Snowcat Recovered 18-Months After Falling Through Ice!

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there's a cat right there if you want to see us get a snow cap out of the water today i think you picked a good day to watch another one of our episodes and you are not going to want to miss the story on this one [Music] we gotta welcome everybody back for round two there is not going to be a round three right nick we're getting it this time so back for the snow cat and i believe that this is really going to be an easy one like okay i said that before i said that last time right here's the plan of what i have and what we've already done so some of you just rolled in and what we've already done is we've got a pontoon boat in there i'm gonna say it was an incredible scene with that one like we got the boat in there nick was against it knew it was gonna be a piece of cake in addition to that dad and i we've already jetted out there now if i remember correctly it's somewhere right in here we've already hooked it not only did we hook it but check this out antone hooked me up with a new grappling hook we have two of these because sam and i we're also going on a 38-day trip across the entire us we have a lot of cars we have like seven or eight cold cases to get so i know all you guys are subscribed but if you guys are not you're not going to want to miss those episodes like fourth quarter is going to be amazing anyway so dad and i were out there grappling hook we hooked it we didn't just like put this near the snow cap like we dragged it we hooked it now there it is which now brings us to how is the snow cat how to look on sonar and what do we have as far as a game plan to get things going from here so what we have is we have the boat ramp is over here we have the shore that kind of comes down and it's actually dropped down it's no longer 80 feet we're down at 70 feet is where we're at now uh the snow cap when we left it it's kind of facing inwards we have the snow cat here we have the cab is this direction so we're not going to be able to hook anything at the front of the snow cat right now as far as where the graveling hook is at i don't know if it's on left side right side all i know is that the grappling hook is on the snow cap so i'm going to head down first and re-hook wherever it's at i'm just going to hook it to the back to where we're going to actually be towing it at i'm also going to be taking one of these new fancy chains now because we have some new bags we have new chains we have a new game plan with all of this these chains themselves will actually it's a 12 000 pound working load 26 000 or so breaking strength we're going to be putting two bags on the right of one of these chains two bags on the left and one bag at the rear so when i go down i'll be taking one of these with me as well as readjusting where the line is that we're attached to to go down to your dive line i think that i had the these hooks last time i'm not sure but once you throw it around the bar you'll be able to fasten it on there and then it has a spring load so you'll want to push the spring in and then turn that so that way it locks in that chain is not coming off of there once all three chains are on the next divers that head down whether you want to take one two three of these come down we want to set each and we want to set a carry i'm sorry a shackle for each one of the bags so normally we would use the carabiners but because we're using 5 000 pound lift bags this time i just want to make sure that we're extra doubly due secure so go around your chain with it set it and that way it's there ready and waiting for us when we come down with backs so each bag will get its own shackle when we come back down we might get to bags today to uh pre-rig them if not we'll get to them tomorrow morning we have a safety side of it jonathan why don't we uh throw you back over here again thanks for the warning yeah yeah and i guess the big thing is we uh last time we're at 80 feet yep this time we're only at 70 feet perfect so kind of give us a conversion on that one and then i'll bring this in for uh for you as well okay so like you said this time obviously the lake is way down from where we were last time so it sounds like we're down at 70 feet which at this altitude just 10 000 feet it'll be around 100 110 foot theoretical depth that we're diving also at altitude make sure you do proper ascent rates not 60 feet per minute we're at 30 feet per minute max dive times 20 minutes at most the shorter the better but at most 20 20 minutes down there sound good for you sounds good you're not going to push it on us no we don't need to all right we have plenty of divers and now we're just hooking and enjoying the view perfect also i mean it is a lot not as hot this time but still make sure you stay plenty hydrated while we're at this high altitude if you are feeling sick of any kind let us know early we do have new safety equipment this time jared just got brand new o2 kit from dan um two jumbo kits two jumbo d cylinders dan is not an individual by the way dan is diverse alert network i have a brand new one in the back of my car and i believe chris brought his sound too so we have a lot of extra o2 up here this time do we know water temperature today we don't it's wet it's wet last time it was 42 degrees so you know be mindful of uh being cold down there hyperthermia so if you do start feeling chills or anything you come up and we can't start warming you up it's willing to snuggle nick's willing to snuggle okay maybe anton too so i mean that could be coheres yep uh on that note we've got new bags but uh we'll talk about the bags once we've got everything rigged let's take care of you know one phase at a time and uh we'll go from there sounds good other than that appreciate everybody being here high elevation diving it's not for children okay here we go [Applause] 70 feet is where we're going to the very bottom we're at 51 now all right there we are or something here okay there's the front of the cab there go to the back of the cab right now grappling hook is out there nice we'll come back to that in a moment there's the tracks from the uh driver's side oh you know what the axle is exposed go to the axle i like that idea all right kicked up all the silt now i can't see anything but i'm gonna do it by fill all right that's nothing on there you can't see it but i know it's locked on there now we're gonna come back here i'm gonna grab this right here all right chain all right we're good [Music] thank you all right there we go [Applause] we're good thank you we hooked the right cat that's also good news yeah yeah we'll have to change where those other two chains are going though it's not like i remembered it it is totally different yeah it could be a different cat with that i'll tell you what we have i remember those uh steel frames coming off that we went to those before but i guess we didn't so the very back of it we'll have to tell everybody else we had we went around the axle right so we're solid we have middle axle at the very rear but then we have those two king pin attachment points that's where we went before with those other two chains so we're gonna go one there and one there you agree i agree from what you saw i think we might need to get ourselves a pontoon boat too like yeah i think we need a slew of boats yes yes we need the little blue boat we need a pontoon boat we need a little carabiner for you just we need a little river jet boat yes jet boat and then we need that board we need that pot that fan boat that i showed you from russia we're going to find out here in just a second what the status is of the snow cat and these carabiners chains lift bags we got a great group going on here today we're getting stuff done down at the bottom we're gonna get that cat out here soon just check it out looks like we got one okay we got okay we're good to go right here let's see what's happening his chain laid on the corrugated metal and of course yours goes to the line excellent let's get the next diversion so it should be very obvious excellent where they are because the visibility actually isn't bad at all there it is and we owe a big thank you today dad as well michelle oh he has an incredible viewer from where do you live um colorado where at fruita through to buy grand junction somewhere and so you've been watching our show and you're like hey i heard that you're coming up it might be a little cold let me bring you guys some incredible soup oh it's amazing oh i can't wait to have some some machines class thank you for coming up supporting everything that we're doing thank you for allowing me to be here absolutely no something's all right there jared yeah i don't know what's going on i plan on this thing going a lot faster today right anton yeah i'm just saying you know you guys got to turn it up a little bit here [ __ ] after we had it attached yeah you dropped the anchor line why would you do that i was trying to tie off to the pontoon because he told me to yeah but you don't have to drop the anchor line to do that i did not mean to it slipped off okay and then i also forgot my gloves oh well you could have just come back for the gloves without dropping the uh line go get it marked again all right we should be getting close in here all right toss it toss it there [Applause] all right so let's circle back and drag it should be snagging all right so go ahead and let go of it we're gonna go to the right a little bit more with that you see it facing down you can see the window i feel like they're dead in the water again what's going on you guys dead in the water yeah this time yeah well he definitely didn't get it running uh well when the starter melts you really can't fix it just take us out we'll do the dive and then your toes in oh there we go you're gonna do the dive it's not attached to anything so you die dive and you're gonna like i've gone over it like 800 times right and i swear it's right over the top of it it's just not hooking for some reason we'll drop down yeah drop down find it hook it [Music] okay so let's take you over by the buoy anchor you let them drop go from there don't sink that boat too well you know how to bring up boats though right yeah we can bring it well we can bring up cats too if jonathan wouldn't have undone it all right so anchor at the buoy and don't unhook your anchor did you drop your anchor yep yep all right yeah i would say it's within five feet of where that uh line is at right now i don't know what direction the white boat the one that's broke down uh the pontoon boat is uh we need introductions tony lake at the ozarks amazing individual i hear that you have like a big salvage operation over there you came over here to help us salvage the snow cat which you're like hey this snow cat is like teeny tiny because what is the biggest boat that you've ever brought up 64-foot c-ray sundancer which weighs how much 60 000 pounds so 15 000 pounds is nothing for you absolutely nothing all right so uh so this is gonna be easy for you then well if it was up is there any way to make this easier have a work boat well we gotta work boat it's floating away right now it's broken yeah what kind of work boat do you have a 60-foot solid aluminum recovery boat with two cranes on it and what you want from me he's got the right tool that's not here two cranes we should have brought that boat it's devastating information that i'm hearing right now ready to go you got somebody that could bring it to us if they left right now 40 hours away oh see it's 14 hours away right now all right well right now i'm glad that you're here you're a boat mechanic as well yes currently the pontoon boat is broke down good job you got some tools let's get out there we're only three hours behind anton uh-huh and i see you've got your finished tools what part of the boat do you work on with that this one right here this in particular in particular that that's for jonathan because jonathan jonathan jonathan is the reason for everything that just why we're behind right now what did jonathan do jonathan took the anchor line yeah the toe line and he just he looked at it he's like huh i don't know what this is for and he took it and he just went oh my god and he watched it sink dude like he literally watched it sink to the bottom yeah i'm not talking to you right now okay all right back out on the water let's go yeah they found it you dropped straight down with that buoy on this mark right on it yep right on the front nice so we didn't move it we just left it okay and we couldn't find that other line but we got the tank down and two shackles down the the line is right on the back of it we kicked up so much silt yeah okay all right so you did not put a shackle on the rear axle one no okay so i still need to take one down when i take it back down yes which is also where the line is at so it should be yeah okay i got it i finally got a boat is broke boat is broke so i'll hang here with you while you guys fix the boat to make sure i don't have to tell you back we need a nut and we don't have nuts no that just that just came off just by itself like you didn't like no yeah it screwed intentionally it fell apart yeah it was a rope in a box somewhere part of his emergency i don't know if that's going to start with a rope yeah because we were already fighting it and fighting anybody oh yeah some of you might ask i think you guys already know we can't turn the motors in there there's just too much grass so we got it rolling oh what i found the nut guys oh no why didn't we look at it the first time why would it be there i have no idea look there it is that's been through the ring so you guys just need me like more hands-on like death okay so let's put good fuel in it do we have good fuel we do we got non-ethanol sitting them on pickup what you've been holding out all day antone i haven't been holding out i've been reserving that's what mine is too this is this is what we do to make things work when we get a good solid prime you just don't get a good solid spark just blow the entire thing up go ahead that's running smooth now with good gas explain to the viewer audience what ether actually does it makes fire okay ether is extremely explosive a lot more than gas or diesel or anything like that so that's why you use a little bit of it to get that initial spark running and where are they spraying this either into the carburetor is that good for tomorrow now i just need a phillips screwdriver to adjust it faster out boys see you tomorrow that way we stay on the same rotation welcome back to the morning a team day two is where we're at we're getting this today right all right everybody where we're at and what we actually have today is we do have the boat that's actually up and running again now so that's good news so we've got a working platform that i don't have to tell with blue boat currently we have those the three chains on the very back so if we're looking at the back of the cap we ended up with the one chain down here at the bottom we're going to put a single back there we ended up with a chain over on the on the right and a chain over on the left with that we're going to end up putting two uh two bags over here so two big float bags are gonna come off the right one off the center it's starting to get a little messy but that's all right and two are gonna come off of the leftover here what we're going to be doing right now is we're taking three sets of divers out so dad and i are going to be the first ones are going to head down i'm going to double check all the uh setting or all the chains that i can sign off on it that i'm not going to blame anybody else sound good sounds good because i love blaming you nick with that dad and i we're also taking it back down we're going to hook one bag to the very center in the back the second set of divers if you feel comfortable taking it back down each so hook up to whatever side you guys decide just go just go to one side but what we have down there also is we have a 80 aluminum down there with a whip hose so once you attach your bag just take that it's on the right or the left it's on this side right here okay so you have the tank here so you may need to disconnect it it's just on a little uh it's on the carabiner okay so if you need to disconnect it to move it over to inflate these just take it these are open bottom lift bags at the bottom so just take a squirt really just enough to get that bag taunt it's under its own uh it's being held up now under the air that you have in it don't go you know wild with it once we get once those three sets of divers go down i'll head down for one more dive to double check all the rigging as we also have another diver down there with me also that will run around and we have a manifold that will hook up here we go one two three four five lines to this manifold that will then run up to the boat say this is a boat from there it's coming up so we doubt the votes but what we don't doubt is we don't doubt that we're not getting this today right that's right all right get it done one two three awp we're moving look at us go water's like glass it's just perfect the sun's all shining bright and everything's all beautiful just a one beautiful day here so we've never taken these five thousand pound bags down before ever dad i've never taken one down no i'm saying i never have and like you honestly are probably my worst diet partner to take this down with oh it will be but uh regardless i promise yeah let's take it down from the top so that way we don't have any air that's trapped in it because it's an open bottom okay okay so we're gonna drag it down from the top when we down on the cat i want you to stay away from the back area right now okay because i don't want to kick up too much silt my number one thing is to see how everything is positioned and then i'm going to then come find you and finding you we're going to switch to the bottom to then hook it up okay so you want me to just kind of hang back hang back by the by the end with the bag with do not come i will bring you in when i need you okay sound good from there then i'm going to let you stay with the top as i rotate to the bottom and i'm going to hook the bottom of the bag up and then you'll inflate it and then i'll inflate it after we do that then we're going to grab the orange line and bring the orange line back up with us that was dropped yesterday and then just hook that to something all right i'm ready for this i'm gonna go down as soon as i'm at the bottom of the mag go ahead and release it let's just fill me tug on it all right [Music] all right let's see if we can actually make this work huh okay all right all right so the bag looks like it's floating pretty good looks like it's gonna sink which means we're gonna have to control our points and going down all right see the cat figure out where we're at on it okay so we're at mid engine right now perfect all right you can leave dad and look at that right there check this out okay so they went oh yeah that's a nice big thing i'm happy with that we're gonna put one back there around the kingpin work out right there i like that one one kingpin there and one around the axle this is the one down around the axle i'm happy with that one let me take the bottom of the back here there we go i got aaron that one loading there we go [Music] this light one is the anchor that got stuck down here earlier so let's get that one now let's go up hold on to this all right now we're at uh 18 feet wait for our safety stop three minutes totals already 30 seconds in all right i'm good to me there we go the bags go down perfect almost neutral buoyancy but also just a little negative no problems at all nice [Music] good going neutral okay now would you do it hi elijah go to the passenger side okay do your hook that's the right side looking at the back you're at the back looking forward yeah that's correct you have the tank is over there this is the reason why i'm sending it over there so that way you don't have to unhook the tank and move the other side okay so do your bags there and inflate them enough to keep them taunt okay and then pre-move the tank if you have time before we come up yet before you to the other side so that way they don't have to worry about it okay perfect so first so we just do it hey where's your pony at oh i got it it's over at the truck i just uh i don't know i guess i got lazy do you know it's because of you being so consistent with your pony all the time that i finally got mine and then the ones on my car i'll wear it on the last okay we'll do it for show from now on so what a pony is for those of you who here are not divers a pony bottle is a separate in fact here i have one right over here i'll explain all this to you what a pony does is it allows me to have a separate air source that's separate from my tank so normally before i just had the one main tank that had my regulator that i could breathe off of then from there it had it was also attached to a second air source that i could breathe off of but the problem is it was all attached to one tank so if anything happened to this tank it goes empty regulator anything happens i'm toast so what a pony does is it gives me a separate system so now my air is hooked up to that second system so should anything fell here tank goes empty i still have air over here to breathe that's where the pony balls were why'd you bring the tank up gypsy how much hair did you put in there there it was odd but i went down to grab it oh really so i had to fill it with braces are they are they inflated though yeah they're they're they're up okay wait so that tank was on though when you went down so you never even got to use it no i had to use my back up air to oh seriously huh oops for two divers otherwise they're going to waste time dad and i went down so where we're at is we're attached to the very back we have air in it his taunt is floating we got rid of the anchor that was down there we got the orange line back up jonathan sorry no worries singled out every every attachment point looks incredible where we're hooked to around the axle around those pins they're actually bigger than i thought so it's perfect nick and chris went down with two bags they felt like it was a bit of a struggle so let's just send you guys down with one bag so that way you guys get your dive in send you and sam down and then i'll go down with manifold just to protect my head it's hailing now the wind's really picking up blew the bit me back things are getting exciting what we have dan is everything is experimental around here so as we just discussed with them we're going to try something new and that's going to be putting a carabiner to the top of this bag and dropping it on that line about three minutes behind them and just see if that bag will make it all the way down to them so that way they don't have to come back up the line and the reason why we're sending these upside down is because it's going to let all of the air come out because these are open bottom and that way we're not fighting any of the air being trapped up at the top corners it's looking good though it's already past my feet sweet serious heading down [Music] i would uh recheck the bags the reason why it took us so long is just before it came out i noticed only four of them were floating there was a fifth one that was all tangled at the bottom i got it untangled as best as i could and up but that's why it took so long okay did you get air in it yeah yeah so there should be five whoa okay we'll make this quick stop i do want to go down we're rolling yeah let's go over to that descent line so we come down it was freaking awesome down there holy smokes yeah i i did i do think it's way better yeah visibility is way better it was yeah had a little leak coming to my suit side to pop up a little soon i was able to connect all the manifolds so i did my piece that was awesome guys you get a little cold yeah i did but hey i did what i was supposed to so it looks pretty good you can see the ground yeah then all the water of the world kind of got together it was coming into my suit so i got the manifold hooked up so that's the important part okay we're sending nick and chris down on the boat out on the boat to fix the shackle one bag attach the air hose generator fires up we're lifting this thing and that's that's where we're at that's a fun hailstorm i already got captain am at him taking us out for the final mission the lift is going to happen on this one now yeah don't go any higher than that we got tony thanks tony for coming out and uh helping us run all these hoses i mean you are like we kind of touched on you before like the ozarks incredible rescue salvage whatever you know captain everything salvage everything so you've gotten uh new big air compressors for us and based upon these air compressors how long is it going to take to fill 25 000 pounds i would say less than 45 minutes it's not bad i like that all right if you do it right nick this is the final dive of the day you could be the hero to make the cat come up i like the sound of this all you gotta do is see like it's very simple you have this air hose connection here okay all you have to do is connect it to the manifold once you get down to it and you have it connected to the manifold if you want to give me a tug on this and stop beating i'll try to give like three steady perfect 50 foot right there that's good they should be uh right about the 54 to 56 mark at the top at the top of the bags there because we're 70 feet deep total and then the batteries aren't taking anymore so he's about 50 feet yeah the bags are floating good we pulled on it but there's too much slack you probably didn't know but you could rub the air whatever air away turn i just looked through all the bags watervote is definitely full uh bubbles we're seeing it's coming out one of the vents the top vents the there are two that again aren't really getting any air and two that are about a quarter full still only a quarter yeah so for some reason only that center bag was filling okay but and this was off the center back yeah okay well now that's off then the the other one should start filling up [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] is there's a cat right there it's on there this time oh yeah oh do you want to see what position it's in and then come to shore and talk to us about it yeah what we need to do is we need to just rotate it we have a nice big axle that's exposed so that's the first thing i want to do is get onto the axle with whatever we're going to be towing with work on that so right now i'll go i'm going to go get a bunch of uh our big heavy lines and start figuring out that and start getting things stretched out and see how much tom how much cable tom has and we'll go that route taking this out of the top of the bag just to stage it and talk to the divers about what's going on so we need to feed this out as we're heading out [Music] [Music] come on really you'll see the other side i don't think he's going to be able to pull all this uh series look how much it's like a whole wall it's like a whole wall of seaweed so let's go to the other side hey look let's come out of the water [Music] but i say one last pull we've got it right here i think so i've got enough cleared i just need the uh cable i'm happy that we finally got a snow cap all you have to do is call me you know looks a little different uh we're playing at this point anton we have a plan at this point yeah we're gonna move the truck forward a bit okay we're gonna drag it up take a look at it assess it break it down a little bit okay at that point probably rip the tracks off it all right this is stronger than the orange rope yeah the orange is a 15. i want everybody safe with the cable do we want to put some a bag over the top of it let's put a bag or two over the top of the cable otherwise i guarantee you sam our viewers will be all over so we want to uh make sure we're safe with all this keeping it safe coming up oh that's the axle and tone you're gonna have to put an axle back on we're [Music] good all right [Music] all right we got water we got anton back there who's uh we're gonna start cutting some tracks and uh the thing is this we really appreciate if you subscribe we're on a mission to try to get to one million subscribers by the end of 2020 is where we're at right now by christmas we have like three or four months to do it i think it's snow capped video do it so thumbs up helps but be sure to subscribe so if you're on youtube subscribe hit the like button leave a comment it helps us share the video in addition to that if you're on facebook be sure to hit the like button and follow us every little bit counts that's how we're able to actually come out here to help you know this is like in fact let me go into that right now sam let's go over here and talk to the audience a little bit more on purpose this entire episode is actually a little bit different because we have a conflict in the communities what we really have we have and it's not just between family members here we have ryan and ricky and these two were best friends since the age of eight like they played hard they did good things they did bad things we all do bad things sometimes right but we're not here to focus on anything badly ever done we're here to say these two were incredible men who happen to go out one night to play in the same fashion that sam you and i this could have been you and i absolutely because 100 if i have a snow cat and i have you with me we're playing with it we're playing with it and that's all that happened on this one ricky and ryan were out playing on it 30 inches of ice they got it stuck they hit a soft pocket they ended up spinning the tracks and the entire thing just ended up collapsing through the ice and if you know anything about ice and collapsing and things are sinking it creates this great big vacuum and that's what ended up happening is you know the snow cap went down the ice and everything and they went underneath and they got trapped in the middle of winter and it is one of those unfortunate instances like i said sam and i could have been in that situation with that the way that i want to make sure that this is brought across the entire you know around the world is that we're here because the forest service needs us out we're here because we don't want the family to receive a bill from the forest service on this one um we want you know the environmental impact we want resolution for the community because it's been over a year and a half now that that's all that keeps going on that the families are not able to move forward the community is not able to move forward and now the snowcat is coming out the families the community everybody here they're able to finally move forward so we thank you for being here we thank you for watching everything we do there's a story with everything you're not going to want to miss what sam and i have coming up we got sam sam the adventure man my hands are dirty but let me bring you into this just sam sam the adventure man going on quite the adventure is where we're heading to it's tomorrow tomorrow is what we have going on right first thing we have five six seven cold cases is what we have going on to go help more families we have 20 each other cars along the way that we're going for and we're also bringing along a new character dan dan the cameraman he's going to be with us as well so like i said every you guys being here watching the stories that unfold us helping families across the u.s us clean up the environment clicking like i said click that like button subscribe do everything you can to help spread the message and see what you what you can do personally to help get us get us to a million before the end of the year we'd really appreciate it on that note we really ramble on for like five minutes but it had to be said thank you for being here thank you let's get back to the show all right there we just go here's what we need to talk about if we need to talk about mike and his wife rose up here at grand mason lodge these guys without them we could uh i mean i would have been into it for a lot of money but again like i said like you guys know watching the show this whole thing is about volunteers and volunteer effort and where mike and rose come into this is they actually took care of us on cabins not for one round for two rounds so a big thank you for you guys i'm gonna throw up some like nice little drone footage right now of your your place [Music] hey i mean we did it because to help you guys but for the community and you help the community by getting this thing out of the lake yeah i really appreciate it so it's giving closure to everybody in the area yeah so if you have any plans if you're a hunter fisherman you just want to enjoy the uh the mountains up here out of grand junction is where we're at about 90 70 minutes outside of grand junction 10 500 foot up on top of the grand mason beautiful place so check out grand mesa lodge dot com uh definitely come support these guys thank you absolutely we have a private family time going on right now down there just so they can see if there's anything they want to deal with it looks like we got her man it's been a long time coming been quite the quite the foe piston bully geez it feels great to have this out of here i thought about this almost every single day this summer every single day [Music] [Music] [Music] from there he can probably be rolling underneath it is it trying to come out at all it is a little okay but the problem is it's going up underneath okay yeah we just pull it awhile and see what happens yeah pull it long [Music] now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] just when you think the night is over it's not over yet like it's almost over but uh let's jump to this right now so here we are back up here at the lodge wrapping up with those pieces that you had mentioned earlier so we really appreciate you for the pieces and everything that you know you've done and helped me provide for for this right for your community and i'm almost starting to feel like and anton was kind of saying maybe the lake is haunted i was beginning to wonder when everything was going wrong and yeah i think we have and we've never had like 15 16 17 things break at once and this this has been a challenge for us you've been a part of it from the very beginning so you were successful thank you on that one and we really appreciate it yeah absolutely let me get to everybody else as well you know we've got a tony back here that came in from missouri we got as a wife that's you know supportive of uh letting them come we got a kimberly and uh elijah back there wave to the camera thank you elijah for coming and helping we've got sam sam the adventure man who's going on the road with this is yes sir his kind lady renee we've also got behind the camera we've also got dan dan the camera man he's going to be on the road force quite a bit yeah dan down the camera jonathan and leah all the way from central oregon to help us out thank you very much we've got my best friend in the whole wide world make sure that you put this in here that's gone he's scott knows that so much we yep my father john that made it yep we made it could not have done it without this guy either really everybody here but you know this guy here kim be getting there who is you know part of the local search and rescue you were actually there yeah a few days that night yeah yeah so i mean he's been there from day one when all this started when you know ryan and ricky ended up going in the water so he's seen this thing through from you know beginning to finish as well as you know mike back there they were out there within back us up got all of his contacts for us yeah helping us with boats you know we've got trailers that have to be repaired now some detailing but uh we're gonna make it right with the equipment that has been broken so we're not going to just walk away from there so um good friend of mike's there's over topher that's what they call me so he's up here helping up with the lodge so we really appreciate you know everybody there but we're not done because we have a lot more going on one of the things we have coming up is we have a 20 20 trip that's happening right now with sam sam the adventure man this is like the first adventure along all of that we have 25 30 things going on we're talking you know seven eight nine ten you know bodies that we might be recovering along the way 20 plus cars happen without it without you guys the viewers none of this would be happening we also have shirts that are available in the description below we also have new uh you know proudly supporting adventures with purpose stickers that are also available so do check that out in the description below we'll link you to that one i got stuff on my face that's right it doesn't matter okay after such a long day it does not matter we've got nick rattler he's been diving with me for a couple years now same thing with uh chris over here so i think both of them for coming all the way from central oregon we've got emily and jared who are new to you know hanging out with me understanding the way that you know what jared says we're going to do something and in the end he ends up doing it but we question a lot of things along the way but we understand that you know what jared says there's nothing that can't be done and in the end we now know there's nothing that can't be done i appreciate both of them for being here thank you for learning how i operate good with that sure [Laughter] and i think we're wrapping up with uh antone yeah who uh you're gonna see a lot more of antone here because antone is a good friend of mine lives in the same town as me we've worked on other projects together and you came all this way to also donate your time and your services to help get this cat back absolutely and it was it was really meaningful for the family yeah um and we're looking to do something good with it we don't know what the end result of this is going to be yet um but anton has incredible business drive unlimited eu and with that we're gonna be taking it back to drive unlimited and it's a lighting short it's a what all is your store we just specialize in up fitting accessorizing we do everything for everybody you know we're there to help and not just cop cars not just burlington northern santa fe i mean anybody needs help so that's why i'm so excited about this project is i want to make sure we respect the family and do something very special yeah i'm excited to work on so i'm excited to have anton so we're going to be doing updates uh along the way so make sure that you do subscribe so you don't miss any of those day updates um in the end though i mean this really was about you know coming together for an adventure you know and i want people to understand also is that yes while there's tragedy behind some of the things that we do [Music] it doesn't stop us from having a good time while we're out here and i really appreciate everybody that does come out for you know for the adventures what it is you know it's divers getting together and thank you for having us to make a difference thank you for making it happen yes so without the the team volunteering the time you know like mike has said it's like the family said this would have never gotten done and they don't know when they would have been able to move forward from it so absolutely um on that note thank you everybody for being here and that pretty much brings us to a wrap so thank you [Music] you
Channel: Adventures with Purpose
Views: 125,144
Rating: 4.967649 out of 5
Keywords: snowcat, snowcat crash, snowcat sunk, snow-cat, snow cat, found snowcat underwater, snowcat underwater, snowcat in lake, pistenbully, pisten bully, pistenbully snowcat, scuba diving, underwater recovery, recovery, diving recovery, salvage lift bag, salvage lift bag recovery, grand mesa lodge, bixpy, bixpy scooters, bixpy jet, scout inflatables, inflatable boat, boating accident, accident, broken ice, ice, ice fishing, recovered, advetures with purpose, mrleisek
Id: v_MNocHykbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 39sec (3279 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 26 2020
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