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well glory aren't you glad for that truth this morning i'm glad not in the darkest hours of life standing somewhere in the shadows you'll find jesus yeah he's unmistakable you can always spot him in the dark friend there's something about him i want you to take your bibles this morning we're going to the book of nehemiah and chapter number six you say preacher where in the world is the book of nehemiah well if you'll open your bible write smack dab in the middle to the book of the psalms and go left about three books you'll find nehemiah you find psalms and turn left and you'll go to job esther and nehemiah and we're going to nehemiah in chapter number six this morning nehemiah and chapter six i'll give you just a minute to locate your passage so that we can get in the right spot together uh the truth is you can just turn wherever you want to it's all good stuff amen somebody said the bible's like a piece of bologna you just cut a piece off anywhere it all tastes the same it's all real good amen amen i like it pop down up there michael praise the gun amen i like it glory to god shout shout amen all right nehemiah chapter number six good to have you in the house of the lord this morning sure do appreciate you being here we've had a good time already i'll be honest with you friend don't take for granted what the lord does at his house with his people i go a lot of places and it's not like this everywhere just the the liberty to worship liberty to shout liberty to go to an altar liberty to pray with somebody if you've had any kind of church background at all you realize it's not like that everywhere and uh you say what why why is that preacher because the lord's here it's just the lord i believe it's a group of people that just want to see the lord do something and when you start yielding yourself to the lord and asking god to show up i believe that he will this morning don't put no handcuffs on him don't try and put god in your box just let the lord do something in your life nehemiah chapter 6 this morning this this this passage of scripture jumped out at me as i was coming through here just recently and i believe it'd be a help and a blessing to you normally on sunday morning i try and preach something that has slightly more application to somebody who may be among us lost without jesus normally i try and preach something on sunday morning that has more application to somebody getting saved because generally first-time visitors that's probably the only time they're going to come be able to hear a message so i normally try and gear something that way so that some sinner that may be among us can hear a good word from god but this morning i'm going straight at you child of god this morning i'm coming straight at the christian those of you that are saved were preaching right to me and to you this morning to try and give you something that will challenge us and help us this morning nehemiah chapter six in verse number one the bible said now it came to pass when san bala and tobiah and geshem the arabian and the rest of our enemies heard that i had builted the wall and that there was no breach left therein though at that time i had not set up the doors upon the gates that sand ballot and geshem said and sent unto me saying come let us meet together in some one of the villages in the plain of oh no but they fought to do me mischief and i sent messengers unto them i want you to notice verse 3 i send messengers unto them saying i am doing a great work for god so that i cannot come down why should the work cease whilst i leave it and come down to you yet they sent unto me four times after this sort and i answered them after the same manner wish you'd pray with me and pray for me pray for yourself as we try and preach lord thank you so much for the good sweet things our ears have heard in our hearts have already laid hold of and experienced this morning up to this point in the service lord you've reminded us over and over through all of these songs uh that our victory is in you we can lean on you right in the middle of our troubles you'll be there and god i thank you for these precious truths lord i thank you for these things that keep our hearts anchored and centered and drawn uh towards jesus i appreciate all those things thank you for everybody that's worshipped and everybody lord that's come to an altar and everybody's lifted her voice and sung lord i pray that you'd help us in the preaching give us something worth coming out for god give me unction to preach and power and ability to do so because i have none of myself and you know that god i pray you'd help these people now give me clarity of mind and thought and speech in jesus name i ask it amen and amen uh the back-to-back books of ezra and nehemiah they almost mirror each other they are actually set in much the same era and the same time frame ezra and nehemiah were even contemporaries of each other and they both write of each other in both their books these two books back to back the books of ezra and nehemiah these books are set in this time period they are coming back from their babylonian slash persian captivity you'll read about that captivity in the book of daniel you'll read about that captivity in the book of esther you'll read about how they wound up in that captivity at the end of second kings and the end of second chronicles this morning but now we find after all these years of being in bondage and being in captivity they are now coming out of their captivity these these kings of the land people like cyrus and darius you'll find those in daniel you'll find them also nehemiah they have written a a a law to send god's people back to their homeland to be able to start rebuilding the walls of their city of jerusalem and once again going back to the house the book of ezra ezra is a priest so the book of ezra is written from the priest or the preacher's perspective but the book of nehemiah is written from the politicians perspective the bible said nehemiah was the governor he's the politician or the governor if you will and it's written from his perspective but both men come to the same conclusion we can't get anything done except god being our helper this morning now i'll be honest with you it seems like most of us that love the lord and serve the lord and come to church and read her bible and born again say by the grace of god we have come to the conclusion as preachers and the people of god that we can't do nothing without him would to god the politicians would come to the same place would to god congress and the senate would come to the same place and say lord we can't do nothing without you we need you with everything we got sadly it seems like the governors and presidents and politicians they all go the other way and say we don't need the lord and we can do what we want to do without the lord but nehemiah is not so nehemiah is a man that he's got some grit he's got a backbone he's got some gumption and his faith in his trust is in the lord this morning and they come back and they begin to build these walls and they face much of the same problems that you and i as the children of god face anytime you start trying to do something in your life for the cause of christ and the lord jesus they have come back out of captivity they have been set free and now they are trying to build something out of their world trying to build something for god that brings him glory and immediately i mean brother just immediately as soon as they start trying to do something for god the adversary shows up the enemy shows up immediately there is opposition to them doing anything that will try and bring god glory and honor and praise now i don't care what station of the christian life you're in whether you've just recently gotten saved and come out of captivity or whether you've been saved 10 15 20 30 40 years and you've been out of captivity a long time anybody that tries to live for god after they get saved anybody who tries to build a work for god and do something for the lord after they get saved mark this down opposition is coming the enemy will poke his dirty head up and try and get you to quit and throw the towel in and back up and say well you know what maybe i just got a little overzealous maybe i just kind of miss the lord and the devil will see to it that he tries to hinder you and sidetrack you from building anything in your life for the glory of god there'll always be opposition there'll be battles in your mind there'll be infirmities in your flesh there will be besetting sins you'll have to deal with marital struggles physical struggles financial hardships peer pressure depression disappointment discouragement divorce death disease there'll always be something that the devil will use to try and side track you from doing anything for the glory of god and i wish i could tell y'all this morning that i'd never met a christian who ever stopped doing something for god whoever i wish i could tell you i've never met a christian who got saved and started building something out of their life with the hammer of the word of god and god started doing something wonderful in their life and then all of a sudden some opposition or hardship came against them and they quit but i can't say that i have seen many many christians down through my years of walking with god that they did run well but something or somebody hindered them that they should not obey the truth i've met many of christians that they got a good start i've met many christians on this race and it is a race i've met them that they come out of the blocks and son when they come out to blocks i mean brother they come out like they was in a 40-yard dash and they was lickety-split they had it laid back in the wind and they was getting it but brother instead of running with their face to the ground they might have got a little lifted up got a little haughty thought they had this thing down and they ran with their head up in the clouds and their nose up in the air and the devil come along and throwed his foot out and tripped and they fell face first and instead of getting back up dusting themself off and going on for the glory of god they just decided i don't believe i'm gonna hang out and do this no more i'm gonna go back to my old life i'm just gonna ease off the course y'all this thing is not a sprint this thing is a marathon there are hurdles to jump over there are obstacles thrown in our path there will be all sorts of troubles and trials between here and the glory world you better go ahead and settle it in your heart it may not be an easy road but it's a road i'm willing to go to the death with i'm not quitting i'm not backing up i'm going to stay on it come hell or high water it may not always be fun or popular but i'm sure i ain't quitting and i ain't throwing a towel in this morning and i just love this what jumped out at me this morning i i just love what old nehemiah tells these cats that tries to get them to come down from the wall look at verse number three watch what oh nehemiah says to these fellas that are pictures of the world they're pictures of the flesh they're pictures of the devil watch what it said i sent messengers verse 3 unto them saying i'm doing a great work boy god's doing a great work in our life god's doing a great work in our church god's doing a great work in your life personally and watch what he said i'm doing a great work so that i cannot come down i love that he said he did not say i am not coming down he said i cannot come down. he said it's not even an option i just can't do it we've built too much we've come too far we've labored too hard we've crossed too many rivers we've come over too many mountains we've walked through too many valleys we fought too many battles no ain't coming down so this morning i want to preach to your heart child of god on this thought i'm preaching on hey christian don't come down hey christian don't come down or maybe you'd like to title it child of god don't come down however you want to title it just be sure in your heart by the time the message is over with i am not coming down from the work god is doing in my life this morning and maybe you're sitting here and you're a child of god and you've already got off course you've already got off the wrong side of the road and you've already started slipping or sliding or throwing a towel in make your mind up this morning you're going to get back on the wall you're going to get back into work you're going to get back into war you ain't going to just be a casualty of this thing but you're going to pick your bible back up get back in your prayer closet get back to the house of god around god's people get back to witnessing get back to worship and get back to living for god and get on the wall where you can do something for the glory of god this morning it doesn't matter this morning who winds up in office it doesn't matter what tomorrow may bring just don't come down hey christian don't come down there's several things i see here in the text can i throw them out to you real quick and we'll be done i realize it's five to twelve your stomach's already grumbling breakfast is already wore off and so a hungry baptist is a hard person to preach to so i'm gonna hurry up and preach to you real quick and i'm going to turn you loose and let you go all right don't start gnawing on your hands or nothing like that we had mints and all that in the for you you should have got some of them that'll help your hunger pain see you man right there all right so let me show you several things real quick and we're going to go to the house number one i see there is an alermant to come down there is an allurement to come down look at this alluremen look at this attraction to come down if you will verse number two said in verse two it said sand balan and geshem sent unto me saying come look how positive they make this sound it doesn't sound too bad come let us meet together we just want to kind of talk we just want to have a parlay let us meet together in some one of the villages in the plain of oh no i'll be honest with you a fellow wants me to meet at a place called oh no that's probably the bad sign right there oh no friend i ain't going amen i'm sure that's not what the writer had in mind but that's what i think when i said oh no huh no we're gonna be somewhere else we're gonna meet but not an oh no i can tell that right now here we find there is an allurement to come down here we if you go back to chapter three and we don't have time etc to read chapter three even though we'll go look at it here in a minute but in chapter three you'll find they go to working on this wall i mean brother travis you talk about working these old boys going to work how many brothers they spit in their hand grab their axe y'all ain't gonna shake hands with me at the church now or you're covered and all that yeah praise god i'll wash them before after service all right i don't know what's been up anyway and they grab their stuff and they start beating the rubble down and they start building back up i mean they have worked their brains crazy in chapter three i'm sure nehemiah is tired i'm sure he's wore out i'm sure a breather and a little rest and relaxation a little r and r away from the wall he probably thinks man that'd be a blessing this morning what a blessing it'd be if i could try and just you know kick back for a little bit and get off the wall you hear me what i'm saying friend i realize there's some times living for god you get tired and you get wore out and man you look at other people and say man i wish i could live like them i wish i could be like them and the devil will throw an allurement out your way saying oh won't you just come on down just take it easy just rest just let your standards down you know just let let your convictions down you know just come on down and join up with us i mean everybody's doing it after all it ain't no big deal everybody's having a little drink everybody's going a little party everybody's laying out a church i mean you know cover trying to kill everybody so might as well do it too and you know it just just just come on down and ain't no big deal you hear me the devil's always got something to allure you with the devil's always got something to try and get you to look at and say man that don't seem like a bad deal i'm pretty wore out tired and fed up and i'm tore up from the floor and i think i'm just going to get off this thing and i'm just going to quit the devil's always got something my preacher always said this my preacher said the devil never baits his traps with scraps the devil never baits his traps with scraps you know what the devil baits his trap with something you like something that allures you sister something that attracts you brother hey girls the devil will send by just the right fella that he don't love god and he don't no more saved than a billy goat he lost his a golf ball in a high cotton patch and he'll send somebody by your way just to try and catch your eye and get you out of church and get you away from god and mess your life up hey brother the devil sends some little floozy some little two-timing hot am i by your way and some little hussy and jezebel come by your way and you think oh it'll be all right i'll get her to church and i'll get her right no she'll probably get you out what's probably gonna happen and the devil always sends some aluminum by your way to make you think this is a good deal i can just chill out let my hair down relax a little bit but you better be careful what you fall for what i've always found normally if there's bait there's also a hook in it there's a hook somewhere and the devil never does show you the hook all he shows you is it looks okay and it looks all right until you've beat into it and then it's too late then it's got you you don't got it no more i'll tell you something a little trinket to get you out of church and away from god's people i i i'm starting on my fourth year as the pastor bible missionary baptist church i was in evangelism for 12 years full time before that and i'm telling you in almost four years of pestering and 12 years of evangelism you know what i have seen in those years i've gone to those churches year after year on a yearly circuit and one year i come and they're set some little good family and there said some good brother or some good sister some sharp young man a sharp young lady and they was living for god and wanted to live for the lord and they was coming to the altar and they was doing what they should do and the next year i come by and they're not there anymore and i say preacher where's so and so where's sister so and so where's brother so-and-so where's that young man that young lady that young family and he'd hang his head and shake his head he'd say oh preacher are they here no more how they're back out in the world are they serving god no more some little trinket got thrown out in front of them and they got yanked out brother i'm telling you nothing breaks your heart any worse than to see somebody fall for the devil's traps and fall for the devil's bait when you know it's no good when you know it's a trick when you know it's a trout when you know it doesn't give fulfillment i say don't come down for something that looks alluring it's passing and fleeting hang with what you know will work this morning i find where elisha's servant he fell off his wall for something alluring he wanted money i find where judas the bible said judas by transgression fail in acts chapter one oh judas ran well for a while he was an apostle too wasn't he he did miracles and all that stuff and old judas got his eyes on something to learn and out he went and i find where old david david thank god he failed but he did get back right but old david fell he got allured by looking at bathsheba and he fell and i find where the bible said demas hath forsaken me having loved this present world one of paul's own men and own friends got to looking at the world i'm saying this morning don't come down just for something that is alluring here this morning i'll tell you something that'll get alluring listen to something i'll say this and i'm going to move on i tell you in this society we live in here's something that'll get alluring there'll be there'll be some newest latest greatest sweet sweet sea little church pop up somewhere down the road and the devil come by and say ain't you tired of getting hollered at sunday morning sunday night and thursday night ain't you tired of hearing that fella preach about that king james bible ain't you tired of hearing that fellow trying to keep you right and keep you straight hate you tired of that ain't you tired that music you all got wouldn't you rather have a light show and a smoked show and a rock and roll group wouldn't you rather go to a church where they ain't got no standard you come as yarn and leave as you came and you can social drink and feel good about it you shack up and fornicate never heard it preached about and you do whatever you want it's all right i mean it looks real good but i promise you there's a hook in that stuff you mark it down brother there's always a hook in that stuff you say preacher it looks good yeah but just cause it looks good don't mean it is good this morning the alert the alertment deliverment there's an allurement to come down off the wall can i say secondly there also is an aim there is an aim or a goal of the devil to get you to come down off the wall look at the aim the aim of sam ballad and tobiah and geshem isn't it interesting that there are three of them picture of the world the flesh and the devil trying to get this man to come off the wall look at their aim verse two watch what it said after they make this alluring proposition this attractive proposition watch what the last part of verse two said watch the last part of verse two but they thought to do me mischief do you see what the goal of the enemy's mind was they put out this alluring proposition and when they put out this alluring proposition brother joe they say hey it looks good just come on come meet with us it'll be all right but they had a goal in mind what was the goal they had in mind they wanted to ruin me they wanted to wreck me they wanted to knock me out of this thing you listen to me child of god the devil has a goal in mind behind the alluring things he throws out your way the goal in mind is he wants mischief in your life he wants to ruin your life and take you down so that he can sit back poke his chest out in life and say i got another family i got another young person yeah i got another one all you young fellows down here called to preach i wish that i could say i wish that i could say that all the young men that got called to preach with me when i first got started are still preaching i wish i could say that i wish i could say all them young men that i preached with when i was a young preacher just like y'all and they give us all of us young men you know they'd call all the young preachers up you know if you're 18 and down come up and preach and i used to be a young preacher now i can't claim that no more even though i still feel young my body tells me i ain't and i i i'd get called up there and preach with them guys and brother i wish i could say they all still in the ministry i wish i could say they all still sitting on the front row somewhere past a church somewhere living for god somewhere but y'all better mark this down let me just pause and preach at you young preachers for a minute i'm telling you there's something out there right now that's looking to attract you to the place where you turn your bible in quit on god and there ain't nothing i said there ain't nothing worth giving up what god's given you for i don't care if it's her or her or nobody else they nothing worth giving up your purity and your godliness and you are with god for nothing or nobody and it ain't just the young preachers it goes for every 40 and 50 and 60 and 70 year old man in this church never 30 and 40 and 50 year old mama and grandma in this church there's always something out there that the devil's got and his aim is this his aim we got deer hunters in the church we got i mean brother we got for real slayers in the church i mean brother if a war ever breaks out i feel secure praise god i don't know what's going to happen but if a war ever breaks out just just give me just give me brother kevin and give me brother john and we got enough arsenal i think we could rule the whole world praise god that's right cut that out the live stream we don't want anybody knowing about that anyways they talk about ames they talk about getting out there and they sight their scope in and they get their aim and they get something in the crosshairs you listen this morning mama listen daddy the devil's got his crosshairs on you he's got an aim on you and i promised you he didn't want to play patty cake with you this morning he wants to take you down he wants to get you out of church and out of your bible and how do you walk with god he's trying to get you to come down where you're at this morning and watch what happens watch what i believe would happen if nehemiah comes down look look it ain't just about nehemiah y'all it ain't just about you this morning it ain't just you that he wants say what else does he want hold your place in chapter six go to chapter three with me look back to the left three chapters look at chapter three they're building this wall in chapter three they're building up this wall and watch what the devil's after watch what what's what he wants to not not not just you in chapter three and verse number three look what it said in chapter three verse three but the fish gate did the sons of hasanah build who also laid the beams thereof set up the doors there you see what's going on here here's a fella and his sons working on the wall come down if you would to verse 12 verse 12 chapter 3 verse 12 next unto him repaired shalom the son of hellohesh the ruler of the half part of jerusalem watch who he's building the wall with he and his daughters do y'all see what i'm seeing it ain't just mamas and daddies and paw paws building the wall their children are on the wall with them and i think to myself i think to myself if brother cliff if daddy comes off the wall and said i just need to i i just need to get down from here for a little while and daddy comes off the wall i promise you the youngins ain't gonna stay on the wall by themselves maybe if they're old enough and mature enough and they've seen the benefits of staying on the wall maybe they can stay on the wall if daddy leaves but what if they're young and what if they're tender and what if they're of a young age and they're 14 15 12 11 10 seven or eight and mom and daddy says you know what phooey owned this church business fooly on this wall business i've had more heartache since i started serving god than i ever have and obstacles here and problems there just forget it and they come down i promise you it ain't just them that comes down they somebody gonna follow them down they somebody walking off the wall when you walk off the wall shout out of god the devil's aim is not to just get you but it's to get all them people that's behind you on the wall with you this morning and back to our text in chapter six if the devil cannot get you off the wall if you've just made your mind up i'm staying on the wall you know what the devil will do if he can't get you off the wall with allurement he'll get you off the wall with accusations look what the bible said in chapter six and verse number five he finds out this guy he ain't coming down so watch what he does then in verse five then sent sandball at his servant unto me in like manner the fifth time with an open letter in his hand wherein was written watch what they said it is reported among the heathen and ghashmu saith it that thou and the jews think to rebel for which cause thou build us the wall that thou mayest be their king according to these words and thou hast also appointed prophets to preach of thee at jerusalem saying there is a king in judah and now it shall be reported to the king according to these words come now therefore and let us take counsel together see he couldn't get him down by just to learn him now he's going to send accusations to get him just to quit and come down verse 8 then i sent unto him saying there are no such things done as thou sayest but thou faintest them in other words you're just making them up thou faintest them out of thine own heart you see what he's trying to get now he can't get him to come down by tempting him with a better offer so now he's going to say this oh you just think you're better than all the rest of us that's what he said he said you want to be king you think you're just better than us you won't be king you'll set this building up and you're gonna do this this this oh you just you just think you are holier than now that's why you stayed up there no it ain't got nothing to do with that it's got to do with the fact that i cannot come down i know what happens if i do come down it ain't got nothing to do with me or you it's got to do with me and the lord this morning child of god listen to me if the devil can't get you to come down by alluring you with something he'll get people to throw poisonous barbs your way and accuse you of things that ain't true and try and hurl things at you to where you finally say well what's the use the devil's out to get me and now these people talking bad about me and all i've tried to do is live for god and serve the lord with a pure and a perfect heart and god not talking about about just fooling if they won't talk bad about me y'all give them something to talk about i'll just get out well you ain't prove nothing by doing that right there i tell you the best thing you can do when people start talking bad about you and you're living for god just keep living for god just stay on the wall and after a while somewhere down the road they'll watch your testimony and say you know what what people said about them must have been a double-barreled egg sucking lie they are living for god they haven't come down they ain't throw the tail in go calm down this morning hey christian don't come down an allurement to come down there's an aim to come down look what he says there's also an answer not to come down there's an answer to not come down look at the answer this is where we started at this morning i love the answer verse 3 verse 3 he said he said messengers under them saying i'm doing a great work so that i cannot come down why should the work cease while i leave it and come down to you look at his answer his answer is a clear certain concise answer this morning his answer was not his answer was not well maybe after a while you know i got nothing better going on up here on the wall maybe i'll come down no no no it was a certain clear answer my colors are clear no sir i cannot come down no i'm saying the box about it i'm 100 all in and i ain't going down to where you at you see what people always want you to do people always want you to come down to their level they always want to pull you let me say this let me pause right here and just say this if you have somebody in your life i don't care who they are i don't care if it's a brother a sister a church member a schoolmate a co-worker but if that individual every time you get around them pulls you down and when i say pull you down i mean every time you get done being around them you have to go repent and say god i'm sorry i know i shouldn't have been doing that god forgive me every time you around them they drag you down into something you know you're not to be doing here's the best thing you can do stay away from them love them pray for them keep them out of arm's length don't you let them get up close to you and keep dragging you down after a while like somebody said fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me after a while it ain't their fault it's your fault quit hanging out with them cause you know they're gonna pull you down stay on your wall make it clear make it certain put your line in the sand so straight put your line in the center straight that when when they say hey let's go do that they know beyond the before they ever ask you well she ain't gonna go do that you don't make your testimony so clear that you only got to speak for yourself your testimony does to others where when they say hey we're going to go out here and we're going to smoke a joint we're going to go out here we're going to snort coke okay we're going to go over here and we're going to drink liquor hey we're going to go fornicate hey we're going to go watch this movie that's all full of filth and trash and garbage that you're not going to be doing hey we gonna go to this party where you know there's gonna be a bunch of lewd dancing and a bunch of filthy music and a bunch of garbage make it make your testimony so clear that when they hear when they say they don't even ask you they say well don't don't ask him hang on don't ask her she ain't gonna go hey hey i don't get invited to places like that you know why they know i ain't gone how come you keep getting invited to places like that maybe it's because they don't know you won't go all you've got to do is a couple of times i ain't talking about no pharisee and holier than now i'm talking about living for god and having a testimony that you staying on the wall draw your line in the sand so deeply they say that's as far as that boy is going as far as that lady's going ain't going no farther a clear one you say how come how come he was so clear in this answer how come he was so clear why did he say this i told you earlier he didn't say i will not or i am not coming down he said i cannot why did he say he could not come down look at chapter two hold your place in chapter six and look at chapter two look at chapter two in verse number eighteen chapter 2 verse 18 well we'll start in verse 17 chapter 2 verse 17 watch what he says here here's why he couldn't come down here's why the answer was so clear here's why the answer was so straight chapter 2 verse 17 then said i unto them you see the distress we're in how jerusalem life wastes and the gates are ever burned with fire come let us build up the wall of jerusalem there will be no more reproach watch verse 18. here's why he couldn't come down then i told them of the hand of my god which was good upon me you know why he didn't come down he said i can't come down why because god's been too good to me god's been better than me than i deserve how can i betray him how could i forsake him how could i come down now hey y'all let me just remind you of something when my savior hung on that old rugged cross he didn't come down for me my savior hung on that cross and they stripped him naked and they beat him and they spat on him and they laughed at him and they mocked him and they called him names and they killed him but he didn't come down why didn't he come down for me and for you that's why i didn't come down and the least i could do is stand on my wall where god's put me at and not come down for him not come down cause he's been too good to me he saved me he put clothes on my back shoes on my feet food in my belly peace in my heart joy my soul a song in my lips a message in my life how can i come down god's been too good to me this morning every time you come down what you're saying is god hasn't been good enough to me to keep me up here every time you back up and go down you're saying god you ain't been good enough to me to keep me standing yeah has he been bad at us than we deserved this morning the answer the answer was a clear and a certain one it was also a consistent answer look at this answer back to our text chapter six and look at verse four i love this watch the consistency in this boy's answer chapter six verse four yet they sent unto me four times after this sword and watch the last part and i answered them after the same manner every time they came by and said hi come down. he said i cannot come down i'm doing a great work for god and they come back and said hey come down i cannot come down i'm doing a great word for god hi come down i can't come down doing a great work for god one more time hi come down i can't come down i'm doing a great work he said it so many times they could start quoting it his enemies started saying well don't go ask him again he'll just say i'm doing a great word for god i can't come down he just says the same thing every time but they figured out where he was he was consistent i love the longer i live for god the more and more i just appreciate consistency you ain't y'all you ain't gotta be some shooting star shooting stars don't last long they hear and they're going tomorrow just be a stay in star just be one of them stars they always air big dipper little dipper orion's belt no start they're just always there shining just stick it out don't come down in world war ii there was a fella that i admire greatly even though he was on the wrong side of the war but obviously he believed what he was fighting for just like we did he fought for the japanese imperial army his name was hiru onada and hiroo onada was sent to a little small island in the philippine chain to do reconnaissance against the american forces and to do guerrilla warfare to try and hinder them any way he could on that little island he went there and he started his guerrilla warfare with his little unit and he started gathering intel and doing what he could on that little island well he fought there until 1945 when japan surrendered after we dropped two a-bombs on hiroshima and nagasaki they surrendered so they was recalling all their forces off words started coming to hiro onada through american forces they started dropping leaflets down and things like that and they started sending they knew he was out in the jungles and they started telling him the war is over surrender the war is over they've surrendered they sent pictures in the whole nine yards of the japanese imperial generals handing their swords over to macarthur and that dude would not come down from his post they ended up sending some of their own men out there trying to find him and he would not surrender y'all that fellow stayed in the jungles of the philippines for 29 years after the war was over with fighting say what was he fighting well let's fight them he just had orders 29 years he finally got to the place his uniform was just all i mean just nothing hardly left of it i don't think i think by the time they finally got him he didn't have just a couple fellows with him all the rest of them died and the only way they could get that fellow to finally surrender was they sent his superior that ordered him to that island they found that his superior in 1974. y'all the war ended in 1945 in 1974 they found hero on otto's superior sent him to the island went on a trek out through the jungles and finally found this emaciated individual that been living out there for 29 years on i mean just on garbage and rodents and rats and stuff like that wouldn't give up and when he showed up he said sir the war's over and that's all it took he laid his sword down went home he just died like in 2014 something like that he lived 90 91 years old oh boy dude and i read that story and brother john i thought to myself good god almighty what what what an example man one example that the commander gave him an order you stay right there and you fight to the death and that old boy said come hella high water i'ma stay in here 29 years after everybody's done fighting he's still fighting and they think he's crazy and they think he's nuts no he's not he's loyal he's loyal and he's faithful unto death and the only thing that could get him to stop was if his commander said come on home that's enough brother look at here i am determined that i'm going to stay on my wall i'm going to keep preaching the word of god i'm going to keep raising my family you say what's going to get you down the only thing that's going to get me down lord willing is one day i'm going to hear the commander the commanders coming that put me in the fight to begin with and when the commander comes and calls my name i'll give my sword up to him and gladly i'll go to the house but not until the end they tried to get hero or not to quit a bunch of times by sending him stuff like i say through the americans and things like that he thought it was propaganda y'all there's a lot of propaganda out there in the world trying to get you to quit what god told you to do don't you quit till the commander comes and gets you i'm done let's see the answer got to come down there's an allurement to come down there's this aim to come down but then i see that this fellow was given an ability he had an ability to not come down what was the ability look at verse 16 chapter 6 verse 16 chapter 6 verse 16 here's the ability it says this and well verse 15 verse 15 said so the wall was finished in the 25th day of the month elo in 52 days verse 16 and it came to pass that when all our enemies heard thereof and all the heathen that were about us saw these things they were much cast down in their own eyes why what's the ability that god gave them for they perceived that this work was wrought of our god you know what nehemiah realizes brother danny nehemiah realizes it wasn't our own strength getting the job done it wasn't our own abilities that kept us on the wall we had a god in heaven that was working with us for us and on our side and child of god let me just give everybody in here a news update you and i both would have quit and dropped down thrown italian a long time ago had it not been for the ability of god helping us stand don't get don't get the big head don't get the big heart help me over here esther don't don't don't get the inflated ego and get to where you think well i oh man i'm the last man i'm the last woman standing son i'm really saying no no no no no no you couldn't stand unless greater is he that's in you than he that's in the world you couldn't stand unless if god be for us who can be against us you couldn't stand unless somebody was standing for you and with you had it not been for him standing with me i'd have come off the wall a long time ago i ain't live for god as long as some of y'all but i've lived for god long enough that i've come through enough heartbreaking troubles heartbreaking trials and burdens that if i was to come down i had already done it and you know what i realized brother jimmy i realized just what you realize and others in here realize it ain't me that's kept me standing i've surrendered myself to him i i want to walk with him but it ain't me keeping me standing that bible said the life which i now live in the flesh i live by the faith of the son of god who loved me and gave himself for me and then our ability is his ability do you know a good prayer after a message like this would be to hit an altar and say lord give me more ability more strength to stand to stay on the wall to stay on my knees to not come down there ain't no doubt my mind the devil's fighting some of you tooth and nail fighting your tooth and nail trying his best to get you to come down trying his best to knock you down make your mind up by the good grace of god and with the help of the lord i cannot i shall not i will not come down make your mind up you're going to stand if nobody else does i cannot come down let's all stand tonight this morning father i pray that you bless the simple little message from the word of god take it bless it break it distribute it make it go farther than i ever dreamed possible use it in the lives of your people now lord [Music] there may be somebody here this morning that somewhere along their path they got off the wall they just quit building anything they just jumped off and lord troubles of life sideswiped them the devil took aim on them shot them down god this morning i'm glad we serve a god of restoration we serve a god that picks people up and dusts them off and puts them back on the wall to work again god i pray this morning they'd find a place in an altar of repentance come home get back where they should be on the wall god i pray for those of us that's been standing and those of us been trying to work lord i pray that you'd give them encouragement to stay where they're at not give up not fall for the allurement of the devil these young people all across this auditorium the devil's throwing so many things at their life to lure them away god help them to stand in jesus name we pray if you need to come won't you come this morning how about it mama how about it daddy come on now what about a young person i've had many tears and sorrows i've had questions for tomorrow there's been times that i didn't know right from wrong but in every situation god gave me blessed consolation let my trials come to only make me strong and through it all through it all i've learned to trust in jesus i've learned to trust in god through it all through it all i've learned to depend upon his word i've been a lot of places and i've seen a lot of faces and there have been times that i felt so all alone but in my lonely hours yes those precious lonely hours jesus lets me know that i am his own and through it all through it all i've learned to trust in jesus i've learned to trust in god through it all through it all i've learned to depend upon his [Music] words [Music] there ain't nothing and this ain't good english but it's mighty good theology and it's mighty good advice there ain't nothing worth coming down for nothing not one thing i'll never forget long as i live oh brother j.c brantley he hasn't gone to heaven now good saint of god i remember when he got saved his son served god for years without his parents being in church and his son i sung with him for years little gospel group anyways i remember he prayed for his daddy for years and years and years and brother jc had a heart attack and called for the preacher got born again in the hospital and then god gave him about 10 15 years or so after he got saved to serve him and he become one of the most faithful men of the emmanuel baptist church ever saw my life it was usher treasure walk with god witness to people i mean brother he got the goods he didn't get death bed religion he got saved and i'll never forget one time he stood up in the middle of the church service with testimonies and he said i wrote this down in my bible i thought it was so good it was real country and homespun but i like that stuff and i thought it was good and he stood up and he said preacher i'd rather walk on the narrow road with jesus and hold hands with my lord than ride in a limousine on the broad road to hell with the devil any day i said amen that's pretty good they ain't nothing worth getting off the wall for i'd rather just walk on a little narrow road and hold hands with the lord riding a big stretch limousine with the devil on the road to hell any day friend child of god there's nothing worth getting off the wall for keep standing keep standing i'll tell you what it does for me if you stand the apostle paul said this in one of his epistles he was writing to the church and he said for we live if ye stand he said in other words as a preacher as as a pastor he said it helps me keep going it helps me live for god seeing you stand you know what helps me more than anything keep standing when i see some of y'all standing i live if you stand you you are you're my life you're my ministry man to see you stand makes me want to keep standing it sure does all right i'm going to turn you loose i appreciate you coming please come back tonight
Channel: Bible Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 1,560
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: ZFroq4Hgf0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 51sec (3051 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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