Exposing This Minecraft Hacker

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these are the tube shulkers oh my god this is a hacked minecraft item and this is a shulker box full of hacked items the server where i found these is run by this guy knight who reached out to me saying his minecraft server was hacked by an unknown player now i've never had a minecraft server hacked before but my spotify account once got hacked and deleted all of my taylor swift playlists not exactly the same thing but still devastating which is why i'm not going to let the same thing happen tonight so i hopped in a call ready to help him out hey man how you doing i'm doing fine how are you after talking for about an hour i learned two things one night is the ideal playdate pal and two this server's in some serious dog tons of hacked weapons have started to appear on the server in rapid numbers the server's players began to refer to these as illegals and set up a black market to trade under the server owner's nose and while nobody knows the illegals origin a group of players acquired some illegals and became known as the hunters their name is as obvious as it sounds because if a new player on the server spawns in well this server isn't in hardcore so normally that shouldn't be that big of a deal however if you get killed by a hacked weapon it bans you off the server and i don't even understand this but because it's a hacked weapon not even the server owner himself can unban you now knowing the risks i bought an alt account and named it something nobody would suspect chiefy i named my alt chiefy oh and also i'm dressed up like a girl with my disguise ready i hopped into the server ready for the worst oh he just joined oh i'm just joined okay okay okay okay there's a killer live he's not at spawn right now that's all i need to hear no guts no glory i actually currently don't know where he is i think i just saw something he purled he purled i saw a pearl yeah i saw pearl i saw he's attacking me right now keep him distracted don't let him have seen me don't let him have seen me oh my god that's a beautiful bill don't let him have seen me i currently lost you i actually don't know where you are if you lost me that means he lost me that's the logic i'm going with so now that i got some breathing room let me discuss to you my master plan step one is to find a hacked weapon then we're gonna take it and follow its breadcrumb trail all the way over here to the culprit this is easier said than done i'm actually not sure how we're doing this yet and step two is a lot easier okay the demonstration's a little violent i i only plan on on banning him but with all these caffeinated 11 year olds running around on the server with illegal weapons i'm not necessarily the safest man out there so i think step zero is gonna be making a base first [Music] okay so did some work and i know what you're thinking wow chief what a fantastic bound of dirt and that's exactly what i want you to think come on look at this redstone torch key opens the door close it with another torch key drop down this chute to get to the base and boom got ourselves a little mini base of operations it's pretty swanky now knight told me that a lot of players like to meet up at the main village and trade their illegals in secrecy so i'm gonna head over there and just take a look and see if i can find some clues about this well illegal traits a black market that's the word i'm gonna go see if i can learn anything about the black market [Music] now that looks like the village all right show me illegal weapons no no no no no no no no no and i i honestly don't even want to look through this i'm going with no you know what listen if they were in there good job to you i failed my job i ran across this player hanging out near the village i asked knight if she might know anything and to my pleasant surprise knight thinks she does so i asked her to show me the good loot however she took me to a shop that only sold basic nether right like a casual listen i'm not here looking for the chocolate spoons if i want them i just go to the nether and sell my soul like the rest of us i'm out here looking for the gosh darn illegals and i uh accidentally uh lost my cool a little bit but jokes on all the haters because you haven't subscribed yet let it be known i felt no shame for that one but if raz's intel is correct the illegal loot is in the castle however i should meet up with knight first because apparently that place is a death trap [Music] hey dude hello you ready yes we met up at my secret illegal hunting base of operation okay that's uh way too many syllables uh how about we call it the great bunker i got that one from ryan trahan and as we were preparing to journey into the castle i get a message from this stranger named withered souls who's speaking to me like i'm some sort of character in an elder scrolls game it was creepy and i tried ignoring him but he caught my attention with this there is something waiting for you if you have the courage [Music] what is it could this be another lead to the illegal loot i mean not even 10 minutes ago i was asking roz if she knew its whereabouts and now this guy's messaging me out of the blue about gear my immediate thought is that these two are in cahoots but this dude isn't necessarily giving me the most clear directions on where to go room in the sky close to heaven you speak in riddles i speak in coordinates [Laughter] okay knight i'm gonna go but let's first put together a stasis chamber that we can use as a fallout plan you wait here by the chamber and i'll head out if things go sour pull the stasis and i'll be teleported to safety there she blows big old castle okay knight where's the castle's main entrance so there's the quiz and on the left there's this path that goes up okay i'll take the path up go back go to the nether jumping lava that's a that's a strat too i guess okay i i'm walking in all right i'm uh it's kind of a labyrinth i don't know if you want to live stream i can try to guide you go inside the uh the yeah that's right jesus this is baller dude how do i get to the top on the left there's a staircase upwards there will end up being a wooden staircase over here on the left right there can he build in here can he build traps no he can't build okay up the stairs go ahead take those stairs on your right okay actually i have to clean this down the stone stairs and so you just go up the ugly stairs yeah you can just do this right oh oh oh interesting i guess i i think you're reaching the top oh you managed to do the jump nice is this it i don't know what do you mean you don't know i think go ahead check inside oh my god doesn't look like legals but it's legit there's gear well i guess you can take it darn tootin right i will um it can't be rigged right hold pull pull pull pull pull dude pull i i did it oh my god oh oh oh dude oh my god that was so scary dude that was so scary oh my god i actually managed to survive from wizard souls i'm actually surprised you and me both man that midair stasis pull put my blood pressure into orbit but he wasn't carrying any illegals therefore the mission isn't over yet so knight and i stocked up on invis potions and made our way to the castle once more [Music] hey fido you well you're coming in for the hunt too you know what dude we must be getting close he might he's sniffing the illegals the k-9 unit sorry was that too corny if you have a suspicion to where the illegals might be where do you think they could be hiding let's go to the dungeon first okay here if you it's this way down okay we're moving oh is that you can't come this way this is the the dungeon area okay so let's take a look in here uh there's a dude a shulker box in here where it's right in here it was in the furnace there's two shulkers yo wait really dude yeah yeah there's a yellow and a white i got two i got two i can't place them though let's bounce out and inspect do we meet at your base yes meet up the secret bunker sorry yeah i killed the vibe i know i'm sorry that was a mission i think success let's let's come down here and uh let's see if we were successful these are the tube shulkers like oh my god i think we hit the jackpot dude dude i think we did impossible enchantments barrier blocks and then there's food like the cheater eater the hacker smacker like this is a serious w and as much as i'd love to celebrate and drink some random potion i found in the chest it's not over yet we need to figure out who's supplying these illegal items and luckily this server has a plug-in that allows you to do just that upon inspection the last person to touch the illegal loot was a player who goes by the name the theo the van fanny vaniak i think i said that right now does that mean theo is the dealer and we should be banning him off the server no we have no evidence and that's called a conspiracy theory instead we're gonna prove it by going to his base and finding evidence only problem is that he lives off gridden nobody knows where he lives however there just so happens to be one professional tracker on this server and lucky me it's the dude that i just scammed out of full netherright gear withered souls i'm in so much trouble so reluctantly i asked him to help me find theo's base but he required payment in the form of my base coordinates and that to me sounds like a terrible idea and there is absolutely no way at all i'm going to well i've got the coordinates and withered sights on me yeah i hope i don't die rowing on a mission to get the illegals i'm feeling good and we're gonna put theo in jail yeah assuming he's guilty we don't know this yet though oh beacon beacon okay okay okay okay this actually i i don't think i got scammed that being said i did sort of sell my soul to the devil but that is a problem for tomorrow chief okay this looks like the way down that's water but just in case gently gently gently gently gently gently gently all right there's a lot of chests to check and not a lot of time nothing nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope no no no no no no no no no nothing bro where's all this dude's op gear okay this one might show promise oh that's a that's a name you know i didn't even check the chests yet i oh oh my god oh my god dude oh my god i can't believe it i can't believe it dude tp to my location with a shulker and an appetite for justice that is that is a that is a really corny line actually oh my god dude i need i need help oh my god withers here bro he's totally hunting me down he totally wants my head i need to get safety oh yeah yeah wait our question is theo at his base yeah yeah he's afk he's fk crap dude i i need you here like now dude we gotta get through this now you need to find your hair thank you the game is fine oh god withers right there i see him dude if you can get oh god can you get withered away from the base oh wait he might be going [Music] i don't know why withered left maybe he thought i was somewhere else or maybe he was just checking out theo's base for the lulls the world may never know regardless with withered gone knight and i were able to get all the illegals into a shulker box and take them to a secret location for a disposal well this is uh it's been fun but no more illegals on this server [Music] it's taking a while there it goes and with the illegal gear dealt with all that's left is theo's punishment now listen i'd love to tell you that we just put him in a bedrock prison or that he was banned off the server but knight's still trying to figure out the perfect punishment for him yes yes i know i know justice takes time however i won't leave my viewers dissatisfied so i took a screenshot of the loot and sent it to our friendly neighborhood hacker and let's just say he was less than thrilled to learn that his illegal operation is ruined play by the rules sucker [Music]
Channel: That Chief Guy
Views: 3,237,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft hacker, minecraft survival, minecraft smp servers to join, that chief guy, chief, that chief guy minecraft, chief minecraft
Id: Cy1eHQ0gAQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 05 2022
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