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just one more time give him the glory he is worthy of it i want you to take your bibles tonight and turn to a passage of scripture that just about every one of us could probably quote from the oldest to the youngest i want you to go with me to the 23rd psalm tonight psalm and chapter number 23 this evening we're not going to stay here long we're just going to use this as our diving board into a series of messages that the lord has laid on my heart to preach to you i'll be honest uh last couple of days i've had so much material uh that i've been burdened to preach to your heart about several different new series that i'm excited about preaching that it was really kind of tough for me to figure out which one to start with first and uh honestly i i was compiling a lot of stuff today in my office and look at a bunch of different things and i was like man lord which which series to start with first a lot of stuff i've been looking at and studying the lord's been giving me messages and thoughts that i'm i'm just excited to preach to you and almost felt like the holy ghost said to my heart brother carl i almost felt like he said son just take your time you ain't going nowhere and they ain't going nowhere so jus so just just take your time pick one preach it then preach the next one you ain't unless the rapture happens i ain't going nowhere and lord willing you ain't going nowhere so we got plenty of time to preach the bible to you okay uh we're not gonna preach all of them tonight take a deep breath and say amen right there uh but we are going to start on on a series tonight that uh we'll we'll probably do these every thursday night unless the lord really burdens me to do some of them on sunday nights but most likely we'll probably hit these i got four or five that i'd like to give you in this series on thursday nights to try to help the blessing to your soul when you come in here in the middle of the week psalm 23 let's just read the chapter together and verse five is really where the thought is that jumped out to me for the idea for this series but but let's just start in verse 1. you know these verses but they're good to hear in our hearing and our soul david said the lord is my shepherd and i love what he says because he's my shepherd i shall not want why would you want another shepherd besides that shepherd he's the great shepherd he's the grand shepherd he's the guiding shepherd he's the best shepherd anybody could ever have he said he maketh for me to lie down in green pastures he leadeth me beside the still waters he restoreth my soul he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake ye do i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil i like the next part the first three verses david talks about the lord the last three verses david talks to the lord you say what's that got to do with anything well i find out if you start talking about the shepherd long enough the shepherd will show up you go from just talking about him to talking to him first three verses david talks about the shepherd but look how it changes from him talking about him to thou he says for thou art with me thyroid and thy staff they comfort me notice the first part of verse 5 thou preparest to table before me in the presence of mine enemies thou anointest my head with all my cup runneth over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and i will dwell in the house of the lord forever i want you to notice the first part of verse number five because this is the thought for this uh series the lord's put in my soul he said now prepare us to table before me notice the last part of this part of verse five in the presence of mine enemies and for the next few weeks i want to hone in on that thought in the presence of mine enemies here in our text the psalmist makes this remarkable statement he makes this statement that he says god you are able to provide you are able to prepare and you are able to protect me in the presence of my enemies tonight i i looked up that little fault little phrase in the presence and it literally means this it literally means brother tiger right in front of he says right in front of my enemies i mean wow while the world while the devil while those that seek to do me harm and do me wrong while they are literally right in front of me god you just keep on preparing you just keep on providing you just keep on protecting right while they are looking at me you are able to throw the spread out set the table up and feed me and lead me and shepherd me and guide me even in the presence of my name is this is one of things to tell you the christian life is not the absence of enemies the christian life is the presence of god in the midst of your enemies being all around the christian life does not mean you won't have the enemies the christian life does not mean that the devil won't shoot at you and the world won't shoot at you and that people won't shoot at you the christian life means that there's a god in heaven that while they're gathered all around while they're encircling you that there's a god that can set the table up and help you and feeds you right in the midst of all ain't it something how some christians can be walking through the midst of their enemies i mean brother hell by the half acre has happened in their life and yet they come to the house of god and stand up and say i just want to say the lord's been good to me i just like to say i love the lord and god's been faithful i just read my bible and god gave me a verse i was praying and god give me some peace you say what is that that's god preparing a table in the presence of our enemies david is enjoying fellowship with god right in front of everything and everybody that wants to do him in tonight y'all understand this we all live in a hostile world this world is not conducive to living the christian life amen everything in and about this world is trying to pull you away from your personal walk with god trying to sidetrack you from living your life from i'm talking about from what's on the tv to what's on the internet to watching your job i mean brother this world is run by the prince and the power of the air the spirit that now worketh and the children of disobedience and everything about this world the devil has geared it to try and hinder you from living for god the good news is that he can't do it if you want to have fellowship with god [Applause] the good news is if you want to have fellowship with god bait enough devils in the dark hottest part of hell that can keep god from ministering to your soul in this world amen glory man that blesses my soul brother cliff that when i look at how filthy and violent wicked and ungodly this world is and i see all the things trying to trip us up that there is still an ability of god to set a table for us in the presence of our enemies tonight and i looked at that little thought and i started running my mind my heart started running all over from genesis clear on to revelation my heart started running to different individuals in the bible that god prepared a table for them in the presence of their enemies i mean that bible 66 books stays all kinds of stories literally loaded where god did some things in the lives of people right in the presence of their enemies tonight tonight we're going to start tonight with moses and i'd like to preach to your heart tonight on this thought surviving in the presence of our enemies surviving in the presence of our enemies looking at the life of moses we're going to look at daniel we're going to look at david we're going to look at paul we're going to look at john there's all kind of different things we're going to look at being steadfast in the midst of enemies serving god in the midst of our enemies all kinds of things we're going to look at but tonight we start with moses and we find that moses survives moses survives in the presence of his enemies now i want y'all to understand something it's not easy for moses to survive with the enemies he's got mounted up against him tonight it's hard for moses to make it in the economy that he's living in tonight so what do you mean by that preacher i mean look with me back in exodus chapter number one and watch this especially in moses early life we find that his enemies were out to get him from the very start the devil was trying to snuff this boy's life out brother zeke before it ever got started tonight look at what the bible said in exodus chapter 1 the bible said in exodus chapter 1 and verse number 13 exodus 1 13 said the egyptians made the children of israel to serve with rigor and they made their lives bitter with hard bondage and mortar and brick and all manner of service in the field all their service when they made them serve was with rigor now watch what the bible says all the way down in verse number 16 the king of egypt pharaoh speaks to these midwives and he says this in verse 16 when you do the office of a midwife to the hebrew women and see them upon the stools when they're giving birth if it be a son then ye shall kill him but if it be a daughter then she shall live but the midwives feared god and did not as the king of egypt commanded them but saved the men children alive we see here all from the very start that there is a a a plot to try and snuff out this boy and kill him before he ever gets started good this boy is born into an area where enemies are all around you say preacher i feel like that's where we are i mean you can't help but feel like that when you look around at the world we're living in so you say preacher how can i as a christian in the 21st century how can i in 2021 survive in the presence of mine enemies can i show you three things from the life of moses real quick three things that's essential for surviving in the presence of our enemies tonight let me say number one the first thing we find out of the life of moses if you're gonna survive in the presence of your enemies number one you'll have to have divine assistance the first thing we find in the life of moses is he has divine assistance now i want y'all to understand something every story that we're going to look at in uh this series brother matthew every story we will find god's direct and divine assistance and grace at work the fact is tonight ain't none of us going to be able to live for god in the presence of our enemies unless god helps us tonight look look here apart from the help of god tonight your ship is sunk honey apart from the help of god you can't live like you should think like you should talk like you should act like you should worship like you should witness like you should you can't be the daddy you're supposed to be you can't be the mama you're supposed to be you can't be the child you're supposed to be you can't be the christian you're supposed to be without some serious divine assistance tonight you gonna need help now i know i know i know we got people in here we we got men in here that's just like me and we got hard-headed women in here too that's just like all of us and you know how we all are we don't want help yeah that's right my wife's the hardest hit this woman i ever met in my life she want no help she want no help she want to help she won't let me help her she want no help i mean she wants to do it right by herself she wanna help and i'm gonna tell you this i'm the same way as a man i like to think i'm macho man i can do it all by myself but you know what the lord's taught me a whole bunch of times i can't do this by myself lord i need some help in this thing lord i'm so i i can't be the husband i need to be that woman unless you direct me and help me god i can't raise these children like i need to with the wisdom i need lest you help me god everything's out to get them and everything's out to pull their heart away god i can't be the pastor that i need to be these people come in three times a week and lord they're looking for something from heaven and god i know i'm not smart enough to give it to him god i know i'm not good enough to give it to him or god i need some divine assistance and god i've watched other preachers that have fallen and messed up and if they mess up god who am i i'm not even worthy how to step into their shoes so god i need some divine assistance now you want to see some divine assistance watch this divine assistance in the life of moses watch how he survives look at chapter two of exodus watch chapter two i love this chapter two verse one we're gonna read several verses here but you gotta see it to see the divine assistance chapter two verse one said there went a man of the house of levi and took to wife a daughter of levi and the woman conceived and bear a son and when she saw him that he was a goodly child she hit him three months and when she could not longer hide him she took for him an ark of bull rushes and dubbed it with slime and with pitch and put the child there in and she laid it in the flags by the river's brink and his sister this is miriam stood afar off to win or to witness what should be done to him verse five and the daughter of pharaoh look man i'm telling you watch god go and the daughter of pharaoh came down to wash herself at the river and her maidens walked along by the riverside and when she saw the ark among the flags she sent her made to fetch it when she had opened it she saw the child and behold the babe wept and she had compassion on him and said this is one of the hebrews children then said his sister to pharaoh's daughter shall i go and call to thee a nurse of the hebrew women that she may nurse the child for thee pharaoh's daughter said to her go and the maid went and called the child's mother hallelujah mama never thought she'd see her baby again and then the same day that mama thought she'd never seen a baby again god broke the baby right back to the house or she just dropped him off verse 9 pharaoh's daughter said unto her take this child away and nurse it for me and i'll give thee thy wages now she ain't just getting the baby back she's going to get paid and take care of her glory and the woman took the child nursed it the child grew and she brought him under pharaoh's daughter and he became her son and she called his name moses and she said because i drew him out of the water do you not see what i'm talking about divine assistance could you not see in chapter two and it don't just stop in chapter two brother mike it goes all the way through his life i mean i'm reading chapter two and as i'm reading chapter two brother travis i'm sitting there saying look at god go look at god go watch what god's doing i mean look at here that whole thing comes down the enemies are surrounding around jochebed and her husband and say man look here we're going to wipe you out we're going to get you seed the delivery ain't never going to happen i mean i'm just in the presence of the enemies but right in the presence of the enemies god's going to prepare a table and help this boy survive do you see what god does i mean this woman says i can't do nothing else i'm just going to stick him in the river and she sticks him off in the river and when she does you ain't going to tell me that that thing wasn't on the gps it was on the god positioning system y'all yeah i mean i think started and things started floating down the river brother mike and when it did one of them big old nile crocodiles that's in the nile river by the way there's crocodiles in there man eaters and that little thing's floating down the river and the bible said the babe was crying said when pharaoh's daughter got it he's crying so that baby's riding down the river's them crocodiles are hearing it them crocodiles see what's going on and about that time one of them big old crocs slithers on over there through that water and he's just taking over his mouth and eat that thing and god reaches down and said shut your mouth get back over on the back shut your mouth go on back to the bank that's one of my choice servants leave him alone about that time that little boat down the low ark's about to hit the weeds and about to land in the dirt somewhere and god just kind of said back this way back this way and that boat starts floating back out in the river and it's going to hit this bait and says back this way back this way and he floats it that way and about that time god done got pharaoh's daughter up early that morning and said hey you need a bath go on down there and wash them and she walks out there and right i mean god brought it in at the exact same time i mean brother five minutes earlier she had missed it five minutes later glory five minutes later she'd have missed it but god right after i'm talking about i'm talking about divine assistance tonight i'm talking about a body being god at work tonight and god brings that thing right up i mean brother to the president's donor i mean brother here's ivanka trump doesn't walk out there i mean it's the daughter of the king it's the daughter the most powerful man in the land and she looks at it and said and when he she opens that thing up god softens her heart and she just falls in love with it says oh he said i want that thing i love that thing i am going to let him kill him about that time i i mean talk about divine assistance y'all out pumps out that boy's sister and the sister pops out and says hey i even know somebody that can nurse made it for you how about i go fetch him she says do it she runs back home says mama you ain't gonna believe this but your boy's down yonder pharaoh's daughter's done adopted him and she's gonna pay you to take care of him and this is what i'm saying listen don't please don't miss this say i you sitting there and this is what you're saying you're sitting there saying well that's a great story preacher and that's awesome how god done that from moses but i want you to understand this so if god cared about moses don't you think he cares about you tonight if there's a god of god if there's a god in heaven that love moses and don't you think there's a god in heaven that cares about you tonight that loves you tonight that knows where you're at knows what's going on and i'm glad to know there's a god in heaven that's god in the ship he's got divine assistance going on you ain't out there wandering around there's a god you come up in here chill your fingernails off to the quick and scared to death about what's going on if there's a god that's divine assisting moses i promise you there's a god in heaven that's assisting you tonight stop praying about it stop worrying about it i'm talking about moses seen all kind of divine assistance tonight moses doesn't just see divine assistance right there at the inception moses sees divine assistance one day he's walking around out in the woods been out there in the woods for 40 years brother bill while he's walking around the woods out there for 40 years he looks up yonder and he sees a bush burning but the bush is not consumed you know what that was it's divine assistance god showed up god says hey boy i am that i am has showed up and i'm fixing to send you up there to egypt to get something done god sends him back then he gets to pharaoh and pharaoh would like to do him in and kill him but he can't because he's got divine assistance and he stands before pharaoh then he marches out of egypt he gets to the red sea and he can't get through it he can't get around and he can't get over it and divine assistance comes again rolls the waters back then he gets out there in the wilderness and ain't got nothing to drink divine assistance comes again gives water around the rock they get hungry and ain't got no need divine assistance comes again and gives manna from on high they ain't got no they ain't got a jc penny they don't got a belt they ain't got a walmart's to buy clothes so the bible said their clothes and their shoes didn't wear out for 40 years god even blessed all that too and divine assistance i'm simply saying tonight if we're going to survive in the presence of our enemies we're going to have to have divine assistance and we do tonight you say well i don't see it neither did moses but he experienced it yes yes sir there is an unseen hand to me it leads through ways that i cannot see while i'm traveling through this old world below there's a hand that leads me as i go i found this this hand has led through some valley's drear hope and while it leads i'll have no fear cause i know it'll lead me up to that home where sins nor sorrows hair can come and i'm trusting god's insane hand and it guides me through this old weary land and some sweet day i'll reach that strand is still guided by god's unseen hand talking about divine assistance in the presence of your enemies not only do i see divine assistance can i say something else there must be a discerning awareness not just divine assistance but i'm talking about a discerning awareness if you're going to survive in the presence of your enemies say what do you mean a discerning awareness you need to be aware of something you need to realize something you need to discern something you say where's that go with me to the book of hebrews go with me to the book of hebrews if you will and and hebrews chapter 11 is that hall of faith chapter hebrews chapter 11 is where all those great patriarchs of the old testament faith is found and we we we find abel and we find noah and we find abraham and we find isaac and jacob and joshua and and all of those old testament saints and right there smackdown in the middle of what we find moses i'm talking about you also need a divine or discerning awareness discerning awareness if if you are going to survive in the presence of your enemies watch this watch what your bible said in verse number uh 20 let's just start in verse 23 where it brings moses into focus hebrews 11 23 by faith moses when he was born was he in three months we just read that in exodus 2 because they saw he was a proper child they were not afraid of the king's commandment look at verse 24 watch this verse 24 and 25 here's your discerning awareness by faith moses when he was come to years refused to be called the son of pharaoh's daughter choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of god than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season you say what do you mean if i'm going to survive i need a discerning awareness so here's how you survive in the presence of your enemies moses realized he wasn't one of them brother jacob there come a day in moses life where he said i'm not one of them and i refuse to be one of them i'm going with god's people hey hey let me just say this to you it's real hard to get god on the scene in the presence of your enemies when you yoking up with the enemy [Music] but y'all just understand what i'm saying it's hard to see god lay a table out in the presence of the enemy of your soul when you are actively yoked up with the enemy of your soul here we find moses gets a realization one day he gets a discerning awareness he says i'm not an egyptian i don't please don't miss this i'm in egypt but i love egypt that's right amen now i know that i've spent 40 years in egypt see moses last broke down into three parts of 40 years he lives 120 years he lives 40 years in egypt he lives 40 years as an outcast working for jethro his father and he spends 40 years leading god's people through the wilderness that's the three breakdowns of his life the three sections of 40 years of his life and that first section of 40 years right towards the end of it he all of a sudden has a realization brother skip he realizes i don't look like them i don't talk like them i'm different than them and i refuse for one more day to act like i'm something that i'm not created to be amen see from the start he was not created from the start he was not created brother roger to be one of them he was born in hebrew now the egyptians might have raised him but that wasn't what he was created to be he was created to be part of god's people y'all listen to me that bible said that bible said that if any man be in christ he's a new creature old things pass away all things become new when you got saved brother you might still be in this world but you ain't to be of this world tonight god saved you and created you to be something different tonight you got no business yoking up with with the enemies of god you say how are we supposed to win them to god you win them to god by being the people of god not by trying to to be a pseudo egyptian that's [Applause] that's the right we're living in the generation we're living in we want to reach the egyptians those that are enemies of god that's what we were by the way before we got saved the bible said before we got saved we were enemies of god but now that we're saved we're not enemies of god anymore we're reconciled to god we're the people of god but you have no business trying to look like an enemy of god to win an enemy of god thank god tonight thank god brother fred when i got saved the preacher said in the pulpit he didn't look like an egyptian he didn't talk like when i say an egyptian i'm not talking about something over in egypt i'm talking about i'm talking about an enemy of god i'm sorry being lost he didn't try and look like an egyptian preached like an egyptian act like an egyptian you know what he looked and acted like like a man of god like a person of god and it convicted me because that's not what i was hey sister hey sister you know how you're gonna win somebody to god not by looking like them and talking like them but by looking and talking like a person of god and they'll see your chaste conversation coupled with beer and say i want what they got that's what got you that's what got you i mean not not not this trojan horse methodology and mentality of of modern day christianity whereby we we we have become a trojan horse to where we try and look just like them so we can infiltrate them and then try and get them out that's ridiculous jesus said to be fishers of men fishers of men we're to catch men the illustration there is is two great brother mike to miss the fisherman brother brother roger brother keith they just went fishing down there in the bayous i promise you cause i've seen pictures and i know them i promise you to catch fish they did not take along a fish suit john they did not dress up like a fish dive off in the water swim up to one of them great big old fish and say no no you know what the fisherman does he don't look or act like a he stays in the boat and brings the fish to the boat we're living in a day now to where we want in the presence of our enemies to be just like the enemies be a fish to catch a fish no you keep being a fisherman to catch fish brother look here we find moses says i refuse to be called the son of pharaoh's daughter i would i would rather suffer affliction with the people of god than to be a king of a vast domain hey hey let me say this tonight if you're going to see some divine assistance and get this uh discerning awareness and survive in the presence of your enemies brother you got to get the place where you say i may lose a lot by walking with god i may lose friends i may lose acquaintances i may lose i may lose promotion i may lose visit but i would rather walk with god and walk with god's people then i have walked with that world any day of my life [Applause] look look at verse 26 well look at chapter 11. here you're still there watch what he said i love what moses says verse 26 uh it said verse 26 is steaming he esteemed the reproach of christ watch it greater riches than the treasures in egypt for he had respect unto the recompense of the reward not just said it just said moses looked at god's riches and looked at egypt's riches and said i'd rather have god's riches than egypt's riches but do y'all realize if you read moses life he didn't get no riches for following god y'all realize he didn't get rich following god see egypt's got gold and silver and cattle and horses and fame and prestige and all this stuff but that's not what he got for following god you know what he got he got 40 years of wandering around like a gypsy nomad out in the middle of the woods walk around the dirt for 40 years that's what he got that's what he got say where's the richest in that oh this is what he said he said he esteemed the approach of christ greater riches you know what he said he said i'm telling you what fellowshipping with god having personal fellowship with god sitting at the table of god and having him prepare a table that is worth more to me than any physical riches they could throw at me child of god listen to me walking with god having the peace of god in your soul shall be worth more to you than any dollar bill than any pleasure this world's got to have and he said also he had respect and the recompense of the reward what was the reward it wasn't down here he was looking out younger you want to survive in the presence of your enemies stop being so near-sighted and living here you've got to start living out your under eye and isn't it something is way on into something too sometimes if you're going to survive in the presence of your enemies listen what i'm fixing to tell you sometimes you're going to be a stranger and an enemy in your own house oh yes see he was raised by pharaoh's daughter that's where he lived at she was basically mama and he finally says in verse 24 he looks at the woman that raised him for 40 years and he says you're not my mama and i refuse to be called the son of pharaoh's daughter that's tough i'm not talking about in a literal sense here i'm talking about here he looks he looks at her and he says i'm going out you under with them you know what i found out you start walking with god you start walking with god this is what jesus said can i tell you what jesus said jesus said in in matthew in chapter number 10 and verse 36 he said that he came to bring a sword and not peace he said that a man's going to be set at variance against his family you start walking with god your family might not understand and this is what he said this verbatim jesus i wrote it down in my notes i got it written out right there here's what jesus said verbatim a man's foes shall be they of his own household yes sir yes sir see we got he here tonight he here tonight we got a young man that comes to church here on a regular basis his mom hates god and hates church and hates everything about it and every time he goes home he catches hell for just being here and he comes to church and sits on the front row and tries to walk with god and love god and such as that and he got saved since he's been here and baptized and all that none of them showed up to watch him get baptized none of them showed up to support him see he goes home and they don't understand sometimes you're gonna go home to a home sometimes or your husband ain't gonna understand or your wife's not gonna understand your children understand your parents don't understand or your family around you don't understand and you you your own enemies is gonna be people that's flesh and blood to you when i say the presence of mine enemies god set a table sometimes it ain't somebody else's job sometimes it ain't just the devil sometimes they just want sometimes it's people who are your flesh and blood and moses made a choice he said i appreciate the reason and i love you but i'm going to walk with god oh god brother that's where the rubber really meets the road right there in the present i'm talking about surviving in the presence of your enemies going home i'll never forget listen to my mama talk uh and and when she gives her testimony when mama got saved her and daddy was just they was young they was living for the world and the devil they had had my my brother not long after she had had my brother god started convicting her heart and she got saved her my dad were both business people and uh and and they was always in the in the clubs and partying and just doing what lost people do just going out on the weekends and going to clubs and going to parties and living up and getting drunk and dancing and then the whole nine just doing what lost people do did you hear what i just said all that stuff i just said is what most people do that's right i said clubbing and drinking imparted that's what lost people do that's not what god's people do my mama got saved my mama got saved and and she didn't have no real training she didn't she didn't have a ladies class like some of you ladies got tonight uh with miss tristan and such as that with the seasoned woman god kind of help her she started going to church by herself daddy wouldn't go she'd get up on sunday morning she'd go by herself to the house of god daddy uh would still want to go out partying on fridays and saturday nights didn't know no better she just said well i'll still just go with him because she didn't know no better that probably the best thing now in hindsight but she went and she said i'd sit there on that bar stool and it would absolutely frustrate him that i wouldn't drink no more with him she said he'd order liquor and order drinks and i'd get a cocoa and i wouldn't drink and i wouldn't party no more with him and i was like just i was there but i want no fun no more than what he wants and she said finally he quit taking me and quit going because he didn't have no fun because i wasn't doing what i used to do no more and god used her testimony to deal with my daddy's heart so hard let me pause right here and say this to you and paul's right here if you have a spouse that's lost i'm going to tell you what won't win them what won't win them is constantly walking in and brow beating them and tell them how sorry they are and how wicked they are and how they get right with god here's what wins them according to that bible ladies you win a man by your chaste conversation coupled with fear in other words they watch your lifestyle living for the lord he got to watching her reading her bible going to church praying living for god talking different dressing to the whole nine and he started saying something happened to that woman and it got all over him so bad that finally the year i was born in the back end of that little insurance agency where he worked at brother joe back in that little insurance agency he hit his knees one day and begged god to save him and daddy got born again and i thank god i never had to know any of that stuff i was raised in a home the year i got saved that day i was born the daddy got saved you say what was that that was somebody who said i refuse to be called the child of pharaoh's daughter i'd rather suffer affliction with the people of god i may have an enemy in my own house but i'm going to walk with god anyway am i surviving in the presence of enemies not saying it's easy i'm saying it's possible how do we survive in the presence of our enemies you gotta have divine assistance discerning awareness lastly i'm done there must be a determined abiding a determined abiding so what do you mean a determined abiding you got to be determined to just stick it out even in the presence of the enemies look what the bible said we're still here in hebrews 11. what's verse number 27 hebrews 11 27 by faith speaking of moses he forsook egypt turned away turned his back on just left it all y'all realize he's the son of pharaoh's daughter he's he's next in line to get the throne good lord brother ivy he's next in line to get the throne he's got power he's got it all and he says i walk away from it walks away from the whole shebang and watch what it says look at the determined abiding verse 27 by faith he took egypt not fearing the wrath of the king here it is here's the determined abiding for he endured he determined he was just going to stick it out he endured as i did it as seeing him who is invisible you will never survive in the presence of your enemies if you don't have any endurance y'all listen to what i'm thinking and tell you this is the god's honest truth not just from my own personal christian life but observing the walk of other christians there are some gray-headed saints of god in here that's been saved longer than i've been born and walk with god for years and years and i'm telling you from watching those kind of walks and the short time that i have walked with god listen to what i'm fixing to tell you tonight the christian race is a lot to do with endurance and when i say endurance when i say endurance i'm not talking about oh we're enduring we're just enduring walking with god and we're you know it's a drag right now i'm not talking about enduring like that i'm talking about running the race with joy but not quitting a determined abiding that god my enemies may be all around me till i go to heaven but i am not throwing the towel in i am going to keep on serving god while the lord i will have some endurance if there's one thing i'm brother i don't know what it is i have no idea what it is brother jimmy johnson if there's one thing that your generation of christians had and have that my generation of christians somehow missed it is endurance yes i'm talking about endurance in several things i mean i mean endurance in in their in their work ethic endurance in their marriage endurance in their walk with god do y'all realize they all realize they're gonna be all kind of companies they're gonna be all kind of companies that they're going to be in good shape another 25 30 years because we don't hardly have anybody anymore that'll put in 25 or 30 years to retire that's rare anymore yo mcdonald's is offering 1 000 stimulus uh bonuses for somebody that'll just work for 90 days they can't keep people for 90 days that's the god knows truth they offer them a thousand dollars if you just stick it out for 90 days just for three months if you'll stick it out we'll give you a thousand dollars yeah for 14 an hour to flip a hamburger that's that's flipping crazy amen that's insane yo you say what is that that's a generation that has no endurance do you realize it's odd anymore to see families it's odd anymore to see a husband and wife that can stand up and say we've been married 50 years that's weird it didn't used to be weird what your mom and daddy's gotten used to be weird what y'all got brother jimmy didn't used to be weird it didn't used to be odd but we're living in a day now if you say i've been married 40 or 50 years like what is the secret that's right here's the secret endurance and i'm not talking about well i've endured that thing and i've endured that thing all right sorry good for nothing joker i've endured him that old gal i've endured no not like i'm talking about it's it's it's we've loved each other and it ain't always been easy we've walked through some rocky spots but we made our mind up hey hey hey hey i tell you this and just we fix it celebrate 17 years of marriage that's even odd in the day which we live that's even on there i'm fixing to be married that woman 17 years and i'll tell you this divorce has never come up in our home up to this point murder on the other hand has come up several times i'm not talking about her want to kill me all right i i checked her phone one time and in her google search it said how to kill a husband and nobody know it best way to hide a body i said what is that she said somebody at church asked about it i started checking to see if she had antifreeze hidden in the house i wasn't putting it in my food slipping it shortly yeah you just don't see much endurance anymore and it ain't just job and it ain't just marriage here's what i'm really talking about tonight i'm talking about walking with god brother brother charlie just called it tonight did he not just call it tonight he's sitting up there and the man just gave a prayer request and he said we need to pray for people that ought to be here and has been here but they hear nothing and he ain't talking about y'all let's mark us down he told my people that's been sticking in for like 10 15 years and then they're out no no we're talking about people that just just got started and they can't even stick it out a year you can't even walk with god for a year you can't be faithful to church for two years you ain't gonna make it your enemy's gonna cheer you up and spit you out all you young people in here need to listen to me you better get you a backbone like a sawlog drink drink you a gallon of i don't give a rib every morning super glue your ear into the pew nail your feet to the floor make your mind up i'm going to endure this thing to the end amen you say why i'm done i'm done you know why moses endured you say yeah cause man he wanted to please god and god i'll tell you one reason why he wanted to endure because if he knew if he quit he was going to give god a bad name say where do you find that at we're done but look at one thing with me and we're done go to the book of numbers we're running all the way back to the old testament but we're done right here we're not going anywhere else we're through here and then we're going to quit numbers in chapter 14. in numbers chapter 14 we find that the spies have just returned from the land of canaan they gave their report and and uh they said we can't do it ten of them said we can't do it joshua and caleb said they could and so they're not gonna go on the promised land at this time like they should have and god is so mad about it god is about to wipe the whole crowd out except moses caleb and joshua i mean he's thinking wipe the whole crowd out millions of people he's thinking just go and watch what your bible says numbers chapter 14 verse number 11. what's why moses endures he endures all of the griping and the whining and y'all listen to them told me when i said sometimes your enemies will be they have your own household some of moses enemies was the very people he delivered from egypt some of moses the enemies was the very people that were supposed to be the people of god with him and he endures why look at verse 11 numbers chapter 14 the lord said unto moses how long will this people provoke me and how long will it be air they believe me for all the signs which i've showed among them watch it i will smite them with the pestilence and disinherit them and will make of thee a greater nation and mightier than they moses we're thinking to start over from square one fixing to wipe the whole crowd out going disinherit them abraham isaac jacob breaking the promise breach of promise calling what you want i'm done with them i'm going to start over with you moses and watch what moses says here's endurance verse 13 moses said unto the lord then the egyptians shall hear it for thou brought us up this people and thy might from among them and they will tell it to the inhabitants of this land for they have heard that thou lord art among this people that thou lord art seen face to face and that thy cloud standeth over them and that thou goest before them by daytime and a pillar of a cloud and in a pillar of fire by night now if thou shalt kill all this people as one man then the nations which have heard the fame of thee will speak saying what's verse 16 because the lord was not able to bring this people into the land which he swearing to them therefore he hath slain them in the wilderness you see one reason why moses endures all this because he says god if i just go ahead and say fine i quit too i'm done with the crowd i quit the enemies are too much i just i quit i'm with you god he knows if he does that the enemies of god are going to look and say god wasn't as good as he said he was all right god wasn't as powerful as he said he was look couldn't even take them people through the wilderness he wasn't able now y'all listen to me you know why you should have some endurance in your christian life because if you quit it's going to give great occasion to the enemies of the lord to blaspheme him you throw the towel in and quit you know what then people at your job is going to say when they see you go back to the world they're going to say see i knew there wasn't nothing to it i knew it was nothing to it i knew all that god stuff wasn't no big deal you know what you're going to do if you throw the towel in you're going to open a door for the devil to try and sling mud at your god brother god's been too good to me god's been too great to me god's been too wonderful for me to throw the towel in and let that soaring good for nothing slew food of a devil curse my god swing muddy my god how dare i quit let somebody bad mouth god he'd been too good to quit he hears who won before the queen he is a good god tonight mister help me over here don't you give the enemy a chance to blaspheme god every time a christian quits every time a christian stops enduring in the presence of their enemies every time a christian stops surviving in the presence of their enemies you give an opportunity for the enemies of god to say see there god wasn't see able they couldn't even stick it out for a year they couldn't even walk with god for two years they couldn't eat one with god for five years look at them done quit gone back to their old life don't tell nobody about jesus no more don't read your bible don't go to church the only thing they got to say about church is bad stuff see there you know what how hypocritical it really is you know how really how how bad it makes god look how bad it makes god look for somebody to get on fire and man we've seen this we've see i haven't seen this here in three and a half years i've been here i've seen this at least at least a half dozen times like i can name names half dozen times i've sinned in three and a half years i've seen it they get in they hear preaching they hear singing they get on fire and they start telling everybody man you gotta come to bible missionary baptist church man i love my preacher man i love that church man god's doing something and some little something that they can't even endure gets them ripped off and the same people that they had told god's work and god's movement and you need to come hear this you need to come here they go back to the same people and say i would never go back to that church for nothing i want to tell you something them people down there and a bunch of hypocrites pastor down there he said you know what that is that's giving great occasion for them to say see there i want what you got if you sow up and down and in and out and flipping the man you one day be so excited about it next day god ain't good no more forget it forget it i'm talking about tonight how to survive in the presence of our enemies when the enemies are all around you tonight some of you are absolutely encircled i mean brother everywhere you look there's an enemy but i'm here to tell you tonight you can survive i know everywhere you look you see an enemy but tonight i wonder if you wouldn't just tune into heaven's broadcast and see in the midst of it god's setting the table up got to give you fellowship right in the midst of all of it got to be some determination got to be some divine assistance there's got to be a point in your life where you just say man i am not quitting i'm going to abide let's all stand tonight if you need to come will you come commit a way you're a work to the lord if you need to maybe you're surrounded would you come and say lord help me to survive in jesus name father we ask you tonight that you may minister to your people thank you so much for this number that's come out tonight to hear preaching and to see each other in the fellowship and carry our burdens to the feet of the cross and lay them on our lord and help bear them with each other god i love this place lord i love these people good gracious lord lord i surely miss them on sunday and it's so good to see their faces tonight i pray the message has been a help to them god some of them may go home to some atmospheres where there are enemies even in their own home help them to keep living for god some of them go to work in places where there are enemies all around them help them to keep living for the lord [Music] god help us to just be faithful in jesus name amen if you need to come you come sister
Channel: Bible Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 796
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: CODY ZORN
Id: 8DtTDinPANk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 13sec (3193 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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