The Customer ISN'T Always Right (r/AskReddit)

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what's your best customer isn't always right story worked at a popular cafe so we got stupid crap all the time my two favourite though once had a man flagged me down and start shouting about this weird worm in his pie I took a quick look at the pie and noticed it was actually a piece of onion after a couple of minutes of calming the man down I asked him what sort of pie he ordered he'd ordered beef and onion he had me freaking swapped his half eating beef an onion pie for another beef and onion pie because of it another time I was delivering a large tray of food to her table everything going fine just a couple sandwiches etc as I'm about to walk away the older guy at the table grabs my attention the conversation went like this guy is this cheese sandwich dairy-free me as far as I'm aware we don't do dairy free cheese so no guy no no I mean does it have any milk products in me yes it's got cheese and butter in guy well can you bring me it back without the dairy products me you want your cheese sandwich without any dairy products him yes I promptly returned it to my manager let her know the situation and said good luck figuring that one out you should have just gave him two pieces of toast on top of each other I used to work at McDonald's a woman came in and ordered a Big Mac fries and a drink so I put her order in as a Big Mac combo since it is cheaper than getting those three things separately she then proceeded to scream at me claiming that I am ripping her off and charging her for something she didn't even order my manager then proceeded to simply charge her for those three things separately and she ended up paying more that's what you get for being nice most satisfying customer interaction of my cashier career was having the manager back me up on refusing to process a return for incense that didn't taste good I work at a concert venue I had a customer call the day after the show wanting a refund because the artist did not play his favorite song during the show bonus points if his favorite song was by a completely different artist double bonus if the artist that wrote his favorite song is dead I dealt with a lot of dumb crap as a camp director but one that always sticks out in mind after the week is over a mother comes roaring up to me and has murder in her eye having I introduced myself to the families less than an hour before she knew I was an authority figure in the camp but she is irate over the fact that her son told her other campers were using foul and distasteful language in front of her son assuming the worst I asked which words were used and she leans forward to me and whispers fart balls and butthole without trying to laugh I tell her I will discuss it with the staff did I mention that her son was a 15 year old teen camper as a 10 - 13 year old child I was once banned from a friend's house because I said oh man that sucks some people are just so out of touch with reality and get upset at the slightest drop of a pin work in a takeout food business a lady order to delivery with about three meals one of which had mushrooms in she called about I would say 15 minutes after receiving her order to complain that I tried to kill her by putting mushrooms in her meal she did not state that she or anyone had a mushroom allergy and went to yell and demand free stuff the yelling lasted about ten minutes of her just yelling and threatening to report us and all I could do was say why she did not state that she had an allergy in the end she got nothing and funny enough order to gain about three weeks later worked at a chain pizza place and had a lady call saying she wanted free food because she ordered a pizza the night before and it made her husband sick I told her that if I ordered food from somewhere that made me sick I probably wouldn't order again but I'd be glad to send her a new order if she paid for it I was working at a hotel and the guy comes in and just slaps his it on the counter without saying anything I look up his reservation and it's not in the system I tell him we don't have it and he flips out starts calling me incompetent and saying he's going to call corporate etc then he says he's been a Hilton Honors member for five years and how dare we lose high reservation so I just pointed at the large sign on the wall behind me that said Holiday Inn Express he said nothing snatched his it off the counter and left I work and produce an older woman wanted Gala apples I showed her where they were at and went about my business she then walked up holding a bag of apples and we had this exchange her I wanted galas these are chillin apples me yes mom those are Gulas Gellin is the brand her know their challenge it says on the label me shellin is the brand mom those are galas her oh well we'll see about that snippy frickin tone by the way she examines the bag as I stand there sets it down and quietly says oh you're right and walks away that's not the worst one but the only one that comes to mind right now works at a local upscale restaurant in the Midwest we had bad weather coming in one night that turns from a tornado watch to a tornado warning I stayed later than the rest of the staff - two other managers who were going to stay put since they lived half an hour away in the tornado sirens just went off I'm on my way out the door because I live five minutes away and run into the 20 person reservation that didn't answer their phone when we called five times to tell them we were closing due to the tornadoes so we're outside in a thunderstorm with the tornado sirens blaring and these people cannot grasp with the situation and are acting like it's just a normal day I try for a few minutes to get reason in their heads but they're having none of it so I get the two other managers to deal with it and went home because I couldn't handle that level of stupid anymore I was working in a frozen yogurt shop and a customer requested that I surprise her with my choice of flavor and add-ons as well as the size I created a medium chocolate topped with granola and rainbow sprinkles she looked it over and said it was too small too crunchy unattractive and oh by the way she was allergic to chocolate a small halfway filled vanilla yogurt topped with a single gummy bear it's not much but who goes I worked at Colston Creamery one summer and loved the job through and through best job ever I lived in a desert town in people were so stoked to be getting something to cool off that they didn't even be about long lines or anything one day a girl came in and ordered an item that had hot fudge I would always mix and the other ingredients and put the fudge overtop of it so that it wouldn't melt the ice cream she requested specifically that I mix in the fudge I hand her her order and she looks at it and says it's all melted I say I'm sorry I can remake it and just call the fudge over-the-top she says please remain but still mix in the fudge i point out we're probably going to be having the same conversation in about two minutes about how hot things melt ice cream but she insists I read in her order the way she requested she looks at it again and predictably enough complains that it's melted I say I'm sorry but I am unable to keep hots things from making ice cream melt this B tells me no offense but she would rather have a co-worker a make it I get my manager and explain what's happening he offers to remain it you can guess what happened after the third bowl of melted ice cream doesn't meet her approval she says she maybe just once a different item the manager says he's not giving her a fourth item if she only paid for one so she demands her money back he says no so she calls us both butt holes and storms out I can't even comprehend this level of stupid I had a customer's father call and yell at me because his daughter rented a storage unit at a different price he was quoted his daughter who was in her 30s mind you had no problem with the price no one at our location ever had a conversation with her father i sat and listened to him tell me how awful that customer service I was and all the people he referred to my location were going to move out now oh no the kicker was his daughter left us a five-star review on Yelp after she moved out praising us for our stellar customer service being a child of parents who treat waitstaff and retail employees crap he sucks man we can't really control them can't stop them from being asses so in return we overcompensate with small nice because we know that the issue isn't normally the employees fault silently we begged you not to spit in our food and to forgive our forebears how can my checking account be overdrawn I still have checks left you see a lot of stupid people as a bank teller my grandmother thought that as long as she had checks she had money blew my mind when my mom told me that I worked for an airline a customer calls in wanting to go to a city we don't fight ooh no problem I tell him we flights a city and then they can take another airline to final destination he starts screaming are you new how can you be so stupid I am on your website and you do fly there I explained that I had been employed a mere twenty five years with that airline but I'm always learning then I directed the customer to click on the connecting flight number then read to me what it says it's light 123 operated by other airline oh why he didn't just book it himself online will become apparent later we continued on and I made the reservation this customer complained every time I had to ask for info or say a federally mandated notification nothing unusual about that I didn't politely ask him to keep his volume down because I could not help him with Maya's ringing then I asked for the credit-card number to complete the purchase he started screaming again that he was not giving me his credit card he was using his bank miles miles that cannot be accessed by me or the airline I explained that his bank took his miles then called us and actually purchase a ticket with actual money but he went totally insane screeching I let him know if he didn't clean up his filthy language I was going to hang up on him he then asked for our supervisor which I was yippee the co-worker I begged to take this call explained the situation calmly I listened in then the customer said I already tried calling the bank reservation line and they said I couldn't do it then they hung up on me believe it or not most of my customers were lovely this one not so much I wonder what makes people doubt your bags like this worked in a nightclub security man approached me stating the bar girl overcharged him and he would like to speak with a manager for a refund no worries manager spoke to him reviewed footage and turned out he didn't even pay for the two shots and two vodka drinks man was asked to leave due to stealing carried on and demanded police come sort this out manager happily obliged police looked at the footage he was arrested and charged for theft trespassing and public nuisance all because he wanted to scam $26 from the venue his charges amounted to 690 dollars fail customer orders a bowl of soup to go we are very busy and currently out of the type of soup she ordered I tell her it will be a significant weight as it takes at least 10 minutes to heat up soup she agrees two minutes later she asks me where her soup is two minutes later she asks again I get frustrated and tell her we will put it in the microwave two minutes later same deal where's my soup it's in the microwave mom but it will take a little longer make the microwave go faster okay well whatever I pull it's a little early and it's still cold but at this point I Jeff I portion out her soup are to go soup containers were taller and narrower than the in-house bowls which were flattened wide the volume of super remained consistent between the two containers I know this because the portion size was too ladles regardless of container I bring this customer her soup and she immediately protests that I didn't give her enough soup she doesn't want to pay the same price for Less soup just because she's taking it to go I attempt to explain the concept of conservation which is typically grasped around age 7 to this grown Bart woman she stares at me the entire time with this suspicious look on her face like she thinks I'm trying to pull a fast one on her but the bowls in house are bigger eventually takes her soup shows back up half an hour later it's cold I don't work there anymore honestly there should be a Yelp for tracking customers if you freak with too many businesses you get banned I was working at a gas station that had updated pumps except for one the one old pump had the thing under the nozzle you had to flip up to turn the pump on now I can see on the register if someone is using or trying to use a credit card this lady comes in and says my card isn't working at the pump and I explained to her that you have to flip up the lever for it to work she tells me well I already put my card in I tell her ma'am your transaction cancels after a short time to prevent inaccurate transactions she says again but I already put it in I explained to her that like can see active cards by looking at the register but this just isn't computing in her brain and I'm freaking busy I explained to her two or three more times and she's still not getting it now there's a line of 15 people behind her so I looked past her to the next customer and say what can I get for you she storms out gets a gas and comes back in looking P to wait on the line she created she gets to the front and sneeringly says what's your name and I tell her Patrick she says what's your whole name I say what's your whole name and she told me her whole name I tell her that doesn't matter because I am the only Pat that works here and she tells me she will be making a complaint because I was very rude at this point I put my line on pause for a second and say lady you came in I told you what to do you went back out and did what I told you and got your gas if I wasn't busy I would have come out and helped you he said I'm suya you would heaven leaves told my boss about it the next day and he says if she calls me I'll tell her you only have one leg this may not be the best built it's the most recent and one I find particularly amusing I work as an admin at a body shop it should be noted that I am a woman and I tend to sound super young on the phone a guy called in wanting an estimate gee I want an estimate to replace a sideview mirror on my truck I got sideswiped and it took the mirror off me okay sir I can certainly shed you for an appointment gee can't you just do it over the phone me we do prefer that you come in just in case there's damage that isn't obvious gee look sweetie I just want an estimate for how much it we'll be to replace the mirror on a Silverado f-150 me which one gee what me a Silverado or an F 150 G I thought they were the same thing me overly polite and more than a little condescending at this point no sir a Silverado is a Chevie and an F 150 years of Ford freaking idiot coma guy look sweetie I just want an estimate for how much it will be to replace the mirror on a Silverado f-150 what in butt hole you've been visited by the Rowdyruff dojo of the Wild West many holes of good fortune and delicious dishes of chicken parmigiana will come to you if you comment giddyup popper and subscribe to the up dude rode it I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 91,556
Rating: 4.8921399 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, customer service, worst customers reddit, customers reddit, reddit customer
Id: vk2AN8Fqm_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 2sec (962 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 13 2019
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