UNSOLVED: Molly Miller and Colt Haynes Missing 8-Years After High-Speed Police Chase. (Cold Case)

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(dog barking) - He's trying to get like more scent or he knows something's in there and he's trying to get to it. - Alright, Jared, how's your back? (sound of shoveling) - Molly Miller, Colt Haynes, stranded in a remote location. Did the hogs get them? Was there foul play? We really don't know. Stay tuned. We want to thank Omaze for helping fund another mission like this one. This time we're offering you a chance to win a 2021 Ford F-150 with an Airstream Cavalier to tow. Taxes and shipping are included for U.S. residents and even better, every donation benefits a great cause. The Independence Fund is committed to empowering our nation's catastrophically wounded, injured, or ill veterans to overcome physical, mental, and emotional wounds incurred in the line of duty. They're dedicated to improving the lives of both veterans and their families. Your donations can help the Independence Fund strive to bridge the gap of unmet needs for veterans and their caregivers through their Mobility, Caregiver, Adaptive Sports, Advocacy, and Family programs. Later on in this episode, we'll talk more about the Independence Fund, the giveaway with the truck and the trailer as well as Omaze. But if you'd like to find out more about them right now jump over to omaze.com/awp in the description down below. Today's definitely a weird one because first of all, we need to introduce you to the key players. We have Molly and Colt who are missing. We have Conn who was driving the car. There was a high-speed chase and the high-speed chase was actually called off by the sheriff. Now the sheriff was actually related to Conn by, I think it was a cousin or something. And with that, when the car was not found until the next morning. What we do know is that Molly and Colt were using their cell phone between 7 AM and 9 AM the next morning. And they didn't seem to be in distress at that point, other than we know that Colt had broken his ankle. They were calling their friends to come pick them up from an undisclosed location. Now we don't know what that undisclosed location is, but we're gonna talk about the reason why we're on this property in just a few moments with Toby. We're also going to be meeting up with Paula and her sister who are cousins of Molly. They've really been taking the lead in the investigation on this. And for the first time, we're also going to be introducing and working with a cadaver dog team. So although we know that the high-speed chase ended on Long Hollow Road to the south of here, we're to the north where we speculate that this may be the undisclosed location, because there's also a bloody shirt that has been found. So with that, let's introduce you to everybody and jump in today's episode. So Toby, your role in all of this. - So I own the ranch here. We bought this ranch about four years ago. And before we bought this ranch, it was kind of untouched. There's this one gravel road that you guys saw to come in. So there wasn't a lot done to the property back then. And everything you see has been done since then. - And with that, this is the road in question. - It was actually the road across from us. - [Jared] Okay. - [Toby] So Long Hollow Road is the road that they turned left on and crashed the car, I believe. This is right directly across from that road. - [Jared] Okay, and so then how does this property and this road come into play, and the, and the ponds? - So there's been rumors that they have been buried in one of the lakes. They have had some dive teams out, they've got some search teams out. - I mean, I see a lot of side-by-sides, four-wheelers, I mean, you've scoured every square inch of this. - It's 3,000 acres. So it's actually very hard to scour the entire property. We've done lots of searches. We do a lot of hunting out here. So we're on foot a lot, we cover a lot of ground. - Any evidence by chance that you ran across? - Yeah. So we found a shirt that was hanging in a tree at about head level. And it was a girl's undershirt, very old, probably five to six years old. So we immediately called one of the investigators that came out, they set up a crime scene. And to my knowledge, that evidence is gone and never was tested. - And that's where we're going to bring in Jeff over here. So we actually have Jeff that we've been on a live stream with us before on "Profiling Evil." You guys came in from Tulsa. - Yes. - Appreciate you guys being here. - No problem. - And why don't we introduce your handlers? Because you guys have a cadaver dog team here with you today- - Yes, sir. to come help out with this case. - So we got Aaron Cain, he's got another cadaver dog. He lives in Oklahoma City. And Robin Meninhall - she's gonna be our flanker. So she's got a live-find dog, but she always comes and helps us with, when we do the HR stuff, cause she knows our dogs real well, and she can see everything, any cues or anything that the dogs are doing, so. - What are some ideal conditions for the dogs, and are today's winds going to be difficult for them? - It could, but the scent's not gonna, you know, be really, really strong. It'll pull, it'll stay low to the ground. And so that's why we got to keep them pretty close and not just running around everywhere. - Well, it looks like Toby's going to jump us down there to the location. We're going to kind of hang back and let you guys take the lead on this portion of it until we get to the water and go from there. - OK, sounds good. - Cool. Thanks for coming. - No problem. (melancholic music) - This boat ramp wasn't here. Those houses weren't there. There was nothing here at the time of this. This lake is only about six to four feet deep across the entire lake. - [Jared] Okay. Yeah. And I was talking to, with Team Waters, who came up with- on behalf of Texas EquuSearch when they did the initial search and yeah. And they said that, yeah, you- you're very shallow on this lake to begin with but they did not spot anything because there's also a story of a freezer chest being involved. - I've heard that. - [Jared] Which I mean, you're dealing with three and a half, y'know, four feet tall for a- I mean, you know what size of freezer chest. So they didn't spot anything, which then brings us back to right now. (plaintive guitar music) - [Toby] He's barn security. (dog splashing in the water) - [Jared] Now does he just wander, or does he work towards scents he smells? - Uh, if he catches, he'll work, like right now we're walking cross-wind, so if he catches something while he's running he'll stop and go towards the scent. - [Jared] Okay. - So I usually just let him do whatever he wants. (plaintive music continuing) (thumping noises) (leaves crunching underfoot) - [Jared] So this is the tree you found the shirt at? - This is the tree we found the shirt at. So I had enough common sense to put a marker on it, so we'd always know where it was. (dried leaves crunching underfoot) (dog splashing in the water) - I notice the dog is jumping in and out of the water quite a bit. - And you don't see him licking the water. - Okay. - Cause he's trying to taste the water. - Okay. - So if there, if there was something in this water, like this creek, whichever way it's running (sniffing) the dogs get in the water, they may look like they're trying to drink, but they're actually tasting the water cause they can actually taste it, whatever's in the water, like the scent, because scent carries in water, it moves in water. - [Jared] Okay. - So the dogs get in there and they actually lick it and they're actually tasting whatever's in the water. - [Jeff] So the location where the shirt was found, the dog didn't really pick up on anything. - Yeah, no, now what we're going to do is, we're going to follow the information from the audio recording talking about across the lake there, where the four wheeler tracks and the footprints went into the water. It's what we're gonna go check next. So Toby, we're making our way over to the other pond where you can go search. I've had a little bit of background on your ranch here, and I understand that you've had like, 100 or so influencers and TV shows and stuff- (Toby chuckling) like what is your ranch and what is about, like, I just thought we were coming to a property today. - Yeah, so this ranch, it's kind of a pretty cool playground. So we've got, we've got one of the top bass lakes in all of Oklahoma. We just built the country's largest privately-owned firearms training facility, like a 10,000 square foot CQB course and a 1,000 yard sniper range. And so we got a lot of military guys come out and train. But social media stuff, we do a lot of hunting, we do a lot of exploring, we do a lot of training, a lot of fishing. And it's just kind of become a pretty big thing here at the ranch. And we do also have a herd of zebras in here. We've got zebra- - Zebras, what?! (Toby laughing) Wait, do we get to see those today? - Yeah, we totally can do that. (adventurous safari music) (plaintive guitar music) - I wanna introduce you to Paula, who is Molly's cousin. Tell us about this side of the lake. - Well, on this side of the lake, back in September 2013, my cousin and all of us were out here on a search on this west side of the lake. There was footprints going into the water, and also four-wheeler tracks going into the water. Since then we have obtained a recording of the same person of interest at this property. The cell phone pinged the 911 call out here. And he was out here basically in the same location where all these four-wheeler tracks and the, and the footprints and stuff that we saw here on that day were. So that's why we need to look specifically probably at the west side and the north end of this lake. (dry leaves rustling) - [Jared] What you got? - [Jeff] She came down here, she got in (unclear) she came back out. (dogs splashing in the water) (dry leaves rustling) (dog barking and growling) - He's catching something within- as we saw, as he was barking, it was up, so I'm not- he's catching some kind of odor or scent from somewhere and how thick this is, with the sun coming down like this, the scent is going to come back down to the cool area. So, the (dog barking insistently) See? Right back to the same spot. So- - Well, what we have also is something over in the corner, and that's where the cellphone pinged 911? - Initiated it. (dog barking continuously) - Yeah. And to my understanding, none of this bamboo area has ever been searched. Before we jump to the other side of the river to see what Truman is hitting on, we want to thank Omaze, today's episode's sponsor, for partnering with us again. Last time I offered you a chance to win a dream home in Florida or $1,000,000 in cash, and Alexa from Atlanta, Georgia won. This time, we're offering you a chance to win a 2021 F-150 with an Airstream Caravel to tow. Taxes and shipping are included for U.S. residents, and even better, every donation benefits a great cause. Should you be the lucky winner, you can set out on your own adventure with your own Airstream Caravel 20FB that comfortably sleeps four. Perfect for trips with family and friends. Now here's the thing also; should you win, I'm gonna invite you personally, also, to come hang out with us on one of our missions, if you so choose. An additional bonus! You're going to be able to pull that Airstream with your brand new 2021 Ford F-150 Lariat. Even if you don't win, you're going to feel good about yourself knowing that you're helping to support a good cause: The independence Fund. The Independence Fund is committed to empowering our nation's catastrophically wounded, injured, and ill veterans to overcome physical, mental and emotional wounds incurred in the line of duty. They're dedicated to improving the lives of both veterans and their families. Your donations can help the Independence Fund strive to bridge the gap of unmet needs for veterans and their caregivers through their Mobility, Caregiver, Adaptive Sports, Advocacy, and Family Programs. All of us here at AWP salute our veterans and we are happy to have partnered with Omaze today to support the Independence Fund. (sound of frogs croaking) For your chance to win the 2021 Ford F-150 with an Airstream Caravel to tow, and to support a great cause, be sure to enter at omaze.com/awp. (sound of frog croaking continuing) On that note, thank you again, Omaze, and let's jump to the other side of the river. - [Robin] This is all loose. - This is all loose there. This has been dug and turned over. A hundred percent. - We ran the dogs over here. The dogs did not indicate in this area but you know, with the time lapse, you know, erosion and that kind of thing, that could maybe be why they're showing interest more down in the creek. - So, I mean, at this point do we shovel it ourselves or do we call in law enforcement? - I would definitely give whoever has jurisdiction over this case, consult with them before any digging or anything like that is done. - Well, I can call Brad and tell him... (suspenseful music) - I mean, we'd never worked with dogs before. We have a hit right there at the bank which is right within a few feet of where that's at. We have a section that's been cleared out that's the size of a body. What I'm not seeing is I'm not seeing a mound, but you know, we're dealing with seven, eight years later. (branches and dry leaves crackling) - [Toby] Yeah, I mean, that's really sucked in. (sound of digging) - [Jared] There's no bigger roots in this area. - [Jeff] I mean, you're right by a cedar tree too. - [Jared] Yeah. - [Toby] Alright, they're bringing the dogs over. - [Jared] Alright. (leaves rustling) (dog barking) - [Jeff] I don't know. I think it's just a frustration bark. - [Aaron] Let's back everybody up, send him in here by himself. (dog barking) - I think we might have something. - He's gone down the hole twice now. - [Cameraman] Yeah, as soon as he dug, he got a little scent. - Any time that dog trainer tells him good job, I think that means that we got something. - He's trying to get like, more scent, or he knows something's in there and he's trying to get to it. - When he digs? - Yeah, when he digs. Yeah. He dug. - Alright, Jared, how's your back? (Jared laughing) Ready to blow it in? - [Jared] Digging it up, six feet down, man. (sound of plastic snapping) (chuckling) - [Jared] Remember that time you told me you broke my shovel? - Yeah. - Yeah, I finished it off. - [Toby] Well the good thing is, we have a much smaller one. (group chuckling) (fast-paced piano music) - What we're going to do is, let this air out for about 30 minutes, just everybody stay out of there. We're going to stay back. Just let it calm a little bit. And then we'll take a dog, and with the cameras, we're going to have to stay back behind us. We're not going to get real close, 'cause we don't want to, we don't want to lead the dog to where we want them to search. We want them to be able to pick up the odor and go and show us where the- where it's coming from. So I think that's the plan that we'll go with for right now. - [Jared] Okay. - And kind of go from there and see. - [Jared] Sounds good, we're on board. - [Aaron] Alright. - [Jared] Thanks, man. - Thanks. So I'm going to take my dog Zelda, and we're going to try to keep people out of there, cause I don't want to lead the dog to any specific location. We want her to be able to pick up the scent and go to it. - Sounds good. We'll hang out, and- or hang back and watch her work. (fast-paced piano music resuming) - So we started up here to the east. Went back down, she kind of led us back down, back down the hill a little bit, went to the- where we dug, put her face down there, moved on, kinda went back over to where that fence is, for the gate, and just no interest. So that's where we are right now. (dog whining) - Go on. Nothing at night-time. - [Jared] What's that? - He don't do nothing at night-time. - [Jared] Oh. (leaves loudly crackling) - No, but he, he was was pawing at the pile of dirt there near the hole. So I don't know what to tell you. - [Jared] And there's nothing in the pile of dirt, we know that, so. Alright, well I think we're- (unclear) - [Jeff] Yes, sir. - [Jared] All right, well, thanks for your help on that! - [Jeff] Yeah. In way of thank you's, we also wanna thank Omaze again, for bringing us to Oklahoma and being a part of today's mission. For your chance to win a 2021 Ford F-150 with Airstream Caravel to tow, don't forget to jump over to omaze.com/awp. Today was definitely different, working with cadaver dogs. We've never worked with them before, so let's jump over and see what the handlers have to say. - Today definitely was an eye-opening experience for my, myself and my dog. (sniffing) My dog kind of alerted on an area, and after discussing it with some of the trainers that I've learned some stuff from, I, I think it could be possible methane gas coming from the creek that's there. Bodies, when they decompose, give off methane, so that's what, that's what I think the dog was possibly hitting on. So that's something definitely I got to work on. - There is not an exact science to any of this, so- - Right. We appreciate you guys, you know, your time. I mean, you guys came out of Tulsa, you guys drove, you know, what, four hours today just to be here, so, (phone ringing) we appreciate your time on that one. Toby here. Battle Springs Ranch, when you bought this property, did you think that you would be involved in anything like this? - No. No, no. But, we're glad that we are, with Paula, I mean, we wanna work as hard as we can to find closure. We're not gonna stop searching. We're gonna keep at it. Y'know, if they're here, we wanna, we wanna, y'know, give her all the resources we can to help find them. - Oh, something else will come up. Something else. It always does, doesn't it? We can mark that off the list, and that's what this is all about. You know, we've gotta get things checked off the list, because it seems like if we don't do this, the family, and try to get these things done, it's not going to get done, and that's just where I'm at. You know, seven and a half years, and that's- you know, I'm not trying to bash anybody here, but that's how it's been since day one. - So I mean, eventually, you know, the truth will come out. And, you know, hopefully in the future, you know, Molly and Colt will be found. - Yeah. - So, you know we do appreciate you, you know, bringing us into, you know, on your land, and into your family and your world. - Yeah, I appreciate you guys a lot. - So... - Thank you for coming. - Absolutely. So with that one, we appreciate you guys being here today. If you've not already done so, please do subscribe so that way, we can help spread the message. Sharing this, commenting, and if you have any tips, please share 'em with us. That way we can bring Molly home. On that note, we'll see you next time. Thanks. Bye-bye. (dramatic outro music)
Channel: Adventures with Purpose
Views: 1,654,959
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: molly miller, molly miller and colt haynes, colt haynes, molly miller missing, colt haynes missing, cold case, cold case files, cold case investigation, cold case investigation documentary, cadaver dog, butt dial, 911 call, police chase, missing persons, molly miller missing person, adventures with purpose, battle springs ranch, car chase, car crash, car wreck
Id: FZcBQr0rwRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 44sec (1184 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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