Beating Minecraft's Easter Egg Update

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April 1st 2020 Minecraft released the infinite Dimension snapshot an April Fool's update where you can write anything in a book to get a randomly generated Dimension based on your message for the most part they're full of Withers completely pointless and crash your game but there are 43 hard-coded dimensions and according to the wiki you can craft an end portal so I wanted to see if I could beat the game using nothing but these wacky Dimensions also there is now a wreck rap plushie it's got a detachable Anvil it is actually the first thing I've ever sold unless you can't that one time I scammed clown Pierce it's available today for one month so if you're looking for a Christmas present and you want a wreck rap original plushie the link is down in the description anyways back to the video by default we get one dimension to start this Challenge and the only one that gives us a chance of beating the game is the library Dimension every book on the wall is accessed to a brand new dimension knowing I would starve soon I opened my first one ah ah yes my favorite dimension how do I uh okay all right I'm so screwed oh my god um how am I supposed to survive this I knew that because I was in hardcore I would die of starvation soon so I had to make a plan fast I decided to try and make it towards the grass but I needed blocks to get across the lava we parkour oh my how did I get that lucky there's just blue terracotta right there best I can guess is the concrete glitches out when falling near water and turns solid we're almost to safety okay I've made it you know things aren't as bad as they could be there's there's Withers sure but I've got wood and friendly companions oh I don't want to end up like the I think it's coming straight for me go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go everything is fine here I'm just gonna get some blocks and make it back to my portal oh oh oh I've never been so scared of of a silverfish oh my Lanta give me some food oh my gosh thank you this is the only food I have you can starve in hardcore now that I had food I made my way back to the portal only to see a Wither underneath oh he's sinking in the lava wait wait this is perfect this is perfect so I bridged far above the lava and the Wither didn't seem to notice okay okay I'm out of this Dimension I'm never coming back it wasn't a great first experience but I still needed food so I took my chances with the next book zombie spawner oh my gosh okay Golden Apple this is a good Dimension I love this you know for a second I thought we weren't gonna be able to get any stone because this Dimension is literally what is this jungle logs but we spawned in one of the few structures that has Stone that's kind of funny oh lava oh no this whole dimension is compromised so I headed out of that Dimension with my single piece of bread in search of more food not before I put in a safety rail though if we fall down we're dead my hopes were going down the drain as I entered a white terracotta Dimension not useful in the slightest but eventually I found something good yeah oh I'm in Paradise are these diamond blocks these are diamond blocks I just can't I can't mine any until I get iron but look at that instant health potions yo please tell me this is loot orders obliterate cocktails I don't think I can do anything with them though so we'll just leave those tons of obsidian here if I could only get iron I could make a diamond pick not being able to get the diamonds was a bit sad but I had food now and lots of it these chests were everywhere around the world which meant I could begin phase one of the plan getting written books which are made of three things books feathers and ink I didn't have a dimension for any of these resources so I started looking oh this is new oh lag my game literally crashed which is terrible because if I get a world that automatically crashes me I'm never gonna be able to load it and the world is as good as debt but I turn my render distance down to two and everything seemed to be fine something in this direction crashes the game but I still want to explore this okay bookshelves are huge one out of three down but I had still no sign of squid or chicken I feel like this is gonna take forever to get those two items progress was slow until I stumbled across what I like to call the wacky docky planes Dimension like all of the colors are off it looks so weird chickens okay okay okay oh that was a baby we got books feathers I need some ink sacks while there weren't any squid in this Dimension there was a village so I got a ton of food and finally got iron you guys thinking what I'm thinking yo I think that's about the quickest I've ever gotten diamond armor all the diamonds were cool I had to return to the slog of checking Dimension after dimension in search of squid it wasn't all bad though some of them were pretty interesting dude this is just the nether whoa what are all these like ring looking things okay can we take a minute to appreciate this Dimension I don't know what it is about the blue glowy thing but I think it's my favorite Dimension although there are quote unquote two billion unique Dimensions many of them look identical things are starting to seem not as rare as I thought they were this looks awfully familiar see this Dimension same carpet thing same ships in the sky thing this only supported my theory that the only way to beat the game is with the 43 East your egg Dimensions but it was also making written books much harder to get wait I get a totem of undying from that oh crap oh crap well we have a totem now some Dimensions were good others well they just prevented you from mining for five minutes is that the void that's the void get me out of this Dimension too some even crashed my game I um eventually I came up with a way to detect squids without actually exploring hopefully I would crash less because of this it's the pie chart basically you can hold shift when you press F3 it'll pull up this debug menu and you can change it in a way to detect all of the entities in your rendered area in our case we're looking for squid so we got vindicators guardians Phantom oh my gosh there's Giants in this Dimension although you've never seen that in survival look at me zombie is that an igloo thank you [Music] oh my gosh there's a dragon teleporting dragons we leave if I was gonna survive this update I was gonna need some better armor oh yo infinite ancient debris are you kidding me we can make some netherrite armor this is exactly where I need it to be because there's gold here wait just soak it in man soak in this picture look at me now we have another armor and a totem on day five what the netherite armor was great for hardcore it keep me from dying but I was still in desperate need of squid why does this look like why does this look so weird wait this is Obsidian pillars there's no way that this is the end there's no way I just stumble across an end Dimension where I can beat a dragon right what I was really excited for a moment but there was no dragon so no beating in the game I did get a ton of pearls though which would come in handy later and I did find a better Dimension guys I think I blue screened just kidding it's just a blue dimension surely surely there's squid here there's squid I see you squid oh whoa whoa look at this all that is just in your face isn't it that's really cool oh my gosh there's Phantoms it is daytime Phantoms finally with ink sacks I could visit the Easter egg Dimensions I know for a fact there's one called Bridge the plan was to make a dedicated portal for each Easter egg Dimension how naive I was I think this one has obsidian in it okay this is only gonna take 17 years to mine okay here's what I'm thinking this room will be dedicated to all of the Easter egg portals Frick we need a way to light it um do we have one piece of iron the thing preventing me from exploring the new dimension isn't like netherite armor or a totem it's gravel have we been to any Dimensions with gravel yet here I'm gonna check some footage huh wait wait wait we have been to one oh yeah wood but deadly that's the right one gravel gravel gravel this is not gravel is it this one [Music] here we come bridge I'm I'm really excited this will be the first Easter egg Dimension besides the library of course that I visit did I spell it wrong Bridges yo yo I feel like I'm in Harry Potter or something while this one didn't have an End Portal I was certain one of the next 42 wood all I needed was more obsidian but according to the math I needed 420 obsidian and there was no way I was doing that without an enchanted pick Let's Take stock of our situation we need four obsidian printing table I can just steal from the original portal we also need a book which I have two diamonds easy as pie boom okay enchanting table I need lapis Frick um give me some lapis give me some lapis give me some oh crap might as well get some Blazer odds right whoa I feel like I'm in a video game I mean that's a stupid thing to say but that's what it feels like ooh Emerald do you guys see that [Applause] wow what a reaction this mob can only be found with commands I've always wanted to like fight one oh crap oh crap oh oh this is not a good idea we're out of here where's the portal let me out okay okay I will never I'll never touch you again I think I've crashed my game whoa that was that was so weird whoa there's like no sound in this dimension whoa do you guys hear that there's no sound about 20 Dimensions later I had a revelation wait a sec you can get lapis from villagers I'd already found villagers so I made my way back not before a quick crash and got some lapis wait hold on I gotta try something can't people can't you like not sleep in it okay okay I'll just I need two more levels yes all of that so I can just mine obsidian a little bit faster it actually wasn't as bad as I thought I just threw on a podcast and spent the next I don't know half hour hour mining obsidian aha we can visit all of the Easter egg Dimensions we're gonna start in alphabetical order we've already done and next up is basic I can't tell you how long I've been waiting to visit this Dimension yo okay that looks cool most of these actually won't help us to getting like an end portal to beat the game but I still have to check every single Dimension the end portal could be in any of them so next up black light oh nutso oh what the heck brand yo look at this chest was boring and so were colors but content content I was excited for dude look at that it's literally it it's Skyblock after bridging over there was a chest with like a beacon in it which is cool but not what I need so I visited a construction darkness which was really cool by the way Decay and Fleet until I reached Gallery what the I don't even know what this is this is the coolest looking Dimension though by far it's an End Portal sadly I couldn't break it in this Dimension but if I ever needed a block I could just go to this Dimension and find it every block that is except for TNT whoa whoa whoa for some reason it ignites whenever you try and break it um before you ask I did look for an End Portal I couldn't find one there was another portal which made me think there was an End Portal I spent 10 or so minutes looking around for one couldn't find one so I figure I can always come back to here might as well check the other dimensions first dude this place is turning out I'm gonna add another layer to these so many portal sounds holes oh isolation wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait guys guys this is a special Dimension we need to go to zero zero I saw something in the files called the house of Bob please tell me that's it dude I can't believe this is a thing it's just wait what does the sign say IGN Rec lamb tack says wreck in there so I think I'm welcome oh Bob's other dog Bob's dog their cousin Jim dude this is Bob oh my gosh very fine item this is an item that can only be found in this update in this Dimension thanks for the gift Bob I appreciate it oh my oh I'm sorry after getting another totem I went to the Llama Dimension which had the wackiest portal I've ever seen what the relax enjoy I feel like I'm gonna get trapped dude wait a book nothing to solve from what I can tell all the rooms just repeat themselves I think that the developer said nothing to solve in hopes that players would be like oh my gosh there is something to solve they're lying but I think the developers are just trolling the next few Dimensions were a bust some even telling me we apologize for the inconvenience that's really funny yo that looks so cool is that another right Beacon whoa this looks weird Okay pause did you see that I walked up nether right stairs this is the only update where they exist and I forgot to collect them kind of sad but there was another exclusive item in the chest oh my gosh I I have the footprints oh I feel so cool dude unfortunately the following Dimensions had nothing to help me beat the game and I ran out of feather so I couldn't open any of the new ones and it's been like a week since I got those feathers I got like addicted to speedrunning and didn't record this video for like many days straight so I'm hoping I marked it down here feathers feathers anywhere feathers we have patterns dude I'm like in The Matrix what the heck as I explore the remaining Dimensions many of them were cool but there was no hint of an End Portal anywhere there's a command block I can't access it I can't even break it I thought back to the wiki it said End Portals can be constructed could I have missed something I mean I missed the netherite stairs but then I realized it was talking about creative mode there was no way to make an end portal no way to beat the game but as I visited the last three dimensions I realized something they had the same terrain generation generation that looked identical to the Overworld there was a chance a small one that a stronghold generated in these Dimensions so I made myself Eyes of Ender can I throw it in this dimension now I cannot throw it here uh maybe I can throw it in one of the color Dimensions oh my gosh I can't throw it I can throw it I can throw it so I got a few more blaze rods almost dying in the process and made it to the surface of the green using skills I picked up from speedrunning I determined the stronghold was a thousand blocks away so I headed out and got some wool along the way because I was gonna attempt to kill the dragon with beds hey I found it oh oh oh we're here oh and watch this I've learned some cool things about strongholds this right behind here 100 certainty is a hidden room oh that was that was where I knew it I was in the portal room dude dude dude are we actually gonna beat it oh my God we have the perfect amount of eyes do I just send it dude everything's back to normal yo I gotta do is beat the game that's easy that's easy right oh oh um uh okay problem the dragon the dragon is in here if you don't know there's a thousand block gap between the outer islands and the main end Island so I made my way to the edge and started bridging but thankfully I spotted a Gateway off in the distance this would take me back to the main end Island if everything went right but as we know this update can be a little bit glitchy oh no what happened where am I dude where am I this should be the main end Island it's the main end Island please the dragon does exist it's not bugged out I've been training for this moment it's just me and you Dragon I had seven Beds which from my practice was plenty to kill the dragon but as it approached I purled to the Fountain and something was off it was a different update one that I had never practiced so I completely messed up the one cycle I had no boat which left me with one option take out all of the crystals manually oh gosh foreign [Music] we'll kill it with a book ready watch this oh that's so fitting dude that's so fitting wait imagine if we throw a book through the end portal does it change the end portal okay now that would have been too good to be true we did it though we actually did it thank for watching and I'll see you [Music] yo that's actually way cooler than I thought dude look at that oh my God [Music]
Channel: rekrap2
Views: 4,012,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rekrap, lifesteal, Minecraft
Id: LU9JtSwxBqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 03 2022
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