COLD CASE: 7-Year-Old Kyron Horman Disappearance Remains Unsolved After Attending Science Fair

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- [Interviewer] What do you think happened to Kyron? (dynamic music) - [Reporter] Today, a seven-year-old boy vanished from Skyline Elementary School, never to be seen again. - We all know his name, we all know his face, Kyron Horman. The search has been scaled back, of course, at this point, but it is still going on. - It has been nine years of not knowing where he went, or what happened to him. Nine years without hugging him, nine years without his smiles or his laughs, nine years without his love. My heart is broken (sobs). (dramatic music) - And let me just kinda read this so that way I don't miss anything. So those of you who had never heard of the case before, let's just bring you into it. So Kyron Horman, he was born September 9th of 2002, went missing and disappeared from Skyline Elementary School, June 4th of 2010, after attending the science fair. Local and state police, along with the FBI, conducted an exhaustive search for Horman, and launched a criminal investigation. But they have not uncovered any significant information regarding the child's whereabouts. His disappearance sparked the largest criminal investigation in Oregon history. And with this one, the person of interest has been his stepmom. And you have a couple hours to where, what happened to Kyron during this couple of hours? Now our specialty is underwater sonar search and recovery, and a lot of searches have taken place in some smaller ponds. And we're not dealing with the, what we normally go looking for, is going to be a vehicle that's underwater. This one is a little bit different that we have 10, 11 years that have now passed. And if you were to simply dispose of a individual in the water, we're not going to find it, typically. As I started thinking about this is, Doug, you and I, we pulled a couple of cars from this one particular boat ramp over on Sauvie Island. - And that's where we pulled out a wagon. (camera snapping) It was unusual to find a wagon. - And so then that got me to thinking, you have two and a half, three and a half hours, you have a small couple of hours. And if you are a smaller female who needs to transport a 10-year-old body. - Yeah. - How are you going to do it? And potentially this wagon that we found a year and a half ago, does that actually play into it? And so, we're trying to reach out right now to any of the family members, any of the Multnomah County detectives that were on the case, to find out if a wagon was missing from the property. - It's gonna be really easy for somebody with bad intentions to have a big head start on anybody out here. - Well this is farm country. - Yeah. - That's all. And we also ran into, there was a mom that was out here, playing on the playground with her son. The community has not forgotten. Everybody knows the Kyron case. - A big family dilemma, and the step-mom wasn't in a good place, and needed revenge, jealousy type deal. And that's the vibes I've gotten from the rumors that are going around. - Sure. - Her being the only suspect. - Horman's stepmother, allegedly tried to hire a hit man, report says. One month missing seven-year-old boy still inspires searchers, police. So, at seven years later. - Geez, wow. - [Josh] So she was a real suspect, not just. - Oh yeah, yeah. - Oh, she tried changing her name and everything. And the judge actually denied her request to change her name. - Wow. - So two 911 calls were placed from the home of Kaine and Terri Horman that day. The first call was made in the evening, lasted 13 minutes. The call reported threats of some kind. The second came in just after 11:30 PM and was written up only as a child custody call. The landscaper allegedly told police that Terri Horman approached him about killing her husband six or seven months before Kyron disappeared. - Wow. Yeah, that's a, it's pretty devastating. I mean, obviously there's a lot of information, and that pretty much sums up why everybody feels angry. I kind of would too, you know. And if you grew up here, and you're familiar with this case for 11 years, that's kind of disturbing. (dynamic music) - Back on Sauvie Island. And right underneath here on the other side is where the wagon was actually located, from what I remember. And it wasn't too far from the Thunderbird that has the suicide doors that we brought up. Now, there was a question there, remember when we first started doing this boat ramp, we didn't have any of this sonar. And we had an idea that there might've been another vehicle out here. So let's scan this entire area. And really what we're looking for though, Doug, is we're really looking for tires. Tires is what the, is part of the rumor on Kyron. And then we also need to follow up with the, is there a wagon that's missing? 'Cause if that's the case, then this area really needs to be... - Yeah, I have two calls into people that probably know somebody in the family. - Okay. So, look at this right here. We have a tire, right here. Right there on screen, it's off to the left. But it's a smaller tire. It's not one that's going to fit a 10 year old. So we're looking for more of a bigger tractor tire type of tire. (dynamic music) So right here. I don't think it's a vehicle. But we'll hit it at a different angle and see what's going on with that one. We're definitely down a lot further than we would normally be for a car in this type of a current. I think this one wouldn't be any more than 100 yards, we're down about 250 yards right now. Do I think that she did it? I have no idea, but our job is simply to find out the where, not the who or the why. All right, so I actually have a vehicle, is that a vehicle? It's off to the right, we'll have to go see if that's a vehicle. (dynamic music) - [Doug] You think that was a car, off to the right? - We're gonna check over here, and then we're gonna check the ramp, coming into the ramp. Here's the junkyard of the other car that we had. And you can just see like what a mangled mess that Thunderbird is. - Yeah, right there? - Yeah. And then we also have another one coming up right here. It's more of a mess. That's a much older car. No other tires. All right, then when we first launched, also, we thought that there might be a car. - [Josh] Fresh car, or pressure car. - Right here, let's verify it, double check it. Oh yeah, it's not a car, it's a part of the way the dock and the ramp comes up. So now we're at 14 feet, pops up real quick, and then comes up to that bar. And then we're in the new territory right here. So, no vehicle at all. All right, that clears this one, let's go check out the other boat ramp. One thing, Josh, that I wanna get out in front of with everybody, is that I don't want people saying, hey, Jared, you knew that you found a wagon a year and a half ago at that other place, why did you not dive on that today? And so I just wanna be very clear that I didn't dive on that one for the specific purpose of, at that time we were actually doing a, we had like four or five other divers, and we're doing a treasure hunt cleanup on that area. So we actually grid that entire area and we cleaned it up. So we found the wagon. We didn't find anything else in the way of human remains, or anything else so. - [Josh] You guys were thorough that day? - Yeah, we were very thorough on that one. - And also, honestly at the time, I mean, we never really were drawing any comparisons of the wagon to anything else. - Yeah, it was just a wagon. - Being as though, I mean, Kyron right now is the forefront of what we're doing, where we're just drawing off of what we know. We knew that a year and a half ago when we were there, we found a wagon, could that? - A year and a half ago, I didn't know about Kyron. - Right, right. - That's new information that, you know, I've only gotten about six months ago. And then, but you know, the wagon is just like kind of what stuck in my head as to, hey, we need to think about this area some more. Anyway, so what I was looking for today, I was looking for tires that were large enough, more of a tractor tire type of a setup. A duffel bag that may have been filled with something that was a little further out, that we didn't see on sonar before. And that was outside of our normal, where we did our actual diving before. But here's the thing. If somebody is going to a dock like this one, and they have a wagon, and they're going to dump over the side, or heave ho the best they can, it's only going to go out four, five, six feet. So for that reason, like I said, we really scoured that area with divers before, but we've never been to this one. So we're gonna go check it out right now. (dynamic music) (motor rumbling) - [Josh] How deep are we? - We're actually at 19 feet right now. And the flow, you can't tell right now 'cause the wind is coming this way, so it almost looks like the river's flowing this direction. But the river's actually flowing this direction. So if a vehicle comes off the ramp over there, it's going to kind of, I'm not expecting to find a vehicle any further than where that boat is at right there. But we're out a little bit further. We just wanna do a proper scan. Normally we do it from the shore out. But this one, no rhyme or reason, we're just doing it outward in. For those of you who've never seen sonar or any of our other videos before, let me just explain this a little bit. This one is our livescope. So what we're seeing here is we're actually seeing in realtime, anything that happens will pop up live. This one over here is more of a picture in time. With a picture in time, this is what we've just gone over. This is what we've just gone over. This is down imaging. And this is side imaging. With side imaging, we're casting 75 feet left and 75 feet to the right. This allows us to really cover about 100 and 150 feet of ground at the same time. This right here's our boat. So anything from the boat, black from there, black is going to be water column until we hit the bottom of the river. So everything is to the right, everything's to left. Now over here, down imaging is anything from the top down, is going to be the depth. So you can see 13 feet, 13 feet. Same thing here, 15 feet. You can see 18, 36. So you can see, as this moves, this is moving in and out as well. So what we're really looking for out here, one, is we're scanning for vehicles, 'cause we've never been out here to this location before, Doug. But, more importantly, we're looking for Kyron. Mainly, if it's gonna be a Kyron dumping, if mom is involved, everything's gonna be really close to the ramp, or to the dock. We're really gonna focused in on looking for tires that are not a regular car tire. Because again, we're looking for a 10 year old, so we're looking for more of a tractor tire, semi tire type of size. If that rumor's true, that somebody saw her using a tire. Or something more along the lines, a big duffle bag, a barrel. A barrel I'm kind of leaning against 'cause you're dealing with a trunk of a car. I don't know if she had a truck, so we could be looking for a barrel. You just never know in these situations. So anything that's outside of the norm that we would be seeing on the bottom underneath this dock is what we're interested in. (water splashing) That been in your pocket for a while? (soft music) And... Oh, we have a car under there maybe. Yeah, I think we have a car. It's an older car. And it's off to the right. In fact, it's gonna be, so here's the pillars here. The way that they're casting the shadows. So that's a shadow behind it. And we saw the car was on the other side of it. - [Doug] So right on the other side? - [Jared] Yeah, so we'll head back over there and check that out. - [Doug] Right where you said it would be. - [Jared] Right where, yeah. Right by the boat. Right there, is that upside down there? Okay, so there's the car. Looks like it's on its wheels. We'll come back to it at a different angle. - [Doug] Think it's an old car? - [Jared] Yeah, it's definitely an old car. It's not fresh. But that doesn't mean that there's nobody in there. - How deep? - 15 feet. - So what we're gonna do right now is we're gonna get directly over it. We're gonna put a magnet on it so we can mark it with a buoy. (suspenseful music) - [Jared] Screen right here. This is the car, and you can see this right here. It looks like, it almost looks like a pickup truck, Doug. So right there, that's like the bed of the truck. - [Doug] Yeah, yeah. - And then there's the cab of the truck. So it's a single cab pickup truck. Been there a while, so I mean, it's really buried. And so our big thing is to get inside there, clear it, and also pull a plate off of it. - [Josh] But none of our cases are a truck, right? - The cases that we currently have are not a truck. However, Heidi, the detective that we were working with last week, she says that there are over 100 missing person cases up in the Portland area. This is just outside of Portland. And so this could be one of her cold cases that she's working. She's not given me the list though, as to what vehicle, what cases she has with a vehicle that's missing. - This is a pretty remote spot too. Like if someone was gonna come and get rid of something. - Oh, it's 100% remote. And this is also one of those locations to where you're not walking back to town from this location. Like you either have a buddy 'cause you're doing insurance fraud, or you're taking yourself out. There's only two answers on this one. - What's interesting to me is the ramp's over there and the car's over here. - [Jared] Yes, but it makes perfect sense. - Explain. - Okay. Doug can explain it, here. In fact, let me. - So with the way the ramp is, and the flow of the river is coming this way, when the car comes in and it's floating, it gets just that little bit of push this way. It's feasible that it's right here. - [Jared] Oh, it's perfect distance. - It's actually quite common for them to be a little bit down from the ramp. - In fact, where did I tell you a vehicle would be if a vehicle is in here? - Right there, yeah. Yeah, before we even scanned that area, Jared's like, if there's a vehicle it's probably gonna be right there, which sure enough, it's right there. Yeah. - Yeah. We might actually have a second vehicle here. Let me show everybody. We'll have to scan over the top of it again. See, this is the one that we're marked on right now. And if we back up right here, this is a second one. I believe it's upside down, Doug. Right there, yeah. Yup, see that? - Oh yeah, yeah, definitely. - [Jared] So let's grab a second magnet. Josh, can you grab us a second magnet with a rope? No buoy necessary 'cause it's close enough to the dock. - Kill two cars with one dive. - I like it. - [Doug] You ready to get wet? - I'm ready to get wet. - [Doug] What's the water temp? - Water's not bad. - 65? - It's 69 degrees. - [Doug] Wow, that's great, perfect. Actually, you don't really need a dry suit. - It's not as big as a car, but there's stuff down here. (motor rumbling) - [Doug] You actually might be on a car there. - All right, let's go get wet. - There's a road to get by, if not I'll move the trailer. So we got really good communication hooked up right now. That way I'm in direct communication with Jared while he's underwater, every step of the way. (air whooshing) (dynamic music) - [Jared] Visibility today is maybe 12 inches. - So, right now he's relaying any visibility is about 12 inches, about a foot. - [Jared] All right, I landed on top of the vehicle. It appears to be blue in color. - It's a blue vehicle. He's on top of it right now. - [Jared] Right now I believe I'm on the driver's side. It is a pickup truck. At first glance it might be a Silverado. Kind of a early '80s model. The driver window was up. I'm making my way to the back of the truck right now. The back bumper is missing. There's no license plate on the back bumper. - Back bumper's missing the license plate on the back bumper. - [Jared] Confirming it is a Chevrolet. Making my way to the passenger side right now. I have a found our magnet is on the bed of the pickup at the back. The back window is open. I will come back to that in a moment. The passenger window is up. The front windshield is intact. Doing my best to reach into the pickup. There's a lot of silt in there. The seatbelt is not fastened. The silt is even with the windows. The passenger seatbelt is also not fastened. I'm pulling what I believe to be the headliner. It is not apparel. Most of the passenger side is filled with silt. I can kind of feel around on the driver's side. I'm going to dig down some more. - He's trying to dig down in the silt on the passenger side, see if he can detect something. - I am currently touching the steering wheel. So I do have access to reach that far in from the back window. I am fairly confident that there's nobody inside. I'm going to pop the side window, the driver's side, to finish confirming. Gonna use the window popper and just gonna go for the center underwater here. All right, we have popped it. All right, based on the previous recoveries, I'm clearing this vehicle, there is nobody inside. (wind blowing) I'm gonna say it was an early '80s. The biggest thing that we want all of you to get from this right now is you know one, if you know something, have that little tip that we need, leave the comment down below. And more importantly is getting the word out, so that way, those of you that are here in Portland, get out, start stomping the brush, start looking for something that's not right. Because, with Ralph, right now I don't believe that he's in the water. With Kyron, we just simply do not know. On that one Doug, thanks again for being here for another one. We got Doug here. Check out his YouTube channel. We've got Josh behind the camera, check out his channel. We've got the Nomoc Experience as well. We wanna thank each and every one of you for being here. Make sure to subscribe, like, share, all that good stuff helps the algorithm. We'll see you on the next one. Later, later, bye-bye. - Old syrup bottle. Uh. - Windshield wiper? - Yeah. - Got a nail? Every time a bell rings. - Maybe it's a boat. - It's a chair. - Looks good. - Probably still good too. - [Jared] That's why it's important to pick yourself up a fishing magnet so that way you can clean up the environment. - [Josh] Yeah, I also got a cup cup holder full of nails, and caps, and bottles, and. - [Jared] Like it, nice finds, Josh.
Channel: Adventures with Purpose
Views: 2,252,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: missing persons, missing persons cases, kyron horman, kyron horman missing, kyron horman missing boy, missing kyron horman update 2021, scuba diving, adventures with purpose, cold case files, missing person cold case, mrleisek, true crime, true crime stories, sonar, side scan sonar
Id: R03kj0qCvCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 19sec (1459 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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