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this morning the book of the exodus this morning in chapter number 21 is where we'll draw our text from thank you so much for that song brother archie sure do appreciate that thank god for grace somebody wrote a song one time and said there's no other word for grace but amazing i'd say that's a good explanation for grace it's simply amazing this morning you say i don't think it's too amazing well that's probably because you never experienced that [Applause] you ever come i mean you ever have a head-on collision with the good grace of god uh you you'll say it's amazing this morning no no other grace could do what god's grace has done for a bunch of old sinners like us thank god for his grace this morning i want to give you what the lord has had on my heart now for a week or so exodus chapter number 21 we'll begin reading in verse number two and we'll read down through verse number six exodus 21 and verse number two the lord says through moses are telling moses to tell this to his people if thou bye and hebrew servant six years he shall serve thee and in the seventh year he should go out free for nothing and if he came in by himself he shall go out by himself if he were married then his wife shall go out with him if his master have given him a wife and she have borne him sons or daughters the wife and her children shall be her masters and he shall go out by himself don't miss verse number five and if the servant shall plainly say i love my master my wife and my children i will not go out free then his master shall bring him unto the judges he shall also bring him to the door unto the doorpost and his master shall bore his ear through within all and he shall serve him forever i love what the bible said in verse 5 about this servant he he plainly says without reservation without apology without being ashamed of it in verse 5 the servant plainly says i love my master this morning i would like to throw in with the slave in the scriptures and i'm preaching on that little phrase in verse number five and i love my master [Music] here in exodus chapter 20 and 21 we find god is giving his laws to moses chapter 20 we all know what's in chapter 20. that's the ten commandments god gives us the big ten if you will to show mankind how they are low down rotten and wicked and they need a savior the law is our schoolmaster to bring us unto that's chapter 20 but chapter 21 one of the very first laws that god institutes and gives after the ten commandments is the law of this bond servant the law of this slave in the text here we find that a a servant could get so and become so wrapped up so enthralled so so given holy over to his master that he's so wrapped up in his master's world that when it came time for him to pay off the debt and go he would say i don't want to leave i love my master he got more concerned about the master's life than his own life he became more interested in the master's business than his own business and he would finally get to the place where he would say brother damien i just can't imagine living apart from my master i cannot imagine a day without hearing his voice i cannot imagine a day without living in his house i cannot imagine a day without enjoying his blessings and enjoying his fellowship you know what i just think i'll hang out right here because i love my master and some of y'all sitting here this morning and my little prelude my little interlude up to this point some of y'all sitting there saying that guy is in the world would possess a man to finally get to the place where he would say i don't want to be free i want to be a servant and a slave to somebody else i just can't understand that well may i say maybe it's because you just ain't met the right master [Music] [Applause] because if you ever meet the master then i met one day [Applause] brother if you ever come in contact with the savior i came in contact with if you ever start serving the one that i'm serving if you ever start loving the one that i love if you ever meet the one that i met you might just have a change of heart and say you know what i love him too i don't want to serve nobody else i don't want to serve myself i just like to serve him you say pray tell preacher what master are you indentured to what master are you serving this morning oh i'm serving one that's a king of kings i'm a servant one this is what he said jesus said this to his disciples in john chapter 13 and verse number 13 jesus said he call me master and lord and he say well for so i am jesus said i am the master jesus said i am the lord i find that every writer near about of the new testament all identified themselves as servants slaves of the lord jesus christ romans chapter one and verse number 1 paul said paul a servant of jesus christ james chapter 1 and verse number one james said james a servant of god and the lord jesus christ second peter chapter one and verse number one peter said simon peter a servant of the lord jesus christ jude chapter one and verse number one jude said jude the servant of christ the book of the revelation chapter number one john the revelator said that i am the servant of jesus christ this morning i just tell you if you ever meet jesus friend he'll be a master like you ain't never had and i know what some of you think some of y'all think i'm gonna run my own life i'm gonna be my own master yeah you gonna wind up in a ditch somewhere you ain't you ain't qualified to run your own life you ain't qualified to lord over your own life and everybody serves somebody the bible said no man can serve two masters either he'll love the one and hate to the other or he'll cling to the one and despise the other you can't serve two masters this morning hey let me say this to every christian to be on him look up in here we looking for quotas on the floor we're preaching up in here this morning let me say something to you real fast this morning nobody can serve two masters you can't serve hell and the devil monday through saturday and serve jesus on sunday it don't work like that you can't serve your flesh monday through saturday and walk in and sing in the choir and say oh hi i love jesus on sunday you either pick one or pick the other can i say i'm glad there was a day brother joe i throw my lord in with him i throw my life in with him i throw my love behind him and i just want to go on record in front of god and everybody this morning i love my master i don't want to leave my master i'm not looking for another master i'm not longing for another master i love the master i'm used up with this morning yeah thank god for the right kind of master i was reading the other day about the queen of sheba brother charlie's reading about that queen of sheba first kings chapter number 10 the bible said that queen of sheba came way off down there and when she come from way off down there the bible said she come to hear the wisdom of solomon said it was told to her about the wisdom of solomon brother tiger and it said when she come the bible said she pressed him with hard questions this morning and brother danny was just pressing him with him hard questions see finally the bible said there was no more spirit left in her and this is finally the clincher the clincher that finally left her with no more spirit this is what she said from her own lips brother robbie her own testimony to solomon a picture of jesus christ was this she said happy are these thy servants which sit continually in thy presence and hear thy wisdom you know what the clincher was that really pushed her over the edge she she said i've been watching your servants she said your servants don't seem mad about having to serve you i got servants down yonder and sheba i got me some servants but they all like bitter they all act mad they have to serve me oh but your servants they hum an amazing grace when they walking around man your servants seem like they just can't get enough for you they just seem like they love you like you ain't like they ain't nobody else you know what the bible said jesus himself said this jesus said a greater than solomon is here jesus said brother wayne he was greater than solomon if jesus is greater than solomon then brother his servants are to love him more than solomon servants love solomon you know what should be the defining mark to a lost and dying world that we love our master they should see that there's something different about us they should see the love we have toward our master and say my goodness they don't act mad they don't act sad they are glad that they serving the master this morning i love my master i ca i can't imagine living without him brother dwayne i've lived so long with jesus now i can't imagine living without him i don't want to try and live without him i'm not looking to live without him i can't imagine a day not thinking about him right right i can't imagine a day just living my own life and doing my own thing with absolutely no thought whatsoever for jesus christ i lived a day like that near about 20 years i mean a day where you just don't give a flip what jesus says i can't remember living a day like that in there about 20 years every day that i live i think would my master be pleased with that i can't do that i love my master i can't say that i love my master and when i do things that i know he doesn't love it grieves me and it bothers me i wonder does it you this morning if it doesn't maybe you don't love your master like you should you know what you know what the problem with a lot of christians the christian life boils down to this it's a love problem jesus said if you love me keep my commandments the bible said in the book of revelation he said i have one thing against me because that has left thy first love this morning i tell you what if you'd love jesus christ like you should it stop a lot of this run around in the world and stop a lot of this moving in here hey you start loving jesus christ it'll make a difference in your life you know you know why there's some things i don't do in my life not just because i love my master i love the woman i'm yoked up with you know why there's some things she don't do because she loves me i hope if you're married you have that thought process in your mind can't do that i love my wife i can't do that i love my husband brother this morning we're espoused to the lord jesus christ i hope when you live your life you say man i can't do that i love my master oh i'm his servant i'm one of his i can't be identified like that anymore i love him today you say preacher you've been up here and raven now for about 10 15 minutes about how much you love your master can you give us some good reasons why we should yeah they all in text can i show you three reasons this morning why i love my master i'll give you three reasons real quick why i love my master number one i love my master because of a purchase yes i love my master firstly because of a purchase did you notice the very first thing we read to you in verse number two verse number two says this if thou bye and hebrew servant there's a purchase made right here i thought to myself brother cliff why was this man up for sale anyhow what in the world wound this guy up for sale in the first place brother craig and then it crossed my mind there are other passages of the bible you can read about why people wound up in indentured servitude and i'll tell you why this fellow listen to me i'm talking about a purchase do you know why this man wound up as a servant or a slave what does that fix to tell you is because of his own blunder he wound up in the shape he's in because of a mistake in his own personal life he ends up bankrupt he messes his finances up brother jacob to the place to where he's getting evicted he messed his life up to the place to where he owes so much of a debt that he cannot pay it off and now they've collected everything that he's got but they didn't just collect everything he's got they've collected him too he is so messed up he is so broke and he cannot blame anyone but himself he can't point the finger and say it's their fault why i'm wound up here on the auction block it's their fault why wound up here on the auction spot no no no he can only point the finger back at himself and say it's my fault that bad choice led to that bad choice that mistake led to that mistake and it's just my fault can you not see the picture of mankind in the text i mean brother here's the facts this morning if you're lost without god you're just like the man in the text you are broke spiritually you are bankrupt spiritually and you have no one to blame but yourself this morning the bible said wherefore as by one man centered into the world and death by sin and so death passed upon all men for that all i have seen all have sinned and come short of the glory of god there is none righteous no not one the wages of sin is death we are all equally in the same bad shape you say why because of sin this morning it has bankrupted us spiritually and we can't point the finger at nobody but us this morning it's our fault but here in the text graciously talk about a purchase mercifully kindly with no ability to pay off his debt or fix his mess out of the kindness of someone's heart they step up right brother mike they purchased this fella i want y'all to hear something about shout and run around my office this morning hey brother kevin when they buy this man please don't miss this when they buy this man they don't just assume him they also assume all his debts [Applause] let me back up hit that again they don't just buy him but they if they're gone [Applause] if they're gonna get him they get all of his debt too see him at his debt is inseparable he is tied to his death he can't get loose by himself and he don't just buy the man he's got to buy the debt too if he's going to get the man he's got to pay the man's dinner to get the man i'm here to tell you why i love my master this morning i had a dead i couldn't [Applause] there is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in christ jesus he wiped the slave claim he paid the debt off that's why i love my master this morning i'll tell you the problem with some of y'all probably some of y'all is you don't recognize what a debt you owed [Applause] brother john the debt that was over our head was a debt that god was going to call upon when you died and you know what that meant i mean you was gonna pay your own debt forever in a lake of fire you know that's why sinners go to hell right they go to hell because they choose to try and pay their own debt and your own blood ain't good enough to pay your debt and your own goodness ain't good enough to pay your debt so you just keep going and you'll bankrupt spiritual condition and you're gonna wind up in hell for all eternity and you'll never get the debt paid off because you're not sufficient to pay the debt oh but thank god [Applause] when justice called for a payment for sin no unworthy could be found among men but the precious son of god with the cross and thorny crown paid the dead with oh how great was this debt that i owed bound to pay for all them seeds that i had sown but in jesus my master my master but mg that's my lord a great treasure i have found i'm redeemed by the blood of the lamb good news y'all it's been paid in full by the blood free to live free from sin now i am and it reads on my page where all my sins were written down paid in full by the blood of the lamb thank god for a purchase [Applause] why do you love your master i've been purchased what first corinthians 6 what know you not that your body is the temple of the holy ghost which you have of god and you are not your own right for ye are [Music] therefore glorify your god glorify god in your body and in your spirit watch it watch it watch it which are gods see i know i know we're living in i know we're living in woke culture and i dare you after church to ask me if i give a good flip [Applause] brother if there was a politically correct bone in my body i'd go have surgery tomorrow and have him remove it i mean i'd get rid of it real quick i get up and quit quick fast fast forward mess the rest of me up and i know i know i know this kind of talk about being somebody's servant being somebody's slave oh that just gives people the rumblies in the tummies and prayers you can't talk about that hey hey i ain't ashamed to be a servant [Applause] oh yeah i know we live in a society this generation they want everybody to pay up for something that didn't even happen to me it didn't happen to you and it way on backyard i ain't seen be no servant look at me i'm a servant i'm tickled to death about it happy happy happy happy happy happy happy being in the service of the king this morning i don't control my own life i don't tell my king what i can say you don't tell my master what i wear don't tell my master what i can listen to i don't tell my master what i can watch i don't tell my master where i'm going to be at on sunday you know what he tells me or if you've been living under that kind of servitude and if if you're a christian and you ain't then let me mark this down you ain't happy the only way a christian can really be joyful living the christian life is when he submits himself to the mastery of the master oh hallelujah he purchased me why do you love your master preacher it was a purchase could not pay off my own debt he bought me he bought me tickle to death to be bought this morning can i say there's it's not just because he bought me not just because of a purchase can i say secondly i'll tell you why i love my master it's not just because of a purchase i've now lived with him long enough that it goes it goes beyond just he got me out of hell the pause before i hit this next point say if the only reason why you love the masters just because you got out of hell then you ain't really been enjoying walking with him because there's more to him than that man that was why i originally started loving him brother chad that's why i originally came into love with him we love him because he first loved us that's why i fell in love with him because of his love for me but now that i've been living with him for a long time and serving him man there's so much more about him to like say why else do you love him not just because of a purchase i love him because of his provisions i love him because of his provision so i read this right here the other day man my heart about busted out my chest look at chapter 21 verse 4 chapter 21 verse 4 if his master have given him the master gave it have given him a wife i'm sorry that's a blessing to my soul you say why cause mine did and sorry can't see and she had borne him sons or daughters she has the wife and her children shall be her masters and he shall go out by himself but watch here but if the servants shall plainly say i love my master i love my wife i love my children he gave it all to me i will not go out free see you say why did this guy love his master so much i'll tell you why i loved him because before he met the master he had nothing brother jimmy before he meets this master he's got nothing he's alone he said he came in and he didn't have nobody he's all alone he was evicted he was homeless he was penniless he was hungry he was hopeless he was unhappy with his life i'll tell you why he loves him because brother carl now he looks around and he remembers what it was like before he come in contact with the master and now he looks around this place he's living at he's got a roof over his head he's got food in his belly yes sir he's got nice clothes on his back he's got shoes on his feet he's got a wife beside him and he's got children amen you know what hits his mind this is what hits his mind brother skip he gave it all to me it all came from him amen wouldn't have nothing without him he's the reason why i have what i have this morning come here y'all grab mama's hand charity grab abs hand i'll tell you why i love my master this morning come here esther come here cody say why i love my master cause everything i got [Applause] everything everything i've got come from me he gave me her he gave me them how in god's name brother tim could i turn my back on him and quit serving him now every good and every perfect gift comes down from above from the father of lights and whom there's no shadow neither verbalness of turning thanks be unto god for his unspeakable gift every good thing i have in my life is because my master gave it to me my master brought her to me my master blessed us my son had cancer he ought not to be here today my master touched his body my masters kept us in clothes and my masters kept us in shoes and my master's paid the bills more times than i can count but it looked like there was no way i loved my master this morning thank you guys now i'm sitting here this morning i wonder if there's anybody if there's anybody that could look around in your life and see the good blessings of god on your life surely you wouldn't be so bold to say i did this i'm the one providing that no sir there's a good hand of god that's been in [Applause] i got songs in my heart this morning y'all forgive me i've always had a place to sleep yeah close to wear and food to eat god has been so good to me if all i had he took away then i still would stand and say that god has been so good to me help me choir god has been so good to me and i'm thankful for a fine family for the church where i attend and for all my christian friends god has been so good to me hey hey do you love him this morning how could you not love your master i look at everything god has done to pass what he's doing in the present what i believe he's going to do in the future and i say lord i love you i love my master my master could have been rude and ugly and hateful if he wanted to be he bought me he can do whatever he wants to with me but he's not he's gracious he's kind and there are times that i don't treat him with the love that i should and he loves me anyways he he takes care of me anyhow i think about that maniac adair i was just looking at him the other day and was talking about that maniac that had them devils and legions of devils in the men's bible institute and the bible said that that man was naked he was running around he was crying and cutting himself he he wear no clothes he was crazy out of his head and nobody could tame him but i read over there brother kent where the bible said when he met jesus when he met the master when they came out of the city and they saw it he wasn't like he used to be brother cease from the bible said that all three of his previous characteristics had been changed he wore no clothes he was crazy nobody could tame him he'd run around the bible said when they came out the bible said their sat that man he wasn't running around no more he was seated there's a calm now in his life there's a peace that he never had before and the bible said he wasn't just sitting he was close whereas he was running around naked before now he got clothes on and then it said and he was in his right mind yeah whereas before he was crazy and tormented by death now he thinks straight he sees stray and if somebody was to walk up brother hunter to that former crazy man they was to walk up and say hey last time we're singing you is crazy he's running around he's naked i just have a question for you where'd you get them clothes from you ever thought about that yes sir he didn't have none he was naked reckon where he got them from i know where i got them from this where'd you get them clothes from he just said he give them to me yeah yeah yeah he got me something boy he was running around now you sitting and you call them you got peace where'd you get that piece from i mean they've tried religion on you they've tried pop psychology on you they've tried psychiatry on you nothing worked how'd you get that piece he'd say he gave it to me yeah son you're minor nags right now you used to talk crazy and say crazy stuff now you talk normal where'd you get that piece of mind from he gave it to me you telling me he gave it all to you that's what i'm telling you gave it all to me you know why i love my master because what you're looking at is a product of him giving it all to me if you expect him to come by and hear cody zorn tell about how good cody zorn is or what all cody zorn's done to make cody's on what cody zorn is you can wait a long time i'm telling you this morning everything i am is because my master it's all because of my master this morning i love him sorry i was you all this morning if i just brag on my master all right i'm just just bragging on my master this morning so far i haven't bragged on zorin nothing good about zorn bankrupt messed up jacked up fouled up was a lot good about my master but i'm done i'm done right here it's 20 after i'm done we see not only was there a purchase there are provisions but lastly we find there's a proclamation there's a proclamation made about this servant and his master would you look at verse six watch verse six with me after this man plainly says i'm not leaving you i'll stay with you forever i i don't want to leave you verse 6 then his master shall bring him unto the judges he shall also bring him to the door unto the doorpost and his master shall bore his ear through within all i thought about wearing a clip-on earring this morning and preaching on the day i got my ear pierced [Applause] my wife said that wasn't a good idea i think she's probably right it was a spiritual connotation y'all get that right amen i'd have wore it on my left ear not my right ear somebody said if it's in your right ear that means but i figure it like this if you got in your left ear that means you're only this far from anyways [Applause] well that took a real hard turn didn't it praise god he said his master would bore his ear through with an awl and when he done that he'd serve him forever you see what that book said it said the first thing they do just before they make this mark in him just before they make this mark in him brother keep they take him to the judges in other words they bring him before a panel of people and they want to make sure brother randy that it's not the master making him do this they want to hear a testimony they want to hear a proclamation from his own mouth so they bring him to judges brother matthew that can discern the truth they set that guy there and they say now how come you want to get your ear bored out he says cause i love that guy i mean really really yeah yeah you ought to see my beautiful wife i got a home you ought to see my babies you see these clothes he gave them to me said he seems to give them to me see these bridges he'd give them to me man i was a nobody headed nowhere until this guy come along i love him yes sir see he tells other people he gives a proclamation that he loves his master see he doesn't live one of these closet servant lives where he don't want nobody to know how much he loves him no no he's telling everybody and when he proves it by his words then they put don't miss this they put an identifiable mark on his life he's not ashamed to be identified with the master brother ap they take that ear they put it on the door post hold that ear out take that all that hammer and bam yeah knock a hole in that ear you know what that means brother fred that means everywhere he walks in town from now on when they see that ear they say oh you belong to him don't you i sure do yeah i'm proud of it when they see him they say hey hey hey you belong you belong that religious fanatic down there named jesus you belong you belong that group of servants down there that claim to love jesus so much and they talk about he says yep i sure do you think you're going to hurt my feelings by making fun of me you hear my feelings none man he's been good to me see you know what that mark is you know what the picture of that mark is is this jesus christ the bible said that he came down he was made in the likeness of a servant philippians chapter two you know what happened to him as a servant they put holes in his hands and feet he was bored in holes and do you know what the christian life is the christian life is you identify with him that's what this hole was it was a picture of what was to come i'm identifying with somebody had holes in their body now i'm not listen listen you understand i'm using this as an allegory there ain't no verse the new testament says we ought to take nobody to the doorpost back there and knock your heel through with an eye that's right cause i ain't gonna do it and i hope you ain't neither praise god right but i'll tell you what we should have on our life we should have some identifiable marks that shows the world we belong to him we're redeemed by him we're saved by we're his i wonder i'm just curious in your regular monday through saturday life are there any identifiable marks anywhere in your life that somebody could look and listen to you for the span of a few minutes and say hey i think you belong to jesus or will they look just take one look at you about how you dress or take one look at you and by what you listen to or take one listen to you by how you talk and say i'm not sure if you belong who you say you belong to is there an identifiable mark anywhere if you know him and you love him there should be some marks on your life that says i am my beloveds and my beloved is mine this morning help me over here esther my king's known by mercy and love this morning i wonder do you love him you sit here this morning and you may say to yourself um preacher i don't know him like you know him nor do i love him like you love him you can you can this morning i wonder if you rolled back the curtain of memory this morning child of god and looked and saw everything you've got amen you got nothing on your own you got you're going nowhere on your own it's all because of jesus it's all because of jesus and one of these days brother foster i'm going to stand in the mini-mansion city of god with all the other servants that's been bought by the savior not only other purchased pieces of property and i'm going to stand there you know what i'm going to say i love my master [Applause] i love him i wonder if you love him this morning i wonder if you'd make a proclamation not just in here but out there that i love him see that's how salvation comes about that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the lord jesus you know that is proclamation confess with thy mouth the lord jesus believe that heart god's raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved proclamation amen have you ever publicly made a proclamation lord save me i'm a sinner going to hell trust in you please save me put some identifiable marks on my life [Music] i love my master i do i do it's not a show i put on just telling you he's worth loving he's worth living for he's awesome let's all stand hedge bow knives are closed when's the last time you just told him i love you oh we get so wrapped up so many times and saying god i need this and lord will you do that and father please help me with this and he's there for that when's the last time you just said lord i love you because everything i got you gave me look around at what's in your life look around at what's in your life he gave it to you i love him for it father i pray you take this simple little message from the word of god drive it deep into somebody's heart and use it for the glory of god help us to love you more serve you more god there's never been a doubt about your love for us you've proved it time and time and time again lord i'm sorry where my love for you has waxed cold and feeble forgive me i'm gonna prove my love more to you so if a man loves me he'll keep my words help me to keep your words more in jesus name amen if you need to come i want to say i love my master would you come this morning maybe he's not your master he can be this morning before ms esther sings heads are bowed and eyes are closed i'm going to ask you a question real quick just a real quick if you if you're in the valley of decision god's dealing with your heart you say preacher jesus christ is not my master this morning i do not remember a place or a time when he became my master when i had my debt of sin forgiven and i was saved preacher he's not my master will you pray for me i'm not saved would you slip your hand up right now say preacher i'm not sure i'm saved pray for me would everyone in the building like that your heart's beating out your chest god's dealing with your heart would you pull your hand up right now and say preacher pray for me i'm not sure i'm saved he's not my master but i'd like for him to be if you need to come you come if you're a christian and you say preacher i haven't been living like i should for my master in light of all he's done for me i have not been living like i should won't you come tell him that he'll forgive you won't you come she's going to sing about him sing to a sister tell us about him this morning
Channel: Bible Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 1,229
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: CODY ZORN
Id: eriT4drZLFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 50sec (2570 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 27 2021
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