What Happened During An Interview That Made You Not Want That Job? (r/AskReddit)

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what happened during a job interview that made you not want the job English teacher looking for a position second interview went well interviewers said they wanted me to be on their team and that they would set up an appointment to sign the contract by the following Monday I called to check in on Wednesday and was told that I would receive a call by Friday called on Friday afternoon and was told that the person responsible would be calling me back that afternoon the following morning received a phone call from the principal checking in on whether or not HR had been in touch he promised to light a fire under them I started interviewing elsewhere as backup after three weeks of this kind of back-and-forth I let them know I had accepted a different position one which had passed me a contract to sign 10 minutes after the interview I have had the same experience as well their recruiter had told the HR department I was a good catch and I even got an interview at their main headquarters afterwards it was the same story as you I gave up on them when I had an interview at 8:30 but they didn't call me in until 9:30 I had something similar happened when I was still in college went in for a retail position my interview was apps noon when I showed up 15 minutes early I was told that the manager was on lunch and wouldn't be back for another hour I needed the job so I waited only to have a half a said interview and be told that they had already hired someone days before shady dude was the only person there in literally an empty storefront job was for computer repair we actually sort of hit it off got into a long discussion about music production and he actually burned me a couple of CD s off pirated software for my studio then he explained that the job was really crappy and I should find something else found out later that the whole business was a scam and he embezzled a bunch of money and ran off without paying his employees dude must have genuinely liked me so he didn't hire me whoa seems like a pretty good goo didn't on the job interview with a security locksmith company interviewer got a phone call from his boss and they got into a huge argument and he quit right in the middle of the job interview I just kinda went home and pretended it never happened was interviewing for a management position they said that I first had to work an amount of time as a rep on a rather low pay yep don't advertise a management position of it's basically a ploy to get cheap reps when the interviewer double-booked and insists she interviewers together then proceeded to compare our answers in real-time in front of the other candidate when she called me three weeks later outside of work hours to offer me the job she seemed genuinely surprised at my refusal interviewing for a position as an adviser for a financial firm the manager then gave me the floor for questions me is this a new role or am i replacing someone interviewer well we had three advisers in this department and I laid off two of them because I felt we were over staffed you would be the replacement me thinking in my head okay I think we're done here I'm pretty sure you can only lay people off if you eliminate their position otherwise it's firing when we got to salary negotiations and they literally wanted to give me half of what I was expecting when I was in high school one of the jobs I interviewed for said I noticed who put minimum wage as your desired salary however I got a special permission from the state to pay my high school workers less than minimum wage I was like WTF my interviewer turned out to be a former coworker from a previous job great dude we always got along ten minutes into the interview he leans forward and quietly says the jobs yours if you want it but you don't want it trust me I did trust him I thanked him and left I discovered I was being pitched to job as a life insurance salesman for the purpose of taking old people's money I felt gross just being there I suppose if you put it that way we are getting our initial site data by violating several US anti hacking laws I walked into the interview with no real idea what the job actually was I walked out of the interview with no real idea what the job actually was to this day I still don't know what that job was transponster walked into a rapid-fire panel interview took about a half hour of me half fast in my way through questions I didn't know the answer to for the panel to ask me what position I was there for I was interviewing for a position as a mechanical engineering intern suffer more in college they thought I was there to interview for an intermediate electrical engineer position they apparently hadn't even looked at my resume then I was given a to by a younger employee that informed to me that there are daily 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. meetings that you have to be present for or call into if you are taking a vacation day oh and you only get paid for 8 hours a day they were also the lowest high hourly offer of any of the internships I applied for I told them no what the heck could be so pressing that management feels the need to hold mandatory meetings twice a day and at the worst possible times 2 WTF them how much overtime are you willing to work me as much as you're willing to pay me for them well we don't pay for overtime me you are legally obligated to compensate me for overtime them well it won't be much but are you willing to put in extra hours what kind of compensation would you be looking for me cash and fee to have this system worked out already I'm out engineer Oh 9 grad applied to work as an engineer for a coal mine they took us for an underground tour essentially making sure nobody freaked out one of the guys who had been there a long time was leading us with the bad limp I might add and said it's not if you will be hurt but when and how bad this wasn't very long after a safety meeting talking about a guy crushed himself operating heavy equipment at another site a few days before coal mining is a dangerous job mining in general I've had two instances where an interviewer talked me right out of wanting the job one I always get a few questions in myself and I always ask the person who would be my boss what do you like about your job one time my future boss said I don't really like my job and went on to explain why he didn't like being a manager in the company but that was the end of me wanting to be his employee too I interviewed for a sales supports position to sell a software project to state governments during the interview they admitted that they had no current contract with any state to sell the software nor any concrete plans to get a contract I never returned any calls for a second interview I'm in college so I was looking for a job while I was home for this summer and I applied the target they called me and asked a few questions one of them was when I was going back to school I told them the last week of August and they said they couldn't hire me because I couldn't work through the first week of September which is really busy for them I was somewhat upset but it wasn't that big of a deal for me I moved on and applied to a few other places a few weeks later they called me and said they looked at my application again and they changed their mind and invited me in for an interview I was excited and I was glad that I had a second chance I go in and everything in the interview was going well they finally asked when I was going back to school which was weird to me because they already asked me that before I told them the first week of August then the interviewer said that they couldn't hire me because I wouldn't be there for the first week of September I asked why they even called me in and I explained what happened the interviewer said that she had no idea that they called me before I was very upset that they wasted my time like that I've had multiple places blatantly lie about their compensation and benefits up until the actual interview but last time I was job searching I think I walked out on three places went and for what seemed to be a legit sales job quickly realized it was a pyramid scheme an idiot they told me that I couldn't use the bathroom whenever I wanted and most people end up with incontinence kamar and most people end up with incontinence what in the absolute Frick I'm an accountant I walked into this company for a job interview and knew something was off it was on the 40th floor in downtown San Francisco had like six offices had two corner offices had a section of the office had ten cubicles had a boarder in that conceit 14 unfortunately had no employees just like for the president was an expert in his field at one time now he's old and should have been in a nursing home he had three secretaries these people were supposed to be servicing over 300 clients money how something was fishy as Frick turned out later I learned from someone that he was stealing money to finance his lifestyle which at one point was extravagant believers at the tail end of his scam he was borrowing money to keep it up he was being investigated by the IRS someone blew the whistle but IRS never followed up until someone reported him because he was essentially running a money management firm without a license then it all came down by then he was so old he couldn't stand trial his secretaries pleaded we didn't know and been bleeding him dry by making him sign random stuff he died one day it was sad he got away with everything stealing from people who most likely was stealing money from someone may it be shady sources of money to ripping off the taxpayer I did dodged a bullet thief sets up scheme to steal money has stolen money subsequently stolen by pretty young women it seems legit they made a big reassurance that what they did in the business wasn't illegal my interviewer today said this isn't a pyramid scheme if you have to say it isn't a pyramid scheme then it's a pyramid scheme after college I was desperate for a job and through my resume everywhere I got a call for a company and I thought it was a graphic design position I majored in history but hadn't for graphic design so I was amazed I got a call well I got her and was immediately told it was a Christian telemarketing company and I'd be a telemarketer making Commission I said the position was clearly for graphic design and the woman told me it was to draw potentially talented candidates in they showed me a list of all the charities they Telemark at for and I recognized none of em they weren't religious either they wouldn't let me take home there nothing that said charity names on them but I memorized a few and couldn't find anything about these charities when I looked them up at home I tried to be as polite as possible through the two-hour ordeal which had me shadowing a telemarketer who told me that elderly people were the best to get money out of I have absolutely no idea why they kept pitching they were a Christian company when what they were doing was so unbiblical but I digress it's been five years since I interviewed there I happen to go by the building a few months ago and it's now a medical center I wonder what happened hopefully someone caught on to their shady shenanigans and reported them I prepared for an interview a few weeks ago worked on what to say for a couple of days and as usual got pretty worked up and nervous beforehand I go to the interview where the guy sits me down and tells me this is nothing more than just a quick informal chat and here's me in a full suit sweating my butt off having prepared 100 questions answers in my head he then proceeds to say that I'm not suitable for the job I have applied for he thinks I'm overqualified but he is thinking about creating a different position in the company I can fill I ask what the position is he rambles for a good 20 minutes straight no joke about me filling a new job that the job doesn't yet have a training scheme or any kind of official description documentation he wants me as part of the job to create the jobs training scheme for the job I'm literally learning to do I'm sat there confused as heck he hasn't got any notes with him and is just improvising this entire job description where I as a fresh graduate I'm in charge of 38 people's IT systems on my own with no proper experience I ask what the pay and hours are Oh I haven't even thought about that yet it's so I went for an interview that wasn't even a proper interview or related to the job I'd applied for such a waste of time taking that job is a good way to end up nearly four years into your career with no focused experience in any one area and unable to demand higher pay while also being unable to jump to another company for higher pay either as you have two years of experience applied for a job in Clearwater FL in-person interview was normal enough got passed through to a secondary interview at the start of the secondary was asked to take some tests I think no big deal been there done that with other jobs they hand me a freaking book sized stack of papers with hundreds of questions I look down at the bottom of the sheet and in small print it stated that this test was created based on the concepts of l ron Hubbard and printed by the Church of Scientology I stood up put the stack back on the lady's desk and note the frick right out of there Clearwater FL came in expecting Scientology left unsurprised you've had a lot of jobs yes they were temp jobs but why so many they were with the same agency but why do you leave them after a short time because they were temporary assignments I don't understand how do I know you won't leave here because I won't be working here goodbye thick as st I always listed my time with an agency as one job and individual as assignments as job responsibilities I had a phone interview with a company that bragged about having an on-site doctor to me that meant one of two things one it was so stressful to work there they had a doctor on-site for liability two if I needed a sick day I would be expected to see that doctor instead of my own I ended the interview right there edit I'm glad that my fear isn't always the case for me the overall vibe of the call plus @mention were enough to make me cautious checking reviews of people that have worked from them really makes me feel like I made the right choice my company has an on-site nurse it is an office building her main job is handing out ibuprofen oh we won't be paying you during your probation which is about three months and this was an entry-level job two months and 27 days later they decide it's not a good fit being headhunted from my then current job as a manager in a small but busy and successful cafe to work for this large posh hotel they phoned me and said that they had found my stored CV online which I hadn't removed since finding employment in that one of their board members had been impressed with me as a customer in the cafe they offered me an interview and a job with potential to move our PTC and that I'd be starting as the restaurant manager on great pay benefits etc it sounded great and being quite pleased that I had just been headhunted for the first time I went along to the interview which was within the restaurant I'd potentially be working I turn up in my best suit and this guy comes to interview me wearing jeans and a polo shirt but very shortly into the suspiciously informal interview the guy says to me look the job is yours I can get you a uniform and you can start whenever suits at this point I'm like what do you mean uniform and he points out the waiters and waitresses walking about in pinstripe shirts with huge long aprons I asked what he meant I was asked to come here because of my managerial experience etc guy replies yes potentially in the near future but you'd have to start out on the floor first I thanked him and went home told my boss about it and he gave me a raise when I left that job around a year later he put an extra 250 pounds cash in with my wages and through a leaving party in the cafe for me told me to invite all my friends and family and it was a free bar all day and night best boss ever so glad to have worked for him I applied for the job because someone told me the manager was awesome during the interview she mentioned that moving to the South was hard on her husband's health humid air and bad lungs and that they really missed home I had a feeling I'd be getting a new boss as soon as I started and that's almost always a bad thing I was right she left three months later and I heard the new boss was heinous the guy interviewing me kept calling me Frank and he wouldn't stop if you didn't say well to be frank I don't want this job anymore before you left frankly you missed out I can answer this one worked as an announcer at a college radio station for two years and then took a year abroad at the radio station had a great reputation on campus because it was one of the harder jobs to land but because they received so many applications they didn't have much motivation to treat their staff well or pay them well at all and the quality manager was a complete and absolute be to the student announcers never recognized quality work and always hyper critical of them every time they went on-air the only reason they took the abuse was because they didn't know any better definitely overworked and underpaid some of the girl employees would cry regularly when I got back from my year abroad and I had an email waiting for me saying they would love to have me back and if I wanted the job to come by and say so I thought I'll give them a second chance showed up and the quality manager greeted me with open arms and was beyond nice to me asking how my year abroad was etc well as I answered her she literally started correcting my word choice asked me to project better etc then she said I sounded like I had forgotten all my training and would have to go through it again and get paid a base pay rather than the pay I had when I left this was all because I hadn't gone into radio etiquette during a casual conversation I smiled and said sure and asked if Scott the general manager was around she pages his office as we continued talking and when he gets there I shake his hand and talk casually with him for a while so he knows I'm not just in a bad mood and then I plainly said with her standing right there and while I would love to come back to this job and work for you again I would rather die than work under this soul-sucking employee you've put as quality manager the reason you have a problem retaining trained employees is her and her alone if there is anything you want to do to help this station it would be to replace her immediately then I bid him a wonderful day shook his hand left I got a call the next day from the quality manager apologizing if she was too harsh that she understood my feelings from the day before and she offered me the job at the same pay as I had before I left but I politely declined and said all the money in the world couldn't make it worth working under her first time I stood up for myself in a work environment and last time I was ever disrespected respect interviewed for a faculty position at a prestigious university on the East Coast and was supposed to interview with the department chair I had to wait outside his office because my interview was delayed by 15 minutes while he ripped apart this other professor over some billing issues when I finally walked in he asked who I was and then why I wanted a job in his department I should have stood up and walked out at that point but figured I'd be polite and finish up the afternoon went out that night and had a nice dinner and got drunk by myself on their tab I ultimately got the job offer but turned it down was out of work this was during a phone screen me I'm sorry that salary is significantly less than what I was making previously her laughing well it is more than you are making now so dodged a bullet there applied to a bartending position at a new club the guy's second club strike one when he said it was an unpaid position just whatever tips were made strike two he told me that the bartenders at his other club had done the dance from coyote ugly to burn the bar more money he asked me what lengths I was willing to go to to drive sales a third strike was unnecessary just happened yesterday we want someone who can be committed to this job for a year or longer it is part time and you will get out as as we have demand you can eventually get full time we just had someone who has been here for three years become full-time WTF you want me to commit to you but you will not commit to me I was also told there and I need to fill this position I should be receiving an offer today comma I was also told there and I need to fill this position you should definitely respond with a statement about if they're in such a dire need to fill the position they and give you full time all went well until the male interviewer turned around and asked me kinda hoping kids ond on the cards for you I'm sick of you girls pulling maternity crap I believe in the biz a call there's guys walking HR liabilities in welding jobs you do a job interview then take a welding skills test I was taking the test and current employees came up periodically introduced themselves to me talk to me a little they all said pretty much the same thing it's a crap show in there I was skeptical at first but I witnessed a father and son get into a super heated argument during my test I packed up my tools and thank the owner for the opportunity and explained why I was declining the job and left I went to an interview for a machinist position in a machine shop I am a gentleman machinist the guy didn't expect a lady machinist if someone else had called me to come and interview he asked if I'd like to sell dietary supplements with his wife instead WTF a new first job interview out of college and it was for an Account Manager job that clearly said it was an office job where you make some cold calls keep customer happy etc show up in a suit and tie and as I'm sitting in the lobby another guy shows up interviewing for the job as well the lady then decided to take us to Panera and interviews both of us at the same time she then starts going on about the job saying it's best to wear shorts and comfortable shoes since we will be going door-to-door 6 days a week 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. trying to get people to switch their gas and electric provider after she said that I kind of tuned out and stopped caring what she said as soon as we got back to the office parking lot he wanted us to come in and explain how after all this work we can end up being district managers making 80k and all this other bull crap I instead said no thank you went to my car and drove off depressed that I fell for that scam it was doing a corporate behind-the-scenes kind of role for a shoe company I wore their shoes I had some in the back of my closet and a corporate looking simple black black dress and black jacket this is important to note for later I didn't look offensive I looked respectable for the role I was applying to and the outfit showed their shoes so I get into my interview it's with a brother and a sister who control the brand since their grand dad passed it down to them we go through the normal questions I pull up some numbers and campaigns they've run and discuss it with them as well as a vision for their future then out of nowhere the brother says but you're not a fashionista he practically spits out the last word I'm really taken aback because I don't need to be in the role I applied for you don't have a fashion blog how can you understand fashion and then he goes on a mini rant about how can I possibly understand their brand I knew it had tanked at this point and it wasn't an industry I normally work and so I took a risk and decided to burn future bridges I took one of my pumps off and waved it in there what is this thing I said dramatically does it belong on my feet I don't understand is its feet clothes his sister tried desk elating the situation at that point but it was done I have never ever done anything like that lots of other interviews have past me where we both knew it wasn't the right fit but we've always gone through the motions I checked in a few months later they promoted one of their shoe designers to the role the brand is not doing well graduated college with a teaching degree and a bunch of video production experience shot college events cut them into presentations and posterity videos ran the college television station etc interviewed with my State Teachers Union Association they posted an ad in the paper looking for someone to cover their events drive to the capital film the event interview attendees bring the footage back cut it into three different videos one for internal use one for TV and one for the website also write articles for the website about said event 3-5 days a week job seven hours a day most weekends oh and the capital is at least an hour and a half drive from here this interview goes on for an hour finally it's question time I asked if there would be benefits she laughed I asked about salary she stifles a laugh then she says we were thinking 300 that number rolls around my head there's no way she said 300 300 that's right a week that triggered the laugh no no maybe 300 a month will you cover expenses driving hotels editing equipment filming equipment we figured you'd bring that stuff from home I stood up looked her dead in the face and said you have wasted an hour of my time I walked out to the sounds of her hemming and hawing about maybe bumping it up to 350 I should have known better but it was one of those door-to-door lawn cuttin and window washing summer jobs where there's a recruiter that kind of just hangs around universities looking for people to sign up the job is marketed as manage a small group of workers set your own hours own your own section of the city make up to $16,000 this summer no door-to-door sales great managerial experience etc etc' I was just like a Frick it let's just see where this goes right as soon as I started the interview the guy gave me a pamphlet with random stats about the company and said read over this for a few minutes then we'll do a mock scenario I read it over and go okay I've read it over and he goes ok pretend I'm a customer who just opened their door and you need to convince me that I want your window washing service go so I start panicking fumbling the pamphlet just reading off random stats he then whispers make the sale and I'm just like so chooses to wash your windows he goes ok looks like you've got the job and then he gave me this giant contract I brought it home showed my dad and he was like yeah this is complete bulls and robbery it says right here if you're one minute late to work you owe the company $80 you need your own transport it's definitely a door-to-door sales no guaranteed pay no overtime pay no guaranteed employees you have to buy your own supplies this is like a really really bad pyramid scheme the guy called my house asking if I was still interested and my dad just grabbed the phone and reamed him out preying on college students fake promises no website no portfolio of work bulls contract stop Harrison my son Lowell I was a dumb boss if you are when he said in the interview I had the job I was honestly like what really I was wearing a suit but forgot to wear dress shoes I was wearing skate shoes from FeO this is the answer I was looking for almost fell for one myself l didn't actually even get the job guess I was lucky but it's awful to think of the kids that do get sucked in that hole $80 for one minutes late thing is beyond infuriating when a few years ago the interviewer asked repeatedly when exactly I was going to turn 18 really sealed the deal when 20 minutes after I left he called again just to confirm exactly when I would turn 18 went and for what I thought was a low-level IT job with some on-the-job training turned out to be an overpriced A+ certification course that essentially gave you a one-week paid internship at the end so they could justify calling it a job and advertise on job sites now I grew up in a small town in nowhere Montana so I was prepared for the reality the job I was applying for was in an extremely isolated area I had never been to before the interviewer told me straight up it would take years to be accepted into the town he also asked about what church we would be interested in seeing on the tour that was when reality set in about what I was stepping into the job itself was great but I couldn't put my family into that situation if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video bye for now [Music]
Channel: AskReddit Is Fun
Views: 221,567
Rating: 4.8655272 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to, job stories, job interview, reddit jobs, worst interview, work
Id: dJE-GZ8dxj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 20sec (1820 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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