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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] glad there was a day i made my way to the precious foot of the cross i trusted in the savior of the lord jesus christ and he changed me save me wash me i want you to take your bibles tonight or this morning i love that last verse in that song seeing the millions the multitudes gathered around the throne of every kindred every tongue and every nation and they're all going to sing worthy is the lamb i want to get out way out there into eternity this morning just for a couple of minutes i want you to take your bibles and go to the book of the revelation in chapter number 21 this morning the book of the revelation in chapter number 21 we have in this text moved out of time and into eternity i'd like to read the first six or seven or eight verses of this chapter and preach out of it just for a couple of minutes this morning and we'll turn you loose revelation in chapter number 21 verse number one are you with me say amen the apostle john said and i saw a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away and there was no more sea thy john saw the holy city the new jerusalem coming down from god out of heaven prepared as a bride adorned for a husband and i heard a great voice out of heaven saying behold the tabernacle of god is with men and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people and god himself shall be with them and be their god i love verse number four and god shall wipe away all tears from their eyes there shall be no more death neither sorrow nor crying and neither shall there be any more pain for the former things are passed away and he that sat upon the throne said behold i make all things new and he said unto me right for these words are true and faithful and he said unto me it's done i am alpha and omega amen the beginning and the end i will give unto him that he is a thirst of the fountain of the water of life freely he that overcometh shall inherit all things and i will be his god and he shall be my son but the fearful the unbelieving the abominable and murderers and whoremongers and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death this morning i'm interested in what your bible said in verse number six where the lord jesus said this it is done i want to preach just for a minute this morning on the thought when it's all said and done when it's all said and done one day the last sun will set never rise again one day the last political candidate will give his last speech on the stump one day the last democrat or republican or whatever will be elected and one day it's just all going to be said and uh i don't know about you but this election coming in just a couple of days has been weighing heavy on my heart and on my mind uh for the last several months and now that we're only two days out from it i can't help but it has been on my mind and been on my heart and the course and the future of our country and of our history we'll take one uh turn or the other either we will go down the road of of conservatism and go down the road of religious freedom and national prominence or either we're going to take a hard another turn we're going to go down a path that our country has never ever seen before and the truth is brother ivy if i focus on these things and i think on them long enough they will discourage me they will depress me i i'll end up getting rude or crude or hooked up with one side or the other but the truth is this morning let me just say there's coming today when it's all going to be said and uh there's come a day will there not be another election there'll not be another scandal there's coming a day when all of it's going to be over with this morning and we will pass out of time and land squarely in eternity and my question to you is this morning when it's all said and when it's all been said and done do you know exactly where you're going to be do you know exactly where you're going this morning the only thing that gives me assurance and call in my heart even in days of great darkness and even in days of uncertainty is i know that when it's all said and done i know exactly who i've believed in i know exactly where i'm going i know exactly what i'll be doing and i thank god that i'm not walking around like a chicken with my head cut off wondering about the future but i'm glad i have a hope i'm glad it is sure i'm glad it is stable i'm glad it is anchored in jesus it is not anchored in a republican my hope is not anchored in a democrat my hope is not anchored in the white house but my rope of hope is flung up into the third heaven behind the veil and it is safely inside the king of kings and the lord of lords this morning when it's all said and done so many people live for the nasty now and now not realizing that there is a sweet bye bye that's coming do you know what my job as the pastor of this church is my job is to try and prepare you for that my job is to try and preach to you to get your eyes on eternity and get your eyes not so focused on this life but get your eyes focused on another life this morning we're living in a church world we're living in a church society that is only about the here and now they're only about today what's going on now but may i say i'm not just looking at right now i'm looking and longing for what's out there and the way i live my life today i'm living it with eternity in mind i'm living it with the shadow of heaven hanging over me each and every day and that affects my decisions that affects where i go it affects what i do it affects what i look at it affects what i say it affects who i hang around it affects what i take in because i'm not living for this world it's all gonna burn up i'm living for another world this morning if your life and hope is wrapped up in this world friend it's all going up in smoke when it's all been said and done many people live with absolutely no thought for eternity whatsoever but can i tell you you're going to be in eternity a lot longer than you're going to be in life life in eternity is going to last a whole lot longer than your meager little 60 or 70 or 80 years on planet earth this morning i'll never forget as long as i live when i was just a little boy i remember sitting and listening to a preacher preached one time on eternity and how eternity is too long to be wrong and the decision you make now whether to trust christ to be born again or to live your own life is going to have eternal ramifications and he began to talk about brother ken how long eternity is and i've never forgotten this i was just a little boy i probably wasn't much older brother than your girl sitting on the front row here i remember he said this he said imagine imagine a sparrow could pick up one grain of sand off of a beach and fly it all the way to the moon all those thousands of miles away and drop it and fly all the way back and grab another grain of sand and fly all the way back to the moon and drop it and fly all the way back imagine he did that until all the grains of sand on all the beaches of the world were void of sand he said then would eternity just have begun when all the sands of all the beaches were totally empty eternity would just have started i'm not talking 100 years i'm not talking a thousand years i'm not talking millions of years i'm talking about friend time without end that's eternity this morning and when it's all said and done do you have any confidence in your heart at all that things are settled between you and the lord when it's all said and done i want to show you just several things very quickly about when it's all said and done there's several things i see in these several verses these eight verses that i'd like to show you and we'll be out of here number one i say when it's all said and done there will be a transformation when it's all said and done there will be a transformation look at what he said in verse number one of our text john said i saw a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away and there was no more sea what a transformation look at verse number four god shall wipe away all tears from their eyes there shall be no more death neither sorrow nor crying neither shall there be any more pain for the former things are passed away and he that set upon the throne said behold watch the transformation i make all things new can i say what is normal now will be abnormal then what is natural now will be unnatural then there is a transformation that's going to take place you say what kind of transformation is going to take place are there several things that ain't going to be there anymore that we currently deal with here now and now you say what's going to be different there well there ain't going to be no more sin there friend the bible said in the text it said there shall be no more death you know how come we got death it's because of sin this morning that bible said wherefore is by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin and so death passed upon all men for that all have sinned you know why are you dying this morning because you're a sinner this morning you know why you're aging and why you're maturing and then you're going to go down the other side it's because you're a sinner this morning you've got the corruptable blood of your great great granddaddy adam and you and that's why you're dying the bible said sin when it is finished bringeth forth death but i'm proud to report to every born-again blood-washed believer that is bound for the promised land we are headed to a land where there never be any more sin we're headed to a land where there never be another abortion clinic we're headed to a land where they never have another lgbtq rally down the street we're headed to a land where there'll never be an abc package store on the street corner we're headed to the land where there never be no more divorce whether there'll be no more disease will there never be no more heartache thank god we're headed to a land friend where sin will be a distant memory there'll be no more times when we let our savior down no more times when we fall into sin tempted by the tempter and feel lower than a snake's belly in a wagon track i'm glad there's coming a day where a transformation will be made and there will be no more sin this morning not only the transformation of no sin there's the transformation of no sorrow did you see what he said in verse four it said not only no more death neither sorrow nor crying neither shall there be any more pain for the former things are passed away aren't you glad when they're going to a land we'll never say goodbye to our loved ones again some of y'all sitting here this morning you've had to stand by the graveside and wave goodbye to some dear one in life and you know they knew jesus and you know you'll see them again but that does not assuage nor remove the grief and the pain and the hurt of having to go through that loss and having to go through that emotional uh uh uh spiritual uh loss of someone that you love this morning i'm glad we're going to a place there'll never be another doctor's office there'll never be another graveside on the hills of heaven this morning i'm glad there's no little wooden crosses speckling the grassy slugs on the hills of heaven there'll never be another mortuary there'll never be another hospital thank god when it's all said and done there's going to be a transformation no more hot tears running down your face in the dark hour because of some deep sorrow in life it's all going to be said done this morning it's the transformation though sin the transformation of no sorrow thank god there's a transformation of no satan this morning that bible said in chapter 20 before we ever got out here in chapter 20 verse 10 the devil that deceived them was cast in the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are and shall be tormented day and night forever and ever i'll be honest with you one of the biggest things i'm looking forward to is that sorry good for nothing rotten low down slough foot devil that's caused me so much problems and cause god's people so much problems we'll stand there when god kicks him off into the pit never to be heard from again and when he goes down the people of god will say hallelujah hallelujah can you imagine a world with no tempter a world with no accuser a world with no thief named the devil thank god what a transformation when it's all said and done not only do we see i got to move a transformation when it's all said and done but then we see there'll be an exaltation when it's all said and done there's an exaltation look at verse number five he that sat upon the throne said behold i make all things new and he said unto me right for these words are true and faithful verse 6 and he said unto me it is done watch the exaltation i am alpha and omega the beginning and the end i will give unto him that is the thirst of the fount in the water of life freely i'm glad to report to you when it's all said and done brother jeremiah jesus is going to get all the glory that he deserves one day he's going to be exalted to his utmost and rightful position they don't give him the glory that he deserves down here they trying to get get rid of him out of our schools they're trying to get rid of him out of our colleges they trying to get rid of them brother just this past week i got friends that don't know the lord and we've been arguing back and forth on facebook and this and that uh about christianity even in politics and christianity in the founding of our nation and whether it is beyond uh is you can't deny it that our savior's name our god's name is on every major building of legislation in america it's in our halls of congress it's in our white house they put their hand on his bible when they swear in and swear to tell the truth his name is on our money brother they're trying to get rid of him every way they can from the bubbling goofus that's trying to run for president saying that all men are created equal by the the thing you know the thing won't you say who the thing is joe it's god this morning trying to get rid of him each and every way they can brother they trying to take him out of the pledge of allegiance brother that liberal left this party they say they stand up they pledge and when they do they say one nation indivisible with liberty and justice for all no sir one mason under god and i know who that god is that god's name he's got a name his name is the lord jesus christ this morning but they're trying to get rid of them everywhere they can but there'll be a day when he sits on the throne eternal and they'll not get rid of him on this day brother he won't be elected they won't be able to impeach him he won't be stepping down he'll be the supreme king of kings and lord of lords dictator of the universe and he'll get the exaltation that he deserves this morning gonna get the exaltation in his authority the bible said there was a throne set here in verse number five and he's the one that sits on the throne he's going to get the exaltation not only in his authority but in his ability he said i make all things new brother skip everything that adam and mankind messed up he's gonna fix it he's gonna right the wrongs he's gonna settle the score he gonna wipe the slate clean in his ability he's gonna get the exaltation in his awesomeness he's gonna get the exaltation brother john the bible said here in the text i am alpha i am omega i like the hound out of that like brother tom said that alpha alpha is the first letter of the greek uh alphabet omega is the last letter of the greek alphabet jesus is saying i'm the beginning i'm the e i'm a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z and i'm everything in between do you realize do you realize without an alphabet you can't make no words you can't make nothing and jesus is the word incarnate this morning he is the word and what he's saying is i'm everything i'm the beginning of everything in between i'm jehovah i'm supplier i'm your tower i'm your rock i'm your deliverer i'm rose of sharon i'm lily of the valley i'm brad and morningstar i'm chief cornerstone i'm rock of ages clash for the weary soul of the saint of god i am redeemer i am justifier he is all that and everything in between this morning when it's all said and done to be a transformation there'll be an exaltation when it's all said and done there is an invitation there's an invitation this morning look at the invite in verse number six watch what he says in the very last part of verse six i will give unto him that is a thirst of the fountain of the water of life freely go to chapter 22 look at chapter 22 and verse number 17. look at this invitation when it's all said and done and the spirit chapter 22 verse 17 and the spirit and the bride say come and let him that heareth say come and let him that is a thirst come and whosoever will let him take of the water of life freely what an invite this morning brother when it's all said and done you have been invited to be on the right side and not the wrong side this morning you got a personal invitation you say that my name wasn't in there yeah your name was in there you didn't see your name in there i seen your name in there it's in verse 17. look at the last part of the invitation in verse 17. who so ever will you know what you are you are whosoever this morning whosoever covers everybody the invitation has been given to every race every color every creed and you walked up in here this morning and god has offered you the invitation of a lifetime that when it's all said and done you can be on the right side when it's all said and done you can be in that holy city that new jerusalem that's coming down from god out of heaven the invitation is for everyone this morning let me say this the invitation ain't just for everyone it's free to everyone you don't have to donate money to earn the invitation you don't have to work real hard to earn the invitation you don't have to join a church to earn the invitation you don't have to get baptized in water to earn the invitation but he said come and take the water of life freely freely the only live song about that word freely do you realize that is the first word in your bible that somebody omitted that's the first word that god ever spoke that a person omitted ready for yourself genesis chapter 2 god told adam and eve in genesis chapter 2 he said of the trees of the garden thou mayest freely eat and when eve got to quoting the word of god in chapter 3 to the serpent do you realize when she quoted it she left that word out the first person to leave out a word that god said was eve and she said of the trees of the garden we may eat she left the real critical word out that's the most critical word that there is freely it don't cost you nothing you don't have to work hard you don't have to earn it it's a free gift the wages of sin is death but the gift of god is eternal life you say what you doing up here hollering at us and screaming and sweating and spitting i'm offering you an invitation brother i'm trying to give you something for free i ain't trying to get you to give nothing to me i'm up here trying to give something to you you say what are you giving the gift of god is eternal life through jesus christ our lord by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves it's the gift of god not of works lest any man should boast i'm not trying to get nothing i'm trying to give you something this morning friend god's given an invitation out when it's all said and done there's an invitation i'm done i'm done i want to preach long this morning lastly when it's all said and done there's damnation the last thing we find that's so sad about this text all of those are wonderful things i'm glad i accepted the invitation that means i'll get to partake in the transformation and the exaltation but here's something i'll never partake in and that's the damnation this morning look at what your bible said chapter 21 and verse number eight those who rejected the gracious invitation of god those who snubbed their nose at this wonderful invitation to partake of the fountain of the water of life and let me pause you may be confused and say preacher i don't see no fountain i don't see no water of life where is it jesus said he was the water of life he told that woman at the well woman john chapter 4 if you drink of this water you'll thirst again but if you drink of the water that i'll give you it'll be a well inside of you springing up into everlasting life do you know how to get the water of life you trust jesus christ the bible said on calvary's cross when they shoved that spear in his side out came blood and water the cleansing flow was open and if sinners will run to christ they could have their sins purged clean washed and be filled with the water of life this morning see there's damnation look at look at those that would reject that gracious offer maybe some of you this morning sitting here would reject that gracious offer look at verse number eight but the fearful and the unbelieving those who would not believe what was being offered no abominable murders and whoremongers and sorcerers not dolphers no liars shall have their part in the same place where the devil has his part at have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death the consequences of rejecting the invitation that has been offered to you through song and through worship and through preaching the consequences of rejecting that invitation are enormous this morning you realize something i always used to think this i always used to think brother zach that i realize the bible talks about greater damnation the greater punishment brother danny i i realize that the bible deals with the fact that just like there are greater uh different levels of rewards for saints that have been faithful here in heaven there's greater and different levels of punishment in the lake of fire for all eternity i mean it's all bad but the bible clearly denotes those things and i always used to think brother keith that the greater damnation was going to be reserved for child molesters the greater damn nation are going to be reserved for serial killers the greater damnation will be reserved for people like hitler who slaughtered and murdered millions of jews and gassed them into chambers but that's not what your bible said you realize what the bible said in matthew chapter 23 and in matthew chapter 23 in this particular verse it is a verse that all the new modern bible verses the new american standard version the niv the esv the nlt they all delete this verse out of their records it said woe be unto them that wear the long clothing and devour widows houses and for a pretense make long prayer these shall receive the greater damnation you know jesus said the greatest damnation was reserved for it was reserved for a group of self-righteous people that thought they could make it to heaven without jesus the scribes and the pharisees is who he was preaching at and they were highly religious people they were people that you'd be proud to be their neighbor because they were morally good but they thought their morals equaled righteousness before god and when god looked at their righteousness he said you're righteous this is nothing but filthy rags and they said before god i can get to heaven on my righteousness and not what christ did on the cross do you realize what the greatest level of damnation will be it'll be reserved for people that are sitting in here right now that think you're good enough to get to heaven by just being a good little religious person and being a good individual being nice to folk helping little old ladies across the street and having goodness in yourself the greater damnation is reserved for people that saw what jesus did but rejected it and kept their own righteousness this morning god help what a damnation is reserved for those that would hear the invitation and the gracious message of the cross and then turn their back on it and say no i'll do it on my own this morning this damnation is an eternal damnation it's an eternal sentence it does not have in just like eternal life has no end may i say this second death this eternal death has no end this morning you say preacher how come it's an eternal sentence because you have offended an eternal god i've watched those brooklyn i've watched those uh those uh court cases and court shows and things like that and when somebody brother chip gets the highest price uh that a man can impose on them outside of death this is what they say they said you get life without parole that's the high sentence that a man's court can impose on somebody without taking their life you get life why is that i wondered that one day then they said things i guess you get life plus 50 years make sure that you ain't gonna get out you know why that is because you are standing before a mortal judge and all he can impose on you is what he's got what's he got life that's all he can impose on you life because that's all he's got but when you stand before this judge of the universe that i'm talking about when you stand before this god this king this savior he is an eternal god he's an eternal king he's an eternal judge and when you stand before him he's going to give you what he's got what's that eternal sentence you get an eternal sentence because you'll suffer the sentence for as long as the one that you have offended how long will he live for eternity this morning it's an eternal damnation it's a long time to be wrong about this thing friend when it's all said and done it's an eternal damnation but i'm proud to report to you it is an inescapable damnation you ain't got to go this morning jesus built a bridge at calvary brother with two boards and three rusty nails jesus built a way of escape he made a way out of the fire he didn't intend for you to go and if you'll run to christ this morning if you'll trust christ and repent of your sin and accept the invitation of the gospel you ain't got to go there is an escape this morning run to it help me esther over here i'll tell you this if there was a fire broke out in this church and brother it was sweeping through here you know what i'd do i'd hunt an exit door i'd try and get out i'd head to it you know what else i'd do i'd try and grab other people to come with me i'd say come on don't no come on we need to get out of here don't stay let's get out the exit come on we're going to get out of this place we wouldn't stay what kind of wicked individual would i be to try and let people stay and me run to the exit without telling you this morning you know what i'm doing i'm trying to tell you there's an exit there's an exit you say where's the accident he answered as a cross the exit is a cross run to the accident this morning there's a way out there's a way of escape god made it for every man every woman every boy every girl run to the exit this morning friend i wonder have you ever made your way to the exit this place is gonna burn up it's going up in flames and i wonder have you ever accepted the invitation because when it's all said and done help me says when it's all said and done that's all that's going to matter [Music] brother dan i hope things turn out right tuesday i do we've talked about that and joked about it i hope they turn out right tuesday but if they don't bro tiger if they don't when it's all said and done everything's okay in my soul i wonder if it is with yours are you so wrapped up with right now that you have absolutely no concern for eternity let me say this to every child of god every child of god if you're saved by the grace of god you're going to this place that i'm talking about this this this place where there's no more tears no more sorrow no more crying no more death are you living your life with that in mind are you living your entire life with just this it's all gonna burn up when it's all upset and done let's all stand this morning heads are bound eyes a close maybe some christian maybe you got a burden on your heart for somebody somebody lost you know maybe you haven't been living with eternity in mind maybe this morning you've been living more with the now and now in mind instead of eternity just come to an altar say lord help me to live with heaven and view eternity in view nobody looking around heads about now is it close i'm going to ask you a real serious question just just me and god look let me ask you this you say preacher i'll be honest this morning he is preaching you're talking about that damnation and then that invitation preacher i'll be honest with you i have never accepted the invitation i i don't have a place i can go back to i don't have a time in my life where i remember accepting the invitation of salvation through the lord jesus christ i i don't have one preacher i'm lost will you pray for me i wonder this morning would you just slip your hand up while just me and the lord's looking i'll not come to you call you i'd embarrass you but if you'd like for somebody to pray for you i'd love to pray for you if you say preacher i'm not sure i'm saved pray for me would you slip your hand up just slip it up and slip it back down surely in a crowd this size there'd be one or more that doesn't know jesus as their savior would there be one like that this morning preacher i don't know jesus pray for me i don't know the lord pray for me preacher would there be one like that praise the lord by evidence you're keeping your hands down we are in the midst of a group that's saved by the grace of god i love being among god's people are you living for heaven child of god are you living with eternity in view or are you sucking up your every waking hour on yourself because one day it'll be all said and done no do-overs no going back no fixing it it's one life and will soon be past and only what's done for christ will last father i pray that you bless this simple little message from the word of god may it touch hearts convict lives help us lord to refocus on eternity realizing one day it'll all be said and done help us god to remind remember realize these things refocus on these things in jesus name
Channel: Bible Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 586
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: AVurq_RC3dk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 10sec (1990 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2020
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