Managers Reveal Dumbest Customers Moments (r/AskReddit Top Posts | Reddit Stories)

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managers of Reddit what's the stupid reason a customer has asked to see you used to be front office manager in a hotel in our rooms we had three firms one next to the bed one in the bathroom and one on the desk this is already a lot but in the past we also had an additional fourth phone on the side table so one day a customer asked to see me requesting the fourth phone because you could clearly see the telephone socket in the wall neatly covered and thus his room was not complete I asked him why he needed four phones in his room he said because clearly in the past there were four phones and that's what he paid for we didn't advertise online with four phones but I had maintenance bring up a fourth phone nonetheless customer comes to the bar and demands to speak to the manager won't say why won't deal with anyone else he's told I'm not working for another three hours and says he'll wait stands at the bar and grill a staff call upstairs to me I live up there and explain he's just standing there tutting he realizes they're on the phone to me and gets angry because I'm upstairs and won't speak to him went down and asked the problem when X ran this pub he used to have mild on tap for me you don't it's disgraceful what am i mean to drink now I explained that yes X did stop mild and when I arrived I audited the stock and realized most of the barrel was getting wasted every week so I stopped ordering it and switched to an ale that would sell the cat is still angry and says if I order it he'll drink it I tell him he'll have to drink nine gallons in three days still adamant I should order it so I told him my daughter a barrel and if it didn't sell he could pay for the wastage I got a spare barrel from another pub tapped it waited in surprise surprise he had one pint that week and sheepishly vanished forever restaurant manager here we provide complimentary bread baskets on our dinner tables one lady clicked me over because who doesn't love that to tell me I was running the most unhygenic establishment that she had ever eaten in and that with her food hygiene level three certificate she could and should have me shut down why the fuss there was some gem on the bread and I had clearly taken us breakfast stock and tried to cost cut by serving contaminated bread at dinner I'd cut the bread not ten minutes before burning my hands on it as it was fresh out of the oven definitely not leftovers I apologized profusely yet noncommittally removing the offending bread amid increasingly patronizing comments about how I really ought to know how to run a restaurant to that being so thick as to do this blah blah blah on inspection the red blobs of jam we're drips of red wine from the bottle next to the bread basket that the lady had poured herself needless to say I wasn't shut down when I worked for Apple years ago a customer came in to buy a new iPod totally normal interaction but before I wring him up I asked him what computer he has to verify that he'll be able to use the iPod this was the first generation of iPods that only worked with a version of iTunes that could only be installed on Macs that had Nos that could be installed on the newer versions with Intel chips it comes out that his computer doesn't have an Intel chip so he won't be able to use the iPod I apologized explained that he can't use this generation but the previous generation will work and I can help him order one online though we don't have them in the store he says no instead he wants a new computer I say great and begin to talk him through pricing and options he says no that he wants us to give him a new computer that it's our fault he can't buy a new iPod and we need to make it right I tell him we can't do that and he says we'll see and demands a manager my manager really relished telling him to get the duck out of his store in so many words I worked at a marine business for a number of years I was the head buyer for a long time one of the things we sold was anchor chain we sold a lot of chain for boats we would buy it in bulk and sell it for the same amount as online retailers when you account for shipping in a lot of cases we sell 250 plus to a single buyer I had a customer come in and want to buy 250 feet of three-stroke a chain this stuff weighed right around 2 pounds per foot he wasn't happy with the price that was listed and asked the sales staff for someone higher up I was the only one available and had to go deal with this he pulled up the Internet and showed me this place that was three states away had it for sale slightly cheaper than what we sold it for I told him we wouldn't price match and he'd still have to pay shipping the guy says no I don't I'll Drive to go get it great go get it fast forward two weeks guy comes in and I asked about his purchase yes he did buy it and yes he did drive three states away to pick it up in his Honda Civic hatchback he blew out both rear shocks because the dumb bus didn't account for the weight of 250 of anchor chain in the back of a car it was pure vindication because a bartender properly poured a beer it was stellar in the Stella chalice it's listed in the menu was 13.5 ounces and that's the fill light dude asked the bartender to top him off as the head had died down a bit bartender does so and the guy once the head completely poured off bartender points out the fill line and says that he can't just pour away beer head is mostly beer customer takes this ass attitude dude doesn't like it and comes to me and since I hadn't heard this I immediately point out the filled line he ended up returning the beer I like to think that he had to go to the bathroom where he would have walked past that lame 9 step perfect Stella poor poster that we have that specifically references the fill line and that the beer is supposed to have had oh and I had to spend a solid five minutes explaining sales tax and how it applies at a restaurant but not at a grocer I worked at a Toyota dealership and a Salesman set his customer asked to speak to the manager because Jesus told her that we would provide her with a car I asked her if Jesus was paying cash or financing she literally expected us to just go oh okay well pick out whatever tickles your fancy I get called over for a price match for a Lego set I get there and it's clearly a clearance price from a different location which is a policy exclusion of which I informed him shows receipt it's from a different location you have to honor it clearance differs from store to store but regardless the price match policy excludes clearance pricing so I'll call customer service and if they overrule you you'll do it I walk away while he makes his call of course he doesn't get his way because the policy is available for literally anyone to read before doing all this hoarse sheet TL DR just because it's clearance there doesn't mean that is always going to be here was the casino beverage manager in Vegas and was covering the pulled bar manager that day it was in the middle of summer and the pull team calls me saying an irate woman wanted to speak to the manager I make my way out there in 100 F feet while wearing my suit and tie this lady was seated in the VIP area and was complaining that our margarita had melted in ten minutes and wanted me to give her a replacement as it melted too fast last I checked being a beverage manager didn't give me control of the elements nor the laws of thermal dynamics but I tried to reason with her that it was 100 F and we can't prevent ice from melting but I sure as hell was melting in the Sun with my black suit she was totally livid and insisted that either we get her a replacement or to put her partially consumed drink back into the blender with more ice we blending the drink was never gonna happen as it violates a bunch of health codes I turned to the pool manager and asked did anyone verify her VIP status as VIP guests have an assigned casino host which would liaison with me directly or I would know who the VIP guests are during the pre-shift brief long story short she snuck into the VIP area so I got security to kick her out of the pool in a blink I used to be a shift leader at Cinnabon and the unbelievable amount of people who asked for stuff we don't haven't get mad that we don't have it is atrocious that is round meat pretzels glazed chocolate our store phone was broken for a few months or so which has been nice not taking calls but it gets a lot of questions why we don't pick up the phone when they call one person came by and said they called here and the manager told them they could have a free cinnamon because theirs was dry and old I asked if they talked to eggs a previous manager who no longer works there they said yes and I gave them the sassiest well our store phone hasn't been working for a few months so that is clearly a lie they stormed off I felt good about the rest of the day when working overnight in a retail store an elderly couple calls and asks for someone in the automotive department we didn't really have anyone for just that area so I took the call they needed help changing their Tesla brake fluid at like 3:00 a.m. and they called the grocery store I redirected them to the Tesla support line another time I had a customer come up to me asking for big scissors so I take them to the hedge trimmers he later revealed to me that he needed them to cut his neighbor's Christmas lights because they were too bright also had a kid who was clearly on drew guts looking for a food scale for a school project I managed a movie theater in Doughboy I filled stupid complaints all dang day being in charge of our customer review responses is a headache and a half and the discounted days bring in all sorts of crotchety old farts I had a lady complain that there were children in an auditorium showing her wait for it kids movie when I was nine months pregnant bitterly fat and waddling an old man snapped at me for not moving fast enough to serve him a beer one guy once demanded movie passes because he fell asleep in the middle of the movie and was pissed he missed the ending an elderly couple threw a fit that I wouldn't accept coupons that were older than Emmy and her the attempted scammers my most recent instant was just the other night a man was practically counting the ice cubes that went into his soda top and when he said that was too much and my concession estores him out he got angry then when my concession is tasked what soda he wanted just to clarify he snarled some variety of the contemptuous what are you new and canceled his whole order half of which had been made then he left then he came back five minutes later and complained that my concession esteem the other items for free it didn't actually escalate to calling the manager over because the second he turned to flag me down he saw me staring at him and realized I had heard the entire interaction and just left but Jesus Christ I gave my concession is to pep talk him some pointers on how I would deal with a similar situation in the future and he brushed it off but why people are like that I'll just never understand I once had to take her make out to a customer that ordered a pizza hug meat lovers Pizza complaining it was too greasy gee really no way the meat lovers Pizza is greasy no sheet lady you ordered a meat lover's pizza from Pizza Hut I'm not sure what you expected the remade pizza was exactly the same as the first one she received I hope she was able to find some sort of enjoyment in her greasy meat lovers Pizza not a manager but when I worked at a tex-mex restaurant a woman asked to see my manager because she was supposed to get 90 cents and change but said she didn't want that much change so she wanted me to give her a full dollar instead I told her if you don't want your change you don't have to take it but I can't just give you extra money even if it's just ten cents she then asked to see my manager who gave me the most really look and proceeded to politely tell her the same thing at the restaurant I used to work at a rule was actually made for serving couples if the waitress is a woman they have to address the woman at the table first and if the waiter is a man he has to address the man at the table first it's because of the numerous complaints we had about service flirting with the customer spouses imagine being that insecure in California middle-eastern man hassling my female co-worker he wants some discount on a very expensive Maugham blonde pen starts shouting he won't talk to a woman get the manager I was the night manger and a woman ignorant fool not a manager but I once had a woman ask me very rudely to get her a manager this instant because my behavior was completely unacceptable she'd asked me where something was and I simply said it's over in section I'd show you ever but unfortunately I'm tied up with another customer at the once I'm finished with her I can meet you over there and we can look for it together or I can call on the radio and see if anyone's able to meet you there sooner I was once a subway manager there was only two people working myself included the other one was a new employee so I was in charge the customer wanted her a fund for her sandwich because it's not I wanted she was a spoiled sheet imagine a spoiled girl flexing with her 2,000 coat in that thirty thousand dollar heels that was her so I had to tell her that we can't refund for things that she chosen she throw always the sub and buys another while saying that her dad is a millionaire and how he's going to sue us and sheet manager at a movie theater customer comes up and complains that the movie trainwreck wasn't about a train wreck and wanted a refund I guess they saw the movie solely based on the title guy asked for ice cubes in his coffee came back to complain his coffee was cold women walked up to one of my employees and asked to speak to the manager employee said in the assistant manager is there anything I can do no you cannot I want the manager and manager only turns out she wanted to drop off her as you so I could put a face to the name I showed it small student pub in the UK and full of staff on a slow afternoon group comes in and a couple of them decide to order some lunch asks for a menu which the employee gave them first question they ask to us do you have any burgers employee points to the first line of the first page of the two page menu enlarged bold font with all options and add-ons customers didn't like that said it was lazy and rude asked to see a manager or supervisor employee goes round the corner comes back says I am the manager patrons order their burgers chat for a bit and leave it's nice to be the manager sometimes they'll ask me the price of something this says here $10 but I don't think that is true what is the real price terribly sorry for the confusion sir for you it's $20 the customer sent the order to the wrong store she called in to check on her print order my employee looks all over for the order cannot find any record of this customer ever ordering with us she demands to speak to a manager so the phone is handed off to me now I have ran into a few of these before so after calming her down a bit I start off with a very detailed description of out location including a fire station and other prominent landmarks near us apparently she used the print shop on the other side of town then has the never to ask why we didn't tell her from the start she called the wrong store we answer the phone with dollar sign printer shop name this is dollar sign name how can we help you some people [Music] you
Channel: Storytime With Reddit
Views: 427,122
Rating: 4.8876929 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, subreddit, reddit stories, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, story, stories, toadfilms, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny posts, funny, best of, funny askreddit, r/, funniest, best posts, reddit funny, sub, comment, awards, people, funny reddit stories, updoot, tz reddit, retail, workers, managers, customers, stupid
Id: _kwq8aigwuw
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Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 02 2019
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