Why did you go off on a customer r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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people who lost their jobs by going off on a customer what is your story I quit I didn't lose my job and I didn't explode at the guy but I was moments away from doing so it was marathon day in terms of people were out and about and our restroom key got stolen it was packed butts to nuts Astor dick fire code violation hell I literally couldn't open the restroom for anyone not even if President Obama the Pope my mama and a mama bear walked in needing to go would I be able to will the restroom door open this was a famous chain cafe one guide question that I was telling the truth and reached into my apron pocket I was going to kill that guy but I just walked away and cooled off in the back when I came out this guy was making a huge fuss about opening the restaurant for him I told him I couldn't and he said can't you see I have kids I replied can't you see I don't have a key then he just explodes in my face I was going to push over and knock over him and his baby Carragher but that's when I quit because this job just made me want to hurt a baby I used to cut hair I was cutting a lady's hair when the child of lady waiting started running around the shop I told the child several times to go sit with her mother and asked her mother to please keep her child seated next to her well in the middle of cutting around my clients ear the child ran into my work area ran into me and almost caused me to cut my client I looked at the child and firmly said you need to go sit down with your mother now while her mom didn't like that and came running back to me and yelled don't tell my child what to do I'm her parent I responded with then act like it she glared at me grabbed her child and stormed out everyone in the shop was relieved the child had left a few days later the owner came and tried to fire me for it but luckily there were enough other stylists and clients that came to mind the fence about the danger of the situation and I only got a writer up luckily I didn't lose my job for this as the manager on shift was pretty lenient and agreed with me so I worked at a pretzel place where you hand make everything I had just finished rolling and bounced over to register to help out a customer lady asked I can I get your salted nuggets but of a fresh I knew for a fact they were I had just rolled them myself and put them in the warmer indeed mum I'd be happy to make you fresher ones if you want to wait five to ten minutes but I literally put these in here less than five minutes ago double quote she seemed happy and content sure I'll take those Thanks double quote not even five minutes later she comes back hollering at me that I'm a liar that I must be stupid because the Nuggets were hard which I knew she was the lie because I had just made everything what gets me as she came back even though she came back with less than half of the cut left must have been terrible right so after I get called a liar a [ __ ] and she had the audacity to demand our fund a new fresh nuggets another three times I turned to a co-worker and I said which I quote someone needs to help this [ __ ] because I'm not loud enough for her to hear and I stormed out at the store to the back room to cool off I didn't get fired but got a written warning for this I was working chat tech support for a web host customer chatted in complaining of slowness claiming our servers were having issues I do all the standard steps and we determined that his eye space having issues standard tracers et Cie he doesn't believe me and becomes obstinate so I end the chat by saying you're wrong about ten minutes later I get a new chat I see the account name and the question it was the same guy with the same question without letting him say anything I write you're still wrong and close the chat if I wasn't one of the better Tech's I know I would have been fired my sister was the manager of a women's clothing store at the time she was dealing with some personal issues regarding depression and anxiety so she wasn't in the greatest state of mind to begin with a customer came in with a pair of pants that had ripped along the inner thigh seams which were well past the return period and had clearly been worn washed the customer who was a larger woman went off on a sales associate stating she'd only tried the pants on and that caused the seams to rip and she wanted a refund she bought the associate to tears with her ranting and finally demanded the manager my sister enter my sis and the customer starts yelling at her to sis promptly tells the customer that her pants wait because she was a [ __ ] fascist she wouldn't get a [ __ ] refund and to take her fat ass out of the store and never come back sis then went in the back called her boss and quit before she could be fired her boss actually was willing to let her stay but she chose to leave anyway until she could get her depression issues under control took a solid year but she's much happier and healthier now worked at the messed up a cigar game advisor some guy came in and had a figurative ass load of games over 100 to trade all with games and cases mismatched it took about 45 minutes to process his ticket when I told him the total it was low because it a messed up and also they were all old scratched games this man then proceeded to try and negotiate with me to which I kept telling him I can't change the price which only made him angrier and louder eventually he yelled listen you stupid [ __ ] I need at least $300 for all of this [ __ ] and you're going to give it to me first of all I didn't even have the ability to change the price at all second of all my co-worker proceeded to put all of his games in a bag walk outside and toss them into the parking lot and told the guide to take his racist cousin [ __ ] us somewhere else into [ __ ] off store manager came out of the back room and fired him dead on the spot the guy stormed out and the second he left my manager said Jesus what was his [ __ ] problem all right get back to work my coworker didn't get fired it was just feet tricks for the racist [ __ ] I felt like an idiot for just standing there but it was taking everything I had to not hop the counter and hit the guy I have a speech impediment and back when I worked at Starbucks this young african-american kid would come in every day after school and order a caramel frappe every time I told him it would be $3 50 inches he would laugh uproariously and ask me to say it again after a few weeks of this he'd start bringing in his buddies as well each one would order the exact same drink then asked me to keep repeating the price for them again and again after a few months I broke down you both should know how much the drink is by now double quote my manager overheard and claimed I was being racist by calling them you boys even though they were all middle school age anyways I still see the kids around town and they always shout at me how much are those caramel frapps again double quote obligatory it was my coworker but I was like five feet away we worked in the produce section of Safeway he had gotten in like five minutes prior and was obviously in a bad mood when a customer comes up and starts complaining about her fruit he tries the normal talking points but the lady is being a [ __ ] finally he just loses it in yells [ __ ] off you stupid [ __ ] double quote he throws his apron at her and leaves the store never heard from him again that was also the day I worked my first 16-hour shift every business should have a mandatory we do not deal with rude customers rule if a customer is rude and can't hold an argument like a sane person than they are not to be served if only the world was perfect a woman came in to a charity shop and complained about every single item loudly to the ten or so customers in there along the lines of this is all [ __ ] who pays for this like with some boutique with clothes from the back of a van she clearly didn't understand how rally new clothes still tagged e.t.c are donated then she got in my face about it I was so angry with her for chasing away the people that came in that I lost my cool there was nobody left except her since she granted them into leaving I told her to get out and I didn't give a [ __ ] about the clothes or her opinions she screams her way out of a shop broadcasting it to everyone on the street she came back once the manager was off their break and complained again so I lost my job fairly soon after I can't blame them I'd have done the same many a year ago I worked at a home-improvement store called men ads I was the cart pusher which was nice as I was outside all the time anyway we gather about 25-30 shopping carts together and push them up to the entrance where they are stored inside now to get them though we do have to cross the main drive of the parking lot in front of the store we always stop and let customers drive by so as I push the carts up I stop because I see a guy in pretty nice SUV he has actually stopped in front of the entrance maybe he dropped someone off I do not know so I'm waiting to see if he drives off and he then looks at me and waves me across looks like he wanted to finish a call he had gotten or something so I waved back and start pushing the carts across I am on the other side when some clips me across the shoulder blades and it stung somewhat and pushed me forward and at the same time I heard glass shatter I turn around and the guy in the SUV hit me with his sideview mirror it had swung closed and shattered the window in the door and I'm just standing there wide-eyed two seconds later the guy gets out of his car swearing up a storm at me and how I'm a low-life piece of [ __ ] and how I'm going to pay for a new window and that not going to get anywhere in life because I broke his window now I'm the type of person that if I was the reason I'll take the blame and fix the problem but this guy hit me I blew up on him for about five minutes before a manager finally had the guts to come over and pull me away I didn't have to pay for a new window as it was on video but I lost my job because we are not supposed to yell and cuss at the customer edit holy [ __ ] new year and we did gold thanks guys I didn't say this but I saw it happen working at Burger King many years ago I was working the drive-thru register which was close enough to the front registers that I could hear conversations one of my co-workers was taking an order from a lady who kept asking how much her total was and then canceling food on it and changing her mind I guess she was trying to keep under a certain dollar amount well at the Burger King I worked at any canceled food on an order needed a manager's password thanks to one [ __ ] who stole money by putting in someone's order telling them the total and then canceling out the order and pocketing the money so the manager had come by three or four times at that point this was during dinner time mind you so there was a line of customers out the door waiting to order finally my coworker pulled out a pad of paper and a calculator he started writing this woman's order down and totaling it out by hand the woman asked him why he was doing that and he told her when you make up your mind about what you want then I'll put it in the register double quote this pissed off the lady so she grabbed the notebook and tried to hit my coworker with it he snatched it back from her and told her get the [ __ ] out my manager was only going to write him up for it since the manager agreed that the lady absolutely deserved it but my manager had to follow company policy but he already had two ribs on file so she had to fire him edit oh hey my first gold no one was fired but he felt great I work in a ski shop at a large Hill in Quebec we have a few problem clients I was off work one day skiing face covered fully unrecognizable goggles and masks this woman was berating one of my co-workers about a parent of goggles she had improperly changed the lenses on and hence they'd fallen out on the hill and she lost them just to set the scene she is a 50-something year-old trophy wife who's clearly never held a job at first I was quiet forgetting that not even the employees recognized me then I under the pretense of being a customer lost hit on her I called her a stupid [ __ ] who clearly can't follow instructions and went as far as to blame her attitude on her husband not giving her any I said many things completely unfiltered something I dreamt of since I started in retail almost a decade ago then I just walked out a few days later I heard the guys from the shop talking about this customer who ripped the old [ __ ] a new one but I never told them I think this way I have maybe restored some sales people's faith in clients everywhere used to work at a gas station that had full service clean windows full tank check fluids etc so this lady pulls in at the diesel pumps and asks for 20 I said mom I don't think this is a diesel engine you may want to check so she goes off says that me being only a child 17 at the time and decently good in the automotive industry I said yes mom I put in her fuel and she left wasn't but maybe a couple hour later she pulls up to the gas station in a cab stops yelling at me for for [ __ ] her car up called me a bunch of names finally I get to my boiling point and just snap back with a feel dumb bus would have listened to this 17 year old you wouldn't be in this situation I feel like you need to take a step back and realize how funny your [ __ ] is oh man did the slighter up owner of the store was called down he basically told her the same thing she left in a fit of rage promising lawyers and such I didn't lose my job but the boss did scold me for not getting the conversation with her on the cameras as he wanted to see her face when I called her a numbers wasn't fired but it was my last day of this job I worked at a very popular hosting company as a server administrator not usually a customer facing position but sometimes people complain to the right people and they get to talk to us anyways this woman managed to complain enough to get our direct number and on my last day I wound up talking to her she would usually call us and ask really dumb [ __ ] that we shouldn't have got into the habit of answering for her she needed to hire her own admin to run her servers anyways she asked me about adding a new user to her wheel group in panel it's super easy I mean really really easy a quick Google search would have yielded many articles on how to do this as well as walkthroughs so I did what I have always wanted to do I sent her a LMG tfy link to her email advised her to click on it and she did she exploded I could not have cared any less I put the phone down let her yell and then proceeded to ask her if she had any other questions she escalated to my boss who proceeded to laugh his ass off at her he told her what we all wanted to say he told her to never call our number again for any kind of support if she needed help she would need to hire her own admin or go through our regular support channels since it was my last day there my boss did nothing to me we all had a good laugh at the little bit of revenge we got to experience in a realm where we take the brunt of people's frustrations very gratifying last day this happened to a good friend of mine while waiting tables at enough scale Italian restaurant a woman came in talking on her phone she was being very rude to whoever she was talking to my friend sat her and poured her water etc she was still talking on the phone so he decided to give her a minute when he came back she looked irritated and told him she was in a hurry he took her order she sent back her wine telling him had tasted off when he offered her a different suggestion she told him she didn't trust the wine here and took coffee instead she complained that the coffee was bitter he offered cream she said she was lactose intolerant her complaints and demands increased throughout her meal and my friend's mood side when he gave her the check she was on the phone again loudly complaining to someone about the restaurant in the service when my friend came back she was gone she left no tip though that she did leave her phone a razor flip phone now this was in the early 2000s when the razor phone had just come out and they had value my friend took the phone went out back and snapped it in half discarding the pieces in the dumpster the woman came back later but he played done and apologised I'm so sorry but we haven't seen it shrug shoulders worked for a center and got yelled for something out of my control for over an hour and then the guy was done yelling his wife came on the phone and yelled at me for an hour because they were not swearing I couldn't hang up and because it was 6 p.m. on a Sunday all the management was gone and the helpdesk was closed so I was unable to ask for help they also refused to let me set up a call back from my manager to whom they wanted to speak to the entire time so I decided to tell them I'm going to call my helpdesk and put them on hold for 10 minutes while I took a [ __ ] when I came back the lady said are you ready to act like an adult now to which I replied I have been professional the entire time are you ready to act like an adult double-quote they finally started cursing so I could disconnect the call about two weeks later I'm called into HR and told that acting them to act like an adult who is unacceptable so I asked them what they expected me to do because only the manager who wasn't there had the ability to help those us also refused to let me set up a callback a chars response was I'm not sure but you cannot talk to customers like about not fired and no punishment but I did have a lady call our corporate office on me I work in retail so I deal with a lot of verbal abuse but I think the big one was when I had a lady accused me of stealing money from her at the register I was a ringing a lady up at the register one day and when I told her what her total was about one hundred and fifty dollars two hundred she handed me somewhere between $40 sixty in cash I was a bit confused and asked her if she wanted me to do some in cash and put the rest on her credit card she looked up extremely confused and angry and immediately demanded her cash back she started counting all of the cash in her wallet and accused me of stealing $100 from her claiming she knew exactly how much she gave me I found out my pockets and lifted everything up around the register to show her that I did not have her money but she just didn't believe me she paid for her purchase anyway and demanded my name in the numbers of our corporate office I happily complied smiled and told her to have a nice day corporate called us a couple days later and I told them what happened and I got off without any punishments as they agreed that she sounded crazy when they were on the phone with her this happened to two co-workers and I was lucky enough to witness it the firing didn't involve the customer but each other and a canceled customers order while a customer decided they didn't want their bangbang chicken and so co-worker number one will call in West claims the order as his own and decided he didn't want to share there may have been some miscommunication about whether it really was his or not but we're not sure anyways co-working number two we'll call her am wanted some of the chicken as well verbal argument ensues where n keeps making things worse by really getting under West's skin well West just couldn't take it anymore he grabs a handful of the chicken and drive by pelt em in the face with a fistful of bang bang chicken other co-workers are hit by the splashback and everyone is absolutely flabbergasted by what just happened both end up getting fired partly because both who were semi incompetent best part is it gets caught on camera so we could watch it in a time we wanted and referred to the incident often in times to come I saved a guy's job once I was behind an extremely rude customer who was clearly crossing the line over something stupid like 20 cents and was taking it out on the cashier finally the cashier had enough and snapped back by saying something like if you don't like it maybe you should just shop somewhere else except he used curse words guy got extremely offended and said he was going to take it up with the management just so happened though that my brother was the district manager of the store no one of the store knows though because that'd be weird if I just went in and was like my brother's a boss I told the cashier nothing would happen just a slap on the wrist but he seemed pretty worried because he kinda said it in the heat of the moment called my brother later and told him the situation and the customer was a complete jackass I guess he later got a call from the manager about the employee and he just told him I know about it don't worry and just give the guy a verbal warning later my bro told me he'd probably have sided with the customer if I hadn't called him and done paperwork or fired him this happened to a friend of mine he worked at a McDonald's as a cashier it was getting busy in this older team 17-19 is next in line well she thought that it was a perfect time to actually figure out what she wanted to eat she handed a che aid asking pretty stupid questions the kind of questions a person would ask if they're not at hungry it was a little annoying at first but it kept getting worse for about 20 minutes she was making an order and then going back on it because she wanted to change it at the last minute finally she decides after all that 30 minutes have passed she's just once a medium chocolate milkshake he goes to make it just as he was handing it to her she was like oh sorry can you make it vanilla instead well something snapped in his mind as he took a drink dumped it on her whipped off his apron jumped over the counter and yelled I quit and stormed out of McDonald's another obligatory not me but my coworker post I worked retail in a computer store that also trained customers on software I was teaching an elderly gentleman how to use his phone and we were sitting not 10 feet away from my coworker we all call him Ben attempting to sell a computer to a woman with three crying children who seemed to be oblivious to their cries after five or so minutes of this my customer asks if there's anything I can do about it since he literally can't hear me over the kids when Ben was walking back to the lady from the back stockroom I snagged him and asked if he could politely escort her a little ways away so my customer and I could continue rather than doing this however he goes back to her and bluntly says mum you need to control your children this customer and my co-worker points at the older gentleman and me can't hear over your loudly screaming children after a moment of stunned silence other than the continued cries from the kids she demands to speak to the manager the manager listened to her for over an hour and well then was fired not long after female tattoo artist here I have been fired over bad Yelp reviews for doing what I was asked for after I advised against it a couple other reviews equally baseless and I got shit-canned my male co-workers can be brutally Savage and no one says [ __ ] about it but I get raked over the coals for not being nice the kicker is that I am nice but quiet while I work which apparently offends the [ __ ] out of people it is almost exclusively women who throw this sexist [ __ ] my way I've had a [ __ ] explicitly say to a co-worker that she just doesn't like dealing with women I catch [ __ ] because some [ __ ] just want to flirt with the artist for a deal and when they get me they know that plan is shot as [ __ ] so they give me unmitigated hell all because I must be [ __ ] one of these dudes I am NOT and they're mad about it or I'm quiet and not girly so I'd like to quietly go about doing it banging - to not swap stories about our periods basically if you've got what you asked for don't go lying about me online when I was in tenth grade I worked at Kroger which is a local grocery store during the summers I was a bag boy part-time one day this elder lady probably about 75 or 80 years old came in and wanted to buy our watermelon when she got to the register she asked me to go and grab her one because they were too heavy for her to carry so I went and just grabbed the first one I saw from where they were sitting in the produce section I brought it back and set it down thinking nothing of it she immediately went and thumped it and gave me a dirty look I'm like wTF is this [ __ ] doing she scowled at me and told me it was not ripen that I needed to go get her another one I just said okay and grabbed that one took it back and grabbed another this literally went on for like four or five times and she was really starting to be a [ __ ] and I was starting to get severely pissed off finally after the fifth time she looked at me and said are you stupid or something don't you know what a ripe watermelon looks like you can keep going back and forth until you figure it out I just looked at and said nope I guess I don't say you can go get your own [ __ ] watermelon now [ __ ] she literally almost had a stroke I immediately turned around and walked out to my car and homeless to my buddy's house and smoked a few blunts the store manager called me several times over the next few days but I never answered my phone and he finally quit told my parents that I just got tired of working there and that I would find another job which I did waiting tables I went in about a week later and grabbed my paycheck from the girl working a customer service and stealth doubted they're never to be seen again worked for a small tow truck business the owner took a request for a scheduled pickup of two vehicles show up guaranteed they would be there at the designated time due to a tight deadline well an accident on the highway later the owner can only see dollar sign dollar sign dollar sign and dispatches all the tow trucks away and [ __ ] the scheduled customer the customer is calling in baffled there is no tow truck available for two hours even though she had called ahead the owner just goes crazy yelling at her and telling her that's the way this business happens you should have known that it pisses off the customer til she flips [ __ ] and calls over and over and over then the illah calls the police that she is being phone harassed while the owner [ __ ] up and pissed off a well-connected ginger who actually picketed outside the building she called some friends in high places in the city and due to some shady practices and problems with city officials the shop was closed in a year I got a better job with another tow truck that actually had air conditioning in the trucks from the customer's point of view I have a story I was at some Airport small coffee shop and ordered a nice coffee with not too much ice I emphasized very little because you know they usually fill up the cup and it's more ice than beverage so I get the drink and it's packed with ice I hate confronting people or complaining so I tried to be as polite as possible because they were busy and asked the lady who made it if she could take some ice out and put more coffee in I told her that I had originally asked for light ice she gave me a cold stare and says that is light ice we both looked at the camp ice all the way to the bottom this was so awkward for me but I decide to argue it I I don't think so it's full of ice then one of her co-workers walks up and says there's like literally barely any ice in it I could tell they were messing with me they snickered I walked away with a no okay because that was as much conflict as I could handle I heard them laugh and call me a stupid [ __ ] as I walked away luckily my sister was there to make me feel better she wanted to go beat them up cuz I cried a little not me but my buddy was a bartender at a chain restaurant he had been written up before cause he would be snarky with customers that most his regulars loved but others not so much for example he got written up once because a customer asked if they had Coors Light and said no cause they don't carry shitty beer what finally made him rage quit was a mom and her kid were waiting at the bar after their table the kid was sitting at the bar next to his mom and my buddy tells her he can't sit there since he's not 21 mom gets all huffy that she's there so it's okay and argument over state laws ensues manager gets involved and takes the mom side which makes my buddy openly say to the manager in front of all the customers that he'd rather break the law than lose a customer manger fires him on the spot but my buddy does the [ __ ] you I quit and storms out this happened to me about a month ago when I started in the engineering department of a factory almost two years ago there were two other guys about my age mid-twenties and our manager the one guy quit the other guys visa ran out so it was just my manager and myself for most of a year doing everything for engineering and sales departments things had been crazy busy for months I was staying late and still wasn't able to get all my work done one day one of our biggest customer announced that they were having a conference called presentation of 6:30 an two hours early I attended but the call was completely useless they talked about the company history the kind of machinery they had of the new building they're buying absolutely nothing to do with my job two days later there was a survey to see how useful the presentation was so I said it was a waste of my time and if they made the conference a little earlier I would have made a blanket fort and slept in my office it was an anonymous survey but the customer tracked the IP address of my response and passed it along to my manager he called me into his office and asked me if I knew anything about IP addresses they fired me a few days later a family member protecting the guilty works in long-term nursing care while Christmas came and a son from hell showed up his mother is so badly bedridden she can't sit up in a chair without support and he refused to let her have a bedpan and insisted she be taken to the toilet he was so belligerent he chased one CNA out of a room and in ghosts family member she's having none of his [ __ ] today and says your mother requires total care we can only do one of two things bedpan or I change her wearing a depends he got in her face screaming you don't understand what I'm saying you will take her to the bathroom right now and she stood her ground it will hurt her and I won't do it so he screamed some more someone else already told me that and I will not [ __ ] hear it again so she snapped back Lane I won't [ __ ] say it again and let him sputter and grunt all the way to the administrator of the facility she is extremely happy to be leaving that job working the closing shift at a Quiznos with one other person I was 20 May or not small and the other person was 16 female and small 1100 rolls around and we lock the door start finishing cleanup and a few minutes later [ __ ] with a truck shows up and starts banging on the door I was in the back pulling bread for the next morning and she comes back saying there is a guy at the door who was screaming at her demanding a sandwich she's visibly shaken and borderline crying so I go open the door and start by telling the guy were closed he cuts me off and says he was there before 11:00 and wants a sandwich anyways back and forth etc' end and me giving him the finger after he starts verbally abusing me closing the door and it for my safety and him taking a picture and coming back the next day when I was at home and talking to my bosses I a keyholder assistant manager reliable employee with no prior history of anything negative get a phone call that evening saying I was done sheldon's have given him the finger shoulder punched him in the face only regret this one actually happened to me but I didn't lose my job I was working at a Walmart Neighborhood Market as a cashier when I was in high school and a guide to registers over was really upset about something he was a 40-something dad wearing [ __ ] shorts and a tucked in t-shirt who looked like he trained for ironmans for his midlife crisis he got into a shouting match with that cashier about something and kicked one of those hand baskets on the ground into our copy machine up front pretty hard as he stormed off I shouted at him he didn't have to behave that way he continued to walk away and I shouted at him again the same thing as he reached the exit door he turned around and shouted to me yeah what's your skinny ass gonna do about it that's when I shouted at him I was gonna kick his ass no idea why I thought I could take him but he got me all worked up away he was acting like a Winnie [ __ ] so I left my register and started charging them in to my manager intercepted me grabbed me and threw me into the office at the front of the store I'm not sure how they handled the guy but she came in and said I should be fired but that they wouldn't do it because I was a decent employee so I eventually go back to my register and the next two people in my line that witness that whole fiasco offered me jobs if I got fired for doing that so it worked out pretty well before I stopped this I have to say I have a very bad temper and I am trying to work on it I worked at a five-star hotel and restaurant as a bartender we often had wedding dinners ceremonies etc this one time we hosted a wedding dinner and I have to say it was amazing I was on the bad end of a 12-hour shift and still had two hours to go I got an order for four drinks for the bride and three bridesmaids so I made the drinks took them through the dancing who saves to the bride and her friends as I arrived however the bride looked at me and sharply said you've given us the wrong drinks are you stupid I explained calmly these are the drinks that were on my older ticket I apologize if you tell me what you would like I'll make you some more drinks on the house raising her voice she said I don't [ __ ] want a drink in a minute I want one now you are the worst bartender I've ever had the misfortune to come across kill yourself dot now I didn't appreciate that a dear friend of mine had killed himself three months prior I walked away quietly with a smile I got two big pitchers filled them up with the reddest liquids I could find red wine black currant juice cranberry juice etc , calmly took them to her and poured them all over her wedding dress looked her in the eyes and called her a [ __ ] I walked out of my job because I knew I was fired some guy came and found me after checking out the pet section wondering where our dog food was I explained that we had a whole section up in the pet aisle and I politely escorted into the dog food where he says literally standing in front of the dog food I didn't want to say something that might offend him because standing in front of five shelves clearly filled with dog food it's pretty hard to miss so I pointed so I gestured to some cans or sth he says no that's not dog food you expect me to feed my dog this crap you eat it I actually didn't care that he said this working in retail for a few years hardens you to these comments but I wanted to defuse the situation with some humor so I said I can't I'm vegan for lulz he went [ __ ] Apple [ __ ] started screaming at me and I stood there and just nodded but what got me fired was a regular that came in every morning saw this and tried to come to my aid I told her it was ok and she was to not worry about it she told me off for not defending myself so now two customers are yelling at each other and I am a socially awkward turtle and never experienced such [ __ ] before so I had no idea how to handle this situation not long before my boss came over saw this clicking off and after explaining that it wasn't my fault I got the sack for causing an uproar Oh hopefully I'm not too late a long time ago a friend and I were eating at Olive Garden waiter was cool as hell about our age mid-twenties and did a great job although I didn't notice there was a huge table kind of next to us of about 20 people anyway they all left and I didn't think anything of it then a few minutes later a waiter comes up and says well this is Susan or whoever I can't remember her name and she's gonna be taking care of you for the remainder of your dinner this evening my friend and I were like wait why you were great everything okay he then explained that he's fine but let the table of 20 who had been there for at least two hours and had a collective bill of over $500 tipped him only three dollars so he ran out to the parking lot and yelder than that there were pieces of [ __ ] to [ __ ] off and never come back he was fired on the spot when they reported in to the manager my friend and I told him right on and that we hoped things would work out for him and that we probably would have done the same thing I was working at Domino's when I was 16 and was quickly promoted to assistant manager there is this night in which all orders made online a half-priced and I cannot stress how off the walls crazy and busy we were get everytime this sale came around anyways Domino's has a drive-thru but you're not allowed to order from it you can only pick up food ordered prior to arrival this guy makes an order in the parking lot and immediately drives up to the window asking for it I check the time ordered and explain to him it's going to be a bit especially since they are incredibly busy and he had just now placed his order I asked him to drive around so I could serve the people waiting behind him which he agrees to fairly calmly he makes it back to the front of the line again and I explained to him once more that because he had only placed his order five minutes ago it's still going to be a bit he starts ranting about how it shouldn't take 15 minutes to put some chicken wings in a box for him and how he is not going to move from his spot until I magically make time go by faster so I can present him his food he once irrationally fast I look him dead in the eyes and say something around the lines of what do you want no I mean really why are you doing this it's cause you want something free out of me isn't it if I give you this two liter of coke for free will you shut up and drive around his eyes widen and his face flushes as I think he realized how much of an apple he was being and he drove around again which gave me enough time to actually cook his food I didn't get far I had way too much leverage for that I worked in a call center once we were paid based on how many calls we can handle in an hour big range like $6 20 per hour one time a guy called in to get the number to NPR so he could complain about a story they just ran I started talking to him about it since it was a topic I was interested in turned out his wife just died and he admitted he really just wanted to talk to someone he was retired and hadn't really spoken to anyone in weeks we ended up talking for 90 minutes until my shift ended sometimes it was heated but always civil it was a great conversation and I wish I had a transcript or recording I honestly don't even remember the topic both of us were crying at one point which seems crazy my manager went ballistic when he saw my average that day was something like 45 minutes when it was usually closer to 45 seconds I told him to go [ __ ] himself we were all getting laid off in a few weeks anyway okay so I didn't get fired for this but a couple years ago I was working at Starbucks during our busiest time of the day around 7 a.m. a woman came in and ordered herself a five shot eight pump venti latte I was working on the bar at this time and we were super low staffed so I had a line of about 15 drinks that I was working through this customers drink was the last she then came up to me and said I need you to make my drink first I'm in a hurry and need to make the bus in five minutes I told her that it was Starbucks policy to make the drinks in order and I was doing the best I could and would get it out to her as soon as I could she then freaked out and said something along the lines of why don't you learn how to do your [ __ ] job then and get the drinks out faster at that point I had gotten about ten stroke 15 drinks out and I replied I'm actually the barista trainer for this storm arm and if you were in a hurry then you really shouldn't have stopped of Starbucks at this point I was working on her drink but each set of two shots takes twenty or so seconds to cue so I set out on making the iced chai behind her which takes less than ten seconds to make I put out the chai and she screamed I thought you said you have to make the drinks in order I handed her the drink and she said I refuse to be served by some lying [ __ ] I'm never coming back and threw the drink on the floor I said please don't and have a lovely day double-quote she called my manager later that day to demand I was fired and he told her that he would have reacted in the same way so she wasn't welcome at the store anymore she came back a week later and pretended it never happened when I was in high school I had several fiends that all worked at the grocery store in our small town while I had a job in a warehouse during the summer I'd be off work by five while they had to be at work until closing nine or ten on Friday and Saturday nights I'd go to the store and help them get all of their clothing done just so they could get out a bit earlier and we could go to whatever it was small town teenagers did for fun in the 80s sometimes drink mostly hang out in the Dairy Queen parking lot and be our souls most of what I helped with was facing shells and Stocking one night this drunk couple was in the store being loud arguing with each other and generally being shitty to everyone else I was stocking some shelves with a cart full of boxes next to me in the aisle when drunk guy says hey numbnuts why don't you pull your head out your ass and get this [ __ ] out of my way keeping in mind that I didn't work there or give a [ __ ] at all I replied why don't you shut the [ __ ] up he got really pissed went looking for a manager and when he brought the manager back and explained it to him I was fired on the spot I thought the manager was just making a show of it to appease drunky I went out to my car and waited for my friends to get off work about 20 minutes later the manager came out and told me since I was fired I needed to also vacate the premises I started laughing in his face you know I never worked here right he was genuinely surprised he had just seen me on a regular enough basis that he assumed I did the whole thing was pretty funny but it's also a bit of a sad statement about how much some Rangers care about their workers I was working at Blockbuster yes I'm [ __ ] old while 17 and in high school a middle aged guy came in and instead of using the drop slot to return his movie he casually tossed it across the counter and it hit a register hard enough to pop the case open the people working the resistors myself included kept an eye on him because our store was a hot spot for kids to come in without adults supervision to mess things up he chose a few movies and walked up to the front of my line and waited for me to help him I got his information up on screen and let him know we couldn't rent the movies he wanted unless he paid his late fee of 6 dollars he flew off the handle reached over the counter and grabbed my sure threatening to have me fired I punched him in the face trying to protect myself and chased him out into the parking lot when I came back in my manager took me into the back room let me clean myself up and told me they had a zero-tolerance policy for altercations in the store and fired me on my way out there were cast that actually shook my hand and told me they would have done the same thing that job was [ __ ] anyways so I was glad to be gone from there TL DR customer grabbed my shirt in a threatening manner I punched and chased him out of the store and got fired for it [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
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Id: whQoALOO1Kg
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Length: 47min 47sec (2867 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 15 2019
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