2 Separate Killings at Tenkiller Lake (Stephan Adams and Matthew Fagan) Missing Persons

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- Now, I would trade myself for him. If he could live again and I could take his place. I'd do it in a heartbeat. It's nothing like losing a child. (somber guitar music) - We're calling Gene. That's who we're calling, Dan, because if he's been in business for 50 plus years at the lake, he's going to know something about this Stephan Adams case that we're working today at Tenkiller Lake. Yeah, we're a specialty search and recovery dive team. We just happened to be in your area today. We're working the case of Stephan Adams. There's a car off of Indian Road over here not too far from your place. Do you know anything about that car? - [Gene] Nope. Nope. Know nothing about one off of Indian Road. - Okay. We'll go check out this car off of Indian Road, then. - Yup. - All right, thanks, Gene. We're looking for Stephan Adams who went missing in 2004, December 13th of 2004. He was last seen in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. The rumor is that he gave somebody a ride and was never seen of again after that. But where we're at on this one today is we've received a really good lead the last couple of days as to where a vehicle is under water from a bass fishing group. We're looking for a 1995 GMC pickup truck, white in color. It's really difficult to tell. Is that a pickup truck? Is it a car? Until we've actually put eyes on it... I found-- We've found-- We found sonar images before that's like, we're getting a tractor today. - Yeah, ends up not being a tractor. - Yeah, it turned out to be a 1977 or '78 Thunderbird. - Thunderbird. - So after speaking with Gene, knowing that he's never been on that car, that means that we have to get in the water and go check that one out. And we're going to be here at Tenkiller all day. So hang out with us. Let's see if we can solve another cold case. (mysterious flute music) (raindrops) (thud) - So we have Carl who is Steven's dad, just pulled up. (rain splattering) - Sir, how are you doing? - [Steven] Good. - [Jared] Good - Look, I apologize. We didn't really have anything concrete for y'all. Back a few years ago, I've been working on this for 16 years and we've looked at a few other cases too. This, this part of the area down in here is inundated with missing bodies and missing people. We never had any real, hard evidence that he or his truck was ever in there. He was trying to get custody of his daughter and his in-laws had him killed. He was going to college at NSU and he just took a set of finals that morning. And somebody approached him either at the college or at his apartment, which is right there close to the college and asked him to give him a ride. And then he was taken, tricked into a situation where he was murdered. It was a set-up deal but we focused on the lake because that was the quickest easiest way they could have disposed of his body and his pickup. - [Jared] Right. - Well, a couple of years into that we had a group from Texas that come up with a boat. They mapped the whole lake. Now, they did find some wrecked boats and they did find some vehicles. Well, I didn't see the map where these wrecks were, and this may be something new here. I don't know that for a fact. - [Jared] Yeah, right now from everybody I'm talking to nobody knew about this vehicle. - If I can find his remains and find out exactly what happened, you know, then I can get some closure. I'm still just kind of caught in limbo, you know. It does kind of get numb after a while. You're real desperate at first when you first start. It takes quite a while to get where you're a little bit more numb to it. I mean, you're just real frantic at first, you know. Just imagine the feeling of, if you had a small child that wandered off in the woods and you couldn't find him. And you imagine that panic, that feeling of panic. Well, that stick with you for about three or four years. Then you kind of get a little bit more numb to it. And then I put probably a hundred thousand miles on this old truck looking, you know, different places and walking in woods and doing different things. And you, after a while, you finally kind of realize that, hey man, this is a great big world out here and you could walk right by something and not see it out in the woods. And I've finally come to the fact that we're going to have to solve the case, and somebody that knows is going to have to tell us. And we appreciate every little last bit of the help we can get. So God bless you guys. And don't think I don't appreciate it. I was just worried about wasting y'all's time and resources because we didn't have anything definitive to give you. - [Jared] One of the things that we asked is to please never apologize. You know, we came on our own and like you said you don't have anything concrete, but if you have any ideas of where we might want to look today or if we want to go work the Fagan case as well. - Yeah, if you can get that Fagan information, that'd be the best, the best real thing that you could look at. - Okay. - [Newscaster] He's been missing for more than a year. What happened to Matthew Fagan? Prosecutors charged the people they believe went hiking with him at Lake Tenkiller with murder, but dropped the charges right before trial this summer because of lack of evidence. Matthew's father, obviously frustrated. - [Matthew's Father] I still have my son missing, okay? He's not-- no where to be found, okay? So, you know, no matter what happens to those people I still get no closure. - A father and a parent's pain's there and we'd never really heard from a parent as to a case this old before. One of the things I don't know if you, like, picked up on is, like, he's accepted the fact that this is kind of a lost cause for us to be here today looking for Stephan, is that he doesn't believe that the vehicle is in the water, that team waters did an incredible job mapping this entire area. I don't know why this car has not been found or dove on before. Maybe they did it and we just haven't, you know, we don't have any information on it, but it's a, you know instead of focusing on my son, can you jump over and work on, you know, Fagan instead. And you know, that speaks volumes for, you know, for a dad, for sure. So anyway, we're gonna, like I said, keep saying that but we can jump in the water over here, go clear this car and then we're going to go work the Fagan one today. (somber guitar music) - [Jared] There it is. - [Sam] Already? - [Jared] Yeah. So this is what this, see, this is what it looks like as we're heading, that was at 3.2 miles an hour. So I'm going to turn and I'm going to go much slower over it this time. There it is on down-- - [Sam] Yeah, I see it. Yeah, there it is. - [Jared] We're right over it right now. I'm gonna switch to 360 and then we'll just latch right on it. (loud boat motor) - [Sam] Oof! - [Jared] Look at that. - [Sam] First shot. - [Jared] (chuckles) Wow, are we getting good or what? - [Sam] Yeah, I'd say so. First shot. - [Jared] All right. So do you want to go from shore? - [Sam] Yeah, let's go to shore. - [Jared] Okay, we'll switch. (moody fiddle music) (snap) (zipper raising) (water sloshing) - [Jared] All right, later. - [Sam] All right, good luck. (bubbling water) (puffing of breathing apparatus) (burbling water) (moody fiddle music) - [Jared] White Chevy Monte Carlo. Both the driver's side and the window side is rolled down and the front windshield is partially broken. - [Sam] Okay. - [Jared] I was able to look in. I didn't see anybody. - [Sam] Okay. - [Jared] I saw the spot where a license plate would fit. It looked reasonable that's where a license plate would go. - [Sam] Oh, so you have a gas cap at the back of the car. - [Jared] Correct. - [Sam] Yes. So yes, 'cause they flipped down. - [Jared] Yeah, they flipped down. So that's missing. - [Sam] Okay. - [Jared] And then I went around to the front of the car and I could feel where the bolts were supposed to be holding a license plate. - [Sam] Right. - [Jared] But there was nothing there. - [Sam] Okay. (moody guitar and fiddle music) (footsteps crunching) - [Jared] Need an El Camino? No, Monte Carlo. - [Sam] Monte Carlo. - Yeah. You need one, got one for you. Freshly washed. - [Sam] You guys looking for a Monte Carlo? - [Man] Nah. - [Jared] Next up then, to go over the boat dock where we might look for Fagan. (intense flute music) - [Man] the story goes that they walked him out. You know, I'd assume they walked him out on a pier. But all of these, you can only got so far out, and then once you get to the actual boats slip they're locked up. - [Jared] Okay. - [Man] But the farther you go that way, there's lots of houses, more witnesses. So I mean, you would think it would be somewhere right here. - [Jared] All right. Well they, yeah, they can only walk out so far. They didn't have a boat. And so, yeah, we'll just do some scanning along the shore all the way up into the cove and back. (intense flute music) (boat engine) - [Jared] The story as to those that admitted to what they did, it's like they went off into the woods. So I'm leaning towards this direction over here. (intense flute music) - [Jared] To read this, anything that's black here from the middle of the boat down, that's from the top of the boat to the bottom, six feet here, so six feet, 12 feet. Give me an idea there. And then the down-imaging is anything from the black. From the top to the bottom is down-imaging to the bottom of the lake. So that's how you read the side scan and down imaging. (mysterious flute music) We have a new pin location? The dock that they supposedly dropped him off at. That's where we're going to head to right now. According to the pin drop the detective just gave me this is the dock that they supposedly dropped him off of. (water splashing) Think about a tire there. Right there, Sam. - [Sam] Yes. - [Jared] So we can actually like, zoom in - [Sam] Oh, yeah, I see a tire track. Zoom. - [Jared] So, if there's a body down there wrapped in something, we're going to be able to identify it and scoop that out as well. So, check this out. - [Sam] Okay. - [Jared] What is that? - [Sam] Yeah. (boat rudders thumping) - [Jared] Okay, so that's sitting up off the bottom. Remember down here also have the docks so you have the concrete bricks that they're going to be tying off of. So that's the other thing to keep in mind. They're all in a row. They're all perfectly spaced in a row. The thing is with this one, though, look at all your witnesses that you have up here. Look at all the houses. - [Sam] Yeah. Well, what time was it, at night? - [Jared] (inaudible) at night, this is (inaudible) to dispose of a body and there's three of you or four of you... - [Sam] Yeah, I don't know. - [Jared] You're not going to go into a neighborhood to do so. These on here, they're definitely the concrete blocks. You can actually see the two lines going down to them in that direction. I'm lean in more towards that cove back up over there. So let's go search that once more. (somber music) - [Dan] Find anything up there? (gusting wind) - Found a couple of rocks. And over here we've found some big concrete blocks and everything. You could definitely tell on sonar that it was definitely square. And then over here, you can definitely tell once we went over it a couple of times with the live scope as well as side imaging and down imaging, we were then able to 100% rule out that it was not anything that was the shape of a tarp or a body on that one. With that one, we followed up on quite a few of the locations that the sheriff had in question, you know, and three witnesses with docks over here. This is a really weird case. I mean, (grunt) I mean, they admitted to it, and yet they got away with it. - [Sam] Yeah, it's wild to me. They, of course, said that what they did, and then it got dismissed. - I don't have anything else for ya. - Yeah, I don't know. It's strange. So at the end of the day, we put in a good effort. We searched quite a few different spots. We're helping the authorities look for Stephan Adams and Matthew Fagan. (moody guitar music) - Dad as well as the authorities, they do not believe that the truck is here. The killer, they don't think that the truck is even in, you know, in the whole piece anymore, you know, and just the pain for me just hearing-- - Oh, Carl? - You know, Carl. - Yeah, you know, talking to, you know, the dad and, you know, just hearing his story and his testimony, what he's been through since his son's been missing, it's absolutely heartbreaking to see that type of stuff. - You got this line that, you know, that no parent should have to endure this. No parent should have to outlive their child, but also the one statement with the, "if I could, I would 100% give up my life and trade places so that way he could have lived his life". - Yeah. - So. With that one, we want to thank you for being here with us today as we tried to bring closure and resolution, answers to both of these families. Just one of those cases. I mean, I don't have anymore answers on that one. But we do want to thank you for being here with us today. If you've not already done so, please do subscribe, turn on that bell notification, comment, share, and like. We'll see you on the next one. Thank you. Later, later, buh-bye. (melancholy flute music)
Channel: Adventures With Purpose
Views: 1,754,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stephan adams, matthew fagen, matthew fagen missing, stephan adams missing, cold case, cold case files, cold case investigation, cold case investigation documentary, missing persons, stephan adams missing person, adventures with purpose, car crash, car wreck, tenkiller lake
Id: dlqaoz5J0ME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 18sec (1038 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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