Who is the coolest person you have met? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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who is the most baddest person you also ever met I was on a train listening to music I may have had the volume up of that too high and some music may have leaked out from my earphones this old lady 60s 70s who was sitting across from me all of a sudden starts screaming at me at the top of her lungs she sounded batshit crazy so I don't remember what she said but it was probably something along the lines of no respect for others blah blah blah everyone else in the train is looking around awkwardly in some are looking at me sympathetically but what can you do suddenly this man even older than the crazy lady stands up and looks straight at the woman saying you shut your mouth this is why younger people don't trust or respect their elders anymore that shut the lady up and she got off at the next stop the old man looks over at me smiles really kindly and says maybe your music was a bit loud but that's okay don't let it bother you that guy was my hero met an older man bartending between school sessions he was very quiet and polite he never bothered anyone one night a group of national guardsmen came into the bar pretty fresh off of the deployments to Afghanistan my friend was from Israel and had a very thick accent one of the bigger dudes got in his face and started talking [ __ ] he made the mistake of extending a finger into this 65-plus old man's chest I then saw him cringe in pain and hit the floor my buddy managed to break his finger wrist and arm without me even seeing the fight he was a retired muscle agent I will never underestimate a person because of their age for as long as I live I work for my state sauce parole board and every two years we see this woman who in all honesty should be dead the couple who kidnapped her ended up stabbing her many times after they both raped her they left her in a ditch came back later and stabbed her some more just to make sure she was dead she regained consciousness and walked to the nearest gas station now she comes to oppose parole every single time seesaw eligible for it hearing her talk about the incident is riveting and awful I don't know how she does it every two years but she wants to protect other people who might become victims if theis or released my uncle is the only survivor of the squad he commanded in Afghanistan not a single one of them died in combat but everyone except for him killed themselves after returning home he wasn't functional in public spaces four years after the fact you too PTSD and his wife couldn't take the stress and divorced him the fact that he's still alive in a miracle the fact that he's happily married perfectly functional in public and makes some reasonably good money edging barrels is just a testament to the dude's willpower not a person but this ginger cat has wandered down our Drive one day one eye missing what seemed like half of his brain exposed gashes everywhere just skin and bones we fixed him up and named him butters he guarded our house with his life and would take on any dog oil tea anything that tried to come up he once fell asleep on a visitor's car and clung for dear life the couple miles down the road until our friend realized he had this chunky ass cat sprawled out like a starfish on his back window my dad he served in Vietnam as a Marine was discharged with a Purple Heart then joined the Navy and became a flight surgeon he could fly f-18s and perform surgery not at the same time after his military career he became an emergency room surgeon always saving lives he passed in 2013 due to dementia and left his way too young has thoughts my absolute hero and hands-down the most badass person s I've ever met I know it's kinda cheesy but I was going to say my dad as well army vet all-around tough guy he got into a pretty bad car accident in 87 the car flipped anyway around 2012 he started experiencing numbness in his fingers he went in for x-rays and turns out he broke one of his cervical vertebrae and was walking around with a broken neck for 25 years that's the type of guy here's the vertebra had healed but some bone fragments were making contact with his spinal cord causing the numbness dad has been gone for almost 30 years now I remember working in the garage with him one day he was working on a v8 engine block on the bench and needed to move it to the other end of the bench he grabbed it with two arms and started to the other end of the bench the block slipped out of his grasp and landed on his foot he did not flinch he picked it up and placed it on the bench and kept working at the time I was 6 so 4 and 235 pounds I knew then I was never going to mess with him your dad is terminator I feel like I made a lot of bad asses when I worked at Apple shocking I know but we were and taught all nerds but Don was by far the most baddest when I left he was 82 years old and sharp as a tack he kept up with the breakneck pace of the Genius Bar appointments with the best of us he lived on a mountain and every morning Hassad run to the summit he climbed Mt Baldy at 79 without breaking a sweat he was a classically trained opera singer an orchestra conductor and a music professor at a local college he spoke fluent German and Spanish I think he went to seminary school some point - he was definitely a pastor at his church he was all-around an incredible guy with an awesome life story I might never work with anyone like him again had this thing at school where I met an old man this was back in early 2000s I was talking to a group of people like most 16 year old do I talked about how school sucked and it's hard to compete with everyone old man tells me to count my lucky stars for my opportunity I kind of blow it off 30 minutes later I'm in the auditorium to hear a guest speaker the old man gets on stage and tells his story his name was otto winder and he was a Polish Holocaust survivor when he was my age he was held in Buchenwald he told several stories about how he had planned to charge the gates so they would kill him a couple about being in line to be executed and feeling relieved after he told his story I realized uncomfortably exactly what he meant when he said I should count my lucky stars for the opportunity he was badass because he was ready to die from the pressure he was under but chose to keep going he pushed through and on the other side of that tragedy he had a family a home in the life of constant gratitude I came back from a deployment in got out of the military I lost a big part of my identity and was in a deep depression when it got down to the darkest points I thought about altar and how happy he was my dad till the day he passed away from cancer served in both the Israeli and Russian army obviously different time periods moved to the United States with my mom to starts a new life with my family for the rest of his life for 35 years in the US and everything about him was madis I had these bullies in high school who picked on me private all-boys school and they just Weldon soft stop and the teachers and no one else did nothing about it either and one day instead of my mom picking me up from school my dad picked me up he saw that I was upset and I broke down crying because I cold and sock take the torment I was taking from these bullies anymore so my dad asked where they were and I pointed outside the car and he yelled for their names and I don't know what he said to them he didn't sort hit them obviously but it was enough to have them stop picking on me for the rest of high school my dad was my hero that day and forever and that exudes such a level of Goddess and respect from me that day my dad was tough and strong till the day he passed away his soul never forget how strong he was even on his deathbed but he left such an impact on my life that no other person ever could fat sauce why he was so badass to me my mom she grew up in China with her parents and sister living in basically one room she had to attend night school where everyone told her she would never make it to college she didn't went on to win awards as an architect she then married my father and moved to the states where she worked years as a waitress while my dad went to school then my dad was killed by a drunk driver she had six months to be remarried or we had to leave America she decided she wanted to stay here for me because by then my Chinese lacked very badly I moved here when I was five somehow she found an amazing man who knew our situation and helped us in every bit he could then my stepdad got diagnosed with a disease called PSP where basically he slowly loses every single function he has these days my mom spends her time turning him in bed every two hours to avoid pressure sores feeding him though his feeding tube cleaning his incontinence giving him daily bed baths all with as much love as the first time they met she also works a full-time job as an auto cad designer while maintaining an amazing backyard garden while also keeping up with her own gallery and art she gets around for stroke five hours of sleep every single night yet somehow every time I see her she has a huge smile on her face and is very energetic and cheerful I don't know how she does it but she gives me hope to be an amazing person a sheis guy fought with the Polish underground during World War two went on the toughest deals got captured three times and sent to prison camp escaped three times got captured again just before the liberation killed one of the guards and put on the guards uniform because the Russians were liberating the Polish prisoners and the British were taking charge of the German guards later gets it sorted out that he's polish and would have been killed if left to the Russians gets sent to London and emigrates to u.s. trained as a nurse he was the most unprepossessing tough guy ever but he was a tough guy glad I knew him if so been thinking about this question all day so I had to post it anyways his soft say the most badass person I ever met was this absolute MATLAB German guy in the me beer my friends and I booked a desert tour of the gnarly with him he picked us up in a world war two German ambulance and rolled us on over to the desert he decided he wanted to show us a snake this guy slows down the ambulance leaves at running and doesn't even put it in park and just jumps the [ __ ] out and sticks his whole hand into a bush but does not find a snake he did this a few more times before he just pulled out a [ __ ] bitter Viper and shows it to us then proceeds to tell us never stick your hand in a bush he then started driving up and down the sand dunes not giving a [ __ ] I swear we were at one point going down at a 90-degree angle the guy was slightly nuts but I had a lot of fun and learned a lot from him I once watched Junius so defuse a situation where a drunk dude just wouldn't stop badgering this girl and his crew dude wasn't handsy or anything just kept following them around constantly inserting himself into their phone and all the while just constantly hitting on this lady junior finally stood up from the blackjack table cracked his neck picked the dude up by the belt in the scruff of his neck carried in ten feet away and said something to him quietly before setting him down junior went back to playing blackjack and dude bugged right the [ __ ] off annoying dude was actually pretty big junior picked him up like a toddler my uncle woody big Native American fought with the 164th North Dakota National Guard infantry on Guadalcanal and WWII sent to reinforce the 1st Marine Division at first the seasoned Marines had their doubt about them but after the Japanese were defeated at Guadalcanal they referred to them as the 160 4th Marines he was wounded and decorated for his actions there after WWII he volunteered for active duty in the Korean War again he was decorated and wounded receiving the Congressional Medal of Honor he was said to be fearless and fierce in battle he was known to the enemy and believed by some Chinese soldiers to be a demon who could not be killed I only knew him years later retired disabled a gentle giants who loved home and family and simple pleasures like a good cup of coffee or a good meal he loved to visit friends and relatives and was known by everyone in the community at reunions of the vets of the 164th grown men would burst into tears upon seeing him telling his wife and family they would not be alive except for woody says safest place to be was right next to Woody's it was an honor to have known him true baddest my cousin Christopher was born with autism didn't speak a word till he was 6 years old and was developmentally delayed all through his education however he has always been a kind soul and most people recognize that in him with a lot of support and life experience he learned by brute force the social rules most of us are blessed to learn as children and team's only by experience he went from not being able to talk to graduating high school 20 and he now takes care of himself and also photographs weddings for money on the side he is very talented most people who meet him can't even tell his condition because he is so talented with conversation and if he slips up and says something awkward he'll respond I'm very sorry I have autism did I say something that made you uncomfortable just an all-around genuine dude who was dealt a bad hand and made the most out of it love that guy my grandmother she fought cancer six different times over 17 years through it all she took care of five grandchildren attended almost every game and graduation kept a beautifully tended garden and kept the whole family together Bitto me the most baddest part of it all is in all that time she never once complained or show fear as her doctor told her her liver was failing during her sixth fight she looked at him and said well I'll just have to get better then she is the inspiration for my life and I hope I face the challenges in my life with half the courage she hired we lost her in January this year I miss her every day but I'm confident in saying I had the privilege to be raised by one of the strongest and most graceful women in history au s Army Special Forces green beanie who did four tours in Vietnam he had command of an autonomous company of Montana ours with whom he would infiltrate the north and places in Cambodia where they did assassinations blew up infrastructure and supply lines along the Ho Chi Minh Trail he even filed his teeth to sharp points in the fashion of the mountain yard warriors he stepped on a mine and lost his leg above the knee he was one of my patients he wanted to go back to Vietnam but because his leg was in a K above knee amputation they refused him and forced him out of the army some of the stories he told were incredible but he had all the chest salad and commendations to prove him he was really kind of an unassuming guy and looked a little like Roy Clark from hee haw Rand was a really funny guy who laughed a lot but he was also a stone-cold killer he liked coming up behind an enemy garden slitting their throats and disappearing he told us of one time he killed every guard around the perimeter of an NVA camp and watched them freak out when they found their bodies he said he did the same thing at the same camp the following night but almost got caught and barely escaped he had a lot of stories but he also had a couple of silver stars and a commendation medal along with statements from his commanders about his actions I'll never forget that guy two years ago a friend of mine named baito did the most baddest thing that I have ever heard of at least from the people I know he was leaving a bar with his girlfriend and as they were walking out he saw a group of four men jumping a smaller-sized man never being one to back down from an unjust situation he yelled at the four mentally the guy alone he had had enough they turned on him and attacked my friend he fought off the four guys until he tripped and fell we're at that point two of the guys pulled out knives and stabbed my friend repeatedly he tried to fight them off still but when he knew he could no longer do so he told him to stop stabbing him they did not he was rushed to a nearby hospital where he continued to fight for his life for two days until he succumbed to his injuries I have seen the guys that did this to my friend and three out of the four are fairly large individuals I often think to myself would I have done what was right in that moment would I have done what baito did more often than not I can't see myself willingly defending someone I didn't know knowing that there would be hell to pay the stranger getting jumped wouldn't have been killed that night but he was saved he was saved by someone who throughout his life always fought for the underdog he always fought against the unjust and did what he believed it was right oddly enough we all refer to him as badass when we were blessed with his short presence here on earth rest in peace baito baddest I never met my granddad but he was pretty ba he was a fighter pilot in World War two he was shot down twice the first time he made it back to the Allied side the second time he's was captured and his best friend wingman was executed in front of him my uncle would later be named after his friend that was killed when the POWs camp that he was held it was liberated they found him cutting up the chocolate bar the Germans would five-two the officers he was dividing up to give us many prisoners a piece as possible after he was rescued he was sent home and he army dropped him off in New York he went to his uncle's house who he knew lived there prior to joining when his uncle answer the door he had a heart attack because his family thought he had died his uncle thought he was seeing a ghost luckily he survived my grandfather born in 46 in 66 he dodged the draft by joining the airborne in the war he was a mobile helicopter mechanic meaning he was sent behind enemy line to fix a helicopter whenever it crashed or have issues he also cited in guns explains why he's the best shot I know he has a Purple Heart but he won't say what from after the war he was a ranch hand in Montana in 1980 he moved to Washington and built a log home by himself from the logs he cut he then got into forestry and is one of the best foresters around he's worked in Canada New Zealand Chile and half the states as 72 he has survived three major heart attacks and cardiac arrests and yet he still works full time in the woods best story from him with when he stood off to a standing mother grizzly bear in Alaska edit he also looks like a stereotypical older lumberjack my second comment that my grandmother is a [ __ ] badass after her husband turned into an abusive alcoholic and after protecting her family from him for almost 10 years she left him took all three of their kids went to college while supporting them got a degree and became a CPA broke into what was then an all-male industry became the first female partner of an accounting firm in Mobile oh now she is getting old but she refuses to quit she won't retire and she won't stop being involved with the city because it means too much to her also WBE his son the painter and one of my clients is a self-made gazillionaire in commercial real estate awesome dude super humble a real-life Undercover Boss honest to god most people think assaults either homeless or the janitor and he gets quite a kick out of being very secretive hassles in his late seventies and works harder than anyone I know anyhow one of his tenants a loudmouth car dealer who flaunts ever dollar he has tried in vain to look cool in front of one of his friends he was standing with he told the landlord see now know what bob is some kind of tired of paying the rent to you every month how about I just buy this building from Gauss without breaking stride Bob looks him square in the eyes and says cow luck Sonny I don sought sell buildings I buy them this one is chalked up to the most baddest looking dude I've ever seen during army medic training school eight for the military people we had international soldiers come and experience the course with us to bring back how we were training our medics to their home country joining us was a 6-feet for German Sgt Maj a Special Forces medic who had been in the Germans special service for years sporting a full-length beard and always wore sunglasses like inside outside training events didn't matter he had his shades on one day I managed to catch a glimpse of him without his shades on he was talking to one of the platoon sergeants and took them off momentarily to reveal a clearly visible scar of a gunshot wound to the face and not only that he was missing his eye but instead of the fake eye with the pupil and whatnot it was just a straight black prophecies baddest man right there in all honesty my mom she had to deal with so much [ __ ] while she and my dad were raising my brother and I and she did a pretty damn [ __ ] good job she's had to deal with the depression that came after she accidentally killed someone in a car accident my older sister and her drug problem my uncle her younger brother who's lived with us for the majority of my life and could be a real piece of [ __ ] trying to make ends meet after the recession hit and she lost her store nearly losing our house a couple times my brother's depression and the absolute shitstorm that was me in elementary school when my ADHD meds were [ __ ] with my emotions to the point that I threatened suicide she had to deal with all that raising me and I turned out pretty well I think she qualifies a farmer in my hometown being a world war two veteran already gives the guys badass rating a significant boost but specifically I remember he fell about 10 feet off a windmill that he was fixing and broke several ribs when he was in his late 70s he was hospitalized and there was serious talk that this was probably it he stood a good chance of getting pneumonia or another of the many complications that the elderly tend to get when hospitalized and dying from it that never happened and he got out of the hospital as soon as he could his sons practically had to tie him down to keep him from going out and working until he had fully recovered but as soon as the doctors said he was fully healed he was back at it he passed away a couple years back at around 92 or so years old and was out farming every day until the last couple months of his life a guy I met 20 years ago who ran an orphanage in East Ukraine he had something inexpressible about him the closest thing I think I've seen to a real life Jesus Christ he was a humble fish gentle bear of a man bearded and stern but full of parental love he was quiet you could see his grief and burdens for every messed up child he and his team tried to rescue from heroin and the sewers where they often ate he had in his eyes such a look of long-suffering having seen too many kids die in horrible ways he warned them starkly of the dangers perhaps the only person to show them any care he gave them a safe place where they could always run to expended every ounce of energy to give them a home he was a real present father to hundreds I remember them crowding round him outside Missy told stories and played football with him the world had abandoned and forgotten and he thanklessly took on himself the pain of being their one and only real parent he called it more worthy than anything else the world had to offer though I only spend time with him briefly he will always be a role model to me a guy I used to work next to in one of those cow walking spaces started out as a ranch and jumped around for a little bit went to join the Peace Corps in Tanzania came back here and founded an e-commerce platform for East African farmers despite having almost no technical skills himself hired a programmer on extremely short notice so he will be eligible for an incubator program which his company got accepted into and got funding through company took off to the point where Obama mentioned it at a trade summit oh and he plays in an indie band maybe not badass in the traditional sense but badass in that hassles managed to help a lot of people with what he had at his disposal overall a super charismatic guy as well my mom she battled and beat not only breast cancer twice but then battled a super rare cancer called leiomyosarcoma beat it then it came back in 2016 and within four mas she faded and died this is even more amazing when you know that she gave birth to a giant Viking children then raised them basically on her own as my dad was a career Navy guy mom turned packing up and moving into an art form she was also the kindest person I have ever known never a bad word about anyone I have said many times mom was an angel but maybe superhero fits better I miss you mama far in the way it's my grandfather daddy Bill tough Irish guy who spent most of his retirement in his garden doing real hard work he survived multiple cancer diagnosis skin and colon had a bum ticker and survived one of the worst work accidents I had ever heard of he worked for a metal company he was headed to lunch with a buddy he was about 30 feet ahead of the guy who had stopped to talk to someone else a crane was moving two tons of metal and it wasn't strapped properly the steel fell and crushed my grandfather he was trapped under the metal with his legs spread out in his chest on the floor they thought for sure he was dead he was med flighted to a hospital which probably saved his life the family was at the hospital to say their goodbyes pastor read him his last rites and at some points after visitation or nurse came in to check on him he scared the nurse when he opened his extremely bloodshot eyes nobody expected him to come to she asked if she could get him anything and without missing a beat daddy bill said you can get me a good visor he passed away about six years ago and I still drink a bud on his birthday with his favorite beer can grip that's in the shape of a busty server my uncle and no one I've met comes close growing up he was obsessive with shotokan karate and would practice for hours he became a black belt yada-yada at 19 he was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma 1987 and was told by Diaz that he likely wouldn't survive long he battled and won that battle then proceeds to take a job working as a max security psych hospital where he worked till the early 2000s he had two heart attacks and bypass done returning to work afterwards his third heart attack saw him lose all the 30% use of his lungs in 2012 his twin sister committed suicide related to a stressful job and a heart condition he's medically retired now and just turned 50 in August he's been told he'd never make it to 30 much less 50 even though it's a struggle for him he still gets out on the tennis court and can play a little he also continues to spar and take lessons in karate and now MMA he's the most stubborn person I know but he's looked death in the face and given at the finger so many times my mother had 20 she left her parents house in a small city to live in the Amazonian rainforest teaching two indigenous children at 25 she had me and raised me by herself she had to it up with a lot of rubbish from her family because she was a single mother at 41 she again become pregnant again a single mother when she was 47 her mother got ill she came to live with us she took care of her mother for over seven years during this time I got depression and tries to kill myself twice and my mother was with me all the time always strong always loving me at 50 she got sick the same disease as my grandmother ALS she never complained she was taking care of her mother and suffering the same illness at 53 she was hospitalized she had three cardiac arrests she was in a coma she needed Hema dialysis she never got back from the coma and in June 2015 she died my mother was a [ __ ] badass when she died every tribunal state they gathered to pray for her my wife she was in an absolutely horrid car crash back in 1999 with a drunk driver that resulted in her getting crushed from the waist down and getting her left foot severed doctors didn't think she would make it but she proved them wrong after her wreck she went through 13 reconstructive surgeries on her foot alone and multiple additional surgeries to have a legs and pelvis fixed she was only 10 when this happened was told she would never be able to walk again and had to stay in a full body cast for almost a year after getting out of a body cast she started a physical therapy where she once again proved the doctors wrong by relearning how to walk she goes every day putting up with people staring at her because of the way the left leg turns in at the knee courtesy of the surgeon putting in the bar and things in wrong when she had those surgeries every day people give her weird looks and ask questions or make comments to her because of what happened yet he still manages to have a smile and treat everyone so nicely she is so kind despite what she has been through and put up with she carried our son for 39 out of 40 weeks knowing that if I were to have entered the birth canal he would have shattered her pelvis metal plates holding her pelvis together from her wreck and worked full-time up until two days before his birth she's a badass mother and Steadman a baddest wife and just a badass in general she is strong for me and our children in every way I could imagine and I thank God every day for putting her into mine and my daughter's lives that is why the most baddest person I've ever met my wife she is my Wonder Woman my friend's grandfather he was part of the Jewish resistance in Germany during World War two he was sent to Auschwitz and escaped he was sent a second time killed the German guard stole his gun in uniform killed several more and escaped a second time with weapons and ammo he brought those to the resistance and he fought with them until the end of the war he came to America after and helped build bridges he dieded ninety years old after beaten cancer at 70 the guy was super nice he ate meat and potatoes drank bourbon and smoked cigars till the end when I buddy was a teenager he gave him the hwachun knife of the guard he killed he still wears the watch my ex by far the most badass person I've ever met she grew up in an artistic household being mentally abused she was doing online school but falling behind and failing her classes eventually she had enough and moved out at 17 went back to public school in said public school in the first couple months there she was raped by a senior that of whom got off scot-free and was allowed to graduate after that she managed to from what she has told me managed to emotionally recover to a functional level excel at her schoolwork volunteer firefighting take driving lessons work a part-time job take EMT courses and get accepted into the National Guard all at the same time school during day then work driving classes then last night EMT training absolutely insane she broke up with me due to her having so much stress and chaos in her life before she started public school again so it has become ever more chaotic and stressful since then I completely understand and I'm extremely proud of how she is able to turn her life around and do so much after coming from such a horrible place I wish her the best it luck and hope she is and always will be happy I know a guy who was an off-duty police officer at the time and was driving home one night only to drive his car off a 20-foot bridge construction company was repairing it and nobody bothered to put up any signage anyways guy walked five kilometres to the police station and had a friend drive into the hospital where he was told he was fine skipped forward a few days and he was having headaches and in a lot of pain so he went to a different hospital turns out he had a cracked skull and three broken vertebrae if he coughed too hard it could have killed him sued the construction company in the hospital for malpractice and ended up winning after about a 10-year legal battle my parents my mom is a doctor for premature babies and puts on the bravest face for work every single day she works tirelessly for Christmas New Year's Eve and other holidays and sacrifices being with her family to save someone else sauce she came to the u.s and didn't sought give up despite failures and still killed the USMLE exams like a badess she takes care of me and takes me shopping and out for food even when she has worked 24 hours shifts because she wants to spend quality time with her daughter when I told my mom I was sexually assaulted she put on a face of stone and never broke down for me and made me get up shower change and get help if I can be half among Shias it's all be ok with that also my dad he came to the u.s from a small village in a developing country and escaped his abusive parents and even did some college in communist Russia where he had to wait in long lines to get food in exchange for ration cards only for it to be his turn and be told there was no more food remaining and paid for college in the u.s himself by working at gas stations subway and laundromats meanwhile I can hardly do college while focusing on only academics he took care of me his daughter and did my hair before school and shows my outfits and did the whole bake sale and projects thing when my mom was busy finishing up a residency program he said Wes or a family of honey badgers because we are fierce and nothing can bring us down IDK he watched a documentary on him once got I love my parents my dad accidentally shot himself my dad shot of steel for a target showing off his new rifle while his mates hid and said how [ __ ] ever idea it was it bounced off and hit him in the stomach he didn't want to scare my mum who was three months pregnant with me and he can't stand going to the doctor's hospitals so he just went back to his mates place took out some Dettol and tweezers pulled it out had a gelus stitching then bandaged his waist later that night mums woken up in a bed covered in blood thinking she's just miscarried she screams waking up my dad saying she thinks she lost the baby and my dad said now it's all good I just accidentally shot myself she forced him to the hospital [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 188,637
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Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: qOhs9ZRqp8Y
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Length: 38min 18sec (2298 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2019
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