What Company Has Forever Lost Your Business And Why? (r/AskReddit)

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what company has forever lost your business and why Tesco a few Christmases ago my mum went in to buy Oh TV they refused to help her carry it to her car because if they dropped the TV the store is liable to replace it the reason my mum wanted help is that she was going through radiotherapy at the time and wasn't strong enough they instead offered to hold it back until my dad got there the next day so she accepted dad gets there and they wanted another 50 pounds for the TV because the price went up overnight even though my mum had already paid for it dad refused walked out with the TV they called the police and he got arrested at the station and he explains everything and gets released without charges then goes back to the store and picks up the TV Tesco are a bunch of money grabbing see Pay Pal they lock down my money for no reason after I went through the process to get it unlocked which included giving them a lot of information and calls I yanked my money out I'm so glad they never got my bank information never again PayPal locked down awesome games done fast sack out during their charity drive a few years back when they did that and wouldn't fix the problem I stopped using them for anything apparently getting donations too quickly triggers an automatic freeze of your account and their customer services Krab PayPal I ran a small business once and one crazy customly tried to scam us claiming the product was defective did a chargeback never returned the product back PayPal refused to work with us even though we provided all the documentation froze our funds and sent a collection agency after us we lost $2,500 to them went out of business shortly after PayPal is a nightmare for sellers there are plenty of horror stories out there I haven't used PayPal for 10 years now a bar in my City a friend and I went out for drinks the first time at a local bar we were asked to move from some comfy seats because bottle poppers people with money were on their way two hours later we were still at the bar and no bottle poppers were sitting in the comfy seats nor were they at a bar I guess my money doesn't matter to you error in Oakland California I got told to order something or get out at a bar because I was taking up room on my birthday after having just come in with a big group and been bought two shots by friends I'm talking within minutes of entering here won't be going back to that crap hole ever again NTB because the jack house manager was trying to freak me over with the price of tires when I questioned where the extra $300 was coming from he said I'll explain it again and I'll be sure to use small words so you can understand NTB has buy one get three free select tires only all the time not because they are giving away three tires with each full price sale but because they charge $100 per tire to mountain to balance when any reputable place would charge $12 25 per tire fricking TB hurts they tried to steal almost $700 from me and did for a short while long story short at a dealership for a repair and get a free rental usually they use enterprise but have to use Hertz I returned the car the next day and pick up my air a month later they try to charge the dealership for 26 days and of course they say no because I only had it for one day so they charge me it was impossible to get a hold of a manager they actually told me they didn't have one and it took months to get my money back I will never deal with them again there unprofessionalism and unwillingness to admit their mistakes make them impossible to work with never again or wedding photographer married in 2012 just received album and prints two weeks ago Ashley Furniture dropped 5k dollars on a bedroom set and was told I would have it in two weeks at the latest when I still had not received it five months later my attorney had to begin initiating a lawsuit and they somehow magically found it in their warehouse and never buy from Ashley Furniture they are crap and only care about your money once you pay they don't give two shoots about you or your furniture yup learned the hard way we bought dining room living room and bedroom set the butt holes sent us the store floor model of their living room we called them and they swore that it wasn't a floor model although the delivery drivers were nice enough to let us know that they had gotten it from the floor never again Comcast because I cancelled my service but they never cancelled my connection I've been getting free Comcast Internet at least 30 MB down for a year because frickin their incompetence isn't my frickin problem time winner cable I work for them they have terrible customer service I am in sales and I fix accounts and explain what other reps lie mess up about all the time I have hated King the company behind candy crush more and more ever since they tried to trademark candy since then they have tried to trademark saga tried to sue bana saga which looks and plays nothing like their game and have tried to see you a man who made a game exactly like candy crush with this game candy swipe was made before candy crush they almost succeeded by purchasing a game remotely similar to candy swipe that was made even sooner and don't even get me started on how much money you are forced to spend to get even close to beating candy crush within a reasonable period of time those people disgust me Frick PayPal I once got scammed by an butthole who bought my web site for $1000 a site I worked on for three years every day it was my baby this butthole sent me the money I gave him all the passwords full access to the control panel he changed the passwords immediately and told PayPal to cancel the transaction afterwards I presented undeniable evidence chat logs his emails displaying clearly how he scammed me PayPal just said sorry this is our policy - basically they were presented evidence of a robbery and they sided with the thief freaked them thank you for giving me a chance to bring that up because I never got a chance to let the world know how bad they flicked me not to mention I had an old credible account with 100% successful eBay sales a verified address and everything yet they let some dirtbag robbed me my first employer winn-dixie I actually thought they were a decent store before I started working there mainly because of the fuel perks thing and they are just as long as you aren't buying perishables or worrying about the minimum wage employees working over there hours off the clock just to get their jobs done and prevent being written up for going over the 25 hour limit the first time they asked me to clock out because I was going over I said fine but I left because I was not working for free the next day I was written up for not finishing closing duties and scolded for not being a team player or some crap a few weeks later I had a schedule where I was the only person in a deli that needed at least two people to close on time for all five of my days so for four of those days I went a half hour over on the fifth day around 10:00 p.m. I was yelled at for already being an hour over and that I had to clock out immediately in a state of shock I brought up the fact that I was not done cleaning the kitchens as I had just started a half hour ago and that I had at least another hour left if I didn't finish the morning crew would be freaked and I would get written up again so instead of listening to reason the night manager says well if you go over your hours anymore I'm gonna have to fire you and if you get written up again I'm gonna fire you so I suggest you punch out get back over here and finish your job so you want me to work for free then is that right do you even realize what you are asking of me do you even know how illegal that is I don't care what you think I don't want to hear about it just do what I said I'm afraid I can't do that no one will ever make me work for free I don't care how many other employees are and I don't care that I don't have another job lined up I'm not taking crap from you anymore I'll talk to the owner of the store and the district manager if I have to but I'm gonna try to make this right I go in early the next day with the intention of telling the owner that I'm quitting but first I want to discuss what happened the night before and also some other things that this manager has put me through I knew already that this guy was a but I wanted to see what he could do sure enough he swatted away all my complaints justified that managers line of reasoning and scolded me for questioning my role in the machine I told him his bus could go suck canal water got in the car and floored it I have not been in a winn-dixie since you should have reported them to your state's labor board Norton AntiVirus my computer became patient zero for anyone unfortunate enough to plug a USB device into my computer Norton is probably more inconvenient than having a virus parts the company that makes supplies for your pets I got my dog flea h relief cream from this company and it nearly killed him after researching i found that there are horror stories all over the internet and even a website that is trying to spread the word about harmful products made by hearts this company has made products that kill your pets while you're trying to give them relief and thier still in business please look into medicines foods for your pets like you would for yourself Comcast they screwed me over twice and I never actually got service from them the last straw was when I moved into a new place I of course signed up for another company that company had me hooked up the same day I moved in cable phone and Internet a month later Comcast cut the line WTF it's not like they could have been a mixer Comcast doesn't do fiber of course when I complained they insisted I was wrong I won't bore you with the details then there was the poor kid soliciting for Comcast up our street really you want to know why I would never work with Comcast you asked for it poor kid I had to make an account after four years of lurking I am a Canadian and was going to school in Detroit at the time I am also a Sikh with a beard and turban went to an IHOP hoping to grab some breakfast and the server comes to my table looks at me and then announces to the restaurant sorry to interrupt your meal but I have an important message he then points at me and says I just found bin Laden so at this point I was just red with embarrassment and wanted to chokeslam the ignorant serve but I believe that you can't retaliate as this is what he was looking for I felt like I was on a hidden TV show where any moment a guy was going to come out and tell me it was all a setup did not happen so I calmly told him that if his goal was to lose a customer he had succeeded them since that time around 2004 I have never gone to an IHOP again this one thing that still rings with me is that no one came to my defense on the restaurant feels good to get that off my chest I am so sorry you had to experience that I am truly dumbfounded by the ignorance of some people dishnetwork when I was growing up there was just broadcast television you got the channels that came over the air and that was it I am now back to watching broadcast television thanks to Dish their service both the programming package and the customer service suck so bad that I'd rather just watch what the antenna picks up you would think that out of the basically three alternatives to over-the-air TV cable DirecTV and Dish one of them would somehow figure out that the way to dominate the market is not to suck less than the others but to actually provide a good product you would think I would say Comcast but they basically have a monopoly so it's impossible to stay away cable companies have finally risen to the top of the most hated companies list beating our cellphone providers and used car salespeople Bank of America how they've handled our mortgage has been the most horrific experience of my life I can't wait for the foreclosure comcast they are the spawn of Satan when they realize their profits were shrinking because people started having options such as not buying huge wasteful cable packages and instead utilizing the internet to get only the show's entertainment they want Comcast started dumping millions into buying their way into government in order to save their company it's freaking ludicrous and it's happening in plain sight I wish I had the means to give everyone who currently has Comcast free internet for life if they drop them tomorrow seeing this disgusting company shutdown would make me so happy Sears walk through one of their stores one day stop to look at wrench sets at 11 o'clock that night the police showed up and charged me with shoplifting a wrench set based on the word of a security guard the charges were eventually dropped but the staff and management there were complete retards and typical and denying that what they did was wrong it's a Frick tap company even besides that Rogers Frick Rogers they are incompetent in all aspects of everything they do not only does their internet suck with their cell phone services crap and when I have to buy books from them at work they somehow always managed to Frick it up I had to once buy nearly a hundred copies of a Maclean's magazine by clicking on the link almost a hundred times because they have no freaking option to just adjust the amount and the CS rep I spoke to on the phone was a total dick machine they lose our orders constantly never return phone calls and it's a Herculean effort to even find their contact information in the first place they once sent us some very expensive directories with no paperwork and when I finally got hold of someone two months later he was basically like oh yeah we just sent them to you because we thought you wanted them also I unders on thin ice with me I bought a brand new accent a few years back and within two months it had a computer glitch that caused it to constantly turn on the check engine light when I called they condescendingly told me to make sure the gas cap was screwed on tight I know that butthole and it says turned out the problem was as mentioned a computer glitch that basically thought the engine was overheating every time I turned my heat on should I mention this was all happening during a Canadian winter their solution was to just not turn my heat on all the way then when me and my dad both pitched a fit they said they'd look at it eventually fixed it and when I went to pick it up the manager stopped me outside and told me I had this fix rushed for you it wasn't due to come out for another two weeks it's not a computer game for the love of Frank that I needed a patch for it's a car that I can't use the heat on in the middle of winter otherwise I really like the accent though also someone needs to explain to me why my HP printer sounds like it needs an exorcism every time I ask it to print something it took 10 minutes just to adjust to a new printer ink cartridge earlier today TL DR apparently I had some ranting to get out tires plus I took my car in foreign alignment and rotation about six months after I purchased tires from them they also do their usual BS blah blah you need this blah blah we recommend that I have this interaction with a manager manager hey your third brake light isn't working me thanks I think I'll just change it myself double quote manager are you sure you have to remove the housing double quote me alright change it all this time I'm thinking it'll be twenty bucks tops and I won't have to go to Walmart and then dig around my trunk to fix the dang thing wrong fifty five bucks for a light bulb I go home and for shoots and giggles I see if the light can be changed sure enough it twists right the freak out now I'm a fairly level-headed calm person but I lost my crap 10 minutes and a phone call later I was told by the same manager that my money would be partially refunded the next day I check my credit card and see that the refund still isn't there I was too pisses to realize that it would take longer I emailed tars plus corporate to tell them this guy lied to my face about how it would be difficult to change the light bulb and expressed my distaste for their service a week later I get a call from the guy who lied to me bitching me out for complaining about him prick x + TL DR tars + manager tries to rip me off calls me to be me out when I file a complaint best by 10 year old me saved up birthda money to buy pokemon sapphire the day it came out I paid the $5 down payments to reserve it and then paid the remaining $30 so that I could waltz in on a day of release and play my heart out unfortunately somewhere along the way Best Buy lost track of the fact that they had collected a ten-year-old kids $35 worth of birthday money so despite the fact that I had the receipt in my hand and despite the fact that my dad was screaming bloody murder at their service desk they would not let me walk out with pockemon until I had paid for it again haven't been back since but but that's what the receipt is for subway they put less stuff on the sandwich each time do you really have to count the pieces of spinach what really got me was what they started doing with the ham egg and cheese sandwich before they'd put two egg patties on the footlong now they cut one in half and use it for the whole thing so freaking cheap borders books Montgomery Ward's and Woolworths because they're gone man gone Comcast needed them to fix some problems over at HQ but they never showed their bills however always seem to find themselves here just fine Skullcandy freaking headphones break every time you accidentally tug them a little flimsy little air chutes Skullcandy suck but you can send them to their headquarters and they will give you a new pair no questions asked the local Subway sandwich shop by my house other ones are fine one day I went in and ordered a grilled chicken sandwich the lady who worked there ended up dropping my chicken breasts into the garbage can by their workstation without hesitation she reached into the garbage can picked up the chicken breast put it onto my sandwich and pretended like nothing had happened I ended up just leaving the store and I never went back the Salvation Army buying stuff or giving it to them I was in a tough spot and literally had four dollars to my name living in my car they didn't even sell sheets for four bucks I also needed a can opener I got some canned food from the food bank that had no way to get into it I talked to the manager and the best he would do was a sheet it's cotton so it'll be warm for ten bucks and the can opener for five I needed more than a sheet Canadian winters are freaking cold I was 17 kicked out no medications anyway I tried the Value Village in town and they gave me a big warm quilt and a can opener I was worn with food in me that night to this day the Salvation Army disgusts me I'm sure they've helped others but I was young hungry cold and scared I needed their generosity and helping real people badly at that point if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video bye for now [Music]
Channel: Internet Is Fun
Views: 118,896
Rating: 4.881228 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to, reddit worst company, worst service, worst service ever
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 51sec (1251 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 03 2019
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