I was hired to determine your fate and this happened

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alright so we're checking out the only game where you get to send people to hell for the stupidest reasons thus slowly destroying the delicate balance between two otherworldly places its pearly gates more lowering property values inhale damn it pearly gates is a game that was probably made by my son as I understand it the reasons that you get to choose between people going to heaven and hell get stupider and stupider over time until eventually there's probably no way that anyone in the entire planet will ever go to heaven also I love how the god of this game basically looks like a colorless carrot that found some sort of like party city disguise so will the reasons that people have to go to hell in this game be dumber than any I've ever seen god I hope so you're the new judgment trainee welcome check out the floating desk pretty neat right I thought so I'm assuming that God just is very excited he has his hands up I don't know he could also be wearing his testicles on his shoulder the art style in this game leaves a lot to the imagination each spirit will come with a bio on their life it's your job to give it a read and decide whether they deserve an eternity of bliss with me and the boys or some quite inventive fits of torture wow I'm like four sentences in and I already love this game you don't want to see what their trialing with bees down there at the moment gives me the shivers no Nicolas Cage be damned what is an eternity of bliss with me and the boys is this just like bowling and drinking beer think about it for each spirit can't have anyone slipping through I'll give you the rules slowly so you can get the grips all who have killed in any way go straight to hell I think I see now where this game's extremism is going to come in because this sentence the way this reads all who have killed in any way doesn't the average human eat like 200 spiders a year in their sleep Heaven's gonna live like a barren wasteland and hell's gonna look like a slum let's do this you're not a mission like some of us points gun fingers I don't work for God I work for the big lebowski actually now I'm starting to see the resemblance we have Breanna she's 12 years old and she liked cupcakes I like that this is all past tense she liked cupcakes and then she died now she's like cakes wait she killed some cupcakes does that mean she has to go to hell I don't know I have to get to the end here you can go to heaven for now hated anything yellow so what did he have to like turn away and disgust when he was taking a piss Kyle Graham's convicted serial killer man they make it difficult the first stage I like that he at least got dressed up before coming here though this guy's name is Carl he's 33 it says he's a vegan and he still had a blockbuster card out of everything this man has done in his life this is the one thing that followed him all the way to judgment the other thing is to this game says killed in any way like this guy was a vegan but plants are still alive they just move a lot slower Tianna Dov is she naked 97 good for her loved a turtleneck exterminator for 40 years in Florida here this woman would be heralded as a savior but in this game she goes to hell and YP d-detective married three times I love that this guy's background is just like there's no color in it at all he's like my wives have taken everything including my background Kandace she was a gymnast had an affair with her boss and killed the deer of the truck I lived in Jersey for 18 years this lion right here it was just a matter of when you were going to hit a deer I can feel that deer right now he's like punish her I just got a ten of ten I think I totally know where this game is going now that exterminator apparently completely deserved to go to hell hey man good job on that first bunch thanks bro it would save me a lot of time if you could keep it up it might sound stupid but eternity isn't as long as it seems I mean you're right that that does sound stupid all who have stolen it must now go straight to hell this is gonna be one of those things where you go to work and you end up like taking a pen home with you and you're gonna go to hell is that let's keep this ship watertight we're not just talking bank robbery here all of them any kind crack on my man you got it dude Kimmy asked a bar Catholic priest had relations with a nun you're lucky because there's only two rules right now so you legitimately get to sneak on by to heaven this guy's like oh my god volunteered at a soup kitchen on weekends three children pirated children's films they like yogurt that's nice I like yogurt you're still going to hell Robbie's probably like every young child deserve to see the new Sonic movie I agree with you but you should have died yesterday by homeless most of their life stole market fruit to survive donated blood this game is gonna get to the point where like the people are like save the human race developed cure for cancer but eventually the rules gonna be like no lecherous Ness at all and that the other things that be like kissed wife one time straight to hell I'm not gonna lie Jamal the biggest success that I see here is that you died at age 69 nice you're still going to hell Arielle loved dinosaurs never heard of Jurassic Park I does not compute this is like loving bacon but not knowing what a pig is did for night dances I don't care if it means I lose the level Susanna is four years old she thought quicksand is life's biggest threat what kind of life have you led to the point where you're four years old and you have an intrinsic fear of quicksand Susanna was like how a four-year-old D&D adventurer apple juices their favorite coke mom's purse for sweets congratulations you're the youngest soul I've condemned today loved vodka I need to read nothing else go to heaven Mandy jargon served time in prison robbed 12 banks weird obsession with rhinos like how how obsessive are we talking about here oh I can see how this game works now shark tooth necklace admires Hitler's accomplishments and like to skateboard but nothing about killing and nothing about stealing does that mean this kind of gets to Kevin Cory's like rules are rules baby all right Lilly meditated daily worked in a slaughterhouse love drew Barrymore worked in a slaughterhouse so this is her murder oh my god I got fired for that one kid I sent to hell for his fortnight dances that's all right I'll power through this real quick nicely done I've gotta level with you we've got a bit of an issue upstairs how far upstairs we're already upstairs I know you probably thought I was at the top if I tried to explain it your mind would literally melt trust me we tried why do you think there's a vacancy say no more anyway the situation look all I can say is it involves some very angry mothers all that died under the age of 18 go straight to heaven things are starting to get real complex Freddie collected coins claimed four of them were his children and named one shiny boy part of my soul is dying from clicking this enjoyed murdering ants with fire this kid's life was so difficult that age 16 he was bald oh no he's 17 and under he gets to go to heaven think of the ants Indiana's Robin Hood saved lives by stealing food gave her life to save a dog I think it said under 18 right Fatima you should have gotten yourself shanked at 17 and 364 days Janet had a pet beaver and also made sure to wear shirts that were the same color as her again it is also possible that she's just naked and wearing a necklace I really don't know honestly though pet beaver straight to heaven also they turd was slashed that doesn't hurt either the big lebowski will be very impressed with that remember kids don't drink and drive otherwise you get to double hockey sticks okay this is what I was talking about Olive won a Nobel Prize found a cure for virus strain didn't pay their taxes the choice is obvious ain't a lot of paste I mean there's plenty of room in heaven for people that eat paste I guess wait this guy constantly used his neighbor's Wi-Fi that's stealing right well the g-man did say of any kind he'll pet rabbit by sitting on it these BIOS are getting very specific raised younger sister taught disabled children math used stolen laptop to teach Angela let me ask you something do you like bees killed rats with a BB gun and then dabbed on their corpses this kids last name is llama town I'm not gonna lie now I'm struggling I mean he has to go to heaven because he's under 17 all right enjoy your stay your corpse dabbing [ __ ] it worked I'm getting the hang of this I'm so good at being a terrible person right there's good news and bad news the good news is Karen's little meltdown has been resolved and we can start rightfully judging those pesky kids on their sins the bad news is Karen got disappeared define disappeared pretty standard stuff kid people have to respect each other's bodies how much respect owned a record store liked Bon Jovi you may live nickname was the hawk liked baseball cards ran over a rat with their bike and liked mallanna all at age 4 this girl is probably like yeah that rat looked at me wrong I ran his ass over they call me the hawk before they can call you the hawk in hell okay now this is getting ridiculous renowned chef first to combine PB&J but stole the idea from their friend so it's not even objects now it's simply ideas that people are stealing I guess hell I don't even know at this point I'm sitting so many people robbed 11 banks killed three security officers okay at least they followed up a hard one with an easy one I've been trying to figure out how to get past this level I think it's this girl right here her routines stole the show stealing of any kind he'll a few hours later getting past that last board makes me want to die and there's still two left nice job so far it doesn't feel nice we're making progress so the upstairs felt a need to set an example for the other Karen's we have a new temporary rule Noah don't women permit oh my god I know I know it seems extreme but what can I say it's over my head kid I think this game really shows us that it doesn't matter who you are everyone answers to someone thought juggling was cool until they died from it Suzanne is three and she's ahead of her class at three I feel like this is the girl that when her parents constantly talk about how their child is the best like some parent is like yeah well my kid won the Spelling Bee and this parent is like yeah well my kid graduated high school at three being that far ahead in life just means that you're going to learn about disappointment earlier Amy your only crime is being 48 she's like tell me about it I started going grey and everything yeah well now you're going to hell love to mash the show hated mash the food it says he served in two wars but it doesn't say that he killed anyone so sure I don't know the rules were getting kind of specific here this poor girl 21 she had a baking blog before she was baking for her blog but now the only baking she'll be doing is in hell Esther liked to be outdoors I've got bad news for you Esther because I feel like hell is technically considered indoors Nancy's twelve years old so so far so good like Harry Potter killed a spider in her room you murderer gave the funeral said sorry mr. spider that's adorable it's also punishable by hell listen they said murder of any kind okay I didn't make the rules caused a five-car pileup was drink driving drink drive I think this translation was drink driving continues to drink drive despite this I mean it doesn't say anyone was killed so it has taken me like an extra hour to get this 20 of 20 screen you have no idea how convoluted it is judging people now we're on the last board the ending to this better blow my mind I think I understand now why so many people end up going to hell in this game it's because this game was made by the devil hey man hope you're not getting cold feet about this position it's not so much cold feet as it is a lack of will to live the guys upstairs have reverted the care and go all Liars must be sent straight to hell you can't do anything now just about Annabelle like to play stuck in the mud ironically she drowned the swamp man you just missed the Charon culling enjoy your stay in heaven Carlos Stephenson lawyer like I'm actually curious if this game just assumes that he lies had friend take their bar exam Oh dad will do it he's kind of lucky though that his friend passed the reason why I say is because I've seen instances where people had their friends take their drug tests for him for work and their friends still failed favorite game was twister stole from the bank in monopoly this girl six years old and she has to go to hell for this oh this is a diva last game Italian mayor failed to protect his people as promised with this child's babysitter this isn't so much lying as it is sucking I don't know if there's anything I learned in this game when in doubt sent him to hell Clemmy jellyfish is this guy's name this guy has the best name of any human I've ever seen in my life he was a bricklayer he told clients the work would be done in days but then the water caused it to take weeks he didn't charge them as an apology I feel kind of bad for this guy because like this isn't really his fault but you can apologize in hell trained nurse says this won't hurt sometimes it didn't what happened the rest of the time she's like well fifty percent of the time it didn't yeah well fifty percent will get you to hell sacrificed a goat sounds like murder drank soup out of a glass I think the real question here is what kind of soup if it's just chicken stock maybe it's not that disgusting but if it's like chili I have a problem with this oh my god this is the first time in my entire life in this game that I have judged people correctly we did it we finally judged everyone appropriately I mean given the context of the game if there's one thing I learned it's that we're all going to hell anyway well hope you enjoyed this episode of pearly gates til next time stay foxy much left
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 3,929,256
Rating: 4.9259629 out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, dating simulation games, episode interactive, life game, funny ending, heaven and hell, heaven and hell game, heave and hell simulator, heaven simulator, funny simulator games, simulation games, choices game, grim reaper sim, life sim, life simulator game, multiple choice game, pearly gates
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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