14 year old Parker stands up for his rights. Cops say he is free to go with his dad, instead of mom

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/PF_Mirror_Bot ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 04 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

58:19 is where is escalates the most. Mom tries to physically remove him. Tons of other little nuggets of emotions throughout.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 67 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/staggernaut ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 04 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

From his channel the Dad spent 60 days in jail for this.

For those wondering, I was convicted in civil court of not dropping off my oldest son Parker, when he refused to get out of my truck at drop off. I was sentenced to 60 days in jail on about March 28, 2014. I bonded out after 4 days and appealed to the TX supreme court. They refused to hear my case, so I turned myself in and finished my sentence. Thanks so much for the support. -caleb๏ปฟ

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 233 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/garthock ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 04 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Part of the problem is she appears to see her son as her property.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 44 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Dankpablo ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 04 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

You know what fixes everything?.. a condescending tone.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 37 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/scrtch-n-snf ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 04 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This woman is a spitting image of my mother. Everything she says is exactly the type of things my mom would say when my Dad had enough of her abusing me. Just sad.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 53 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/kikimo58 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 04 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

It would have been hilarious if after all that, when theyโ€™re driving off, the dad turns into a driveway like 4 houses down โ€œYou did it son weโ€™re homeโ€

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 52 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/gooZisdope ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 04 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I skipped to the 50-something minute... anyone else notice she's "crying" a lot but shedding no tears? I believe the kid.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 21 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/notasandpiper ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 04 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

You can tell that the mom is a master manipulator, but her son knows all her tricks and calls her out on her bs.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 142 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/LilPorkroll ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Feb 04 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
we're here harpy's mom's house did you hear so much two three irony now it's not the time you need to come in and we can talk about this okay the kids told me that you want to live with him yes sir okay we'll talk about it in inside I don't want to get out do what now I don't want to get out I'm sorry I don't want to get out I'm sorry the the you're a child and you don't get to make all the decisions but you need to get out now then it's time to come home okay you need to come on you know I'm sorry I don't want to get out I understand but it's no longer visitation with your father and it's time to come home okay all right we can talk about this I'll listen to I'll listen to what you have to say but there's no way there's no way that you can just roll up everything is fine and you can just roll up and say oh I'm not gonna get out of the truck and this mama is not gonna say oh okay my kid my kid that I've raised for 14 years see you later I'm just not that way I love you and you obviously have done a lot of talking this weekend that's fine maybe there's some stuff that I need to know but I'm not letting you just drive off that's not gonna happen I love you too much and we're too close and this is not the right way to do it this is a kind of underhanded in my opinion disrespectful kind of a way to do it to just oh by the way hey I'm out here and that's not your fault are you almost certain that you were told that this was gonna be an okay way to do it and it's just not this is just not very appropriate so you need to get out of the car party you want it huh how do you want to do it well maybe you and I should come in and talk about what's going on with you that's causing you to feel this way maybe we need to talk to the youth pastors like what we were talking about last week maybe if there's something going on I can help all right you need to get out of the car all right Hey you need to get out of the car and come home huh okay sweetheart I hate to I hate to say this but you're being real ugly right now this is being super duper disrespectful and you need to come home now I have to call a police officer to come help me I would hate to have to do that but I sure enough will huh Caleb's gonna get into some trouble because he knows that he has to return you at 2:00 and I don't think that you're being a very good role model right now at all sitting there flossing your teeth well this is a major thing that you're encouraging him to do you don't have a good eye I can't force him to get in my car yeah you can you're his father he is a minor you can say you get have to get out we have to do this in the appropriate manner you can't you can model responsibility you can choose to do that I'm not let's go Parker Parker let's go it's time to go in and talk this is not the way to go about this what is the way I already told you to come in and tell me what your concerns are to come in and talk to me if you want to be no because it's time to go in I told you guys last week that we had things to do Sunday well for one thing we're going to Nonnie's for like a barbecue another thing we're going swimming we had like fun family fun plans smile for the camera you have non-emergency where's that brother CJ father right right daddy's gonna call the cops you need to you need to get out your 3/16 you need to do the right thing do you feel yeah we talked about you feel in your heart if this is the right thing today were not evening that this is the appropriate way to do this yes really you wouldn't do this to him you wouldn't just at the term that he was supposed to pick you up say I don't want to go you've asked to not go before and I haven't I have never noticed you've been doing this for a lot of years maybe you've forgotten some stuff but that is just not allowed you can't just not show that we have never done that because that's not the right thing to do you tell me I can't see you through this dust could you please roll this down a little bit the window you tell me what do you think the right thing to do is you think the right thing to do is to just tell your siblings goodbye do you think that you that you're not gonna live with them anymore when unvisible but you won't seem at all because now he doesn't go on kenneth visits i can FaceTime you can do you think facetiming is the same do you think that the same relationship you would have with caleb while you did with spacetime gym no that's not the way that's not the way life works isn't on the computer I know you left Caleb and it's real easy to be real angry with me and Jason right now because you're 14 and sometimes it's real easy to be angry with everything whatever you're 14 but real Baba's gonna happen no matter where you go you're gonna have to get your laundry done no matter where you go you're gonna have to do your homework it's not you don't get a real life depiction of that over it can be funny because you don't have to do anything about we don't fight well honey maybe it's because you don't have me over there doesn't give it two weeks no I'm not going to you are my child and I will not give you over to somebody that their adult issues that are not anything that you need to be concerned with right now but if I thought for a second that that was an appropriate place for you to live if I thought for a second that it was an appropriate place at this point just for you to go on a visit I don't think that an industrial engine business is a good place for this military school a better place for him to go he's not going to military school okay glad to hear that nobody ever said he was going to military school the other day you and I were laughing and I said oh my gosh boy you're driving me crazy I know why people go to military Scudder we got time no it was a joke record just like whenever you joke come up to hit me I would never send you off you were married you were my firstborn you're my heart walking around outside my body I would never ship you off I sent you to summer camp one time and that was hard he is free to go he's not he's a minor no he's free to go exit the cart whenever he wants to and he's going to he's not being restrained by me I'm just filming that's all I know that's all you're doing is filming I know I know your game that's all you're doing are you high right now Caleb are you drunk which one is it we'll let you tell you there on will you take a drug test for me will you will you really taking a drug test why if you're if you're not under the influence of anything you're big now thing now is weed is legal and you know it's God's plan how do you know because you're on Facebook screaming about how I need to you know all these horrible things we have you need to what we have all these mutual I never mentioned you believe it or not I don't yeah well okay believe it or not I don't i I've been to the second grade and I can use my context clues but I will tell you right now that I don't think that you're an appropriate influence at all okay and you know before this I was gonna talk to you about summer because there's some things that we need to work on as far as co-parenting but clearly clearly are they already on the way I think this is a major decision I think I know he can't get you good evening cadence bark I think this is a major decision and I think but I understand being confused and I understand her not liking her parents when you're 14 Caleb does too we both understand that but family is family and we're set up the way we're set up for a reason and I'm not this is just this is this early is it's this is not okay I'm asking you to come into the house and talk to me about what is going on with you if you honestly thought that you were going to military school really I honestly don't think whenever you're playing the punch punch game with me I honestly don't think you're gonna hit me maybe I've teased too hard with you maybe we're our fun joking family you're internalizing some of that I'm willing to work with you on that but I am not letting you drop off in a car with a man that I don't see as the very best influence and I know that you love him and I have always said have I always said it's okay to let Caleb but he does some things that are not some of the things that we want to model he just did some things that I don't particularly agree with just like I'm sure I'll do some things that he doesn't particularly agree with but what does he do those are that's some of the things maybe you are 14 I know that you're big but you are still a child but some of the things that you just can't some some things you just don't need to be involved in not now maybe not ever I'm not going to reach into the car and snatch you bald-headed or anything like that because I firmly believe that Caleb would shoot me I'm a narc I firmly believe that he would shoot me but as your mama right now I'm telling you you need to get your little bottom out of this car and you need to come in but first I just want to hug you because I can see that you're hurting I don't even know what's going on with you but you're fine when you leave and when you come back from Caleb's you've got turmoil every single time something is going on over there there's conversations that are going on over there that are feeding this negativity and it's not okay you're a happy kid you need to get out of the car and you need to come in I'm gonna go get my orders I'm gonna get the orders the cops are gonna enforce them how many times have I told you I will never give up on you how many times have I told you that you were worth everything did you really think that I was going to say okay let me go get your toothbrush Hey I love you and I don't know what's going on but I want a chance to work on it with you you've had a chance it's bad enough that you don't want to come home it's pretty bad I mean people run away for like humongous things what are you what do you think this is normal babe look at that look at that the filming and that do you think that that is a that this is it I'm sorry you're a child but I have to say do you think that's being a good parent baby do you think that's somebody that needs to be in complete control of your decisions regarding you that's a good point when people when people walk away from their ability to make decisions about their children though there's something that we can't we can't make people be involved we can't make people do the right thing what are you referring to well there's a lot of things that caleb has checked out on by his own choosing you name it baby and that's okay he does his thing we do ours we raise you guys and y'all go and have fun Disneyland times with him that's how it's been but somebody's got to tell you to eat your Brussels sprouts put your ever billions on and wash your Blues and Gray's on Friday not no baby no are you giving a wait for the cops to come for you to get out of the car I don't know do you know how many cops about me they usually send they usually send two or three cars this is making him real happy this is his favorite thing to do to stir up trouble and you know what that's not really what we're about as a family we're not a troublemaking family you know I think sometimes kids can be encouraged to do things that they wouldn't ordinarily do you're the most calm quiet kid I've ever met even hatin so there's no reason to send him to anger management classes then this is not between you and I you have checked out completely you're flossing your teeth and this is this is not no no we may need to go to some anger management counseling because you said you get so mad that wasn't that wasn't a bad thing that was a how can we help you process your emotions thing it's hard to learn how to handle emotions lots of grown-ups can't do it impulse control like right now oh I want to do this right now impulse control is a real hard thing for lots of grown-ups to learn this should not have been handled in this fashion but somebody decided hey let's do it I don't know if it was you don't know if it was Kendall but it was on an impulse it was 100 let's pull this trigger now and this is not well thought out this is not a mama I need to talk to you take me to Starbucks everybody everybody loves you in that house your dad and I love you I have no doubt in my mind that Caleb loves you to the best of his ability but it is very different to father a child and to parent a child those are two separate things can you tell me what every minute that you stay in this car that he doesn't make you get out it's like not good he's ready to get out anytime you want yeah well being free to get out and being a parent and saying no son you need to get out it's time to go home we'll handle this I'll contact your mother we'll talk about this we need to have a family meeting as opposed to just oh by the way he doesn't want to get out you know this is wrong you weren't raised to be like this you weren't raised trash like this Caleb Leverett your mother would be ashamed he has expressed to me he wants to live with me to help my son he has expressed to me that he loves you many many times him to do this and I don't for a second think that this is all my son's doing and I hate Parker I don't I don't get a thrill in doing this either I'm just trying to help myself I'm trying to help my son I don't know proof for court or whatever you think is gonna happen maybe you just want to go to court is this your way of no I would rather just do everything voluntarily with Ella cool so why don't you voluntarily pay your child support and do your health insurance that would be great why don't you voluntarily pay rent I do both oh okay you know I'm sorry Parker I shouldn't even even said that when you get out so we don't have cops all over the stinking Road you're gonna you're gonna have the cops really you don't know this is a humongous temper tantrum you need to get out of the car and come home this is ridiculous you call Marissa why are we just waiting on the police officers why don't you just do the right thing and get out of the car how is that the right thing because that's this is your home this is where you live this is where you're being raised with your siblings this is where your dogs are that's where your backpack is for crying out loud I'm not gonna bring you your stuff you're all your whole life is in there this is not the way to do it and do you think that you're really building relationships you know we talked about family is forever yes do you really think that this is going to build a long-standing good relationship with you me daddy the brothers and the sisters do you think this is the way yes it's not nobody just does this the only person that I've ever known that has ever done this is Caleb liver I'm done I'm tired of doing domestic and he would take off that's how I know that this is not coming from you because your heart because your heart because I love you because you were my child because I had you to raise I didn't have you until it got hard Parker look at me in the face I never once had a baby and I said how I'm gonna do this until he starts driving me nuts I'm gonna do this until his grades drop I'm gonna do this until it get too inconvenient this is forever I have never left you and you have never left me you got something tough we'll handle it but you gotta let me in you gotta let me know what stuff they almost here I don't know they'll be here when they get here it's a non-emergency is it gonna be a relief when they get here and say this is the order you need to you need to abide by it is that gonna be a relief to where the choice is made for you baby because if you feel like you have to stay in the truck to prove that you love Caleb or if you feel like you have to get out to prove that you love me that is horse crap that guy knows that you love him he knows it daddy and I know that you love us this is not about picking sides you're coming home one way or the other oh my gosh I can't believe you did this home today of all days not be hard well it's not gonna happen baby be good no it couldn't because I'll fight for you because I love ya Fisher the baby we'll get you an attorney it's called a guardian ad litem I guess you probably know now that well I'll deal with you later yeah why are you doing this why are you encouraging this because I will always help my son always help your son do you express to me that he does not want to live it anymore and he does not want to go back to your house and I'm simply I'm not gonna ban that sounds great let's do that on a random Sunday afternoon they always come back on random Sunday afternoons let's not call and say hey we've got an issue let's not say okay you need to go home but we'll meet up and we'll talk about this let's not do this in a mature adult manner and let's just spring this on somebody what do they quarter to say but you have to be home on the fourth Sunday at 2 o'clock p.m. he's Caleb's pride if we go to court okay was probably gonna get in trouble for this but I guess he doesn't care he doesn't that's his that's his decision I would much rather solve all issues outside of the court oh well I've made that very clear and if you have issues that you want to solve then you need to contact us not at 11:30 at night in a text message when you're drunk you don't know baby he had two beers maybe this is I shouldn't even be talking about it over you it's very hard not to them and you're just old enough you're just old enough to understand just the teeniest iceberg of this whole mountain of mess divorce is hard nobody said it's not but there's just things that you just can't involve your kids in that's just the way it is I'm involved anyway honey yeah you're involved in a lot of ways but you're not involved because you don't need to know that because the ins and outs of what happened between me and your father and the ins and outs of what happened between me and your father and Samantha that's adult information huh do what what no you're my baby you know get off I'm just touching you yeah I know get off because I'm tired of fighting with you I'm not scary we're always fighting every freaking day after school we're always fighting pimp - I'm tired of fighting yelling you always yell at me go ice a little kids we have talked about this but we have it he is always walking along we talked about it before you know we didn't and everything you said to not call for extra time on Monday because it was Memorial Day no that's not one yes because we could please okay well still either way you wouldn't have let us come over because it's a holiday what are you talking about come over where you sit stay that's what I know I don't want you to stay an extra time with him we have an assistance we this is how things but I have it set up their orders like whenever there's a funeral in his family or whatever or there's something going on we try to work together for big things kid things but if he wants extra time he needs to go back and he needs to ask the court and signup for extra time that's the way to do things that let's go to the border things no that's not your decision that's not your decision so it's mine yes it sucks and it shouldn't it shouldn't be this freaking art it shouldn't and why are y'all making it I'm making okay then what are you doing so you want me here but we fight all the time and you're always if you think that we found all the time that we have some work to do yes we do we obviously do no we're actually not no everything's happy until you guys come back from no it's not here about how bad it we are over here in so I can probably put two and two together but there's a lot of time nowhere I'll be stuck and it would suck yours yes yes give my yeah let me talk to you hello hi my ex-husband will not release my child to me and he's encouraging him to stay in the truck could you please get somebody out here to help me get my child he was due at 2:00 and they're just sitting in the truck and he's filled Oh No okay okay well I just I don't want things to escalate and I've got my four other children across the street at a neighbor's house you just need a little bit help is there I understand is there a is there something that I can is there something that I can do once the officer gets here these are the charges that I can press or write yeah okay okay okay so we'll go ahead and we'll go that way then all right well thank you so much he said they're working they said that they've got a couple of units that are working towards getting down to us you know it takes a minute you'll have a good weekend rabbit hunting you gross is that what's on your pants went over to Phil Phil's lunch it's regular stuff what do you do with them whenever you catch him now why don't you miss Sciuto I thought you said you went rabbit honey hey I need a little help Caleb I've got the kids across the street at Marissa's but I think she's got something Spillman everything and he's got party in the truck and he says he's free to go but Parker's saying he's not gonna get out okay well things Christine anyway so you made a place for the rabbit what kind of place did you make it's cat you know we just that full of eggs so they can burrow and stuff we put up all the water in there and a ball and the cap played in the sandbox [Music] I didn't even know that they trained you I really should get out of the car we can deal with this look at me please don't make a police officer enforce this order please do it order the court order that's the visitation please just do it what's he gonna do to me I don't know this has never happened before probably nothing probably gonna say hey it's not it's not his turn anymore you need to get out of the car and go to your mom's then only he's gonna do anything bad to you your child Oh why always fighting that's not the reality of the situation markers and what is the reality is to me a teenager is a hard and there's a lot of emotions ago you mean your brain your hormones or you're taking a testosterone bath right now I mean it's just hard it's hard no matter where you are it's just hard it's hard to grow up why would you leave a family that loves you for a god that lives in a shop that sees you 48 days out of the year we don't because you don't know em baby you don't know what's gonna happen you've never given it a chance ever you never ever give me a chance you only let us go there to do weak bits out of the summer not let you it was agreed he chose his visitation he chose it that it's not amazing that's a caleb thing can I want to go see a judge cuz I'm right now I don't just anybody you don't understand what then tell me what I'm not understanding I understand that you want to go talk to somebody and if you need help understanding the orders I had ly pay for that but what you don't understand is you can't tell him he has to change his orders you can't do that I'm not telling anyone anything if he wanted if he wanted you to live with him he would have have filed y'all did go to court so expensive Candace yeah I can't afford that's just the way it is I'm sorry we can weaken mutual or you miss out wit donations all your money to your crazy marijuana causes or whatever you do now how do you know what I donate you if we live in Odessa I'm sure you know what I had four separate last time no you're not a hot topic it's just that you're weird of course I am but I'm also willing to work with y'all yeah well we're going to work with you too but my child needs to get out of the car and we'll work let's let's go to judge okay you need to move that I'm Your Mother and you're being ugly to me you know you're being ugly to me I'm done so am I good ready to get your bottom in the house and everybody can be present asking me it's hard to understand it's hard for us to understand sometimes how this all works okay so gonna fully understand let's go to a judge no I do understand it's just a difficult subject matter okay you can't go to a judge right now on a Sunday afternoon Bubba you can't just say hey it's just like this this is a very not okay way of doing things you can't just say hey court open up I got a question okay well let's look to the cop I'll wait till they get here doesn't know anything about it okay well then they shouldn't be over here trying to get me out of this freaking truck they don't know one thing that's happening yeah okay then you you just you just went back on your words then he can enforce it but he wasn't there he's not somebody to interpret every little thing okay then he shouldn't be enforcing anything no I don't know and don't say that's just the way it is and this book right here in this book is long and we can mutually agree to mix it up anytime we want to your rot we can head up and had you proven to be more they need their swimsuits huh how many people about cold well I've got four kids besides you that I need to make sure that they're safe so I can devote all my attention on you and your temper tantrum you're having you don't need to film my children you don't need to film my husband or anything why are you doing that it's a public street and I'm a non vehicle and I have every right to them whatever won't do theirs so that's good that's a good thing I know mine too come on let's go you don't even know like this is the biggest day of your life and you don't even know what you're doing what's the biggest day of my life oh my gosh Parker what we were gonna pull your Trans Am around in just a minute your cars here okay yay we're so excited to show you and film it watch watch watch don't go stay wait go get your swimsuits okay guys go get your swimsuit don't even worry about a towel just go get your Trump compression shorts will you please get the card no can we just talk about this like normal human beings this is not because we won't talk oh yeah don't you know the only person that's been yelling is you because you're not getting another Z I don't wanna be here I already talked to you about you say we yell all the time it's you know because one day on them we can't do anything we can't work about anything if you're hollering okay you can't ever work out anything anyways he either walks off or you and Mary yellan no we're not yelling yes your art another chance no I won't give you another chance if you will give me another chance I'm giving you another chance right now know what not to get out of the car to try this you can't try that that's not I don't feel like that's an appropriate place for you [ __ ] Kelly I don't feel like this is an appropriate place for me whenever you're 18 you get to pick lots of things but I'm 14 if I'm 12 I can pick me yes I can because it says it in the law it's not there have you even read all the orders yeah really yeah so you know everything it says but it's so confusing um I think the circumstances are confusing yeah you're telling me I don't think that the borders are confusing they're pretty cut-and-dry why do you not want people to know are you embarrassed do you feel about what well I mean you're like how many people are you gonna involve in this well I don't care what comes go knock on every door I don't - I don't care calm down No this is not gonna end the way you want it baby yes it is making your life harder and you're making like your future hardest why because if you think this might lead to me everyday because I don't let you go live with him no because that's but if you think that I'm gonna let my kids see you if I have kids or if you think this is the right way to have a long-term relationship with me you're sadly mistaken okay I will take my chances on doing what I think is right for you raising you in an environment that I think is appropriate for you and if one day you find out that you don't want to see me anymore but by golly that is your choice but I'm gonna do my damnedest my very best because I feel like that's my job I'm not just gonna well are out that one got too hard and he wanted to go live with the ex so one down four to go that's not what this is that's no real life that's not real family oh good they're finally here can I have my orders please well the kids are supposed to come home at 2:00 and the rest of them came in I have four children with my ex-husband set three right in here he's filming us by the way you are being you're being filmed we have not standard orders we had a very strange we in agreement this man does not see these children on a regular basis and all of a sudden my kids are fine when they leave and when they come home I have a child that does not want to get out of this card and my ex-husband is saying oh he's free to go whenever he wants to but I'm not gonna make him get out well they're filming me they're being not confrontational but you know it's that whole I'm not touching you I'm not touching you just if this child needs to come home he's 14 years old yes give it pork sir yeah yes impart as Marty John never it Caleb leverage yes sir to 6:00 p.m. [Music] [Music] yes sir video that's fine mine's going to okay thanks I'm dropping them off at two o'clock which was 55 minutes ago and my son has expressed to me that he does not want to go back over there and I'm I did go by the orders I returned all four children here and he is refusing to get out of the car and he's free to go I'm certainly not saying he can't go but he's also not gonna leaving my kid I'm not gonna force him to do thing don't wanna do yes yes they have been within her cousin last 55 minutes absolutely yeah I've got my saying I got the same copy of the same court order I mean we're on the same page this is just one of those real sticky situations where he doesn't want to go back and I'm not gonna kick my son out and the the camera is simply for just keeping everybody honest and make sure everything is going by the book okay what you know be a mobster Brendan smick Sphynx okay okay badge number one 477 okay thank you what's going on any reason why please don't force me to go over there not always funny usually our mom I'm not going over there it is hard to be 14 but it is harder to do things like this this is not even who you are yes please don't force me to go this is always everything is fine and then you cannot tell me that you have not encouraged this this is ridiculous I [ __ ] this over through like two or three years mom oh my gosh you're a child you were not equipped to make these decisions yes I am a man 12 or older I'm equipped amazed I thought he was an appropriate influence if we Co parented together on a regular basis if we were talking and things were all about you and by golly if I really believed that it was what you needed and wanted I would let it happen but I do not think you're safe over there and I will not just let you rot off in this car I don't think I'm safe over here why because you've hit me before I will hit you again and I will spank you again no you don't you don't spank you hit me in the face no I don't yes you do and you show you have had grandma throw up before him pushing me up against the ball one time cuz I did my boots and you would not let me bring them over I remember it because we were in the hallway by my room no it you did not show me but you had your hands around my neck and you and him were cornering me and I will not go back over here please for the love of God let me leave oh please don't force me to go sir please for the love of God Thanks I'll ask what your penis always matters can you say I think he could he told her to consider letting me go I have legal custody of you Parker and I'm unlocking this card nope you're my child I'm getting you out of the car can we ask for the door to man locked get out of the car Bo no okay to do whatever to get this baby out of the car get my husband please no no no stop get out yeah it's this use your mom dude and I understand you don't want to go okay but she does have the right to get you out of the car now I know you wanted to go with your dad mind I understand that don't get me wrong I do yeah I'm just saying as a you're still a child when you're 14 she does have the right to get you out of the car but the whole fighting and arguing and bickering and trying to roll her armor from the window this is gonna turn into a disturbance we need to handle this a different way I agree yes from civil to disturbance you said who initiated the force well she was trying to get the child out of the car which is initiating her parental right it wasn't technically force it's not force now she was she was initiating her personal rights okay is that her law yes okay do you know which law that is about James but I thought my head no but I understand the whole this disturbance training into disturbance I wasn't trying to roll her over I'll shoot your own mouth I understand I was sitting here I witnessed everything I saw what happened turning into a disturbance and that's what we're not about to do okay we can talk about this in the civil way like adults we need to do it that way sure okay you good with that all right he's adamant that he's not getting out and I'm adamant that I'm not sending him away with my expert we can talk about what's going on with why you feel this way in the house but I am not sending you somewhere where I don't I don't have a good feeling about it even on your regular visits okay well I want him to go in then he can't come in and mediate this that's not his job he doesn't believe in courts or cops I'm trying to do it in a less expensive way why don't you go ahead and tell him what you think about police officers nothing about you don't have it respect for anybody even your own child you know even respect for even your own child to encourage him to handle a situation just impulsively like this you've been pretty calm until he's been pressured that from what I'm witnessing yeah I'm sure from your point of view in the way you'll edit that I'm sure well you might will you mind emailing me a copy will you please email me a copy of that so I've had record of it also you're scaring me trying to unlock the door I'm gonna look I'm gonna I'm gonna be doing some looking into this morning like I said without hopefully with that involving lawyers at least too many lawyers how do I go about this and it's not a disturbance to where I don't upset you or upset him I mean I've been legal custody of this child and he won't and he's right there I know what do I do officer I can't I can't because then you start screaming and then you say no please mr. B unbelievable yes it is I'm floored your way I'm floored yeah I'm sure you are I'm sure so you came to bring the kid back right yes for my children okay you don't want to I'm scared you're scared I'm scared to go in especially after it now you think it's gonna happen to you baby I just wanna hug no I'm not going in but you said that I could use whatever necessary to get into that car killing him is exactly what you said yes sir yes situation and your name Roach Abed number 120 okay it's me okay for this instant there might have been something that happen just make sure that you know okay he now read a report she just called me your baby but she's threatening to sue me get you away from him babe I'm yours I'm your baby but you were gonna press charges on me because you but you're my no not to peaceful you know to get you away from Caleb right now sir I don't thank you thank you levert le v e r e t t he's got you got me got my well can cannot can you can you make a report of this or could I have a copy of this and she I don't know how that works if she called but we're involved and y'all are telling me I'm free to go but she call it in saying you kidnapped her kid we're not gonna you can show you the officer shows up you can show on the end of this video you all have a business card about chance no sir I do not but like you said I'm officer Brennan's being so that's Police Department badge number 147 okay okay I mean I'm more than little more than willing to take them to school but uh ask her if you can we're afraid to go ask her if you can get your school stuff I mean y'all you're off tomorrow more more on that excuse me my policy I can't can you y'all can stand by I mean he's telling you he's afraid I don't even make it five minutes please make it one minute okay Freiburg oh thank you thank you very much thank you good job buddy [Music] she tried to slam the door to my own room and force me to stay there I pushed her as I would say self-defense I did not assault her I'm not seeing her well [ __ ] killed I'm thoroughly impressed I'm proud of you son you stood your ground congratulations I'm gonna pause this I'm gonna call him but I know I don't know what's going on okay [Music]
Channel: Caleb Leverett
Views: 31,374,275
Rating: 4.8615775 out of 5
Keywords: 14 year old, refuses, home, cops, free, to go, caleb, leverett, dad, parker, parker leverett
Id: rYFY3POHk2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 34sec (4354 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2013
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