NATALIE JONES FOUND! (Part 2 Final) Missing Person Cold Case

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- They just came in (insects chirping) and they woke me up and they just said that we found your daughter's car. And my first words was, "is she still here?" (dramatic music) - [Reporter] 27-year-old Natalie Jones was last seen July 4th. She had gone to a party in Jackson Gap, Alabama. She left around midnight, but never made it home to her county. "Adventures With Purpose" were searching various ponds in the area for Natalie, they got word that her pink car had been found just off Welcome Road. - This is a very small town. (upbeat music) We're not sure if us being here as a coincidence, - Natalie Jones has been found, this is a one episode you're not gonna want to miss. (upbeat music) We want to welcome you back for episode number two, looking for Natalie Jones. If you missed episode one, please stop everything that you're doing right now, don't even watch this one. The links are in the description for episode number one. Natalie Jones, here we are started in Alabama, connections to Georgia, 27 years old. Went missing July 4th, the evening of July 4th, the early mornings of July 5th of 2020. She's left behind two boys, a four year old and 11 year old. And we have a lot of twists and turns. So that kind of brings you up to speed if you've not seen it, it should give you enough information to go check out episode number one. Now bringing you into day number two, as we're in Georgia, we're on day two of our search mission. We ended up meeting a pastor last night, while you were in the shower a pastor stopped by, but said, "hey, we have a church pond property, there's been question from our congregation whether Natalie may or may not be in there." So anyway, here's where we're at right now, at the church pond. We're going to be meeting up with the pastor as well as one of the deputies. We also have the lieutenant or the detective stopping by in a little bit as well. So sit back, hang tight and we bring you into the search today on where we're at looking for Natalie Jones. Thank you, stay tuned. So it sounds like word has gotten out that we are in the area. You are not just a deputy, but you're also a viewer from what I understand. - Yes, yes. - So appreciate all the support and as well as you know, being welcomed in your community. Word travels fast we found out because we were yesterday, (officer Laughing) we were at the local gas station and somebody overheard us talking to some locals there and you know how the little telephone game goes. Within seconds, before we even walked out of there, pastor ended up getting a phone call that said, "Hey, some guys are looking to go fishing at your pond" and that whole telephone game. We weren't looking to go fishing, clarification's were made. And you found out that we're actually in town looking for Natalie Jones. And so that's what brings us to your pond is that there's rumors in the community that somebody that may be of interest was actually caught on the property once upon a time. I don't know if you can confirm nor deny that, we just want to, if we need to just be general, we'll just kind of leave it at that. - Well, we've had some people come in here that was fishing and weren't supposed to be here. - Okay. - But they used my name to get in. - Right. - You know, should I let them in? But I didn't. - Okay. And so where we're at on the case today, and maybe you can kind of fill us in for information that may or may not be out there yet, that you don't mind sharing, or I guess your lieutenant is coming down today as well. - Yes. - He'll be here in 20 minutes or so. So while we're waiting for him to come down, I think that, you know, we can go ahead and get the boat set up. This is your county, where else would you send us? Like, "Hey Jared, we've always wanted to search this." And I'm guessing that your county does not have a dive team. - No nothing. - And the waters have certain been searched or they've never been searched? - I don't know that anything has been searched water-wise. - Okay. - But that would be more of a question for the lieutenant, he's the one that's heading up the investigation. - Okay, well perfect. So we're gonna jump on the boat, we're gonna get it out and get things going there, wait for lieutenant and I mean, if he's not here, we're still getting the water right away. And we'll clear this within 15 minutes we'll have this cleared and we'll know, and then it'll be on to the next. (footsteps plodding) - All right, I'm kinda afraid to break this. I'm not sure (upbeat music) why it's not going in here. - Well, you just put it in like this. (metal banging) Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle. (plastic scraping) (stones creaking) (upbeat music) (pump squeaking) (wheels rattling) (upbeat music) (engine revving) - [Sam] How deep are we showing? - [Jared] Six feet here. (water splashing) - [Sam] Six? - [Jared] Yeah. If this is your first time watching, you know, right now we're at nine, 18, 27. So this is a good search pattern, so a car's going to show up nine feet wide, nine feet wide, nine feet wide. Really easy to spot a car, (water splashing) especially when we're only at 10 feet deep here. - Absolutely. (upbeat music) - [Jared] And that he thought it was 20 feet deep here. But right now we're only showing 11 feet. (upbeat music) (engine revving) (water splashing) So we have just a couple of logs down there. And what would differentiate like a log and a body, see how it's just a one straight line here, Sam? - [Sam] Yeah. - [Jared] So with that one, if it was a body, you'd actually be able to, you know, you have arms are sticking out here, I'll zoom in. So log, not a body. And bodies will normally be facing down and spread kind of spread eagle (zip squeaking) is how those will be. - Yeah, what if it's wrapped? - [Jared] It would be wider, the size of that wasn't quite appropriate. But yes, that's a very good question as well. - Yeah. - [Jared] Like if it was in a tarp or something. - Yeah if it's in a tarp, you're not going to see any arms. - [Jared] Yeah. Yeah, it would be a bigger than a stick though, that was only about six inches. - Oh, that's it. That's nothing, that's not what we're looking for. (upbeat music) - [Jared] All right, well we're clear on this one. - Yeah, all right. (water splashing) (device clicking) (device beeping) (boat squeaking) - So let's go up back to the lieutenant. Morning Sir. (phone beeping) - Investigator Basel. - You're amazing, how are you? - Good, good. - Yeah, this time we can say with 100% confidence, there is no chest freezer in there, there's no body in there and there's no car in your pond. The only thing of anything, you have a stick that's maybe eight to 10 inches wide, five feet long. I don't even think you have fish in there. Do you even have fish in there? - Yes. - Yeah, they're hiding this morning so (laughs). On that, I would definitely love chatting with you more about some of your- - I'm sorry. I will just put it to you guys, you guys are here on your own and for the family. - A hundred percent, yep. - We are doing our investigation and I'm not at liberty to share anything with you about our investigation. - 100%, we understand that. - So I mean, as long as you get permission from landowners and property owners to do those things, you can do whatever you want to do. - A hundred percent 'cause we like these interactions and not these interactions so- (deputy laughing) - Well, I don't even like doing those interactions. Okay. (Jared laughing) I have tremendous amount of resources at our disposal. - Correct. - I mean, my phone is full of horse search teams, dog search teams, helicopters, drones. - Yep. - Divers. You know, if we knew where to really do the search. - Yeah and of course from our side, you have to also understand we ran into- - Oh yes, I know. - Those that do have the resources and then we come in 15 minutes later. So yeah. So you know, I really appreciate you guys, since you know, welcome us into your community, and you know, we don't have any barriers like we have in some other communities. - Well, like I said, as long as the property owners and landowners don't have a problem with you going on their property and doing what you do. - Yep. - We can't say anything about it. - Perfect, we'll keep everything on the up and up for what we do. And we really appreciate your time. - Just be respectful to the people who are in this community. - One hundred percent. - You know, a lot of these folks, you know, we're all looking for Natalie. Like I was telling the pastor here, I've been with this case from day one and from the first moment that she was reported missing by her mother and sister, it's been out throughout everywhere. So I mean, it's definitely a perplexing case because where does a car and a person go? - Yeah, especially a hot pink car. - Well, and yeah exactly. - I mean it's one of those things that you're gonna notice that it's being driven somewhere to be- - Right. - Disposed of. - So, good luck wherever you go. - Thank you very much. (engine revving) Ah, so where we're at now, we are getting a police escort over to Glover. I say, we light them up. Are we lighting them up as well? Like (Jared whistling) oh, he still says he can get us there quicker. (Jared laughing) (upbeat music) - Oh, you know why he's going so slow? Look how shiny those wheels are. He just washed his car this morning. - [Sam] Oh yeah, oh yeah. - Down this way? - Yeah, it'll be straight away that way but I'm not exactly sure how much room you're gonna have to turn the rig around. - I'll back the whole thing up if I have to. Appreciate your help today, well might catch up later today. - Yeah, if y'all need anything, give me a shout. - Okay, cool. Thank you. - [Sam] Appreciate you. - Yep. (engine revving) - So, oh look at this here. Like a car location, a car location, car location. - [Sam] That's great. - Near the city. I say we just put it in here. I got plenty of room to turn around here. (engine revving) This looks like a promising spot. - [Sam] Holy. - Bring the car up from the hill there. Straight on down. (air whooshing) A perfect location in my opinion. - [Sam] Yeah. (water splashing) (engine revving) - Right now we parked the RV way down there and we're actually headed up river. There's a lot of embankments, a lot of different places that you can go into the water, so we just want to make sure that we get everything covered. We're gonna go up here, go under the bridge, maybe check the other side a little bit. We just want to make sure (upbeat music) that we don't leave anything unchecked. (upbeat music) (water splashing) This is a Chattahoochee? I think so. It could not- ♪ Way down yonder on the Chattahoochee ♪ (Sam laughing) (engine revving) - [Jared] You know, I am really surprised at all this Sam, like these locations back home, it would just be car, car, car, car. - Yeah. (upbeat music) Yeah, they just don't throw their cars away here like they do back home. (upbeat music) - Confident I'm clear. (water splashing) - [Sam] Yeah. - This location is done. (engine revving) So as much as I had planned on staying up in Ephesus today, I'm really focusing on what the officer's actually had to say as far as, you know, some actual locations because we had some other information that came in today as well. We also have a Hollingsworth Ferry Boat Ramp. And so right now we're over here in, oh wait that's going to be on the same river here. So if we end up there, take a look at that, another dead end river in the middle of nowhere. - [Sam] Or dead end road, yeah right the river. - With another boat ramp straight in. - That's worth a shot that's for sure. - Yep. So anyway, that's our theory, that's what we're doing. - [Sam] Yeah. - And directions. - [Sam] Hopefully we have some luck. - Begin. 20 minutes. - [Sat Nav Female Voice] Head north east on Glover road toward Franklin Pond Lake. (upbeat music) - [Jared] This one again looks promising. - [Sam] Yeah but they've all looked super promising. - [Jared] Well one of these has to be. - Maybe we should go to one that's like not promising, maybe that's what they're doing. (door slamming) (footsteps plodding) - Look at that, we have a new viewer, who's come out to join us. - [Sam] How's it going man? Sam. - How are you? Ryan. - [Sam] Nice to meet you Ryan. Appreciate you. - I'm Jared. - How are you Jared? - Pleasure to meet you. I also understand military vet? - I was in the army, I'm medically retired now. - Okay. - I got injured in Afghanistan. - Oh no. We hear that story often. So Ryan, thank you for your service and thank you for coming out and joining us. - [Sam] Yes sir. (footsteps plodding) (water splashing) Oh, they got a rope swing over there. - [Jared] Huh. But Dan. - [Sam] Dan. - [Jared] Do you want a rope swing it? There he goes. Oh yeah, look at that. (Jared laughing) Yeah. You better let go. (Dan splashing) (Sam clapping) It's almost 70, The water should be nice. - Dang, I'm kind of jealous. That was awesome Dan. - [Jared] You don't have to be jealous, you can go too. - Can I? - [Jared] Yeah, yeah. (engine revving) (water splashing) Oh yeah. Totally messed that one up. We'll see you over there. All right, we have two more passes over here. (engine revving) No location. A wrap Sam. - Yeah. (engine revving) - I start the beginning of every single one of my days like so pumped and primed, like this is the one, this is the one. - Yeah. - This is the one. And then by like late afternoon, like the sun has been beating down on you all day long and you're like, (engine revving) why did we not already accomplish our task? - Yet. I mean, at least we know now. (engine revving) I mean, we know now about this boat ramp, we know about this section of the river, so we can mark it off the list. I mean, I definitely do want to bring the resolution to the family and you know, solve the case, but it doesn't look like it's happening right now. I mean, we just have to keep looking and not get discouraged. (upbeat music) - So where we're at right now is we've now followed up on all of the leads that the local authorities actually had for us, those two locations, rivers that had not been searched by a dive team. This now brings us back to (laughs) Ephesus. - Ephesus. - So we're back to Ephesus. And with that, here is where the last cell phone ping actually took place. (plane roaring) So we have information that cell ping, cell phone ping, cell phone ping, cell phone ping and these are like the 2:30 to five o'clock in the morning cell phone pings, that being the case, that we're heading back up towards Ephesus, see if we can find a couple of ponds that are, that makes sense, that have public- - Yeah. - Public access. - Access. (upbeat music) - Right now this is the only area where this is kind of a southeast, I don't know where the cell phone tower's at. Wait, wait, this is, it takes us down this way. We have a covered bridge, I think I'm too tall to go through it. Looks like if I roll down further, I mean, I can get turned around down there. I don't think I could make it through the bridge. And I thought this might be a house up here. - [Sam] No it's not. - But it looks like more of a- - [Sam] Pavilion. - Party pavilion. So I think we- - [Sam] Yeah, that's a super little bridge. - Yeah so I think we need to find out, like go back to the grocery store and maybe find out what the story is on this property. Like is it public community park or something? - [Sam] Yeah. - Or is it a private property? (wheels creaking) So the pond that we're looking for is actually privately owned. And so with that one, the good news is, is it is a small town, everybody knows everybody. (car revving) We've actually been told whose pond it is, where they actually live. So we're going to swing over there right now, so let's go grab permission. - Good, sounds great. - And get on that pond. (dog barking) - [Sam] Got a thumbs up, good to go. (car beeping) - Incredible people out here in the country. She was on Facebook today and somebody had put something on Facebook that directed her over to the YouTube. And she had actually already seen everything we're doing. She's like, "I know, I know exactly who you guys are." (upbeat music) (car beeping) - [Jared] Yeah, it's too shallow on his end. - Yeah, super shallow. - [Jared] Normally on the- - [Sam] So you can see the rocks right there. - [Jared] Oh yeah. - [Sam] Get out there so we're walking through. (footsteps plodding) - [Jared] Yeah, I mean it starts to drop off right there. (footsteps plodding) And then you got a little dam right over there. So I'm going to say this can get down to 12 feet or so. (boat squeaking) - But right now we're showing 2 feet. 4.2. 4.5, four-and-a-half feet, starting to get deep enough. Five-and-a-half. - [Jared] Just got a quick tip, Roosterville Road. There's a pink car that might have been spotted over there. - What? - [Jared] Roosterville Road just came across dispatch, just now. - Is he saying something about a pink car? - [Ryan] Yeah, he said Roosterville Road. They had a call that just came across dispatch, there's a pink car out there. (birds tweeting) (water splashing) - All right, we're gonna finish this line, then head straight back. Then we did our piece here. - All right, just got a tip and a lead. Somebody just evidently has a witness or somebody. - [Sam] Yeah. - Has eyes on a pink car. - [Sam] Eyes on a pink car? - Eyes on a pink car, just called dispatch. It just came across dispatch. Officers are in route right now. - [Sam] So right now? - Right now. - [Sam] I guess we're in route right now. - Like it just happened. (gentle music) - [Sam] All right, let's go ahead and get there. Yeah, what if us being here spooked somebody out of hiding. (door slamming) - [Dan] Yeah or just, like a quick dump. - Yeah like oh man, they're here. Totally spooked. (door slamming) (keys rattling) (car beeping) (gentle music) - So keep your eyes peeled for any activity on the side. (gentle music) - There we go. - There it is. There it is. - [Sam] Holy smokes. - Yeah, that's what we're looking for. (engine revving) Here we go. Look at that boys. - Oh yeah. - [Sam] They got the yellow tape, they got the yellow tape. (car beeping) - So we'll stay outside of the yellow tape. - Stay over there. - [Jared] Yeah, we got it. - [Sam] Yeah, that's a lot of people for it to be nothing. - [Jared] Yeah. - [Officer] Stay down there. - [Jared] No, my question, what is the limit for the press? - [Officer] Just stay down there please. - [Jared] Yes sir, I understand. They don't want us even coming up there. - No. I think he's coming over to talk to us. - [Jared] Yep. - Can't have ya'll over there. - [Jared] Cool, we understand. Can you confirm that we have a pink car? - I can't speak on anything right now. - [Jared] All right. - Investigators will speak to ya'll later, okay? - [Jared] Excellent, thanks for your time. Let's go live. (car engine revving) - [Sheriff] How you doing? - Good, how are you sir? - I'm the sheriff. - This is Sam Ginn. Nice to meet you. - [Investigator] Sam. - Good to see you again. - [Investigator] You too. - Y'all whatever you do, just please don't send anything out 'cause we haven't notified the family or anything like that. Ya'll don't. - He's the guy you want to talk to. - Ya'll not putting stuff on social media are you? - One hundred percent, we have fallen under the immediate clause. - Sorry, I'm just trying to, the family doesn't know. We were appreciate being able to notify the family before we put can put anything on social media. - Nothing's going out. We've not been told what is actually going on. So we're just here documenting police activity right now. - Okay, all right. Just please respect the family. - One hundred percent. - Okay. Okay, that's all we want to do. - We are not saying that somebody has been found, that we're looking for her. We're just saying, "We're in town Looking for Natalie Jones. We have zero confirmation at this time, whether a pink car has been found and if there happens to be somebody inside of it." - Yeah. - Nothing. We do not make any speculation on that. And that's where we're at. - All right, I'm Jared. - Jared, Ross Henry. - Ross. - Ah, well. Okay. - All right. Thank you sir. - Same thing as with Nick. With Nick, we were not able say, "Hey, we have a definitive answer that this is Nick." Same thing with this, right now we do not have a definitive answer that we have a pink car. (car revving) We do not have a definitive answer that we have Natalie. So we are not making those claims at all. All we're saying is right now we are south of Roosterville, on Roosterville road, we are east of Ephesus. We have been in town looking for Natalie. You guys saw the live stream yesterday, you guys have those updates as to the locations that we were searching, the locations that we were searching today, we were going to do an update at 9:30 PM Pacific Time. We were over searching another pond that was near a cell phone tower that had pinged in this area, we were doing a search over there. After that one, (door slamming) we were clearing it, there was no vehicle. We were getting ready to go over to the creek as well as another pond that was over there. While you were in the water at the pond. - Yes. - We got a phone call from, because we are in a small town. - Everybody knows we're here, there's nothing going on in this town. - So we rolled into a gas station yesterday and they're like, "you ain't from around here, are ya?" And that's kind of how- - Yes absolutely. - people quickly learned who "Adventures with Purpose" is. (upbeat music) - Yeah, so we've been here for a little while, maybe about an hour-and-a-half. We were actually scanning upon the sonar and we got news that it came over the police scanner that somebody had found a pink car. There's not a whole lot of pink cars running around here, especially in a small town. We came looking for where the cops are and we found the cops. And the crazy thing is, is that Jared just got off the phone with the mother and the officers have just left her house. I'm pretty good at math. I think you are too. - [Jared] Yeah. - That's wild. (birds tweeting) - [Jared] There it is. That is the first official, seem insane? Natalie's car. Mom has confirmed it. (mother weeping) - [Dan] So what do you think chances of this happening while we're in town, Sam? Is it a coincidence? - No, I don't think this was a coincidence at all. This is my personal opinion and my opinion only. I think us being here, this is a small town, word gets around fast. People knew that we were here. I think that this either triggered somebody's conscience, like now's my chance to get rid of this or perhaps it flushed somebody out or maybe it shed more light on the case to where somebody looked into it and actually realized, "Oh, I'm supposed to be looking for a pink car." And then they were driving by (upbeat music) and they saw a pink car. (upbeat music) - Where Sam and I come into this, is we met up with the mom yesterday, we had a lot of confidential informants that had told us about this story and where we should start looking. Where we planned on searching today was coming back up around Ephesus because there was the report of her cell phone pinging at, you know, three or four spots throughout the area within like an eight mile radius of Ephesus. So we met up with some local deputies this morning and they were very gracious to us as well as the pastor. And you know he's like, "Hey, you know, my congregation has been asking, hey, there's a pond here, can you guys search the pond? Because I went to the answers for her, for our congregation." So we ended up doing the pond first thing this morning, in addition to that, we also had some additional information from one of the officers that said, "Hey, here's some other locations where some cars might be possibly, have the potential of being dumped." (engine revving) So Sam and I, and we went and checked those waterways as well. So we ended up doing the river (upbeat music) and then we went back over towards Ephesus because we were still focused on the cell phone pinging over there. It's the weirdest thing. (engine revving) I cannot say that us being in town is what solved this. But it's very coincidental, Sam. - Yeah, I think it's super coincidental and this is a small town, news travels fast, (upbeat music) but everybody knew that we were here because we stopped at a gas station. (upbeat music) ♪ All else faded so it seemed ♪ (engine revving) - So Natalie's mom, we met with you yesterday. We kind of surprised you and just knocked on your door. - Yes you did. - And we said, guess what? We're in town, here's who we are, here's what we're going to be doing. And 36 hours later, Nicole's coming home. - Natalie. - Natalie. - I don't know why I'm so terrible with words and names, I'm so sorry. - And this is so unreal to me, is this is the second one I've been had to lay to rest. And I appreciate all the prayers. She was a beautiful girl. She had a smile that would light up the room no matter what, (mother mumbling) even if she was sad, she would still be smiling. (upbeat music) (insects chirping) - Yeah, we're a search and recovery team. We specialize in water operation. Today and also missing persons cases. Today, we came here looking for Natalie Jones. - [Reporter] While Samuel Ginn and his partners with "Adventures with Purpose" were searching various ponds in the area for Natalie, they got word that her pink car had been found just off Welcome Road. Natalie's family confirmed this is her car. Now her mother wants to know what happened to her only daughter, the mom of two boys with a brilliant smile. (upbeat music) (insects chirping) - I mean I have these two precious grand boys, you know, that's all I got left in this world, but I don't know, I just dread them hearing about their mom. (upbeat music) - [Jared] You guys want to start winding this down? I mean, till a tow truck comes. I think when we get really hungry as well. I think that- - [Sam] Yeah, you need to take care, we love you guys, we really need to take care of ourselves. - [Jared] Yeah. - [Sam] I mean, you guys see this going on here. - [Jared] Yeah, that's going to wrap it up tonight for us. So, that wraps up another episode of "Adventures with Purpose" Thank you to the family. Thank you to you guys, the viewers for being here and supporting us. We do have a link if you've not already seen it for a GoFundMe for Natalie Jones. So be sure to click on that link in the description, help the family out with a memorial fund. And again, thank you for being here. This is a wild roller coaster (hands patting) of a 2020 road trip. (upbeat music) We're not even halfway done. - No. - Let's see who else we can get out there and help. So thanks again for being here. We'll see you next time. (upbeat music)
Channel: Adventures with Purpose
Views: 1,463,446
Rating: 4.9189973 out of 5
Keywords: natalie jones, natalie jones missing, natalie joins found, found natalie joins, pink car, searching for natalie jones, cold case, cold case investigations, missing person, missing persons, underwater, missing car, car found, mrleisek, adventures with purpose, true crime, missing persons case
Id: rhMYqDlzScg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 32sec (1712 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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