I Became Leader Of A Public Minecraft SMP

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yo bros over there with spifter jason guys take him down that's me fighting to become the ruler of minecraft's popular smp immortalcraft and if you're gonna ask me how i ended up here well i kind of started a cult to take over the server [Music] a few weeks ago the server owner hit me up and asked me to make a video playing on their server but all i read was hey chiefy poo will you please join my server and take full control of it now mind you i have never conquered anything before so i decided to do a little research to figure out how i could take over the server after quite a few hours i found that there are three phases to take over any minecraft smp and that first phase is to acquire powerful gear now that i have a plan i grabbed my friend and hopped into the server to begin my quest for total server domination now people are staring at me oh yeah they don't know who i am not yet all right if we're going to conquer the server let's just start bold hey aqua what do i have to do to get some of that netherrite here did you really think i was going to go mining for my gear you sir need a reality check but aqua didn't answer my question instead he just invited brands united to his clan so for now i'll join it and i'll follow him because i have a plan to get his netherride armor tell me where to go leader i mean follower we're the leaders yeah obviously well he doesn't know that yet we're gonna we're gonna really make him aware where are you it's night time where are you i am i don't know i don't know why a big pink thing apparently this server teleports you randomly into the world so ramsay aqua and i got separated and needless to say we handled the situation maturely all right i'm at negative 39 70. uh i see a pink i see a pink listen man i'm thinking pink you good uh i got bloated uh by a creeper it's fine i'm fine eventually branzie and i met up at a ruined shelter waiting for aqua to pick us up oh creeper don't hurt my friend come on let's play tennis oh look aqua's here hey aqua eventually we regrouped and made our way to aqua's base and as we were voyaging off into the wilderness i took a moment to stop and smell the roses you see i wanted to experience this server in its truest and purest form before i conquer and claim its land for my own but boy oh boy was that a short-lived wish what the heck is that wow we have the mega profanity over here let's just all gawk together that's a beautiful artist look at this sweet gawk it's a huge gawk it's the most gawk i've ever seen in my life it's a lot of gawking it'll lay down the gawk wow that's a really big gog i've seen some gawk in my time that's the biggest i am oh look gold that's nice we can make a golden gauck later if you want once i rule over this server the first order of business is to take down that giant freaking gawk however i can't really do that until i get aqua's netherride armor so branzie and i continue to follow him until the opportunity presents itself whoa giant freaking hole is this the place i'm at negative 250 negative 770 so i think i'm here okay all right so i'm just gonna boat clutch my way down oh wait wait oh i see aqua i see you both i'm in a tree house you're in a tree it's just a ladder dude just yeah did you see the big cave um maybe do you see the big tree house what no i'm in the cave i'm in the big hole you can't miss the big hole i see it it is a i see the big come in my big gaping hole how did how did you get down i bow closed cheers look he's putting water up for you baby come here he's got water he's got water there's no there's a strip of water it's a line it's not a it's not like there's some water all right well come on he's trying to make it bigger for you good job buddy remember i have a plan to obtain aqua's netherride armor and that plan is haggling the truest art form of a car salesman if you don't know what haggling is by the way ask me in the comments because my frail abd cannot take time to explain it in this video but down to business the first step is to ask aqua what his price for the armor would be and i gotta tell you this guy is aiming high he wanted the official ip to the echocraft server naturally that's too big of an ask so i had to break his hopes which brings us to step two counter offer aqua mentioned he is a big fan of rec rap 2. so i proposed i would get wrecked on the server and aqua could kill him so with my offer out there i just prayed he would take it wait a minute oh we've got a deal we've got a deal oh we got a ping wreck oh my god we got a ping wreck [Music] hey so let me get this a random guy on the server said if you can get recrap online to kill me i'll give you all my netherright arms that's exactly it currently we're using our youtuber clout to take over a server and phase one is get equipped with gear oh i love it i love it i just messaged hey wreck so people actually know i'm not just a fraud screw you yeah anyways it's time for a battle i think i'm gonna start creating him out i got this go go do it go go he's not going to see it coming he's confused good job wreck you got this man they came up into the stands with the king and queen ah the winner wait did you kill him how did you do oh my god how do we take over a server when rhett gets in here and just starts oblitering everyone with an axe like this this man skipped from phase one to phase three immediately unsurprisingly aqua disconnected and backed out of our agreement so now i look like an idiot wasting six minutes of my viewers time find all cave and go mining like a casual but i'm not happy about it and with enough diamonds to suit up in full diamond armor we can move swiftly into phase two of total server domination so ladies and gentlemen it's time we start the cult propaganda it essentially means marketing for cultists so if we want people to join our cult we need to make them aware we have a cult to join in the first place so branzi wreck and i built a starter base of operations which is the hub for all cult activity i then tasked the other two to begin setting up signs around the world to guide players to our location meanwhile i would be gathering the masses by using my youtuber clout to send out a large-scale propaganda poster through a youtube community post and i made sure to provide all the necessary information what the post is about name dropping big youtubers for status and presenting everyone with an opportunity for fame oh and the server ip yeah that that was kind of important so i'm just gonna i'm just gonna let this sink in here for anyone that i don't know might wanna copy the server ip down you know so you can meet up with me in the future and the only way to meet up with me in the future is to subscribe and turn on post notifications so you can stay updated and join me in future videos that was lame anyways i sent rec and branzie to wait at server spawn ready to corral our new recruits to the cult hq and once they were in position i hit send and the propaganda went live send them through chief i'm ready i'm ready to receive them the eternal oh the internals here oh oh oh i see the internal we're like walmart greeters this is awesome this is like a dream oh they're all going and they're all going in this is the forming of the cult oh we got all of them running in circles oh my god oh they're coming up oh this is so cool they're literally scaling them this was awesome people were arriving at the cult ready to take over the server but many more were still on their way and i had to wait until everyone was here before i revealed my plans so i distracted the early birds with their favorite task i sent them to the mines the great stone mine goes open mine go go go go go go [Music] come on it's okay it's okay just go it's all right i'm just trying to keep the flow trying to keep the workers inspired yeah that's what we're doing we keep keep the workers inspired keep the morale high we don't want them to unionize as soon as that happens we're done put the put the funky music on wait wait wait i'm gonna i know i'm gonna take it down to the mines to motivate the miners okay i'll be back i'll be back i'm coming i'm coming up coming okay okay all right here okay here we go oh yeah yeah i have this oh yeah you take all the rest of that stuff we will inspire the workers inspire the workers yes through their hips and to the be small yeah yeah we we make their work in but their work environment great this is a great work environment i i might have been inspiring people to take their clothes off in a weird way i didn't mean to but they saw me and they were like okay i guess we're wrong it's not that kind of cult what we ask them to do i know they are [Applause] what happened let me see it scott take me to it take me to it there was there was a creeper the first one he put his life on the line to save you yeah absolutely this person right here repairable this person right here they're back already while i was back you are a hero sacrificing your life to save another's i shall gift you what can you gift him with the highest honor i can bestow just honor okay gotcha sounds like a cult to me now thankfully my loyal follower recovered quickly from his encounter with death but shortly after i received an urgent message from wreck dude somebody's trapped us all in the mind they have full nether eye armor and they have blocked it with obsidian for anyone that can hear we are we're we're charging we're charging the minds we need to go defend our followers follow me i'm on my way i have just i have a diamond pick i will break you out flawlessly from what i do oh there's tnt guys just stay away from him he said he was bored don't antagonize we're coming in don't antagonize the yo bro i see branzy he's working hard he's working hard oh my god all of the name tags oh there's so much obsidian between us guys hold on we're almost through yeah i've got the top one all right where is he he's crouching he's chill he's chill i think he's chill wait hold on yeah take care of him my first confrontation against my people the man who goes by the name yobro has trapped my workers and attempted to subdue my friends through fear tactics as a cult leader with all my followers watching i must not bow to fear or greed i must show the threat that i mean business and the next words out of my mouth must pierce his soul with fear the fear of crossing me and my cult you got it hey yo not yet not yet all right all right let's see he's pulling something out it could be deadly everyone just stand back i'll take care of this diamonds we've got diamonds yes okay don't look at me look he gave me diamonds but chief that sounds to me like you caved into green no no no no no no no no no that that that's not what this is you see young padawan i took the diamonds and spared his life because i see this as an investment opportunity but that's enough of me giving you financial advice because while we were in the mines the rest of the followers saw my propaganda and flowed into the server and with everyone here it's time i reveal my plans to the cult on how we'll take over this server all right guys pick a side left or right file in pick a side the people that are to my right you guys are builders the plot that we are on right now i want you to build a grand worship hall for the squid cult on the left hand side what i need you to do is to go down to the mines and start getting us some riches because this cult is never gonna form without the aid of capitalism let's go go go go go go go go go go go do the mines do the mines great work great work just start placing blocks i don't care where you place them diamonds someone's really towering oh really high that's perfect great work listen listen i'm leading creative inspiration and intuition to drive to you branzie i'm just going to oversee and make critiques as i see fit okay you know i think abstract's the way to go just pill her up everybody just make it pick a line you heard him pillar up we will supply the resources if you guys need resources just come down to the mines okay builders we have a problem we have this giant platform and no way to get up there whose job was it to build the ladder okay it was mine i apologize but we need ladders right now i don't know where to find them i don't know where the chest went and to think i put you as head of infrastructure this is unbelievable if you have any diamonds i need you to bring them to me it's going to be for the capital fund you could consider it as taxation but in reality you're giving me all your money instead of a portion more so like it's ownership but don't think of it like that think of it as a good time and you're going to be in the video so we are currently rocking 44 diamonds hey this is epic okay we need to keep building though i've been doing a lot of the building wait yeah rex wreck's a minor what do you guys do okay wreck is wreck is a my wreck is of age but rec is also a minor with an e um so anyways yeah guys we need you guys on building you got to keep working on the throw we have to make this look very presentable building team i need some walls around the giving chamber here is the giving chamber right there no the giving chambers hit it up there what we already did wait gonna go up we're gonna check out the giving room here so this is where the followers will be donating the items gotcha okay this this is looking kind of nice actually we'll make it a little stingy and dungy yes are you building me a throne you're already on it now a lot of time has passed since i formed the binding and crafting organizations and with my throne now built i thought it would make for a good time to meet with my followers and get their opinions on how the cult is operating so far kind of like a quarterly check-in that you would do at your adult job oh looks like a lot of you watching this video aren't adults yet all right this joke was a flop but right when i was about to have my first meeting an unexpected guest arrived wait yo yo bro is here yo bro is here and he's holding diamonds okay okay i can i can delay a meeting for diamonds oh yes yes more capitalism come on didn't i tell you sparing yo bros life was a good idea all right select in three words how would you describe your experience with the squid cult so far yo bro needs execution terrific i love that enthusiasm i i can't i can't have people on the uh but yo broken state because he gives me money all right in three words how would you describe your uh experience so far at the cult um okay that was one count as one no um that's two [Laughter] no three um squid i'm no squid i love it um and fans i got a question how do you feel about being my bodyguard it would be really nice but i just i still have leather armor on so listen right now we've got community funds of 55 diamonds um yeah there you go there you go okay all right so kick yourself out with some diamonds you're going to be my muscle for this operation actually wait wait wait i scratched that i want dawn to dolphin because he just gave some diamonds i am so sorry that one guy put your hand up again i just we've had some donators that i see in the chat i gotta like i gotta pay respects to them pay to win no no pay scam that's enough for the meetings right now all right we're gonna take a break from meetings and we got to get to some other stuff we have some infrastructure to build fans follow me i need my muscle i'm going to do this i got a water bucket clutch and show i'm pro perfect so fans you and i are going to come down here we're going to start looking at how the the mining situation is looking uh with the excavation team so right now i've actually passed them up with a fully equipped ready to well by fully equipped i mean fully equipped in spirit they're their equipment is a little lackluster but we don't focus on that uh oh wait yo bro might be an enemy he's saying sifter go ahead and start killing people if you want looks like yo bro was a bad investment after all as cult leader i was prepared for this so it's time we defend our plan and put an end to this tyranny oh i see fans we i have to go fight and help help i have to get yo bro get yo bro come on guys it's perfect oh [Music] come on get over here yo bro get over here get over here oh he's looking backwards he's looking at f5 watch out watch out he's dead he broke my helmet all right is he still there oh yeah he's getting taken care of the colt is chasing him off i'm gonna go back to my shifter's back guys sifter is back oh he's running he's scared of me sifter's scared oh he's only eating apples that's a poor man's food get out of here sifter get out of here you don't belong here sorry i got a little invested in that i'm cool now in advance getting pants yes oh gg my friend gg go you got the nether right now good news yobro was slain which should hopefully teach him a lesson bad news is that the server has keep inventory on meaning he won't drop his items when he dies so after the battle i rallied the cult to join me in my throne room where i would give a speech to re-inspire the shaken souls of my followers and remind them of our higher mission to take over this server i don't know i'm here i'm here i'm here the lord is here we're going to patch up some of these holes real quick guys come on let's let's let's be careful let's actually care about our lord's throne room listen we're having a lot of fun and that's good oh listen but what's it called what's a cult without a purpose and a drive and and we need that drive guys right we we really need that drive but can someone kill rick martin i think he's i i actually know not yet i i wait i'm speaking way too soon uh we'll let him breed we'll see what he has to say if he alters any of the signs um that is uh oh my god this is the this is stressful you know i almost i was almost under an assassination attempt a live assassination attempt and there's been three of them in the past minute i'm not gonna lie it's stunting my momentum a little bit listen if you want to listen to the speech buddy just stop trying to break in and kill me and just hear me out all right fellas we have acquired two phases of our three-phase plan right now we have formed and acquired gear we have formed a cult and most importantly we have formed friendships but now it is time for us to what what is going oh can someone get rid of yo bro come on vance you're the muscle you got this i'm doing this i'm killing him okay all right all right all right yo bro ended up fleeing the throne room an allied with two other players dressed in netherrate kotoi and sifter they were allied under the legion of shiny and enchanted resistance specialists or losers for short they wanted to rule over the server and cause wide scale trolling and my followers and i would never allow that which brings us to the third and final phase of my plan to conquer this server extermination our mission was simple land three kills on the enemy and if we did so the s p was ours but if i died even once our cult would lose and forfeit the war this is it it's time to achieve total server domination all righty i need granny i need wreck rap and i need fans i am summoning you to the old advantage let me finish you're making it sound way less that big fancy you're so epic all the time i'm sorry yes bring the diamonds to me we need to stack up as much as we can right now guys if you have any diamonds and you're hearing this message i need you to come to 163 negative 121. i will be standing here and i am going to be needing all the diamonds so we can gear up for this fight oh cool oh oh oh oh the sanctuary is under attack the sanctuary is under attack i'm coming i'm coming i need muscle stat i need muscle stat i physically can't do anything they broke my venomous spawn the odds aren't great for us but we got to make do with what we have guys rick i see you come here that's the plan here's some diamonds guys um i got two diamonds take them whoever wants them okay i see one i see one yo bros over there with spifter and kota they're all there guys let's go let's charge them go go go go go we gotta try this is it it's all or nothing baby it's all or nothing go go go go go go where are they i'm running in a direction i hope they're either south of the south of the base oh get up get up the fight come on oh i gotta go go come on oh no oh get him oh the lag come on yes i got him okay oh dude we are laying on this guy [Music] i need all squids on the chief this minute and with that we won the battle and the war the server was ours and our cult prevailed through extreme peril now you may be thinking that taking over the server was the best feeling ever but no it was my journey through this entire adventure from the moment i sent out my propaganda announcement to the miscellaneous adventures my followers that i had that that was the greatest feeling possible to be allied behind like-minded individuals chasing after the same goal i i couldn't be more proud of my followers they're loyal and the best friends i could have ever asked for all right everyone smile and say squid call good call [Music] you
Channel: That Chief Guy
Views: 1,211,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft survival server, minecraft smp servers to join, minecraft smp war, minecraft smp, that chief guy, that chef guy, chief minecraft, rekrap2, rekrap, branzy, branzy craft
Id: CQ31jKsYncw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 12sec (1572 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 19 2022
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