How do you make money on the side? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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how do you make money on the side cleaning evicted homes I did it for my landlord during high school and college ten dollars an hour under the table I now have a strong stomach carpentry plumbing and flooring skills it sucks when you find used condoms or [ __ ] on the walls but hey I score some neat OHS stuff that people leave behind I also did private housekeeping for some wealthy families in college as well same rate plus they would give me small bonuses for holidays and such edit you'll are so concerned that I only charge ten dollars an hour I was a teenager at the time and I come a severely depressed area of the country this thread is about making money on the side not make a living off it I work through a corporate housekeeping company now and I only make $7 55 an hour I fix iPhones and other broken screens as another side job and I over priced out the s4 that housekeeping was merely another thing to do plowing driveways I live in a town half full of rich to yuppie as the other half country folk who wisely invested in some sort of plowing device whether it be a four-wheeler or a tractor in the middle of nowhere basically they all have these huge ice houses with longest driveways but no means to blow them ten bucks are Drive and I feel like I'm ripping them off since I also asked for free rein to sled all over their property takes me maybe ten minutes good lord folks I'm not a goddamn idiot I approached them with the price and the promise I won't get the cops called on me for trespassing so I can snowmobile all over the place I also like helping my neighbors and community and they are in turn helpful and appreciative of me I'm not being taken advantage of a trespassing fines like two hundred and fifty dollars and I negate that with ten minutes of my time for which I get paid ten dollars I buy cars that have repairable problems or at auction cause at are dirt cheap basically I fix them up clean them up and get them purring like they just drove off the lot then I sell them for much more than I paid and invested in parts i flipped like two or three a month sometimes I've made over $1 zero zero zero on more than one occasion one time I made like $3 0 0 0 but I got a ridiculous deal on the original purchase I'm a party princess I dress up as Disney Princesses with minor alterations and such to avoid getting a cease-and-desist letter from Disney and entertain kids at parties you kind of have to be at least a little good with kids and have activities planned and know your character inside and out but here I'm basically a group of children's new got for an hour or two and I make $50 70 an hour it's pretty cool I also go to yard sales buy stuff that will sell shoes accessories antiques and sell it on eBay that brings in anywhere from $100 600 a week edit so I guess this is my Riddick claim to 15 minutes fame so far where I admit I play dress-up and get paid for it my dad and I deliver hot tubs for a small pool company we have a special trailer that makes it super easy people buy these six thousand dollars plus hot tubs that weigh upwards of 1,000 pounds and then realize they can't deliver it themselves that's when we come in and charge $200 for an easy one or $300 if it has to go on its side we also remove people's old hot tubs oftentimes they think it's beyond repair so they pay us to get rid of it we then fix it and resell it it's become quite the moneymaker I write top-ten lists for a site called list verse comm they pay $100 a list and haven't rejected a single list I've sent so far I used to write for the comedy site cracked combat list verse pays better and all the readers do uncracked is [ __ ] about every little thing in an article mystery shopper you essentially get paid anywhere between $15 to $200 to spy on people and it's a great marketing opportunity as well because each listing will have you act a certain way towards staff employees believe it or not most of the time it's your employer's way of checking up on you if you're in the service industry or doing retail sometimes you're paid to act like a total [ __ ] sound like an extremely annoying overly concerned customer which can take up a lot of their time and sometimes you're just trying to gauge the sellers knowledge base concerning the product being sold which may take less than five minutes to accomplish chromecast did this a lot it sounds kind of weird but it's a ton of fun most of the time you even get to keep the item that you bought and your payment nearly always covers the cost of the item plus a bonus that helps cover traveling expenses the jobs over $40 are very rare and most people jump on them but you can take the ton of smaller jobs in an area and call a few hundred bucks a day on the weekend if you're incredibly efficient warning some places are scams so you've pretty much have to know a guy gal in the business and they'll point you to the best and most reliable companies to work with edit clarification you're not supposed to be a dick that was very very poor wording on my part and I apologize that's how I feel rather than how I actually act because I feel like I'm being paid to waste their time there is an airport near my house and a guy that owned an airplane repo business he often has to repo planes they are Jets and alike in other countries sometimes they are repo'd from drug lords who forgot to pay the bill I go along with him and his pilot to retrieve the craft we fly to the airstrip Airport in his own jet he serves the papers and I serve as muscle I'm not a big guy so I make do with what I have what I have is a full kit of body armor an ar-15 and a beard I usually make $3,000 a run about 5 - 8 runs a year nothing ever happens as they are usually very cordial about the whole ordeal but I still remain this whole puckered ready every time will you repo a plane I cook food for a friend of mine she is butan free actual celiacs not fat dieting and vegetarian she's also started some da bat massively restricts the amount of fats and proteins she can have oh and this woman hates to cook so for 50 bucks a week I make two big dishes for her that she can have for dinner all week I really love difficult cooking challenges so the jobs been pretty fun and it's been a great way to motivate myself to cook healthier and get some extra cash I wrote an algorithm that finds miscategorized auctions on eBay I run that list through a financial model that predicts the resale value against the minimum bid 95% of the time I get the auction for the minimum bid then I riposte the same auction back on eBay with a shorter bid duration and in the right category I then just rave loot the shipping to the new buyer been doing this since 2009 invest about 30 minutes a day and make 45 dollars a year on it I sell spreadsheets to small businesses my friends initially laughed at me when I started but over the past several years I've been able to save enough you acute 80000 so I'm now in the position to let my wife stay off work whilst she looks after our six-month-old baby and if anyone wants to help me crack the American market drop me a message as I'm willing to pay a bit of commission to anyone who can help generate some sales edit thanks for your responses for anyone looking to help we can set up a discount code unique to you and then all you need to do is go away and sell the software I can then run a report and let you know what you've sold and give you an agreed amount of the profit I need to work out the finer details that it should be quite simple I hope astronomer here when not doing my day job I do money on the side by writing freelance articles for various science magazines like astronomy sky and telescope and now working for an assignment for discover this can be for various topics in astronomy from a cosmic ray Observatory in Argentina two neutron stars that merge with regular stars to how to find extrasolar planets with radio signals basically whatever I find interesting and know my teenage self would find interesting for anyone really entrusted my latest is actually in the current ie February issue of astronomy on the South Pole telescope close bracket anyway what's really nice about this is I'm a PhD student and these articles pay really well like I don't write for less than a thousand bucks an article anymore to be fair I've also been doing this a few years you won't stop there comma with that money i fund my various weekend trips around europe which is a really awesome sideline for me I work as a shot clock operator for college basketball games it pays about thirty dollars seventy five a game depending on the institution if there is both a men's game and a women's game it is doubled it couldn't be easier literally all you do is it's a button to restart the shot clock when one of three things happens a foul a change in possession ball hits the rim it's also nice because I don't officially work for anyone college they ask me if I can work games and I can pick and choose when and where I want to work I usually do it about every other weekend but someone could easily do it almost every day I develop websites at work I develop websites on the side too but with languages I am more passionate about learning co-founding a startup these days so I have no come from it but I do have equity before that I was pulling around an X for $30 to $45 K a year after taxes but I was working crazy hours burned out and decided to do a startup with less pressure due to setting my own timelines I give middle-aged ladies horseback riding lessons they pay well and it's more of a therapy session for them to vent about their kids while I lead them around than actually working out or learning to write kids want to learn about how to ride and horsemanship most middle-aged ladies I teach just want to talk and have someone listen to them for an hour pays me better than my normal job and it's probably cheaper than actual therapy for them teaching younger people to actually ride is more fun for me though win-win for everyone involved photo assistant starts at two hundred and fifty dollars day in a large city and meals are included I pick up a few days work as a photo assistant every month which is plenty to cover my rent and living expenses if you have working knowledge of basic photo gear and can lift heavy things the work is very easy usually it's just setting up lighting at the beginning of the shoot and taking it down at the end sometimes you'll make adjustments to lighting mid shoot don't be a creep with models stay off your cell phone and always volunteer you'll find yourself getting called back for shoots and recommended for well-paying out-of-town shoots last week I was in California next week I'll be in Miami pretty nice for a job that doesn't require a degree or any commitment I used to work at my school calling alumni and begging for money we would start the call by asking how they were telling them about the school and what was new and then blindside them with the begging it was kind of ridiculous because we were supposed to ask everyone even if they clearly couldn't afford it I got fed up with making people mad and stopped even though it got me about 400 months I write and produce cable TV shows some more popular and than others most of these jobs only last six - nine months so a couple months ago I started delivering pizzas for a batterer speech the joint downtown LA to earn extra cash between gigs a couple times now I've delivered pizzas to residences that had a TV show playing in the background I produced I've never said anything as it's kind of inconsequential and besides who would believe that some punk pizza delivery guy was also a TV producer right but the feeling of irony and satisfaction knowing that I'm keeping people entertained and fed is very gratifying it makes me sleep better knowing I've done my job yes a few years ago I built a niche blog about a specific haircare method I wrote about half the articles on it I paid freelance writers to write the other half I came up with topics keywords et Cie I placed two and words ads on each page I haven't touched the site in about a year and the amount I'm learning around $30 months not a ton of money but if I have the time I'm sure I could improve on the blog keep posting and make more plus I'm learning that money doing zero work and paying for nothing other than the domain name haven't made any money yet and are in fact about $1,000 in the hole but we're trying to do beekeeping and local honey sales first comedy got wiped out by larger yellowjacket hives finally found a big one on a neighbor's land dug the thing up it was massive closed bracket second colony died because my soul wanted to check on the hive a few days before a big storm hit bees didn't have time to reseal the hive and water got in drop the temp and they died third colony was never very strong really weak Queen kept hoping they would grow themselves a new queen but they never did died three weeks ago during the cold snap because they didn't have the mass to generate enough heat so that's dollar sign 600 in bees Queens gone then we had destroyed equipment due to a massive Waxman worm infestation in our stored gear so we are learning it's still fun we just need to work at it more and eventually start bringing in some cash we also are growing an orchard working on recipes still but plan on selling preserves alongside the honey walking dogs two years out of college and lucky enough to have a job in my field but it didn't pay much I wanted to move out of my parents house last year and needed a part-time job to help pay the rent and bills I was absolutely willing to sacrifice my free time to move out and be on my own I found a dog-walking company and told them my situation and my hours available they set me up with a couple walks to start out which then turned out to be 5-6 a day each walk was about 20 minutes long and I would make anywhere from $9 to $14 per walk I have orig de bout $1,200 extra per month without working in the weekends when I did work weekends and put more time into the part-time job I came out with 2,000 dollars extra per month I have recently quit because I made so much off of it I don't need it anymore I also got a raise which helped it was a great part-time job because I basically made my own hours and got to walk dogs I didn't have to be a cashier and deal with [ __ ] all day I got paid to play with dogs for two hours TL DR walked dogs made 1200 dollars extra per month and loved it won translating texts from German English via Alan's or personal contacts often menus for restaurants to mystery shopping when I confited sensibly around my other commitments Helion Razak come this month I'm a generated about 250 a from asking about swapping energy providers and var 5 a for getting my car washed 3 occasional tutoring I guest lecturer at some local vocational colleges about my profession teaching English to children language acquisition from 50-100 a per session planned once already delivered six times for selling dirty socks and lately jeans I read about it here and it's true there are those who buy them biggest problem is I only have two feet which don't sweat so much in winter and eBay keep canceling my auctions missed out on 30 a this week our days I take part in focus groups at a local market research firm you can usually just call these places up and ask to get put into their databases on average I only take part in one group a month but they pay between you acute twenty you acute thirty an hour so I normally take home around you acute fifty the focus groups are good fun anything from tasting beers to giving feedback on ideas for ads or planned development for apps edit a few people asking how to find these groups these companies off the market research services to businesses you should just do a Google search for that in your local area and give them a call to see if they have a participants database that you could be added to probably a little late to the party but I sell ugr cards it's amazing how much trading card games can cost through ugr I've gotten to travel to three countries ten states and countless cities although not nearly as expensive to play as magic I've been able to make over $40 0 0 0 after working about 500 hours which is pretty decent for a college student it's also great because much like finance you need to be knowledgeable about the market keep up with current trends and try to predict future ones all in all it's a very enjoyable experience and has taught me a lot late to the party here but oh well I've wanted to tell this story for a while back in high school I knew a girl who decided to become a prostitute she was a good friend of mine so naturally I thought this was a bad idea but that changed see the thing is this girl was hot like really hot and she wasn't standing on a corner or anything she just let the worst spread she wouldn't [ __ ] anybody only people she wanted to [ __ ] basically she got paid to have sex with guys she wanted to have sex with anyway after a few months she had like $20 zero zero zero and quit never got an STD never got pregnant it blew my mind there is a man that pays me a few hundred quitter spits in his dinner every few months in the months in between he pays me a little bit too for me setting him tasks edit that should have put this in past tense at the end of last year after a few years though he realized that the same amount of money he was paying me to turn up with a friend in tow and spits in his food then bid him of you he could get a proper Dom to peg him and dash in his mouth and put him on some kind of spinny wheel no hard feelings [ __ ] I became an elected government official basically a member of a town council of a teeny tiny town didn't even have to run for office because there weren't enough people to fill the required council seats I get about five dollars 6k per year for about four hours a week every other week all from about six zero zero p800 pee during a couple of weekdays about two hours a week average requirements have to live in the town have to make it to meetings as a side note I could never get elected in a real election my political and religious affiliations do not match the prevalent leanings and beliefs of the town at all but when I'm the only one raising my hand to participate no problem I used to build websites for people and was moderately successful for a while my failure was a desire to please 100 percent of my clients 100% of the time and not tell shitty clients where to stick it eventually I started subcontracting the actual work and just focused on managing the subcontractors and that was a net positive experience because I acquired some good business skills but it really did take the joy out of something I used to love which was building interactive websites applications the landscape has changed these days so I doubt I could do any line-level technical work without some serious retraining and by now I've got other passions I've got the seventy percentage complete sevak on how to build your own website business if there's any interest maybe I can post it somewhere edit thanks all that have expressed interest I'm going to hole up this weekend and finish the rough draft I already have close trusted acquaintances that can handle both contents and continuity editing and with graphic design but I do appreciate the offers good luck to all the others out there that are hanging out their shingle - I make films for children's parties I get given a particular theme star wars with the last one and rich parents who just want to distract their children for an afternoon pay me to make a film with their kid and said kids friends the kids love it the parents can relax whilst I do all the work with another person and they get a cool little 7 10 minute film at the end of it all making them look like a Jedi Knight or a mini James Bond I grow salt water coral anemones in the occasional fish the fish don't usually make up most of the money I make I am constantly selling clean excess water from my tanks and others who [ __ ] up and need to replace the water in theirs after 6 months 6 years the return on coral and anemones is ridiculous plus live rock and everything else I can make an easy $1,500 to $2,500 a month on the side for doing nothing but paying my electric bill from what I known as friends who have had saltwater tanks I think for doing nothing but paying my electric bill may be a bit of an exaggeration but if you love it and find it easy enjoyable then more power to you making money doing what you love and helping to grow your hobby for other sounds like a win-win to me I don't think I would be up for it personally with my Cola lowly tanks it really is that simple they are a closed system I don't have to feed anything in the tank as long as the temperature in my basement is constant and I pay the electric bill the lights and pumps will keep it going forever throw away account I do other people's desk jobs for them with more and more jobs being telecommute I just work multiple jobs from home at the same time imagine working a desk job where you spend all day on Reddit and very little time working now imagine if that was a telecommute job where you work from home every day now imagine if you could pay someone else to do that job for you possibly only being pulled in once every few weeks for a question and paying off a portion of your salary that's what I do I take people's jobs off their hands they keep their benefits and a few bucks an hour and go do something else with their life i badass it their job use also clickers and anti idlers to make them look active chat programs watch emails maybe do some actual work now and then etc it's basically office space at home several times simultaneously what started off as a side job doing this once is now a full-time gig I will have paid off all my debt - my mortgage in six months and my wife will be able to quit her job by summer I cheat a business calc students in college I have no degree at all but I took the class once and set for another time just to have a huge grasp on it business calc is usually a course business majors have to take in most of them are not overly confident in calculus so I just take advantage of business majors that don't know calc I charge $40 an hour minimum two hours and have at least two students a night it started as a way to make site money and now it's all I do I make dollar sign 900 a week started making custom vinyl decals for myself with a Cricut then started making some for friends sales bought me a respectable vinyl cutter and heat press from a scatter comm now I make decals and custom shirts makes me an extra 200 dollars 300 per month I also recently started working with Kydex gun holsters and knife sheaths I've just about made back enough to cover the start up new tools materials del assign 350 I just like working with my hands and creating things that I and others want need or use I build custom long boards it's pretty simple I just blew the ply cut and sand drill holes and then put grip tape on then my girlfriend or any other artistic friend paints the design on it I car sell a custom deck for about 80 dollars 92 people asked for design and supplies only cost about $30 but if somebody asked for a complete board I can sell it for about one hundred and sixty dollars 180 I've mostly only done it for friends or acquaintances nothing too serious yet about 12 years ago there was a huge UGG boot craze my wife wanted a pair for Christmas but you could only find them on eBay they were double the retail price I did a ton of research and found a supplier I bought the last two pair and sold one on eBay I pretty much got her pair for free they called me back a few days later and let me know they received more I ordered as many as I could afford and kept selling them we made close to 20k in a two month period [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 283,693
Rating: 4.897059 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: u0YXewhMlwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 51sec (1671 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 19 2019
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