Life tips you NEED to know from Reddit - r/AskReddit

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what life protip have you learned from reddit that you still use every time the situation presents itself if you get a prepaid Visa gift card save it with like a $1 or $2 and use it to sign up for free trials without having to worry about using your actual credit card a long time ago I remember reading a thread about signs that someone is interested in you the one I remember the most clearly is that they'll look at you if they see or hear something funny it helped me resolve exactly one potentially uncomfortable situation in my life making it by far the most useful advice I have ever gotten from reddit I never put my card into a gas pump without furiously wiggling the reader first if someone won't shut up drop something they'll pause when you go to pick it up use that opportunity to speak as you pick up whatever you dropped instead of saying I assumed say I was under the impression at legitimately works wonders X percent of Y is equal to Y percent of X it's made my mental math so much easier obligatory edit ahem ahem thanks for the gold kind strangers there when I'm walking on a sidewalk approaching a group of people heading towards me I slow down to a pace slower than tha's so they make room for me to pass someone on reddit described how people subconsciously yield to whoever is going more slowly generally works I'm pretty sure it was er LPT might have been a nos credit response but it was in relation to a six second rule have to get something done and don't want to start it count down from six and force yourself to do it I have no idea why it works or why the number six was chosen but I applied it to the menial tasks in my life I don't want to do and it's worked extremely well not filing in that a field in an email until I'm completely done with the email save me a lot of badly written emails half-finished air mails and emails I never sent because I had time to think better of it Seren rap slash cling wrap goes in your freezer that makes the product actually work if your printer is out of black ink and you need urgent printout please change the color of the front number zero one zero one zero one which is 99% gray it will help if you accidentally offend and or anger someone when apologizing follow this formula state what you did Y was wrong and how you'll prevent it from happening in the future when you are trying to resolve an issue where someone else made an error put the focus on the error and not a person example of this that I use almost every day at work someone sends me an email without the attachment instead of saying you didn't send the attachment I say the attachment didn't come through please try sending it again it doesn't seem like a huge deal but people are more likely to become defensive or hostile when you blame them even if it was their fault it has saved me a lot of headaches at work edit thank you crime stranger can't believe I went 28 years of my life before finally learning this on reddit if you spread your cheeks as you sit down you have a lot less wiping to do it's only been used once but when you're caught in a Riptide swim parallel to shore not directly forwards in order to escape about a week ago my brother and I were out in the ocean and a wave crashed over us my hair was plastered to my face and I couldn't see in the time that I took to get the hair out of my eyes we realized we had been pushed out and couldn't touch the ground at all we were getting further and further from shore we were struggling for about 20 minutes against the current until he remembered that LPT and we both swam sideways like crazy my cousin had luckily alerted our uncle and he was able to get us back in once we could touch the ground again thanks reddit instead of saying I know say you're right people pay a lot of money for individually wrapped home-cooked brownies at music festivals when giving advice use the phrase perhaps in replacement of I think so it comes off more as a suggestion and not an opinion it will be more likely to be heard and taken into consideration check the pressure in your spare tire and know how to use the jack before going on a trip putting read it instead of read it in the air all makes the subreddit of your choosing a slideshow edit oh now I'm the reason a ton of people want in the past 20 hours I don't like this power blink eyes rapidly for a minute before bed to tire yourself out it's fine to have an explanation after an apology however do not preface it with but because then it just sounds like you are trying to make excuses taking something with me that belongs on the other floor every time I go upstairs or downstairs makes tidying up more efficient when the power goes out search for whiffy networks on your phone to see if every ohms power is out edit I love with it get a dashcam fortunately I haven't had to use it to defend myself but the thought of not having it when I need it brings me absolute anxiety now there have been a few instances where I've almost hit idiot slash wasted pedestrians and if I didn't have that dashcam running I would have been very very screwed if I did hit them and they law it up knowing that I have a dashcam running also improves my motorist habits significantly keep the music down obey the speed laws don't use the phone no invasive lane changes and no speeding up to try and beat a yellow light where I obviously won't with the dashcam I Drive like there's an insurance broker riding shotgun and a jury in the back seat using pistachios shells to open the really hard to open pistachios the advice I read one time don't put it down put it away it has reduced the clutter in my home dramatically apologize less say thank you more for instance instead of I'm sorry I'm talking so much say thank you for listening instead of sorry for a shilling say thanks for being so flexible wiping the water off of my body with my hands in the shower before getting out and towel drying can't remember when I saw it but using chopsticks to eat cheetah's popcorn Doritos et Cie while using the computer keeps your keyboard from getting quite as disgusting pre tangling your headphones grab both ends with one hand your finger in the middle pull tight and twist approximate nine times then let them naturally curl up and make sure you don't run anything through the loop when you side them in your pocket when you take them out they may look tangled but will unravel perfectly when you have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night close one eye until after you finish peeing and turn off the bathroom light the eye that was closed will be able to see in the darkness and you will be able to get back to your room without stubbing your toe or tripping my favorite has been if I'm planning on buying something but last-minute decide against it still take the money and put it in savings even if it's five dollars ten dollars I was ready to spend the money anyway so why not save it this has really helped me build up a small savings in the last year edit thank you so much for my first gold carat carat so happy also love being a part of the supportive portion of the reddit community thank you kind people i had writer's block for the longest time what got me out of it was one piece of advice that can work for nearly anything right one sentence and see where it goes don't overthink it or criticize the ideas just jump in and do it it really works in some of my best writing came from using that technique letting the plot write itself and break away from my initial ideas of how I thought it was supposed to go it can apply to anything just one step one phone call one new accomplishment outside of your comfort zone jump in and get going edit what is this gold you speak of have I got em all of you out of writer's block if you are nervous about any kind of public speaking volunteer to go first you get it done and over with quickly you are able to relax for the rest of the class conference or what have you and most importantly your audience depending the setting is too worried about their own presentation / speech to care about yours I also paired this with advice to bring visual aids example being I needed to explain why my state is unique so I brought photos for each table to pass and shots of maple syrup pretty sure only the facilitator was looking at me the entire time everyone else was busy looking at photos and taking shots of maple syrup being secretive about winning the lottery can save your life and potentially others edit - the stranger who gave me gold thank you very much mending something to someone take their picture with the item you lent them I avoid awkward hallway scuffles by looking at the direction I want to go it works every single time not making fun of people's laugh I've literally seen the joy leave a person's face after making a joke about someone's laugh makes me sad thinking about it open a bag of chips and roll the bottom in so it creates its own self standing bowl people are always impressed the komarin period Keys movie out of videos one frame backward and forward respectively setting a timer for 10 minutes every time I walk through the front door to clean / tidy stops it building up and goes really quick so doesn't feel like a chore floss before brushing that way you end with the fresh toothpaste taste and not the rottenly taste and the toothpaste gets in we're trapped food particles were which would have been blocked by said particles it's nothing major but once a redditor posted about grouping utensils in the dishwasher all Forks in one section all spoons in one et Cie so that when they are dry you can just reach in and put them away without having to sort through them very minimal tip but something I hadn't thought of on the topic of big goals someone on our / us grade had said to focus on the path in front of you rather than the top of the mountain this has helped me complete small but necessary daily tasks like homework and warred night edit Wow this is by far my most popular comments thanks everyone I actually wrote an expansion on this piece of advice and if anyone would like the read my take on it feel free to PM me if something takes less than 15 minutes just do it right now instead of putting it off I'm lazy as Frick if left to my own devices and this has helped me become a better housekeeper and be much more productive if you're at a large parkour event with your kids take a picture of them just as you walk in the door if by some chance they get lost you have a picture that shows exactly what they look like and what they were wearing if you are job hunting copy and paste the job description from the ad or the website you're applying to and make the font white so it is not seen by human eyes the computer will pick up the key words and phrases and move your resume to the list of people they will call for interviews at the time that I saw this tip I was job hunting and having problems getting anyone to call me for an interview I started out in the Job Description to the bottom of the resume tiny font and white color so it was blind every company I submitted my resume to that I did that I got an interview with I ended up getting a job for a company that is very picky about who they hire and only interview one out of every hundred applications I love my new job and going forward if I ever had to apply anywhere again I will be doing the same trick edit I don't know if this trick works everywhere I was skeptical too when I read it on here but figured I had nothing to lose I was applying to major national companies who used computer software to sort the applications except for one job I applied for jobs where I met all the requirements of skill education experience etc even the job I wasn't qualified for called me it fell apart of the interview lesson learned so for me this trick worked don't dwell on past you not starting something sooner start now and think about how future you will appreciate how much you've done if you want to cool and wrink or any other beverage in a bottle / can quickly that is warm wrap in wet paper towels and put them in the freezer give it 5 10 minutes and you'll have it ice-cold invest in the things that that separate you from the ground good shoes tars and mattress don't make the mistake of thinking that for better or worse things are always going to like be they are right now only apologize for something once any more than that and you are just trying to make yourself feel better check the comments for the real LBT wet your nail clippers before using them if you are afraid to check your bank account check your bank account if you keep a baseball bat in your car for protection put a sock over it if they grab the bat they will only get the sock and you will get another swing use cold water to wash come off your hands when I buy ice cream I enclose it in an airtight plastic bag after I open it this keeps the ice cream soft if you don't know whether you should use the word effect or effect simply use impact cover up a sensor with TP so toilet doesn't go off mid wipe if you put toilet paper on top of the water before you poop it stops the poop water from splashing your ass as you drop your turd a redditor once remarked on how he realized how much he didn't know about a topic he was really passionate about he then said something along the lines of reserving our judgement for things we know very little about like stuff that's covered in the news etc I've taken that advice to heart and become less judgmental about things I don't know very much about it's made me less angry less depressed and less skeptical about the world in general if you are ever talking crap about someone and they walk up and catch you include them in the conversation like you fully intended to call them out on it might as well really give it to them at this point as well they're already off balance because they fully expected you to backpedal become defensive this approach prevents them from saying that you were talking behind their back and lets them know you have a problem with them when microwaving food casserole pasta et Cie make it in the shape of a ring or a doughnut basically have it hollowed out in the middle it heats up significantly quicker and more evenly edit spelling I know it was on Reddit and I'm not sure if it was or LPT but you judge others by their actions of yourself by your intentions really put things into perspective when I thought of why people do the things they do and how they perceive what I do wiggle the credit card slot at gas pumps baby wipes by the bed for activities I Drive a lot and I'm always at the gas station those constant ads that they play from the screen can be muted usually by hitting the unlabeled button on the right side of the screen second one down from the top if not just push the others until it mutes I generally chuckle that the five hours a day on but it is now totally worth it due to a couple minutes of quiet I don't boil eggs anymore I steamed them 15 minutes is absolutely perfect and they feel so easy I'll never look back except that now I'm kind of tired of hard-boiled eggs set up under one male so you have 30 seconds to unsend an email after hitting sending it's done that hitting send is the thing needed for me to realize what I forgot or that I didn't want to send it but I use it all the time if your dog is running away and you can't catch up pretend to fall they'll run back to check up in you bonus if you yell out I fallen and I can't get I've using an old point rated point Kong if you accidentally type something in all caps highlight it and push shift f3 to undo the caps when putting stuff into a plastic ziplock style baggy roll the top of the bag outward so that you're placing things directly into the bag without contaminating the edge where you seal it AAA I thought it was a stupid insurance scam but for $50.00 figured it would be worth a try few months later when I was the last one at work and my car battery was dead it was a godsend it lot of comments about aaaa horror stories here maybe it's a location thing in the last two years I've had my battery jumped twice towed once when my starter went out and a flat tire patched also called once for a friend with a dead battery my car is crappy AAA makes it possible to keep rolling until I can afford something more reliable don't overthink before making decisions make the one your gut tells you to and see it through to the end of course that doesn't apply to big life decisions but for everyday work and personal decisions it's been helping me a lot saving me lots of unnecessary stress if you get life ated a lot when standing up make it a habit to clench your abs every time you stand up it sounds weird but it works I subconsciously do it all the time now never being the first one to break a hug with someone you're interested in I look at my gas gag to see on which side the tank Liddy's every time I've had this car for quite some time thanks but it always go see a movie and then get dinner so you can talk about the movie afterwards I love it it makes me way more comfortable on dates edit I don't necessarily mean this for a first date like a lot of people seem to think edit to spelling if you can't get all of your poop out insert a finger into your bag and feel around the back of your vagal wall and guide it out life changing just today a friend was soliciting advice on assisted living / nursing home for her grandmother i chime din that she should check with paramedics in the area i had read on reddit that they were intimately familiar with the level of care in facilities in their area peanut butter on the side of the tub to give the dog a bath she sits still for the whole time and get so much more thorough cleaning whenever your suppressed out just blow on your thumb don't really know the science behind it but it lowers your heart rate at least for me edit wow I didn't expect this to have such a big impact on some of you glad I could help I really like the one where you dampen a nap and put it in with your pizza when you microwave it the first time I tried I was amazed that it actually worked eating oranges in the shower that crap still hits two years later putting duct tape on the back of sandpaper oMG increases its life by a crap-ton no is a complete sentence this has been such a life-changing phrase I saw a thread that involved building confidence and someone had said something that helped me so much in high school they said if you're in a situation and you're uncomfortable just imagine someone you look up to and do and say what you'd expect them to say I had guy on my swim team who ended up being a really good friend he was muscular to the enth degree and was just so calm and cool all the time everyone loved the guy and for good reason so when I was uncomfortable or didn't know what to do I just channeled him and tried to emulate what he would say and do it really helped me a lot and I'm glad we ended up such good friends treat others the way you would want them to treat your grandma makes waiting tables easier if your milk has expired or past the sell-by date then pour some in a cup and smell it before using it the cap traps dried milk and always smells spoiled so it won't tell you that it's all bad just that the cap stinks I use this today because my milk was dated for yesterday and the kids wouldn't believe me that we didn't need to throw it out pooping with my feet up on a stool it has made my pooping experience much better and I feel much more empty after if you ever forget someone's name just use this formula sorry what's your name person whose name you should know gets angry its Jessica know your family name oh it's Smith you get them to tell you their name and you save face for being a terrible person when I was learning to drive my brother taught me how to make sure I wasn't too close behind the car in front notice when it passes a lamppost and say only it all breaks the two second rules slowly to yourself if you pass the same lamppost before you finish you're too close learn to drive way before helpful senses et Cie were invented I've picked it up from the office really but seen had repeated him many times so it counts whenever I'm about to do something I think would an idiot do that and if they would I would not do that thing using like eighty five percent gray instead of black for text when printing black and whites are saving don't argue with people on the internet almost all of them are incapable of accepting they're wrong even with insurmountable proof so there's no point whenever using a public toilet take a piece of toilet paper wipe the seat and flush it now you know there's toilet paper the seat is dry and how well it flushes I developed this into a habit so I'm never trapped without toilet paper getting wet from the seat or overestimating the power of the flush it avoids a lot of embarrassing situations edit really I do this with every bathroom that isn't my own it saved me from numerous embarrassing situations that my in-laws house as well as friends houses the tag of your beds fitted sheet goes at the bottom right corner turning the sound off on the microwave when the power goes out the damn thing resets itself so I have to turn the sound off each time but still glad I happened across the tip of how to do so until then I didn't realize it was possible to silence a microwave put on turn signal before breaking if you are making eggs and a piece of an eggshell falls in use an eggshell to get it out honestly out of all the life hacks I've learned that one is perfect that if something doesn't impact you five years from now it's not worth being mad about getting a friend to call references I put on my resume pretending to be a potential employer to see what they say about me I open bananas from the non-stem and it works real well forget if you took your prescription next time just flip it over after you've taken it so you know it's all good get yourself another debit card on a separate account use that card for internet purchases only transfer over what you need hacker / scanners can't empty an empty account as contrived as this may sound my advice is don't pine breakups happen accidents happen life happens there's a time to be sad but don't dwell on it that's pining be sad learn from it why are you sad and get on with your life any time spent pining can be spent moving forward job interview didn't go over well guzzle a glass of wine and trudged on don't spend a week crying over what could have been squeegeeing water off yourself after your shower but before you towel dry honesty it makes a huge difference in how quickly you can dry off and it makes you a bit less cold when you first get out a door of a building can always be open from the inside by pushing it so in case of an emergency everyone can leave if you want a perfect high-five look at the other person's elbow ripping the bottom of a cupcake off and putting it on top to turn it into a who peopIe keeps the icing from getting all over your face if there's a task that can be done in less than two minutes do it right away this avoids buildup of multiple things and procrastinating leaving oneself also feeling accomplished another editor once commented on a thread like this awhile back saying that they learn to make sure the bottom of dishes are as clean as the top since they stack as a man for a happy marriage sit down to pee give a little push in that region below your balls to squeeze out the last few drops of pee I usually sleep in dry underwear now to clean a blender immediately after you use it rinse it out then put warm water and soap in it then blend it tardy a line a bowl with tinfoil pour bacon grease throw a waiting file when bacon grease has cooled Cologne should be discovered and not announced also cut your goddamn nails the beauty of a shower drink there was once a day about using questions rather than just stating your opinions to appear more rational and sensitive and open for example instead of saying you broke the TV you can ask what happened to the TV simple enough but a game changer I plan on using let chip it'll compromise their chicken portion before a questing' double chicken spare key and wallet has helped me numerous times I keep my man meat out of coconuts [Music]
Channel: Reddify2
Views: 139,280
Rating: 4.963521 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, reddify, toadfilms
Id: F9d3JxfcZ2Y
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Length: 27min 14sec (1634 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2020
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