When a cold sun meets a hot sun

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..... i heard that right?... one half of the earth being exposed to a sun that is hot and the other half of the sun being explosed to a sun that is cold?....

i mean yeah its going to torture them still but.....come on man :|

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/MEWX_ 📅︎︎ Oct 12 2020 🗫︎ replies
all right so we're checking out the only game where you can torture the earth in noon exciting ways by having one half of the earth be exposed to a sun that is hot and the other half of the sun being exposed to a sun that is cold it's universe sandbox this is the sun like all stars the sun is hot but that's boring i always wondered if you could make a cold sun in universe sandbox and it actually turns out you can not just the sun that's you know cold i mean a sun that literally drags the heat from everything around it the secret to the sun's inversed rebellious and slightly malnourished stepbrother is not actually the surface temperature at all it's luminosity the thing about science is i'm not very good at it what i am good at is reading tool tips it says total energy released every second well without the d in released you know what i'm not going to take that back i'm just going to give you guys the d in the the d in the released you know what i mean so instead of releasing energy it allows you to put a negative symbol in front of the number here which retrieves all of the energy from everything around it this is the earth the earth is happy because it's not run by me yet this is florida a place where we're all very good at drinking beer retiring and getting cancer florida has been abused by the sun for so long that's going to go ahead and hide over here so florida is going to be very happy that i'm screwing with the sun now first off i have to see exactly what the hell happens when i put negative energy into the sun and then what i'm gonna do is i'm going to put a positive energy sun on one side of the earth and a negative energy sun on the other side of the earth and see what this weird anime tug of war battle top 10 list thing does to the planet i also need to see if anyone gets to survive see right now the life likelihood of earth is only two percent that's because the other 98 killed themselves seeing where this is going actually by removing all of the heat and like not just removing all the heat but tearing the heat away basically robbing the other planets like i'm going to stab venus in the kidneys and take its wallet i'm curious what'll happen to venus this is venus look at how slowly it rotates look at how much clothing it wears all the time it doesn't want you to see what's beneath now all of this is because of this ridiculous surface temperature actually you know what hold on we're not going to call this venus anymore this is exactly like where i live 10 billion humidity that's south florida alrighty so first things first we're going to start with normal numbers before we get to the stupid numbers you need a baseline after all i'm going to go ahead and slow things down just a little bit so we're going to take the sun we're going to do something that should be scientifically impossible but it's universe sandbox so we can do whatever the hell we want go ahead and put this negative symbol here ah the sun has obtained a nice shade of hypothermia that's good now what's interesting is you're gonna notice that the surface temperature is actually the same see the temperature isn't going down it's the fact that it is kicking planets in the ball so hard that they're losing their heat all right south florida how you looking all right south florida is still normal okay earth is still normal as well go ahead and uh speed things up here a little bit okay now the temperature's starting to go down it just took a little bit the average surface temperature of earth is now down to three degrees celsius roughly that two percent that was left alive really doesn't want to die actually come to think of it we have quite a few gas giants i'm expecting all of them will look like shriveled testicles by the time this is done all right i'm going to go ahead and move this along even faster here all right south florida is down to 380 degrees celsius that's actually quite nice you'd want to take a dip in the water at this point and by water i mean steam how's mars doing negative 271 degrees huh sounds wonderful i'd like to show y'all something real quick so the earth is only three oh i'm sorry point three percent as similar as it used to be because it's negative a million degrees on the surface right now uh yet somehow someone's still alive this is like the 70 russian people that live in the negative 400 degree fahrenheit weather i read about it somewhere they don't have kidney stones they just piss icicles okay took a long time but south florida is finally down to 160 degrees celsius what's interesting is there's actually places you could probably live on venus right now this is interesting so venus aka south florida no longer exists in the game it's just a black spot now but if you go over here it's still there and it's turned into a pool ball i'm serious it looks like something you put inside of a wool sock to beat a man to death with i'm surprised it took so long for this to happen it's negative 90 degrees celsius how's jupiter doing so um this is jupiter i realized why it looks like a black spot because we're since we're removing energy like literally removing energy from the planets there's no light so i have to legitimately go in and make my own light this is jupiter now okay but something stranger than jupiter which looks only slightly cancerous if i turn this back to realistic there's people living on jupiter how the hell did this happen everyone's like oh it's so comfy over here in the darkness the people that live in this game are very industrious because i took away all of the light that should be possible they have created their own light i like how everyone only lives on one side of jupiter what happened the other side it's not good enough where what is this continent over here where the hell is everyone living right here the entire surface looks like gelatinous toxic waste it's like a perfect sphere of baby vomit what the hell happened to saturn i wonder all right saturn how you doing buddy did there water on saturn what the hell this place looks better to live than earth i'm not gonna lie removing energy from the universe is possibly the greatest thing i've ever done i like how this part of saturn is more tan than this part of saturn the rings got so scared they laughed they're like you're not my daddy anymore there's a legitimate ocean out here i i don't know how it's not frozen because there shouldn't be any energy but i'm you know what i don't care this is this is amazing this is new and exciting i mean are there people living on saturday i've been i'm trying to destroy the universe i've made it a more prosperous place for people who live looking at life on saturn is a lot like looking at the clouds here on earth you know how you'll see things in the clouds this looks like a dude snowboarding like there's the snowboard there's his feet there's his goku super saiyan hair right here this is one arm he's got like he's got like a cell phone right here he's taking a picture of himself there's more gas giants isn't there neptune how you doing buddy all right neptune show me something exciting oh hold on let me shine a light in your friggin eyes first there we go what what is this i made a planet that's all it is is just a bunch of hawaii's it's like a water world everyone gets their own private island what the hell is going on here i find it kind of interesting that the boiling point and the freezing point are really close huh neptune lost a bunch of weight and turned into the everglades sure you know what why not hey uranus where the hell are you oh there you are i've i was gonna say at this point i have screwed up the solar system in ways that i never thought possible uranus is covered in moss there's also some leakage coming out of the side of uranus over here it's like snowy mountains great by inverting energy i have fixed the entire universe does this mean that the people on the side of earth that i expose to the negative sun will actually flourish guess it's time to find out real quick just because i think it's awesome this is what our solar system now looks like everything looks like a bunch of jawbreakers the only difference is uranus looks more earth-like than earth neptune turned into hawaii and saturn and jupiter look like perfect testicles and the sun looks like it's suffocating okay in order to do this we're going to need an earth that knows how the hell to stay still let's see here sad earth all sad earth knows how to do is spin i need it to not do that either rotational period jillions of years all of it there we go now we need an appropriate sun a real sun if you will the good sun here we go okay stop that sun from moving anywhere turn off the habitable zone okay now half of this earth should be totally fine which half of the earth did i end up saving well you know it's florida go ahead and speed things up here just to see what happens all right you'll notice that um the parts that don't get any sun have been slowly encroached in ice which is effectively all of canada now and most of south america my god australia are you okay no australia is not okay all right let's take a look at some of the temperatures here okay so every place that the sun doesn't exist it's negative 77 degrees celsius i just thought about something else i kind of wonder what happens if i would put because i'm going to put the negative sun directly on the other side but i'm starting to wonder now what would happen if i put the negative sun right next to the positive sun if they would just cancel each other out we wouldn't get anywhere all right first things first got to put down the negative sun okay i've got the two suns exactly the same distance apart now to change this one up this sounds extra rebellious i'm gonna name it carl but with a k okay carl's set go all right now many years are moving by here we've got the normal sun on this side and carl on this side so what happened to the earth what the hell like part of the earth unfroze but in really weird places it unfroze over here in japan and over here in australia what the hell look at this it's like it goes from 38 degrees celsius you know down to negative 59 and then there is a patch over here which is absolute zero i like how it is exactly 50 similar to earth and there's still life potential i know you're like where like right hold on like right here right there okay now real quick i want to see what happens if i double the power of the regular sun maybe i can create some sort of harmony so double this okay still negative 123 degrees huh all right let's double it again okay starting to get warmer double it again down to negative 56. okay we're now at 16 times the luminosity of the sun all right negative four okay [Music] we're holding at basically zero it's like you know negative point six this is the surface one part's at 351 degrees celsius and the other one's at absolute zero okay hold on what happens now if i take carl and i multiply him by 16 times all right carl luminosity and then oh [ __ ] i went too far there we go average surface temperature negative 20. you know what screw this we're just i'm just gonna go like a million times over yeah whatever times here times that many times that many that many all right same for you go oh sweet jesus yes okay i want to mention something real quick this is the first time that i have been able to turn part of the earth into molten lava but it's molten ice lava what look at it go i gotta slow this down there we go this is a perfect example look it's like perfect in half one half of the earth looks somewhat normal the other half of the earth is boiling heat magma death but it's also ice you get to either have absolute zero or you get to have 1600 degrees celsius someone could still live on this planet hold on i need to find out exactly how many people this would be hey google how many people live on earth here's a summary from world of meter world population is expected to reach 8 billion people in 2023 that's not what i asked okay it says about 7.8 billion hey google what is point eight billion times zero point zero zero zero one five six i found these results the answer is one million two hundred sixteen thousand 800. there's still a million people left in this world i mean we might as well go all the way all right let's double it you know what let's just go times 10. um what the hell happened to the shape of the earth god i turned the earth into like a tumorous chicken nugget i mean there's still water i like how there's just this one really jagged edge on the earth all right time to finish things up i need to see if i can put carl and oh [ __ ] on the same side okay sad earth go i just realized something too when i put the negative sun right next to the positive sun they're probably going to rip each other apart due to the gravitational pull but honestly it may be awesome since one of them is giving off energy and the other one is taking energy away i'm so distraught that i forgot to save carl okay regular sun and negative sun and out there's the earth but realistically i'm more or less curious what the hell happens here go ahead and slow things down just in case the world ends in like record time go okay nothing's exploded yet but time is moving very slowly so let me go ahead and speed things up a little bit okay couple seconds have passed now oh jesus carl don't let him beat you carl what the hell is carl absorbing the energy of the sun it is how's the earth doing the earth seems okay i should have known since one of them has positive energy and the other one has negative energy it is stripping the energy from the sun carl you leech you're like the drunken uncle that would never get a job wait no now the sun is gaining power it's like a dbz episode goku got his ass kicked but now he's coming back the other son evaporated carl what happened jesus uh i did the science work that way i feel like science wasn't supposed to work that way i like now that i've given the sun blood red rings um okay sure what happened to the earth how you doing earth the hell was that what was that something just exploded oh it's just the ridiculous [ __ ] happening in the background i'm sure it'll be fine hey japan's okay australia as well oh the average surface temperature is actually 14.1 let me speed things way up there we go now the world's screwed took two years for one part of the earth to be 162 and the other part to be negative 10. you could still live there though and somehow only exactly half of africa died i like how no one can live in this earth but the other earth that was even way more torturous than this had people living on it like a million people well we finally got to divide by zero in universe sandbox we call that a win because i can i'm gonna go ahead and put carl right next to the earth well folks hope you all enjoyed this episode of universe sandbox too till the next time stay foxy and much
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Views: 1,384,959
Rating: 4.9531121 out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, gray still plays, universe sandbox, universe sandbox 2 gameplay, universe sandbox 2 gameplay pc, universe sandbox 2 update, ways the world could end, greystillplays, universe sandbox 2, black holes, dime sized black hole, dime sized black holes, black hole vs earth, smallest black hole, smallest black hole ever, simulation games, 1mm black hole, when you cut the earth in half, cold sun, cold suns, cold radiating sun, cold emitting sun, cold sun vs hot sun
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 32sec (932 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2020
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