Former Prisoners, Which Crimes Were Respected In Prison? (AskReddit)

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ex-cons of reddit which crimes were respected in prison which were hated why attorney here with several prison guard friends in the northeast you sir substantially violent crimes will get you respect as in people will leave you alone smart guy crimes if you ran a good scam or were a major drug player are also respected as in people may want to be your friend if you're in for lesser drug or miss Glasson e slash gun possession slash simple assault type crime zero nobody kid knickers are separated out here because they are absolutely targets and rapists are often targeted as well as another commenter mentioned if you have crimes against women and children you're gonna have a bad time i haven't ever personally been in jail but i speak on behalf of my parents who have both been in and out while no crimes were necessarily respected by all crimes such as stealing or making counterfeit money was seen by fellow inmates as more impressive and these people would have an easier time getting along with others pedophiles rapists child pornography viewers et Cie these people were despised so much so that they have their own section of the jail dedicated to them if a pedophile was put in general population with the rest of the inmates he'd likely have a knife pulled on him or worse while inmates all commit crimes most are still able to look down on the despicable types of human beings that prey on children a friend of mine got away with three robberies but what put him in jail was an assault to a police officer and he said jail was easy he also pointed out that most of the convicts would do research in the prison libraries if they didn't believe you or wanted to confirm your sentence and if you came up lying about what you were in for you were [ __ ] or dead were his words not an ex-con but related to several here's a list of people that are usually killed on site snitches rapists a lot of the time pedophiles and murderers of women and children I'm probably missing a few here's a list of criminals that aren't necessarily respected but preferred by prisoners murder of rival gang members drug traffickers slash dealers and people on drug Cession charges the way they find your charges is that you are put in with paperwork and this paperwork has a list of what you're in for your respective races gang will have people go and ask to see your papers and afterwards you will be judged by them some prisons might be different from country to country sex crimes are the lowest of the low priority given to those who commit them against children for sex offenders its PC or having to love in constant fear of violence respected crimes are not centered around one thing it depends on the person it's not like with the other way around where everyone hates sex offenders even the COS will sometimes tip guys off that they should check somebody's paperwork it people who have never been down spewing the same old 70 year old myths and stereotypes they learned by watching TV and movies there should be a first-hand experience tag to sort through all the echo-chamber drivel like the serious tag helps sort through all the bad guns just saying it gets old seeing the same old reposts and same old replies from people who have no actual experience to base their insights on anyway to answer the question and yes I've done time in jail in prison in prison it doesn't really matter what you're in for as long as you don't have kids on your charges and you didn't cooperate with authorities and snitch on others you'll have your papers checks so don't lie about your charges and let them know an intake if you are a snitch or Chano so that you have no chance of being in gen-pop you get sent to gen-pop and if you refuse to show your papers emails are sent out by inmates asking for help investigating your case and charges most shot-callers have phones and can instantly find out themselves what you did without having to rely on coded emails back in the day before phone smuggling corrupted a majority of COEs you had to send out phone calls or emails asking your people to check on someone you gotta show your papers to be able to eat with and associate with your people in prison your people typically being those of the same race or gang affiliation you don't have or won't show your papers you'll be alone outcast target of every group looking for someone to X Floyd or even use as an easy victim that conundrum and their people points if you send them to medical or the morgue the bottom line is this you have no friends in prison if you do you have no idea how to play the game and survive even if you're doing time for killing someone who broke into your home and raped your wife nobody really cares or discusses the crimes of fellow inmates once you've settled in you either have kids on your charges or you don't and if you do you better make sure you don't end up on a unit with those who don't I've seen ciamis assaulted viciously and the guards took their sweet time getting there I've seen coasts put Thomas in gen-pop just to see them get [ __ ] up perhaps because the Chama was in our Solan intake or perhaps some Coast just want to get as many Chalmers hurt or killed as they can but once you're vetted your experience in prison will be dependent on your communication skills your patience and tolerance and knowing how to avoid powder keg situations Chama slash child killers are hash one in everyone's list the guards the guys every single person gods react slower to the incident when they no aside from specific gang-related praises likes your anus respecting their fellows for Norteno killings the only respected crime is when someone handles hash one even then I wouldn't consider that truly respected you could still get into [ __ ] the only real respect you get is from the crimes you commit while you're in there I asked a friend who has been to jail since I have no experience aside from child molesters who are universally despised you're not respected for your crime you're respected for how you conduct yourself if you stay out a drama and respect others you will get the same in return just be prepared to stand your ground the only hated offenders are child molesters child murderer / abusers rapists sex offenders snitches it really depends on the state and institution like in my state elderly abusers abuses of handicapped / mentally [ __ ] anyone who's deemed as vulnerable and defenseless is also a huge nono it depends on the race whites do not tolerate the abuse of women in any way whatsoever blacks do not care about anything and have no rules Mexicans are similar but do have some strict rules for instance in clay for Nia where I was South siders had different rules as opposed to Price's as for others I'm not sure on their rules now a big difference between NLR and the abbeys that NLR doesn't believe in taking a hit on another white man and has no rules 18 to 80 anyone can get it son worked in a jail from my experience being in close quarters with criminals and alleged criminals the obvious crimes were severely hated like rape sexual assault child porn beating women or kids people in cases like this were all put in a separate pod no crimes were really respected but one guy I knew for shooting his cheating wife and the guy she was cheating with was respected for that though but I believe it was only because of the way he really owned it and joked so often about it for whatever reason they really liked this guy and to be honest even I found it hard to hate him for it Judah was the nicest guy I ever met I've done time and County and state sex crimes are the worst crimes you can have if you have a sex crime you basically have a green light on you even in protective custody sex offenders and snitches get stabbed and beat up also any crimes involving children are the worst child endangerment charges will get you killed obviously sex crimes that involve a child violence towards the child will also get you a green light on the yard the crimes that come and the most Rezac among inmates are bank robbery murder racketeering allative hustlers that got caught with weight are also respected I have a friend who constantly is going to jail for really basic things like graffiti but he always seems to have a pretty okay time he just doodles with whatever he can find and when people get curious he draws whatever officers and fellow cellmates ask him to lots of people wanting self portraits but he always seems to make friends here terrorism the guy who went around town and stab whew and one of his fellow Muslims was sadly not beaten to death in prison he was then moved to some other place there where he is not allowed to see other inmates in my opinion a person like that should be put in with the rest and let the prisoners redeem themselves so little from the crimes they have committed in Australia generally speaking murderers were given respect though the crime itself might not be respected drug crimes were pretty middle of the way the crime itself was respected even if the criminal wasn't if you were a kid to share you went into protection prison because if you were in mainstream people would jump on your head the Australian term for being a snitch was called being a dog which would get people jumping on your head just as fast as being a kid to share which earned the protection prisons the term boneyard where all the dogs are Brit here from my experience a lot of fraud et Cie is fine providing the victims of big corporations and other government kind of a respectable crime drugs affray shoplifting et Cie are the main ones and perfectly fine obviously sex crimes and pedophiles are on the lowest rung burglary and mugging et Cie are not respected or weren't where I was anything invading someone's personal home or similar were considered pretty shitty behavior especially if your victim was a little old lady murder depends entirely on the reason lady who killed her abusive ex pretty much ran the wing lady who murdered her cousin because they burnt the sausages at a BB Q not so much respect but fear the two women on my wing who had the most respect was one who was in for assaulting a police officer her story suggested self-defense and a woman who along with three of her friends beat the [ __ ] out of her daughter's abusive partner been to jail and prison few times most of this is accurate with some slight tweaks most respected are violent crimes but not mass shooting white boys or any of that [ __ ] king of the ladder are the boys who committed violent crimes against authority i.e cops and bulls shot-callers folks who ran [ __ ] on the outside normally run [ __ ] on the inside too or earn some decent level of risk it depends on location though as evidenced by John Gotti dude still has to pay the brand for protection because he wasn't [ __ ] where he got locked up least respected are essentially the untouchables or unclean in the states it's normally DARPA snipers more commonly called ciamis in the Bing and EOS oftentimes they can't even buy protection and will have to stand in the middle of the yard in a designated space where their back is constantly to virtually half the yard really not a place you ever want to be outside the US it isn't as hardline though Thomas still catch shifts but in the Russian run prisons for example where the lowest class are the goats and roosters there are actually acceptable forms of rape rapes that won't knock you down in class and aren't viewed as rape by inmates general good policy is not to [ __ ] it's whether expecting to go to the Bing or not once inside though best to know your surroundings and be a quick learner as a hierarchy the courts etc are different everywhere and most people don't learn to make body armor out of magazines and knives out of cigarette filters on the outside I've never been to prison but I have spent a considerable amount of time around people in my past who have and I have asked them the same question so I'll share what I was told basically the crimes they hate are the obvious that everyone knows about sex crimes crimes against children and especially sex crimes against children from what they told me if you have any of those on your record then inmates are literally required by their higher-ups of that car to attack you on sight and do their best to kill you and if they don't at least beat you up then they will send someone to do it to them for disobeying the general theme they operate bias if I tell you to do something say yes and do it or it will be done to you also it's not a crime but as everyone knows snatching will get you into a world of trouble with the inmates and your best choice at that point is to roll it up and hope to god the guards never put you in GP again as far as crimes that are respected are concerned there really aren't any the only things that come closer if you killed someone in deference of your family or loved one and they love bank robbers not because they respect the crime but because they find the stories absolutely fascinating and entertaining these things were told to me by people who did considerable time in the California state prison system and things may vary in different parts of the country though I doubt it's any different anywhere in regards to sex crimes against children I think that's pretty consistently a crime they hate across the whole country in Australia within a protection prison there is a mix of every type of criminal generally in this type of system the ranking is as followed child rapist child killer anything else child related the rest are surprisingly equal and not cared about so if you rape women and so on you can be one of the boys among the car thieves and drug addicts but even so the top three and essentially only three hated groups can have out Lea's whom retain strong friendships with people and can get along with the rest of the population most not all case in point would be a child killer him also is the local source of drugs or contraband having them ten plus years of this he is well respected and cops no flak but in general given it's a protection prison there is a large amount of child sex offenders both out in the open and hidden the obvious ones tend to hang with the like-minded and do their jail pretty easy the hidden ones they are generally the tough looking tattooed fellows and will bully sex offenders these guys get caught out and moved to the unit mentioned below so to spice it up within a protection prison there is a protection from protection units these people are the famous ones particularly bad ones whom are well known for other reasons or the jelly heads mentally ill within that unit there are still inmates with seemly non sickening crimes and again there's a strange system of those who are more popular than others the more popular the more hated case in point would be child killer Bret Peter Cowan he is the unit's kitchen hand he severely hated and is unavailable to leave the unit he capitalizes on this by attempting to run the unit through bullying this tends to fail when non sex offender prisoners are moved into the unit and he becomes a target again a viscous and cyclical loop of power and Egger among the worst of the worst ensues anyways the respected crimes are that of serious drug dealing the larger the hole and the more news coverage that more people will want to be your mate other crimes that are respected are ones that use your brain so fraud and computer related offenses these prisoners get quizzed and even bullied into how they did it and will be asked to give a class essentially it's amusing people use prison for networking and learning believe it or not the system doesn't just fix a recidivist it teaches them to not get caught again my best mate was arrested at the age of 18 because he and a mate tried to stay in IT overnight eventually they were caught by some people doing construction work and the police showed up realizing that these two guys were just teens messing about they treated them as if they were hardcore criminals in a fun way they nicknamed them our country's most wanted criminals took them to the police station in two separate cars and have some banker cops lead and follow them once in prison they continued these shenanigans and they were treated exceptionally well they had to stay overnight and in the morning they were allowed to go into the court yard but were advised not to my friend thought [ __ ] it I'm in it for the whole experience and did go into the court yard the other inmates quickly found out what he was in for and also treated him the same way the cops did all in good humor so I guess if you want respect try to sleep in Ikey [Music]
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 1,958,552
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Keywords: ex-cons, former prisoners, former, prisoners, former prisoners of reddit, crimes, respected crimes, respect, respected in prison, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, emkay, ToadFilms, GioFilms
Id: AuWYc8j3sYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 05 2019
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