Quit Your Job In A Blaze Of Glory! (r/AskReddit)

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redditors who quit their jobs in a blaze of glory what's your story not me but my dad he was a partner in a software company and they were undergoing a merger there was a ton of confusion in the move and one guy was trying to take advantage of the situation he was from the other company he fired my dad for no real reason however my dad was so well liked that many of the employees from his company walked out of the building when he left with his stuff one guy apparently came running down to the parking lot because he realized that the guy did not have the authority to fire my dad my dad puts his things in his car goes back upstairs fires the guy who tried to fire him and quits I don't know if this is a blaze of glory but it made me feel good I got to job in the big city my new manager said that she wanted to give me a two-week trial period because she just wasn't sure about me this manager was a bi arch constantly yelling expecting us to work through lunch and work late and come in early sessions in her office about how awful we were I was miserable the job was heck the Friday of the end of my trial period my manager called me into her office she said she was pleasantly surprised at how good I was and she definitely wanted to keep me on I told her that unfortunately she had not passed her trial period and I would not be staying then I walked out the best elevator ride down to the lobby ever people often forget that employment is a two-way street it's always refreshing to remind them of that walked out on a job interview smoldering glory not really ablaze I drove about four hours for a job interview right out of grad school nice place working environment seemed a little tense but that's all right this was an animal hospital in the Midwest the owner asked me to clean a cage for him I said sure doctors have to clean cages every once in a while it takes maybe ten seconds then he asked me to hang out for a second while he talked to a client I said sure he told me to just keep cleaning cages I thought he was kidding a technician walked into the room and asked me why the cages weren't done I shrugged from her attitude I gathered he wasn't kidding about the cages after a weight in excess of 20 minutes I left I just left got a phone call about five minutes later didn't answer it one of my first Jobs was part-time at a small budget supermarket the boss was a w of severely limited intelligence assigning me far more shifts than I agreed to run spending the entire day shouting at everybody rather than doing actual work turns out I was also getting a euro less per hour than agreed on I noticed that after a month when I finally got my first pay not cool grounds enough for me to terminate my work contract with immediate effect so I got myself a new job typed out my notice put it in my coat pocket and waited for the worst possible moments to quit that moment came two weeks later my boss and I were opening on a Saturday and it just so happened that the cashier that was meant to come in an hour later called in sick he tells me and goes off on a tirade about how the shift is going to be heck with just the two of us I smile hand him my notice and stroll out of the store without saying a word best feeling ever was working as a busser about back in college animation major was there roughly six months never called out always came in when asked to finals were coming up and I was slightly behind on my final project called the manager three days in advance saying I needed a day off I was scheduled for told me I had to get it covered no problem called all the other bidders and even two hostesses no one could would do it called the boss back his response and I quote you need to decide right now what's more important school or your career I exploded on the guy with the easiest decision I ever made in my life not exactly a blaze more of a slow burn used to be a Comcast tech put in my two-week notice and got as many parking tickets as I could the tickets couldn't be pegged to me because I didn't own the vehicle Comcast has a policy that employees need to pay their own parking tickets but by the time Comcast got the tickets in the mail I would not have been an employee anymore and you know that phenomenon where work vehicles can park anywhere and not get a ticket that does not apply to vehicles that say comcast on the side I still like to imagine the curses made in my name after they uncovered the extent of my evil plot wasn't me but I was adept supervisor at Best Buy for a while back in the early 2000s we had 10 rows off various software the store manager always made this one employee rearrange the planogram each week it sucked this dude had enough he farted into the overhead intercom shouted eat my crap and shoulder block the software racks to the ground knowing I was going to have to clean it up I was never more peed at a person looking back never more impressed bumped into him last year at the same Best Buy he smiled and said looks like they stopped selling software I worked at a technical support call center for almost a decade the average burnout time turnover is six months I was sitting in a meeting and they were ragging on us for sending too many boxes the week previously we were sitting in the exact same room being ragged on from not sending enough boxes I had a rough year and I was just sitting there dying inside I had this sudden Epiphany every day since I had walked in the door of that place was worse than the last there was literally no reason for me to be there that thought just popped into my head like a lightbulb went off I got up in the middle of the meeting and walked out without a word the SDM that was giving the meetings mouth hung open he won't use to the drones doing things like this he started after me and I ignored him I went back to my desk gathered up some things gave a few other things to some people and got out a goodbye email the whole time the SDM getting more and more agitated trying to talk to me eventually yelling I just ignored him like a bad smell at a dinner party so I just went home they called and called for days eventually a supervisor I had on Facebook message me he was an OK dude and I told him flatly that no I wasn't returning he said they had all this paperwork to do and an egg's it interview and so on I said no I was going back on that I wasn't going to sit in an office like a bad teenager in the principal's office it was over it was done we finally agreed to meet downstairs in an empty cubicle i flatly didn't agree to anything didn't sign anything just gathered whatever crap they had for me and left for any a decade they dictated everything in my life my sleep schedule my family life holidays they went so far as to time to the second how long I was in the bathroom during the day that was all over they had no more control over me and I enjoyed making that clear this is sort of the opposite that whatever I was working for a tech startup in 1998 that was growing by leaps and bounds and one day they raged the department and promoted this guy let's call him Teddy who had been there for like two weeks to manager he had four or five people working for him and he treated them all like crap they were all self-motivated senior level people and he treated them like children he micromanaged their work their rating everything they did complained when they had to leave work for stuff like a dentist appointment or a sick kid when he first took over he tried to enforce a policy where none of em could check in code unless he code review that in person and then did the check in himself that lasted less than two weeks he reviewed an existing approved schedule for a software release decided it wasn't aggressive enough told his superiors that they were going to pull it in by three months and then ordered everyone to work weekends not because there was a business need but because he wanted to show them that he could get stuff done after a few months this woman let's call her Kelly who was working for him gave her two weeks notice saying that she was offered a managerial job at another company teddy lost it you could hear him screaming through the walls of his office then as she walked out of the office and he followed her to the exit shouting at her the whole time you're freaking worthless Kelly you're going to fail don't come crawling back looking for a job I'm glad to see you go now I can hire someone with real skills etc etc for at least a month after she was gone he would randomly just say crap like I can't believe that be just up and left what a CRO Kelly really flicked things up good we are probably going to miss our release date because of how she left things HR sat down privately with the guide to talk things over and then he started bitching about HR they're covering their asses so they don't get sued they don't give a crap about good company men like me a few months later our company was acquired and we went to the Welcome meeting that the other company had set up their CTO and the VP of development spent about a half hour each talking about strategic vision how the changes would affect us the usual stuff and then the VP said but there will be at least one familiar face to help with the transition I think most of you know Kelly Johnson she used to work here she'll be the senior manager in charge of the products team moving forward so everyone looked back at Teddy who was white as a sheet and looked like he was about to have a heart attack he was gone within a month not me but one of my best friends we were working at a Burger King when we were like 15 16 it was actually the day after he already quit but it was super busy and some people called off so they called to see if he could come in I think they offered him like time and a half to make up for it so he agrees he's the only one in the kitchen on a busy Sunday after church rush the managers were just bullshitting standing outside smoking and doing everything they could to not help him so he got frustrated through a package of ham through the ceiling and walked out after working there for over two years starting at the bottom when there were only three employees including me and becoming supervisor manager I was over do a raise the boss kept putting off our meeting to discuss and I had prepped a small presentation to show what I had accomplished in my position over the past year meeting day finally came and I spoke for 15 minutes to justify the raise that I had asked for that instead of a negotiation I was told that my work had been on satisfactory and they no longer wanted me to act as supervisor this had come as a shock because they had never given negative feedback about the way I was running things and they let me plead my case for a raise seconds before terminating my response abilities of course they would love me to stay at the company and train the new hires at my current sad salary and work out entry-level tasks when there was no active training they also expected me to stay in the role I was not excelling and for another 2 4 months to allow them time to recruit my replacement and allow me time to get that person up to speed and adequately trained the best part of all of this is that they had never hinted it or officially advised of any issues with the quality of my work I walked out as soon as they were done speaking without saying anything a few hours later he called asking if I would come back the next morning I met with HR who expressed their apologies and shock and suggested I go and speak with the boss to see if things could be sorted hoping to find a happy medium so I went to his office shut the door and told him about how much of and what he is and how he lost all respect I ever had for him but that I would finish the week and closed my open cases without hinting to clients about how crappy everything was behind the scenes in exchange for a larger severance package and being laid off turned out for the best because I'm pretty happy where I am now back when I worked at a car dealership as a mechanic the service manager was screwing mechanics out of paychecks cutting appointments and only paying us for 30 hours of work at minimum wage instead of paying our normal Ally rate the next pay day Friday that came the service manager came out and made an announcement saying he was going to extend hours and weekends with no pay difference so at 7:20 a.m. before the day even started I walked right out to my truck backed it into my bay and loaded my tools up and left he asked me to reconsider and reminded me that your guaranteed minimum wage F Rikyu I heard after that stunt three other people quit without notice and he was asked to leave the dealership working in wins placed just out of college as a cook start working there and everything is going ok except for the fact that I'm really underpaid I was making minimum wages one of two cooks in the restaurant work there for a few months and the manager sits down to talk with me we discuss a few things and I bring up the fact that I really deserve a raise I was working 50 60 hours a week and the compensation based on my effort really wasn't evening out he basically told me to Frick off and that cooks are a dime a dozen so I told him I was disappointed with his retort times were tough for me at that time so I bit my lip and just went back to work the next few months were heck the manager of the restaurant would openly put me down in front of other employees and constantly berate me for asking for more money he would put me on back-to-back-to-back opening and closing shifts and send people home on purpose so I would be the only one left to clean the kitchen at the end of the night I was beginning to lose my chill with this job so finally Super Bowl Sunday rolls around and for those unaware this is a very very busy day for restaurants that make wings I get into work and everyone is already mad I asked what's up and they tell me the other cook didn't show up and nothing is prepped for the day I roll up my sleeves and start working we get everything set and I start making wings for the orders I'm working my butt off and my manager comes up to me and starts giving me the same crap the phones are ringing like crazy and honestly there are more orders in the restaurant can handle its freaking chaos then some of the managers friends not employees come into the kitchen and start freaking with all my stuff moving things disorganizing stuff sitting on my prep counters I tell them to get phoned my manager storms in and lays a frikkin to me tells me I'm a worthless piece of crap I never do anything right I'm not worth more than minimum wage and I never freakin put in any extra effort that was it my brain just clicked and I stopped giving a Frick about anything I stood up straight and stretched out my arms wide slowly took off my kitchen apron and removed my heart stared dead in the manager's eyes and calmly but sternly said have an enjoyable Super Bowl Sunday night through the the apron and my hat and the fry oil basins grabbed my bag and walked past the rest of the employees whose mouths were hanging open and out the back to the ever fading ring off phones ringing arrived with my home and met up with my roommates I told them the story and we decided to order 200 wings and watch the game growing up in a small town the guy that impose all the Little League games was a great umpire but he had some issues upstairs like he was somewhere on the autism scale but like folks with some form of autism he could pick one thing and focus on it and be good his thing was baseball anyhow the end of the Little League season the coaches wanted to have a tournament with all the teams in town I think there was like six teams that hadn't been planned on do the city didn't budget for it so everyone pitched in to get the fields ready and the umpire was more than happy to volunteer to UMP the games anyhow being that this was now some arbitrary tournament some parents started giving the umpire a hard time and by the time it got to the championship game one guy in particular was ruthless so finally the umpire had enough threw off his mask and lost his mind on the dude going Frick you I have had enough of your crap you want to have an frickin umpire this game do it your frickin self and on and on for a couple minutes and then he got on his bike and ride away another parent who played college baseball stepped into Napa and the craphead parent was told to get the Frick out my small-time office was bought out and taken over by a large company suddenly I was told I was just a secretary my salary was cut benefits non-existent and there was nothing legally I could do because I checked they did it in such a way that it was if I started a new job the new office manager told someone that his high school son could do my job for less pay so in the summer my hours were cut I finally said Frick this and didn't show up after bullying and tearful trips home then I began to get frantic emails about how to deposit and split certain payments how to use accounting programs how to enter time-sensitive forms so much whining I guess nobody trained the boy and just sat him at the front desk at first it was professional then it turned to hostility then begging this was over the span of two days in which I didn't check my email because I was busy at another job I finally broke down and wrote an email stating I have all the information they needed stored on a website at the bottom of the page was a link to Google I signed a just secretary you've been spotted by the curious cow comment below and let him know what you're doing I hope you enjoyed the video if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot
Views: 280,129
Rating: 4.8851323 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit funny, at work, people reveal, people share, i quit, rage quit, quit job, best of reddit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2019
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