I Joined Minecraft's Deadliest Experiment

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a couple months ago a stranger hit me up saying would you like to join a minecraft experiment devilface and since i'm a content creator i thought this would make for a terrific opportunity for me to create content so i responded with dude that sounds awesome count me in smiley face well that was a big mistake you see i don't know any details about this experiment are there going to be knives am i going to be spread across a testing bench i i don't know and now the stranger isn't responding to my messages a few weeks passed and i'd forgotten about that conversation i started going about my normal life again recording videos eating dinner the same old but then it's the guy he sent me a message containing an ip address to what i can only assume is the experiment and he didn't even add an emoji dear god i hope i survived this thing because i'm trying to make a video out of this i joined in and was crammed shoulder to shoulder against what felt like 50 other players but i didn't see any knives or testing benches in the nearby vicinity it looked like a normal world but then all of a sudden we were released from our invisible cage by the admins and since no one was telling me what to do i just figured i'd play minecraft normally for now [Music] okay so this dude found me and he wants me to follow him i'm currently following a stranger into the night um i wonder if he's aware of that creeper okay he uh no no don't do it don't do it uh oh huh so that dude uh is banned yeah we're in hardcore mode i had no idea about that so what do you do when you learn that the game is in hardcore mode and you get one chance at life that's right you get some food you grab a buddy his name's cujo he's pretty nice i talked with him for a while see he's a good kid and we go down into the mines and start getting some gear diamonds [Applause] [Music] so i got kind of caught up and worrying about the diamond's eye i kind of missed something how did you die oh no not only did he die he died by drowning in gravel and apparently the admins said they did not expect this experiment going that way and speaking of experiment i still have no idea what's going on no one's answered any questions for me yet but when i surfaced from the caves i noticed that there's an election going on i'm i'm so confused right now i i need answers so i found where everyone was gathering for the elections and decided to just lay low after a little bit of ease dropping and deductive reasoning i learned that this election is to determine a leader naturally everyone's trying to put their hat in the ring to become elected leader and i noticed that one of the people i was in the voice call with when kujo died was also running to become leader and his name is clown pierce i wanted to say something i want to tell you guys democracy is dead i am now i agree if you have an issue with it take it up with me directly well kids this is what we call a moral dilemma you see i could choose to take clown side because i know if i didn't i'd probably end up dead but like i'm a good guy i have morals i i'm not one to just oppress people just for the sake of winning an experiment despite not knowing what it is no i'm i'm someone with values with morals i'm someone that's going to stand up for the little guy i'm someone that's proud after clown was declared leader i was finally able to ask my question and figure out what this experiment was apparently i ended up joining nations a social experiment where they put minecraft players in a world and see what happens this world is divided up into four separate nations each with its own elected leader and clown was just elected to be the leader of my nation desert and the last nation standing is declared victor of the experiment and that's exactly clown's goal to plow through the competition and become victor i know this is a ton of in do you mind now i know this is a ton of information to be thrown all at once trust me i felt overwhelmed too but i need to tell you all of this to prepare you for this next sentence [Music] you should subscribe to my youtube channel sorry force of habit we're we're actually going to war clown mentioned during his commencement speech he plans to wipe out all the other nations in the coming days and we all need to fight by his side and so i a pvp special who am i kidding can't even fake that listen i'm just gonna go upgrade my gear wait why is canadian taking down our enchanting table really boys if you see canadian he's currently public enemy number one that man stole our bookshelves and all of you know that if we're playing hardcore and we don't have bookshelves we're as good as dead in this experiment so i put together a small task force to look for canadian and the stolen bookshelves and we traveled into the jungle and snow nation however we were unsuccessful in our hunt then to make matters worse our team got separated and i was lost on enemy territory with one other member from the search party fanced we're somehow in the snow and we're a bit lost yeah okay here i got a boat do you want to just like zoot yeah oh wait what we just found something what's your left whoa okay we got civilization yeah it's not much okay i'll just go just keep going i guess yep how do we both hit that sweet bearing i i was thinking the same thing i saw you miss it and whoa neddy just tp to you ah yes neddy one of the two admins running this event if they ever teleport to you that means something's about to happen and considering fanste and i are both in enemy territory right now it can't mean anything good right in front of my eyes someone actually stole all of our bookshelves on our enchanting table his name is canadian we've currently been wandering the world trying to see if we can get any information as to his whereabouts that's that's really what this comes down to oh that's why we're running rats also you you see chat and murphin murphy's saying you have nice armor fans it's kind of weird this dude with the black name tag murphin is someone who goes around hunting other players to eliminate the competition and so i'm already uneasy that one of the admins is here kind of just hanging out with us but i called his bluff in hopes that he was just screwing with us and trying to get us riled up wait he he did says he said he saw him standing on the ice with chief what simon are looking fancy though what be careful yes this is great stranded in enemy territory and some maniac is here to hunt me down it was a pretty easy decision vance and i decided to hightail it out of there and get to the seas the whole reason i'm making this video is literally to try and survive this experiment you think i'm just gonna risk it with this dude nah not at all but things weren't looking any better for us because all of a sudden poof there's the second admin who's come to join the party watching fanston chief but do god knows what and in good old chief fashion i seem to have gotten myself in a bit of trouble oh god neddy you are i love you but my god you create a lot of stress in my life what do you mean you love her platonically um yeah i felt i had to like do some you know what you know gods please gods guns what is happening all right good job chief you pissed off the admins that is one heck of a way to do it and as we were narrowly escaping death every single time we ended up on this deserted island right in the middle of the map and now i couldn't tell you why but the gods instead of just smiting us on the spot decided to show us some mercy some mercy wait what you know what i said i've been shouting this today no okay okay um okay are you sure okay this is easy yep yeah jj are you sure yeah i know you were good at three feet no fan stays i'm not no no i don't no those two got us really sweet just to you too okay journey and sue no fighting okay oh my god i've never felt such rush before in a video okay guys if you're dead you're dead you know that yeah you can you can you cannot take the challenge no oh okay all right oh my god i guess i stopped at 30 points wait we could say stop if all of you say stop though fans if neither of us are close to dying we gotta we gotta call it that's the only thing they have i guess you will have a knife yeah yeah yeah what dude that was one hit away you got a word for fighting me i'm a good god but you two gonna choose who take it okay vance gets it oh second chance okay read this use this totem to save your life or give them to an admin to bring someone back from the game yes do you remember cujo yeah you know this guy do you want that right now i mean we can do that right now we could let's use it i mean do you think we should think it through [Music] boys win or lose this is gonna make for one heck of a story yeah [Music] oh i just pulled my clown oh my god hardboard chief oh that's cool let's go we're cool well it was a good fight boys [Music] oh my god uh i knew taking black magic classes in college was a good idea normal hardcore mode you don't really get revived but in my defense i didn't really know i was getting revived nor did i think that was an option but it's not all sunshine and rainbows it seems like the admins i think clown and i have some sort of romantic interest clown has a soft side oh i i don't it's a purely tactical decision i made yeah i'm actually not a great pvp but i'm full of espionage tactics you thrown out to murray no no no no no no no no no no no no no no sorry my image is a leader no wait no no no we're really we're really in now this is bad so uh should we guess now the war was a success for clown and our nation however there is one enemy that's still alive his name is i actually have to look him up what's his name let me go on the footage it's like it's so difficult sometimes being a youtuber i swear to goodness where's the footage over here okay wait it's that guy yeah yeah it's this dude see his name nah not clown priest woogie his name is woogie so only have one more kill to win the experiment time to get woogie [Music] it took a little bit of tracking and a lot of traveling but eventually we got eyes on woogie and engaged him in battle we're in exile island chasing down the most wanted fugitives snow member oh clown with a sneak attack there's no sneaking anymore we're all about world about attacking yes i took clowns kill and that ends nations so clown are we killing fans now is that how it works [Music]
Channel: That Chief Guy
Views: 1,631,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft civilization experiment, minecraft civilization, that chief guy, that chief guy minecraft, chief, chief minecraft
Id: mdApsfU8nQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 13 2022
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