when you pour 999,999,999 gallons of water onto the sun

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all right so we're checking out the only game where you get to become a galactic firefighter by trying to put out the entire sun with a huge water hose it's universe sandbox water is supposed to be the thing that brings life to the planet so i'm gonna find out if i can destroy the entire solar system with it seriously everyone keeps saying oh they found water on this planet that means there could be light if you remember we shot a droplet of water at the earth at like 1 billion times light speed earth was sad but today i'm gonna find out exactly how much water it would take to get rid of the sun i also want to find out if adding water to all these other planets make them do anything cool plot twist i'm gonna add zeros until they do something cool now you may be saying yourself but gray is a little bit of water really that bad when you live in florida yes let me show you you go to materials you click on water this is a very small amount of water okay now that i clicked on kilograms it's a very large amount of water but it's still going to prove my point so you shoot some water somewhere near florida you don't have to be right on top of it what's it really matter i like that you can click on all the different singular water particles why the hell is this water starting out at 227 degrees celsius you know what i don't know and i don't care so water impacts the earth besides immediately melting everyone that was near it because you know water hot it's kind of like a nuclear explosion it's not a hydrogen bomb so much as an h2o bomb so anyway florida was immediately destroyed all of the gators are now being swished over to california and new jersey i'm kind of curious exactly how much of the united states this little bit of water will get rid of apparently the entire united states you know what let's destroy canada while we're at it i think it's important to realize that small amount of water has killed like 400 million people in about 20 minutes in the movies the tidal wave is always moving kind of slowly so you can see it coming here the tidal wave is moving at like 2 000 miles an hour and the water is finally not pissed off anymore i like how you can see the sand bar where the outline of the united states used to be it's probably fantastic fishing over here australia's over here laughing it's like aha that's what you get for having possums that look cute oh really let's just go ahead and fix thoughts like those there we go we've only killed two percent of the entire population of earth this is a travesty so it's not that i want to shoot the water really fast because we already did that i just want to shoot stupid amounts of the water what happens if you go to the water and you go to the particle mass okay and you increase this to the maximum and then uh i don't know do this you know what let's go there every single particle has a mass of one third the mass of the earth i really like that you can keep open this menu while you're shooting this so you can actually see how many people you're killing i'm only gonna do one tap because i'm pretty sure that's all that you'll need that is an earth-sized droplet of water look at an incoming and earth is like oh son of a now let us watch as it touches down okay so the moment it touched we uh killed about 30 of the earth i'm sorry 50 of the earth and there goes the rest now you may notice that the earth is currently doing this super heating thing on the plus side there's still five percent of the people left they're probably all the way over here everyone's always so worried about the tidal wave of water what happens when it's a tidal wave of scalding fire come on i know a few of you guys can survive this what kind of heat do we got going on over here uh 38 000 degrees celsius eh that's nice when you start having little glitches that's when you know i'm not sure what this secondary motion is it's probably the atmosphere of the earth peace outing look people are breeding again everything's fine there's one thing oh never mind they're not bringing any more something happened come on if there's one thing humans have found it's that they can have sex under any circumstance get up there let's go ahead and speed things up a little bit here just to see how it all ends up i'm kind of curious what it would be like to try this on venus or jupiter or something everyone always wanted those places to have water i'll give them water oh the earth has like a red sheen now well it had a red sheen until the rest of the water decided to flip around and smash it on this side for a moment it had turned into the sith version of earth temperature getting any hotter not really but it's squeezing in those last few pockets of people like the five million people that have all just shacked up on this little area i just wanted to see what would happen after the earth cooled down things went back to normal in kevin costner's water world 4.5 of the people get to live okay water is not the stuff of life because there's so much water we're retaining a lot of heat and the average surface temperature is 187 degrees celsius i'm renaming you your name is now kevin costner welcome to science don't you worry son i'm leaving you for last all right everyone loves venus look at this water composition on venus not enough don't worry we'll start slow i'm not a monster good bring this down all right what should happen if a bunch of water smashes into venus my god we suddenly have life likelihood maybe it is true maybe water does make life all it's making it look like is like it's making a lot of heat i mean i'm gonna keep shooting venus with water something has to work eventually maybe i could penetrate through all that damn venous tissue on top and you can write stuff in the venus cloud all right well since more water seems to be better let's go ahead and increase it okay maybe more water isn't always better i'm killing what little life i had on there holy sweet jesus venus's atmosphere finally got pissed off for a moment it also went up to like 1 billion degrees celsius the hell did i do to this place oh okay while it's a chilly 389 degrees celsius look it's cooling down we're fixing venus we're turning it into a real planet hey good good look at this earth similarity 64 i'm not 100 sure why there's inky blackness coming from the water explosion i've created it's like the nether coming to claim everything that could have been made life on venus we don't think so i'm trying to inseminate a planet stop eating everything hey 83 it's taking a couple of years to level out there's some really interesting things going on the surface of this planet look the heat is starting to level all right just just a little bit more water just a touch all right there's a little bit more than a touch but it's it it's fine welcome to the new venus i don't know how i did it but it now has lakes made of black ice i'm serious most of the surface of this place is negative 117 degrees celsius but there are very nice pockets at around negative 50. as i screw over all the planets there's no reason to leave mars out look at that there's a little bit of water on mars there's about to be a lot more water on mars actually since i can change the fabric of these pieces can i like make this way colder yeah negative a bajillion wait a second did they make it so that there's no limit to how cold something can be okay now i'm kind of curious all right marge there's your water sorry it came in kind of hot you notice there's an interesting band that's following the explosion radius this is like purgatory this is that area right before you die look at that boom a little bit of water we got life bring that down to negative a million bazillion yep there's no limit anymore thank you jesus just gonna watch the surface here to see what the impact does makes people sad welcome to the new mars there's actually a couple of nipples of water that you can live next to there's a couple of dark spots i still don't know what the hell that is i don't know when in doubt add more water i guess actually you know what the problem is it's not enough water just like the last time hold on three earth's worth of water that may have been too much water let's go all the way i turned mars into a flame thrower that's cool i'm just gonna keep going until something really bad happens oh now marge is shooting out fireworks you know let's just keep going one jupiter's worth of water ah the moment you start breaking the game that's when you know will the graphics get any worse if i just keep going oh cool i turned mars into a sun is this going to screw up the solar system i feel like this is going to screw up the solar system i'm sure it'll be fine all right jupiter i've been waiting to screw you over for a long time go ahead and slow that ass down i need plenty of light here it's like doing surgery i can throw hydrogen at the problem too i'll just stick to water for right now we don't need to add jupiter's worth of particles quite yet all right jupiter how do you feel about average water doesn't really do anything let's go ahead and move it up a little bit still nothing keep going 33 earth's worth of water i just shot particles six times the amount of the milky way that was a bad idea because i turned the entire solar system into a black hole when i did that well crap all right now that we've ruined the lives of almost everyone in the solar system it's only the big cheese that's left and as we all know hydrogen doesn't get along with anything else so it kicked out all the water which is weird because water is hard hydrogen actually wait a second when i spill a bunch of water onto the sun is it gonna like obliterate the oxygen and then just leave the hydrogen behind and get more powerful now whatever i'm bad at science but i'm good at clicking buttons i feel like for this we should just go big right away how many zeros yes okay well time is passing and the water hasn't immediately evaporated or anything it's a plasma but it still counts i find it interesting as well that the water doesn't blow up when it hits the sun how much is the sun like earth point nine percent hey really can we get that number up i like how the more water i add the less it becomes like earth i feel like we'll be able to do something wonderful here because clearly the sun just does whatever it wants all right well let's keep pumping this up that's temperature on the sun 20 bazillion degrees celsius huh seems legit actually while i'm trying to destroy the sun's life with water there is one thing i just want to see usually i end up pulling planets apart that are made up of iron or rock or whatever else but if there was a water world that was next to the sun all right where's the planet that everyone hates no no no no oh that's right it's pluto i don't even think that you're considered a planet anymore oh no it still says planet it's just a minor planet all right so you take your pluto okay put it real close like say here then you turn it from a cancerous orb into a watery cancerous orb i like how even the water on pluto looks depressed so right now all the water is ice so we'll go ahead and melt it i like how as i change the type of water it tur it like it takes on different stages of cancer from this to this to this all right slow things down give it hell i like that right off the bat this little area looks like a nuclear explosion happening on the horizon all right effective temperature of 1800 degrees celsius that's actually not too bad now things are moving kind of slowly at like a second a second so i'm gonna go ahead and oh here we go oh hey everyone it's raining fire that's nice mmm fragments of skin melting water i like that it's just a perfect sheet of water fragments flying directly away from pluto it's not that they want to be near the sun they just don't want to be near pluto oh we've got a perfect ring of death happening here that's nice go ahead and speed things up just a little bit not really sure why it started to vomit out the side on top of what's happening over here but i'm not gonna ask any questions man water worlds are the best [Music] that's like a little highway of fire the highway to hell if you will that takes a long time for pluto to just give up there we go all right we did really not too much was happening the last time so we're gonna go a little stupider here 38 jupiters of water i'm not gonna lie the sun actually looks better after getting watered it grew up into such a beautiful being 85 of the sun is now water i don't think it's gonna happen but it would be fantastic if i could get a small percentage of life on the sun come on damn it it's not good enough until something blows up more water there we go okay the sun's starting to get a lot bigger that's all that's actually happening okay uh yeah i'm sure everything will be fine but 99.6 water now i've got some bad news uh i don't know why but i was adding water to the sun and then the sun turned black and new a supernova now when you get supernovae it's not good remember all that work that we put into mars oh god uranus how you doing your rain is just like sad neptune you're mostly water neptune is like no i was mostly water i like how only half of it is burning on all these planets because the supernova is expanding so quickly i just came over here to saturn to see how the rings are doing under the supernova how the hell are they still here oh never mind things are starting to get bad it's almost like the rings are separate from saturn because while saturn is broiling at 3 300 degrees celsius the ring fragments are at zero like absolute zero to go ahead and let the the artifactual graphical problems continue hey and finally saturn's rings can be free free to go on oh while i was looking at saturn the rest of the solar system got melted down and nothing well that sucks that's fine i thought i would give jupiter some rings that was a terrible idea because jupiter has effectively become a second so i feel the power of the ring helix so basically i wanted to know if you could turn the sun off by adding enough water and answer is yes but by turning the sun off you create a gigantic supernova that ends all life in the entire solar system as we know anyway folks hope you enjoyed this episode of universe sandbox 2. for the next time they foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 3,620,002
Rating: 4.9208603 out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, gray still plays, universe sandbox, universe sandbox 2 gameplay, universe sandbox 2 gameplay pc, universe sandbox 2 update, ways the world could end, universe sandbox 2, black holes, dime sized black hole, dime sized black holes, smallest black hole, smallest black hole ever, simulation games, black hole on earth, 1mm black hole, donut planet, god games, pouring water on the sun, what if you poured water on the sun, i poured water on the sun, water on sun
Id: nUFCFMgp3q4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 18 2020
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