when bird strikes push 747s to impossible extremes

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alright so we're checking out the only game where you can kill all of your passengers and your plane by slaughtering an infinite amount of birds on purpose it's explained eleven more bird murdered Emmett explained eleven is a game we are supposed to fly prudently and safely that's not gonna happen I learned that you can find birds in this game like intentionally and mow them down with your engines it can cause damage to your plane but goddamn it I want to see just how much these planes can take I feel like the 747 is the obvious choice but I feel like the birds are going to look a lot bigger when they're hitting like a Cessna you got to start small and so there's nothing like using your prop like a deli slicer on a bunch of seagulls Oh God you can change the weather wave height 20-foot waves Jesus Christ was a wind layer as well wind speed one knot no not good enough too much I don't actually know how many miles per hour 200 knots is but it sounds like a lot to Google hey Google how many miles per hour is 200 knots 200 knots it's equivalent to 230 point one five six miles per hour oh my god you can fly inside of a tornado this is amazing before we do the birds I have to try something real quick it's turbulence yeah all of it oh my god you could do gust speed increases as well another 50 knots never hurt anyone what is this Natalie 280 miles an hour at this point here the wind could the wind direction can go this way and I'll have the wind go this way I think I've set myself up for success let's do this this little Cessna Skyhawk is like get your hand away from that start flight button enable combat for AI aircraft what I mean sure yeah there the 207 hour winds honestly you know what last we'll just add all of them okay I think we're ready to play this game exactly how it was meant to be played okay I need to take a moment to let everyone know that we haven't even taken off and we're already 500 feet off the ground below there's an actual pilot who is it poor Kyle he's over here with his headphones on he's like my moustache didn't sign up for this uh hold on you can put on the AI flies your craft clearly they'll fly this as well as is possible right ready here we go so there's part of the plane around 1/3 of a mile away it's the other part of the play oh that's nice one of our wings actually fell in some kids baseball field all right we got it we're uh we're up in the air so that's better than than we did before sweet the AI is doing quite well nevermind I mean maybe if we pick a bigger plane everything will be okay okay the big the big plane is definitely taking the wind shear a lot better than the smaller one I like how this pilot over here is wearing see this is true combat training you're not you're not a good enough pilot and unless you can fly in 270 mile an hour winds I'm not gonna lie though when it looks like the wings of a 747 are flapping that's probably a bad thing come on pilot you better be able to save this that's a hell of a landing this pilot over here is like nailed it I love how this copilot is like 18 year old Joshua fresh out of high school okay back to the birds yeah let's let's just do clear weather I feel like our guy is a lot happier when he's not flying inside of an f5 tornado okay so I found the birds what the hell is this this isn't a flock of birds at all there's no rhyme or reason it just looks like a bunch of birds inside of a hurricane you thought I was kidding what the hell is this it's like a giant flying tumor of birds forget attacking the plane looks like the birds are attacking each other this bird over here is like you flipped my wife didn't you son of a bit actually impresses me just how far you can zoom in on this game look at the darkness in this bird's eyes he has seen things that no bird should see alrighty so yeah let's see how the puss-a-la plane does uh pretty bad oh Christ all right this is okay we can probably land this I mean by land it I mean split into three different pieces what the hell is this made out of flubber Jesus Christ looks like the earth doesn't want to deal with it's like don't touch me Kyle where'd you end up at dude I would say he's okay but the cockpit is convulsing don't ask me how or why but you're allowed to take this Cessna for orbital reentry we're at four hundred and fifty thousand feet and 15,000 miles an hour the reentry takes a long time and is an extreme challenge what is it considered when you're doing it with a cessna understood all right we're doing we're doing well we've we've stalled we probably stalled because the Cessna isn't made for the vacuum of space it's getting so dark that my character legitimately just pass out from the g-forces hold on I need to restart this flight but I need to know if you can find birds out in space you cannot get the birds in space and imagine this if you will you're flying your 747 preparing to land on an aircraft carrier when all of a sudden bud light in hand you have to deal with a goddamn bird strike okay I'm not sure what just happened but it sounded like these birds are filled with lead oK we've we've lost one engine that's not that bad yeah I got I got it pull up will you just let me land this please I can totally do this shut up it looks like we're coming in pretty smooth look at that perfect landing just got a pull back on the throttle a little bit hold on can you actually fly into the aircraft carrier from the water damn it it's a narrow miss because all of our thrust is on one side because the goddamn birds took out this engine our boy over here is like gray what the hell are you putting me through you can change the temperature to negative ten degrees Fahrenheit look at that turn the temperature down a little bit you can actually get some air there's probably the worst yeah I don't know to me that landing felt like a like a 4 out of 10 on the plus side all the engines are on fire now so this one doesn't have to feel alone anymore where's my co-pilot net it's like he rolled down the window and jumped out he had enough of this I love that there's an instant replay on this because you get to see the moment of the bird impact in super slow motion yep it's like every bird in the entire planet decided to attack this 747 all at once it sounded like I got into a goddamn car accident one of these birds over here is like I want your insurance information you bastard so I have a question if you set the speed of the wind at like 200 knots with 50 knot gusts and then you also have birds will that make the birds fly it you're playing that much faster I feel like if there was a dev watching this they would be like why the question isn't why the question is why not Oh am I as well have the 20 foot waves too since we're trying to land on a aircraft carrier since we're replicating the Florida life let's make it 125 degrees Farenheit runway conditions wet alright you're flying toward your aircraft carrier you know there's a little bit of wind some of the engines are already going out I love the fact that there's so much wind that the air streaks are getting pissed off at us oh Jesus the birds do go faster you ready I'll turn it on in a second here we go alright once again we've only lost one engine this time I went ahead and put the landing gear down I do appreciate that the wind is actually softening our fall into the water the worst part about this landing is that I didn't confuse the landing gear birds go forward Birds go backward Birds go forward birds go backwards this one bird over here is actually closest to the emergency exit do you know how to operate that mr. bird alright yeah if you notice most of the birds actually missed the plane except for the one that managed to get sucked inside of this engine I love how there's just a bunch of guys over here and Oh another boring day on the aircraft carrier all of a sudden one of them is like what the Christ is that this is what this looks like from the air even the helicopter is having trouble in the 200 and whatever mile an hour winds I'm not gonna lie considering how much was against me you know I feel like from a civilian perspective I flew this alright maybe maybe it was pretty bad bird strike in a helicopter why not I went through like 10 tutorials before I got bored but there was one thing that they never showed you where do you put your beer at there's like no cup holders in this thing a few seconds later I learned something kind of interesting um if you do a full flip in your helicopter the blades they just they just pop off I love how it's the same guy that gets tortured off the scenarios now I know why he looks so unhappy he's like god dammit not again I mean if you're pointed straight at the ground of the birds come from the ground al oh my god the birds did show I love how the entire scene is just littered with birds it's like freaking confetti you can also tell what the priorities are in a game when the birds have more textures than the trees alright we're doing this from the beginning that's a bad idea alright there we go nice smooth ascent I wanted to tilt the blades forward a little bit maybe I can just cut a swath through all the birds okay starting to lose control at first I didn't think the birds really did anything but now it kind of feels like maybe they did I probably should have gotten a little bit more altitude before I tried this what a recovery all right we got two full spins in before imminent death and a nice smooth landing perfect okay now that I can actually fly this thing without dying immediately it's time to turn on the wind real quick okay it's just like my instructor always taught me if you could fly a helicopter inside of a tornado you can fly a helicopter in Florida when I press the unpause button incredible amounts of sadness oh my god I think I'm pretty sure I lost the blades immediately hold on yeah you see right here with the instant replay you get to see the very moment when I screwed up I like other blades didn't get slowed down or anything they just gave up the will to live they're like 250 knot winds fastest when did they leave because it looks like they're still on you know when you uh when you view it like this it's actually very acrobatic it's like watching a beautiful ballet I think my favorite part is that no matter what happens this guy always has the exact same expression on his face he's like you know what gray I'm kind of wishing they had that beer koozie holder in here now and you know what we landed it right on the front there so that wasn't as bad as it could have been this thing goes off in the distance it's gonna end up killing some shrimp fishermen or something I think it's fitting that part of the helicopter landed in some eight-year-olds bedroom he slowly starts to reconsider his future as he takes down all of the plane and a helicopter posters he has on his walls is this something I've always wanted to do which is fly an ultralight with like a weed whacker engine in the middle of a gigantic thunderstorm I really appreciate that the one flying this is Florida girl she's got her lipstick on and everything she's like God just another day in hurricane Satan I mean we all knew this had to happen it's the birds the birds are half the size of the goddamn ultralight I like how this craft is so small and yet somehow like one bird managed to hit the prop I'm totally gonna land this I've let the birds get the best of me this whole episode but this time I'm gonna carburetor ice suspected Oh okay now things are getting a little bit worse all right I'm gonna go for a nice soft landing in those mountains over there is there blood on the cockpit on the glass of the HUD is that the bird's blood or it's them my blood all right let's uh go ahead and back off the throttle here bring those flaps down a little bit gonna end up parking this thing in like a Yugoslavian tavern all right I didn't expect that for some reason our ultralight just spontaneously exploded but hey I landed it right on the road Florida girl went through all that and the only injury she got was a broken neck I mean in the flight stick is partly up her anus now hey Saracen Anne can you help a brother out I can't feel my legs thank you [ __ ] I mean I can put the ultralight in the wind but I think we both know what's gonna happen you know what if she's gonna end up vomiting up her kidneys from the airspeed I might as well give her a nice temperature here 72 degrees I mean to be fair it probably lasted as long as the Cessna you can get a bird strike from down here these birds like you killed our people will follow you to the ends of the earth you bastard look at them they kidding and fly in the wind because it's fast it's chilling out around this ultralight well my watch is this bird Jason Smith with Florida girl anyway folks hope you enjoyed this episode of explain 11:00 until the next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 2,068,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simulation Games, graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, simulator, and this happened, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, business simulator, built a city, management game, x plane 11, x-plane 11, x plane 11 emergency landing, x plane 11 bird strike, xplane 11, emergency landing, vertical takeoff, emergency landing on water, xplane, xplane 11 crash, plane emergency, plane crash, plane crash compilation
Id: qqA0lW8iiL8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Tue May 12 2020
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