys are decked okay cool i am decked two so oh okay yeah let's stop mining the iron then do we want to enchant how do we feel about enchants yeah maybe maybe we should do some enchanting before we go to another we're gonna enchant we need diamonds we gotta go and start digging for diamonds at some point yeah let's go to start digging for diamonds yeah okay are you coming down to dig for diamonds with us yeah sure great oh oh it's getting loud it's getting loud start poking holes in the walls guys found a spawner let's go what all right what kind what kind i don't want a giant cave this is nice oh diamonds i see diamonds let's go boys oh wait no that's zombie i see a zombie i definitely see diamonds but we gotta work for him this is gonna be a heck of a trudge oh i see the diamonds oh they're on the wall or the roof yeah yeah yeah gotta dig up this is an amethyst geodude how'd you see that from so far i'm i got eyes like a hawk with diamonds acquired we set up an enchant table and leveled up our gear and created a portal to the nether and this is where the journey gets seriously lethal you see the nether is an unforgiving land and when you're playing on hardcore that means no time for mistakes which is already bad enough but when your body is either the size of a mcdonald's happy meal or a freaking light post well to say i'm nervous is an understatement but we came here for two reasons and that first one is a bastion oh i see another weights this way oh let's go there yeah another way all right to the netherlands sebastian bashing ahead already what yeah oh that is the scariest bridging i've ever seen in my life just you huge walking yes this little thing yeah if we run into a brew guys i think we're like kind yeah come here come here all right they're down nice i do have uh i got some gold boots which i recommend for everyone okay i'm just gonna stealing all of these guys gold right now all right i'm trading with the the peeps right now i'm trading like 40 gold with picklings right now hopefully we get pearls yeah pearls we got i gotta admit the nether isn't seeming so bad now i mean we got all the ender pearls we needed so all that's left on our shopping list is blaze ruts but the only place to get them is in a nether fortress so we set off on another little adventure no fortress no anything ramsay nothing just more bad by them i mean well let's see we can scavenge some east in eastern terrain yeah i went east into the soul sand valley i'm not seeing anything sure whoa this is the boxiest terrain i've ever seen oh that's a pickaxe camp found one found one found one oh accords 700 negative 100. all right we're gonna do our best to get there um sieve how do you feel about crawling i'm good all right i still got that chat door you good good because that's going to come in handy now where are you guys right now we are tunneling towards the car oh you're tunneling okay yeah i think it's gonna be quicker there's not a lot of great tourists oh i see you i see you oh you're going the wrong way other way where where this way west or you were looking the other way oh do you see me i'm jumping up and down i can see you come southwest do you see bastion the fortress what's your rendered distance you have you have fog on no no no no options uh wait wait wait wait wait wait no no wait sip new fortrex save sip sip i'm here okay i'm okay i'm okay i got i got chicken we got chicken please don't don't kill me don't burn me don't burn me to death don't do it sit no no [Music] no no oh no oh rest in peace my friend the big guy didn't last well you know that's to be expected large people have a uh shorter lifespan man you really trust me you really you you had no remorse there was like you you went through all five stages of grief sorry okay okay i'm here right okay let's go drink your fires potion branzy go go go go go [Music] oh i almost hit you like twice [Music] are you alive branzie wait stay exactly where you are i'm coming for you i have two hearts you just my gosh you have food do you have food i don't have food okay okay okay okay i found your your paths on the soul sand valley i'm making my way over oh i see it i see it it's in sight where are you branzie like literally straight ahead do you have a fire resonance i do but i'm about to pod up real quick jump off the cliff so sad there's like three wither skills on you holy crap there's a lot of mobs man yeah i see it i see it's between us uh then there was one ah just do your thing branzie all right here we go okay there's one right next to you yeah there you go yeah there you faced an army go this before [Music] oh that one dropped one yeah there you go branson see easy they can't hurt you just kill them yeah nice they dropped one too so there are two blades sitting on the couch okay up here this is where you died uh go right forward it's right down under on the uh another platform oh he's of course he hit me of course oh gosh i gotta go i gotta go oh boy i gotta go build a build a little wall right in front of you if you got blocks oh i'm dead sorry boys oh no oh well for the record i think average is still best that's a win in my book [Music]
Channel: That Chief Guy
Views: 456,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft shrink mod, that chief guy, that chief guy minecraft, chief minecraft, rekrap2, rekrap, branzy, branzy craft, civ minecraft, a civilian, minecraft hardcormode, minecraft hard mode survival, minecraft hardcore
Id: sEyD8taIUGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 05 2022
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