Awkward Dating Show (pt. 3)

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alright last time on the button we found beautiful hipster love and what will we find today let's find out for those of you that are new here this is the cut speed dating show it's called the button basically the way it works is you sit across from someone at a table and if you don't like the look of their stupid face or whatever maybe they got like a stupid nose or something like that you hit the button and then you get the next person it's absolutely ruthless its cutthroat it's probably the hardest core dating show I've ever seen and that includes naked attraction the one that's on in the UK where they're just naked on national television just like a you know families making fun of your dick and balls just without you being able to hear it that's ruthless right this is worse to me it is so let's get into this episode welcome to the button a speed dating show when the button lights up red either player may press it and swap out their date for a new person [Music] if two people can last on a date for 10 minutes they win an all-expenses-paid second date hi I'm York Jimmy nice meeting nice seeing you just want to say I'm super nervous okay that's fine we're all nervous up in here Oh what was that well is this was a face touch thing all of that I'm just [ __ ] I'm really nervous right now and I I actually well I'm actually really hopped up I just did a bunch of coke in the bathroom so I can't necessarily feel my face and also if it looks like I'm having a stroke that's why anyways what do you do uh tell me about yourself I'm an artist obsessed with societal issues and try to find a solution to that and just be really aware of the problems going on in our society ah a fellow artist I see a tip of the beret to you my friend he likes to tackle societal issues and me I like to butcher Bob Ross paintings in Photoshop but that's the beauty of art right art more like fart York is a little emotionally you are I am oh because I feel a ton of emotions coming from that uh pink shirt yeah I mean there's a lot there but I don't really date has been a magician oh no oh no button don't do my man's like that oh I agree the pink shirt joke didn't really land in my opinion there's a little bit awkward but you don't gotta expose him for being a magician since he was six years old what the [ __ ] you think that's gonna do what do you think that's gonna do you think she's gonna be like woo what a magician oh how mysterious so sexy show me a card trick you sexy man let's see that one yeah what what number what number am I thinking I'll give you a hint 61 even when you pull a rabbit out of my vagina no I can feel her getting ready I can feel her palms sweating right now she's getting ready you've been a magician since you were sick mm-hmm tell me about being a magician well cuz I was bullied in elementary school so you picked up magic to combat bullying weird choice I mean don't get me wrong I like magic I think magic school we all secretly think it's pretty cool when you get it someone does a good trick to you're like holy [ __ ] but it's like the most made fun of thing ever being a magician and that's how you decided to combat the bullying oh I feel like I know what's gonna happen here too that's the worst part one time I just saw this lady doing performance in the mall so I was like really intrigued by it I think everyone is inherently curious and I want to bring that curious the show just never ceases to exceed my expectations of how brutal it can be truly the stew was just pouring his heart out about how he overcame being bullied as a child by finding his passion and yes it was magic but whatever we're not judging and the whole time she's just eyeing the button you can see her eyes just just oh yeah oh yeah in her head she's like when when can I [ __ ] press this thing not for this sob story oh my god I've had enough of this sob story why do you make like a magician and disappear okay I'm thinking of a number between 0 and [ __ ] you poor Jim man I'm sorry Jim you deserve better than this that was so mean he just told me like such a deep thing I can gather that oh thank you cool so tell me about yourself Oh tell me about yourself well um well I love to I love to press this [ __ ] button oh so tell me about yourself well by here's a little something about me I love to click this button right now sorry sorry this is an aggressive episode for me I just there's something there's something in it when someone rejects someone and then they get rejected right after without even a chance to so tell me about yourself oh I'm in a mood dude I want to see someone headbutt the button how metal would that be how metal would that be just what is it Bjork fall oh you're a waitress cool oh wow oh you're what is it you said you're a waitress cool Wow Oh what you do data analysis sick you like Star Wars sick oh oh you make music cool some just turns out rips a fart on it can I wait till she leaves okay it felt like an interview instead of like a date I don't know I felt like I was applying for a job you didn't want that job no why do they leave that stuff in it's like they want this show to be as uncomfortable as possible seriously I'm hi Tyson nice to meet you jasmine what's your favorite he wasn't ready for that at all you could tell he was like oh oh what that's what this is 19 again I mean he at least he actually looks 19 you know our dart dude Aaron or whatever his name was before the nerd guy he had the full beard and everything he looked about 35 this dude actually looks he has a little bit of a baby face he looks 19 why are they even bringing 19 year olds onto the show in the first place why are you why are you bringing teenagers to a speed-dating thing like they do speak 19 you just got out of your awkward phase in life and what you're gonna go just get rejected before you can even say hello what's that gonna do for the self-esteem not a lot hi what's your name Brooke I'm jasmine nice to meet you you're beautiful oh thank you you too I can tell you care about your appearance the button is not impartial at all it picks favorites what is this you know holding hands is gonna encourage some sort of emotional connection you know that and yet the first guy you're gonna Eli's a magician what a [ __ ] nerd what's next what's next here stuck on each other's boobs but I don't know who knows maybe the you know the button could be all-knowing it is the button you know so maybe he knows that these two people are destined to be soul mates or something let's find out don't really meet people out of bars or anything so this is nice was the last time you went on a date six months ago really no no five months or or four or you know three I mean I can't really remember or zero actually this is a date so zero seconds so I'm on a date right now so whatever you want to hear just please I haven't had the loving embrace of anyone in forever so see don't hit the button please don't hit it okay every time every time that hurts me too every time I did you reject her I don't know I felt like I was really driving the conversation alright yeah whoa what's her name I'm Jasmine Jasmine I'm great yes very much so yeah my mom put a lot of pressure on this why does she want you to speed dating and she said like 20 people I'm gonna find somebody your mom thought you'd find love at the cut studio really something tells me that most of these people are here for the day rate not for because they want to find love but okay and who knows maybe that's me just being a pessimist classic it's time I do not own a gun do you own a gun I do that's awesome classic classic gun talk on a first date that's such a such a cliche nowadays just talking guns the exact same thing happened on Kelsey nice first date honestly she was like did you bring a gun and I was like I shared ed she was like me too and I was like no [ __ ] and then on the second date she actually brought an RPG and that's what I knew she's the girl for me you know to this face says it all right here this she's like I was about to I was about to fulfill my mom's wishes I was literally about to find love at the cut sound stage and you didn't get the arrow my dirty laundry like that classic button do you have any kids no I do not know would you get married together oh yeah sure the right person for the right person yeah so what do you do for fun I'm a performer actually so I do - like a fat drag and splice in some burlesque because I can't keep my clothes on so really yeah it's fun the burlesque thing that interested me because that's something that I kind of I'm feeling I'm feeling that I'm seeing the sparks fly here I'm seeing the sparks fly this is going well and we're nearing the end of the video so that's got to be a good sign wanting to get into I grew up dancing nice tell me about your background um ballet tap jazz a little bit of hip hop hip hop oh oh you're your dancer oh cool cool hip hop what did you think hip hop jazz and cool what do you think what do you think oh oh [ __ ] oh I was supposed to be like a dougie type thing but oh oh huh no I'm kidding they seemed like they'd be great for each other honestly oh my god shut it put us put a sock in it button seriously although you know what I I'm honestly starting to like the button a little bit guilty that's when I start craving that voice you know the button voice once there once they're like oh yeah today I would want the button to be Jenelle has their theme duis like having herpes I love you button I love you button you know what I love you too button I do I love you and look at that another happy couple it gets to hit the town on the cuts dime and very I'm stoked about that it's great I just I don't know I just can't help but think what's the magician guy doing right now what's the what's our magician boy doing he's probably at home watching YouTube videos learning some insane new trick to win her back that's what he's doing he's sitting there thinking oh you buttoned me wait till I escaped these chains underwater I don't know see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 3,230,754
Rating: 4.9816685 out of 5
Keywords: the cut, button, Cody ko, cody, ko, instagram, comedy, sketch, dms, cringe, vine, advice, vlog, comments, codyko, comedian, vines, podcast, funny, tiny meat gang, insanely chill, 6secondauditions, the weekend edition
Id: Fk_SjAKkjRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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