Teachers, What Is The Saddest Thing A Student Has Said? (AskReddit)

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teachers have raided what is the most depressing thing your kids have said I had a student that frequently lingered in my classroom after school she often looked ill and was always very weird one day she opened up to me and said that her mother and her live-in boyfriend shot up heroin every night I told my principal after she spoke to me and she informed that CPS was already involved a few days later the same girl told me that her mom and boyfriend would shoot her up with heroine and tell her that she couldn't tell anyone they were still doing it because she would get in trouble for doing it too she asked me to keep it a secret which I obviously couldn't because she was worried she'd get arrested for drug use she no longer lives at home thankfully one of my students who was always in a good mood came into the class looking very down she was not acting her usual self I had to get onto her several times for being on her phone again very unlike her she asked if she could speak to me in the hallway kid I'm sorry for being in such a bad mood today can I tell you why me of course kid proceeds to take her cardigan off she had a tank top on underneath and showed me welds that she had gotten the night before from her mother beating her with an electric cord she says my mother beat me for no reason last night and I don't know what to do sadly it was not the first time I had to report I teach pretty much exclusively college freshmen and by that point they all have that fatalistic sense of humor anyway but it gets real sad when they get to the end of their rope nothing specific that I can remember but a lot of why did I think I could make it in college I'm too stupid for this I should drop out and they actually mean it stuff like that Monday however a student asked to talk to me before class and said I know this paper is important and all and I don't want you to hate me that I couldn't get my paper done and I'm used to this sort of thing I mean it's just natural but then he take a deep breath and blurts out my dad called me last night and told me he was leaving my mom and the being away so he's leaving me too and I just couldn't deal with it I'm really sorry if you're mad at me it just hits me hard when they have to deal with more than they should and on top of that they think I formed a personal opinion of them and that I'm going to think badly of them based on something like this I ran holiday science workshops filled with brainy kids as you'd expect there was an 11 year old girl who was brilliant at everything the content was clearly beneath her very quiet respectful well liked by the other kids her parents were moving soon because she received scholarships to a prestigious school whenever her dad came to pick her up he was obviously proud telling me about all her achievements how she was in advanced classes just won all these Sports Awards to it cetera showed videos and photos of her winning all these soccer games they enrolled her younger brother in similar sessions he gave it a go in the first few but really struggled always the last to finish and felt his work didn't look as good as the others looked embarrassed to ask for help he screamed at his sister when she tried to fix his circuit eventually he just began acting out putting off the work challenging me to get a laugh out of the other kids messing around after a disastrous month he stopped trying altogether he just came in one afternoon and said they're not doing anything I tried to engage him in the activity and said if he didn't like what the other kids are doing we could pick anything else he wanted to do he said something like what's the point my parents will never love me as much as they loved my sister I've had a lot but one morning two students came in early to my room and asked if they could use my student computer I said sure and figured that they just needed to finish a project and knew I always got to school early nope turns out their best friend was murdered two days before because he wouldn't give his money he earned to someone trying to rob him his family needed the money to not be homeless so he died trying to look out for his family and for like $80 or something my students were creating flyers and a gopher so they could try to help the parents not be homeless and to afford a funeral to make matters worse the kid was murdered on a Saturday he was left to bleed out and die to be found the next morning the [ __ ] murderer came to my school on Monday as if nothing had happened cops pulled him out of the class of the middle of the day once they had figured out it was him a mess spit a do you know how to get local electric company to turn your power back on I get paid today but they pay me on a card so do I get out cash and get a money order and where do I take it to kid was 16 but kid got their power turned back on that day all by themselves I didn't do spit or biscuits but teach them how to talk to people in call centers and make the introduction to the CSR and then later their power bill got reduced because the school social worker has programs for that sort of thing the local power company sent them some energy saving free stuff including some lightbulbs kid and their siblings had been shorts and lights at home for a while and we got their water and sewer discounted as well school social workers apparel their surviving parent was trying it's just hard with a parent of their own who isn't well but many kids and too fast food jobs kid is in college now damn near full ride commutes from home to save money puts their housing stipend towards the family rent utilities and gas for their own old Toyota their parent looks like they just took their first breath in 10 years I'm proud of all my students but especially that one my mother was a teacher for nearly 30 years she spent the last 10 years at a middle school that was pretty hard up in the Tulsa public school system she had a very good student who came to school every day in the same clothing we can call him Jay the clothing was always washed but even so around halfway through the year his clothing was becoming tattered and stained the other students began to notice and make comments the school tried to give him clothing but he refused he would not accept a handout a few teachers came up with a plan for the school put on a contest where the winner was given some new very nice school clothing this contest was set up for Jay to win this way he could have new clothing and not feel as though he was given anything Jay won the contest he accepted the new clothing gladly the next day he was still wearing his old clothes my mom asked him why he was not wearing the new clothing those are my trophies I have them hanging on my wall rips my heart right out of my chest can you be my mom 15 years old totally serious this is my real family different student referring to the teachers and friends at school I don't deserve this team when given a sweater on a very cold day I hear a lot of this stuff I wish there was so much more I could do a couple in the running my boyfriend was shot in front of me and died in my arms the ambulance we called never arrived mom went to go stay with my older sister three states away for a while she told me I'm in charge of his twin 15 year old brother and we need to make sure we stay at specific shelter she never came back a visibly sick student in class mom said she's working and I tried to call my dad he hung up on me he doesn't care about me anyways on the first day of school and the first day of my career how was your morning you took two to the chest on his front porch on my way to school don't worry though I didn't see his face what are we doing today a 6-year old preschool kids of my hand and wanted to show me something he had drawn the drawing was in dark colors and sort of angry looking he explained that he had drawn his heart which was broken and hurting very bad he said it wasn't any fun when his heart hurt like that he was often being excluded from the group by his classmates sometimes even bleed he didn't have the social skills to communicate well with his friends which led to him being very misunderstood even though he always meant well and a kid read a story about a dog being cloned but she latched on to the part where the dog died and started bawling I took her out for a walk to calm down and asked her if she had any pets she used to have a dog but had chewed a shoe so her parents gave it away she used to have a cat but it scratched dad so they gave it away they had a lizard but parents forgot to feed it and it died on and on and on this string of horrible pet owner stories I really regretted opening that can of worms but it did take her mind off the story and she stopped crying I've only been teaching for around nine months but one sticks out I do a lot of one-to-one work with a reception age child 4 to 5 who has quite severe Anton needs constant supervision I get to take him outside and leave gross motor work with him and I've really took a shine to him broke my heart a couple of weeks ago when he was stopped by the deputy head and told off for running down the corridor he burst into tears which is completely unlike him and said I just can't get the naughty out of my brain high school teacher at a school for at-risk youth so I get a lot of depressing [ __ ] I really bonded with one student about comic books and even let him borrow my first edition umbrella or Academy comics he was homeless and living at a friend's house on a yoga mat on the floor for the better part of a year he asked me to adopt him wish I could buddy I wish I could my students are the reason I want to become a foster parent though it's depressing but my teacher said it to me why don't you have any friends do you want me to talk to the other kids to add you to their group proceeds to tell a group of children to add me to their group and being rather loud other kids hmm nothing changed I never changed until the end of school and rarely had someone to even sit with me in class this was one of the reasons why I had such low attendance in school already made a comment but I've been thinking about his thread because this is my life every day other moments in my career that have touched me student of mine drops out to get a job happens quite a bit because of the economy where we live student in question is couch hopping and trying to support himself and can no longer afford to not work so I don't see him for six months on his 19th birthday he had the day off and you know what he did he came to school to visit me because he knew I would be happy to see him and he would get at least one happy birthday from someone who cares about him anytime a student says anything like you're the only one who cares about me you're the reason I come to school you're the reason I graduated etc kills me every time anyone can graduate high school but they lack the confidence in themselves to see it I try so hard every day to let them know they can do it but they go home and get the opposite from their parents some days I might be the only positive interaction a student has I always say good morning when they come in and goodbye when they leave so they know they're being noticed I try to always use their names when greeting them so they know it's specifically for them I try to remember important dates for them birthday / court dates / if they are going to their driving test that day and congratulate them personally or ask how it went I want them to know they're seen in someone cares I had a student writers will in his notebook I was walking around at the start of class checking to make sure students were starting their bell work responding to a prompt and I didn't believe what I saw at first I immediately talked to him outside and sent him to the counselor but it was one of the most depressing yet jarring things I've seen he was 12 years old when this happened thankfully he is still alive and well not a teacher but one of my close friends I've known her since the start of high school she never realized her home life was as bad as it was she spoke about her mom neglecting her while the 14 foster caps they could barely afford to feed her spoiled rotten and how eating the same thing every night it's her only meal for the day started to make her nauseous the real kicker is that her mother got cancer and as soon as she died she said I'm so glad she's dead I wish she died soon or something along those lines she was 16 when her mother died and she's 18 now she's never going to leave those horrible scars and the things she tells me about are horrifying she lives with her dad now and has a proper home regular good meals etc I have no idea how her dad didn't get custody when she was a child he's an amazing dad to her and would probably do anything to help her more I have a student with severe ads he's always talking and interrupting in class but doesn't seem to be able to stop he'll also get up and bother other students etcetera his parents have refused to try anyway to help him all the other kids hate me don't they it breaks my heart that it's true oh this kid is also eight my student told us that her mom was taken by ambulance to the hospital the night before after she stopped breathing the other kids pressed her on what happened and she just shrugged and said her mom would be okay two days later I got the word that her mom was brain dead her daughter had no idea that Friday afternoon I'll let the kids have an extra recess and watched my student play and laugh with all the other kids in the Sun knowing that she might not be happy like that again for a long time nope to the teachers when I was about 15 and going through some rough stuff at home I wrote that I wanted to die in the back of my maths book one lesson I didn't expect anyone to find it but my teacher who was brand new to the profession did although I was a moody angsty teenager he took the time to shed you a counselors appointment on my behalf and sent me to the office in the block of my next maths class I was so angry at him for sending me there and assumed it was because he hated me and wanted me out of the class looking back I'm eternally grateful I got the help I needed got support for my family issues and schooling issues and came out of high school a happy kid if you see something anything at all please report it I can't tell you how different things could have been if I'd kept quiet we may be Moody grumpy and ungrateful teenagers but deep down we are still just kids who might not want to open up unprompted not a teacher but a student we had a teacher mr. bee who had cancer while we were in school he took a break from teaching and a few months later a kid in my class who had a history of just pure violent outbursts sent to a maths teacher mrs. s that she wished mrs. s had cancer not mr. B mrs. s broke down into tears obviously have to admit I had no idea what to say and the kid got the Royal [ __ ] beat out of him by other students for it I can think of so many however the worst was a student who didn't plan to be around for the holidays he had decided to end his life when school broke up which at the time was the end of the week he started making goodbyes type comments and when I realized what may be happening I spoke with him not a new experience for me he told me what he had planned and that I didn't need to worry no one would miss him I already knew a lot about his life and this was the point in my life that I knew I was sitting with the loneliest person on the planet long story short he is still well and good to this day and still in contact with me after a number of years I taught students with intellectual disabilities some people use the term mentally challenged I can't remember what we were doing that I had a student who had a hard time stringing complete sentences together look at me and say I don't want to be [ __ ] I want a smart brain like you it was heartbreaking most of them knew they had disabilities and understand just enough to feel inferior I was speechless but if it happened again I'd remind this child of his remarkable gift of humor and bringing joy to others [Music]
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 3,504,021
Rating: 4.9536052 out of 5
Keywords: saddest thing, saddest students, saddest things students have said, saddest thing a student said, student said, student has said, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, emkay, ToadFilms
Id: BPdBm1kubWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 05 2019
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