Why Are Your Neighbors Idiots? (r/AskReddit)

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what's your best idiot neighbor story my dad had a neighbor when he was young that played his radio loudly all day even when he wasn't home always gone on vacation every time he left the house and his radio was still on my dad would go and trip the circuit breaker to his condo one day he sees my dad who was an electrical engineer and asked him why his breaker kept tripping was it faulty wiring no my dad explained the loud radio was probably just putting too much strain on the circuit when left on all the time my dad suggested he should try turning it down or off when he wasn't home and see if that fixed it so the man tried it and surprise surprise the circuit breakers stopped tripping he was very thankful to my dad for helping him with that annoying electrical issue genius when I was a kid we had this guy living next door who seemed like a nice guy this is the mid-nineties and he had an ear in business so he was doing pretty well for himself then he got together with a crackhead and his house slowly started going to crap literally at one point his septic system went up and since they were smoking every dime he made he decided that he was just going to make a cess pit we live on the east coast in the Mid Atlantic it gets hot and humid come July thanks to this guy our entire neighborhood smelled like a spot a pot at Midsummer Festival for about three months fast-forward to January nice and snowy we come home to our house being broken into a computer is gone TV is gone bunch of movies and meds are gone cops show up and they start dusting and looking around they go outside and lo and behold there are tracks going from our side door back to the neighbor's house of course they deny everything and or at least smart enough not to keep the stuff around after we got home we they were not smart enough to use different names they pawned everything though needless to say we had new neighbors within a few months of this incident I live on a 50-plus acre New England farm about to stroke three of it is wooded after I'd been here for about a year I was walking the boundary stone wall about ten feet on my side of the land from a neighbor's yard I hear a bellowing voice you'd better not be on my land I replied I'm not I'm on my own land he yells back from somewhere in the trees on his side just so you know never stopped foot on my land me okay we've got a deal and you stay off mine okay I hear a grunt then I asked by the way is this your deer hunting tree stand on my side of the wall at which point he exploded that stand has been there for ten years neighbor dug a hole in our side yard because she needed us both of us live on an acre of land I had a neighbor with a drag racing car at the time we didn't have a count like clockwork at dinnertime he would start the car and revved it so loud my windows rattled if we had any windows open because it was summer we wouldn't be able to have dinner conversation one day I'd had enough I walked to the fence and got his attention and politely asked if he could maybe not rev the car at dinnertime I said I was cool with it otherwise his answer was Frick you freaked me he okay I went inside and called the police and filed a noise complaint they came out heard it live and wrote him up he fought it in court so I had to go judge asked me what happened I told the story above she asked him and his wife father was true they said yes boom $1,000 fine judge told me to call the police if it continued to be clear I wasn't wasting nine-one-one time I was calling the non emergency ordinance enforcement number all demas had to do was avoid one hour a day and we'd have been fine I never called again because he didn't rev during dinner one day his common-law wife gets in my face about calling again I told her I didn't but she wouldn't believe me he got hit with a second $1,000 fine turns out it was the neighbor two houses away who was a migraine sufferer and had similarly tried the neighborly approach first they are lucky they just got to find from the other neighbor as a fellow migraine sufferer when they hit my mind isn't functioning on all cylinders I'd probably have taken a bat of the car I watched my across-the-street neighbor cut his 3/4 acre lawn entirely with an electric weed whacker because he didn't have time to drive a mile to get gas for his lawnmower I kid you not this one dude in my neighborhood let his grass get so tall that he couldn't use a lawn mower on it was driving one day and saw the sucker with a weed whacker going at grass taller than him we lived next to this big guy in an apartment building front doors inside a hallway now he was a nice enough guy but he was always cleaning a puddle up in front of his apartment every other day we'd always ask him if everything was all right and he'd stalks him incoherent crap about how he hates management so out of curiosity I asked management when I happened to be in the rental office and the lady rolls her eyes and says this idiot fills up his tub to the brim and sits his fat butt in the tub the water of course floods his entire apartment and comes out into the hallway and this idiot has the balls to blame us somehow I pretty much said jeez sounds rough and scurried on back to my place if the tub story is really the truth this guy must be dumb as rocks couple that lives across the hall from me fights often and loudly one night the girl found something on the guy's phone that she found objectionable either P or evidence of cheating either way she was yelling a lot about skanks and Eris so she throws his phone off a second-floor balcony onto the concrete walkway below where it shatters a guy then goes back inside grabs her phone and does the same moral of the story is an iPhone for an iPhone makes the whole world entertaining for the neighbors when I lived with my parents we had a knock at the door one day from our neighbors across the road they told us a story that resulted in their car getting stolen the night before apparently the wife had seen a strange-looking man wandering around the street late at night he had apparently been looking into car windows which were parked on driveways including our cars the next morning their BMW was gone including the keys which were hanging by the front door of their house they assumed the strange man looking in car windows had somehow fished the keys from the house via the letterbox the whole thing sounded very strange to not call the police when a man is literally peering through car windows on people's driveways was strange enough but months later the neighbors got a divorce and sold their house turns out they'd made the whole thing up and had dumped the car for the insurance as they had fallen on hard times apparently their crappy story hadn't held up well and they were found out who broadcasts a story like that why make yourself look stupid for not calling the police when seeing a strange man hang up cars then tell all the neighbors about the man a neighbor messed up when building a home and put his entire home well within my property large piece of land with two huge clearings connected to two roads but separated by a largest mass of trees I didn't notice because I had taken an eighth month vacation right after he started building huge property I didn't go around and inspect it off him so I got a real estate lawyer and surveyors to confirm it was in my property I was going to sell him that clearing for a good price until I went to talk to him and he was the biggest butthole I had ever met he essentially told me that he is going to sue me for reading him on despite the fact that I did not know him nor have did I meet him before that day his wife flipped my girlfriend and I as we were pulling out of their driveway four months later I file a lawsuit saying he must destroy the property or turn it over to me immediately it would have cost him more to demolish it and return the site to original condition so he signed the house over to me but he was still out for construction costs I was living in a single-wide with my girlfriend then I had brand-new 2600 square featuring house with all the hookups for water electric and cable for free got the land for next to nothing sold it for almost 50 times the value I feel like this is better than winning the lottery my upstairs neighbors Moo at each other very loudly I used to live in the country and it sounds exactly like a cow and me and my roommate have no idea why they do it nobody believes us until they come over and hear it for themselves we move back at them sometimes now if they get too loud and they usually stop for a while they're just weird people though I love that you move back my constantly drunk neighbor came up with the brilliant idea that he could collect the leaves in the stone parking lot with his snowblower he duct-taped a plastic garbage bag over the discharge chute and off he goes it actually inflated the bag for a few moments until the stones started flying he broke three windows on his garage door and splattered a bunch of cars in the lot crap my britches laughing I could write a book on all the stupid crap I saw him do neighbor before I bought the house ever they would Park but use a wide sweeping arc to get into his spot over my lawn after asking men at times for him to stop I put an enormous rock directly in that path on my own property but lo and behold he smashed into it hard after threatening to sue very loudly and forcefully I informed him I'm a lawyer and he damaged me rock on my property and is liable for all the damages to my brand-new Rock he stopped driving on my lawn after back in high school one of our neighbors moved away in their house sold to this elder woman and her mostly grown sons she was a strange one she cut down every tree on her property because of the bad spirits and then the Sun seemed to be popular having people dropped by at all hours all was relatively quiet until one day while I was home alone there was a knock on the door two gentlemen in very nice black suits and dark ties then identified themselves as FBI and asked me if we were ever approached by crazy lady or her sons to buy anything I basically replied where they are crazy and we don't talk to them they don't talk to us they hand me their business card then proceeded on to the next house I look out the window and I see five blue Ford Tauruses three red Ford Astro vans and one Viacom truck that was being loaded with box after box from the neighbor's garage turns out the sons were making those special cable boxes that got you all of the channels for free after this it was only the strange lady left in that house my neighbor is an overweight middle-aged woman that seems to have a bad knee only when my kids are outside in the summer if they are playing in my fenced-in backyard she'll pretend to fall down so they can help her up I went from kids you should help her that's what neighbors do - she fell again it seems like she only falls when you guys are playing and she doesn't fall when I'm working in the garden - if she falls again come get me when I started saying that she seemed to be able to get up pretty quickly I had to go over there in August and tell her that I can't have my kids helping her get up anymore they are seven and eight years old and they can't give her medical aid I get that she is probably lonely but 3 or 4 times a week I'd hear her yell kids kids help me up I fell again I had a problem with a neighbor who drove over my lawn with his ATVs and damaged the grass shrubs he said he'd pay for damage but that never happened and he kept doing it so I put my huge trailer across their tracks to block their paths they went around it I put up two other barriers that they also drove around so I found this huge branch that had fallen in the woods between our properties and dragged it across to cover the third path they were making across my yard but the branch got caught on a cable what is a cable doing over the lawn instead of properly buried so I called the cable company to have it buried they said I was the only registered client on that box and to disconnect it so I did after the weekend my neighbor came by going total opposite at me for disconnecting his cable he yelled he was going to call the cops on me so I left I got a call from the cops cops asked if I disconnected cable because of the ATV issue interesting I wasn't even going to mention the ATV issue but my neighbor already did so long story short the neighbor got a warning ticket for trespassing and admitted to stealing cable I took an offer on my house that very day and moved that guy is a freaking damn boss calling the cops for the crime he committed I wonder how many times this happens I have crazy neighbors they are actually very nice as neighbors go but the family is totally dysfunctional they have two grown-up daughters living there along with their teenage daughters and their boyfriends one has a kid there are roughly ten people living there ranging from five to seventy they keep the yard mowed and keep to themselves mostly but they are bat-crap insane I like them actually for two reasons first they are notorious and crazy around our town so everyone leaves them alone so little crime around us second they are entertainment one morning my aunt was visiting we are on the front porch and I am telling her about all the neighbors I was telling her a story about how one of the younger granddaughters gets in a fight with her boyfriend at 2:00 a.m. on a Tuesday night they are screaming at each other walking up and down the street explaining that something like that happens once a week like clockwork one of the daughters comes out screaming back at someone and gets in her car her daughter comes out and tries to stop her from backing out she grabs a shovel from he back of the truck and starts hitting the front windshield of the card Stata ringgit they call the cops meanwhile the granddaughter with the shovel calls her bio-dad who lives down the road he picks his daughter up two minutes later the cops show up but she is gone I have hundreds like this your front lawn is like an episode of dr. Phil Oh Maury Povich I almost envy you I had a neighbor on our old street who were pretty sure was on some serious drugs when we first moved there he wanted to invite us to her BB Q but we declined because we were still busy unpacking and said maybe another time a few months later we hear a woman and distress and turns out he was beating his wife in the middle of the street we called for her to come over here so she could call police or whatever but the wife left him and some drama between both of em throughout the years it's irrelevant to us though because our family helped his wife we were his enemy and he harassed us multiple times throughout the years we'd call the police and they'd come out and basically have him stop for a time at one point he bought a megaphone and started yelling threats and swears at us another time he started driving his motorcycle around our neighborhood to annoy us and then used the motorcycles back tire to throw dirt and rocks at our car we called the police who told him don't do this again he denied he ever did it in the same breath that he said he did because my mom is evil a few years later I go to get the mail and I hear him talking to his one two year old child basically telling the child the woman over there is evil never trust her referring to my mom I tell my mom and she's thinking oh boy what's he up to now later that afternoon he drives by our house very slowly and stops staring into our livingroom window he later goes home and uses his megaphone to insult my mom and yell threats at us again one specific threat being you better not leave your kids alone or something will happen to them my mom calls the police they recommend a restraining order the next day and his ex-wife calls us saying her kids heard him saying he was going to get a restraining order against us we filed one at the same time so we had the same court date he told the court that my mom had been training me and my siblings and an unnamed teenage boy to climb his fence and go into his tree at night to harass him and one night he caught us and we all ran back into our house at my mom's orders apparently we only haris him when his kids were at his ex-wife's he basically spouted insanity through our the entire court hearing and the judge asked for our side of the story and we told him the judge asked if our neighbor was taking any meds and he told the judge yes I was taking antipsychotics but I stopped then the judge then told him that my family would never bother him again and granted us our restraining order dude was completely insane I worry about how those kids off his turned out I was off sick one day and my roommate came home for lunch and checked the mail we got a letter with no return address sent to the rooftop pot smokers with our address on it we knew it was for our next-door neighbors since one of them had a chair on the roof and smoked up there since it had no actual name and our address on it I was like happy imma open this it'll be hilarious as I'm opening the taped envelope a little bit of white powder sprinkled on to my lab my roommate and I looked at each other and were like euhh WTF so I got up and took the letter outside to open it a crap ton of white powder came out of the letter when we took it out of the envelope so we grabbed a ziploc bag and some tongs and sealed up the letter the letter was typed and said random crap like to the butthole who likes smoking pot on the roof and yelling at people on the street with kids you'd better have good insurance cuz I'll damage your stuff I'm ex-military and have nothing better to do than to watch over you you peed off the wrong guy blablabla and at the end it said by the way the substance in this envelope is toxic so you might want to get yourself to a hospital who's the mother sucker now at that point we were half laughing half concerned so I called the cops Juhu West in case they took it very seriously and sent out everyone cops paramedics fire trucks RCMP my roommate works for them and the tactical unit our version of SWAT the street was closed off we were quarantined to our garage and every neighbor who was home at the time came out to take a look everyone was told to go back inside and stay put the tactical team gossiped it up in hazmat suits and went in our house to test the letter envelope we were in the garage for almost three hours the tactical guys came back out and said the substance was found to be non-toxic but they still had to do some more tests to figure out exactly what it was at that point we were taken into the ambulance for a look over and then back to the garage turns out the white powder was frickin pancake mix my roommate and I along with the cops and tactical guys burst out laughing together we thanked the response teams and they left the police stayed behind to get our statements and question for next door neighbors to whom the letter was supposed to be sent a detective followed up with us a couple of times since it was a threat and sent through the mail it was a serious offence the letter envelope was sent off to forensics for testing unfortunately nothing was founded the case was closed the people in that house caused some crap the entire time they lived there noise complaints trash left everywhere outside etc but this incident really takes the cake luckily they have all since moved out dick bags if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now [Music]
Channel: AskReddit Is Fun
Views: 212,168
Rating: 4.8589787 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to, idiot neighbor, bad neighbor, worst neighbor, neighbors stories
Id: u7WbzdeAP2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 14sec (1214 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
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