Stop being desperate!

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hey hey tony gaskins here now you know what it's it's one of the sad things that's going on right now and that's this um next mentality and it's it's weird today because we have social media so and we have google so you can google a person i remember one time the first time i seen one of these relationship coaches that's you know big now with like over millions of followers online i remember years ago somebody was asking me hey do you know this person i was like no and i googled them and popped up a mug shot for domestic violence and i was like wow nobody just thought to google this person that they taking you know love and relationship advice for and realize that it got to the point to where he literally had to go to jail for this and like mug shot and stuff like all almost every man has gone through physical altercation in a relationship almost every man i know a lot of men are not man enough to admit when they were a punk but i wrote about in my first book you know in being in college and being in the dorm room and just being in toxic terrible relationships and so i googled it and i was like um that's interesting now later i checked again later when i was talking about like years later and it wasn't there so i'm thinking the gentleman probably used one of them services that like cleans up your google search results or got it like expunged or something like that and so but i thought about that and now i see where you know you can go on somebody's facebook you go on somebody's instagram and you can see their past like you could scroll through and look through their pictures you can see what they come from you can look from that first picture all the way on up and so we have a little bit more and then sometimes when you're dating in your own city or through social media you have the ability to check a person's relationship resume like you can see what this person has done who they've been with about their past something and i know some people do background checks on the person they're dating and you know to each their own but one of the things that i'm seeing a lot of times with women is so many women are settling for a man who comes with so much baggage like when i'm doing the q and a and i'm getting i'm doing the q a tonight too i think lord willing i'll be doing the q a and you can check on um my instagram which is my name tony guys and click the stories and read through some of the stories and when you see some of these questions a lot of times you'll see questions over and over that says you know i'm with this guy and he has three kids four kids five kids one lady said her man got nine other kids she got three kids from him and he got nine other kids so it's like man when did he have these nine other kids how many of these kids were before you're three if all nine were before you're three what in the world are you getting with a man who got nine kids where do you have time to fit anything else in his life you see what i'm saying but one of the things i'm noticing with women is that y'all a lot of y'all be so ready for a man that you will ignore all the red flags and then something i keep hearing is you know um he got a baby mama but i don't like them talking and he got a daughter with her and i feel like he should be taking me over to his baby mama house to pick up the daughter and these be girlfriends who want to and essentially what it is what i've noticed is there are so many women who want to erase the women before that man before her regardless of who the woman is want to erase his mother erase his sister erase his child's mother and just be the sole only woman that knows him and that is toxic and what that also is is a state of desperation so if you're like that you gotta really hit the pause button to say whoa now why am i jealous when he's on the phone with his mom when he's on the phone with his sister why am i jealous when he does something for his mom or he does something for his sister and that's his blood why am i jealous his female cousin his his niece you know why am i jealous and so you really got to ask that question and because men now here's the thing men may feel the same way but it's just not voiced as much it's not men aren't in people you know dms asking about this and saying hey you know she got a a baby daddy and i want her to not talk to him or i don't want him to be you know i don't want him drop the kids off to her or i feel like i need to be the one to pick up the kids for her so she don't have to see him and you just don't hear that as often on the other end and the reason why is because a lot of men gonna come in and just having a sense of ego a sense of pride is gonna try to come in and be like i'm that dude i'm not gonna be sweating you being nice to your brother you talking to your brother like you talking to your daddy like yeah nobody male or female wants their spouse their boyfriend or girlfriend to be on the phone with a family all day long four times a day just like co-dependent like nobody want that but even once a day or once every other day you know just separating that time or having that time but it's people that don't even want that just want their spouse all to themselves and that is toxic and really what i'm seeing is like so many women lining up lining up to be the next person to get hurt it's like when you see certain men in the community in in the city and online celebrities or you know public figures [Music] you ever wonder how like in your city this man could have money or he could have a title he could have a reputation he could have a position but he got three baby mamas and he'd never have a hard time getting the next woman like the woman will see he dog her out he dog her out he dog her out and she will have direct information data and know what he doing like this one lady she wrote me on the q a instagram q a and she said he and i just had a baby we have a newborn but he has moved on and he's back with her is she on board and she asked the question and i ignored the first time she asked the question again and maybe a third time or maybe the second time i answered it and i was like obviously she on board and and then she asked the question a couple more time but i had already answered and she was basically saying like how can a woman be with a man with a newborn and i see this happen over and over and over again and it's just like and the thing about it is a lot of times for the for women it's not about sex it's it's about companionship it's about love it's about having somebody like a man if a man sees a woman has a newborn he really not gonna take her seriously at all now he will pretend he doesn't care to sleep with her and so that's his selfish intent and it's him chasing lust but in the cases i see the women are not chasing lust it ain't like they just want to be on their back so bad or that they need that because they all y'all got all kind of toys out there so it ain't like the woman need that it's like the woman is saying hey i'm sorry he beat on you i'm sorry he's spitting your face i'm sorry to thump y'all newborn baby in the head and kick y'all to the curb i'm sorry y'all got to eat out the trash can and live in the shelter i'm sorry about that but hey i got a spot for him right over here in this bed and ladies you got to stop that got to stop that because he need grown boy that's on the podcast that what they want you to do they want to be able to go through two failed marriages and to come to you and you don't even question how them other two marriages fail you don't even try to inquire within you know try to do a little digging you try to get on that see if you can find a domestic violence mug shot of the man you just jump right on in you know try to find a woman facebook and look back to the time period or when she went through this breakup what her quotes she was posting what kind of uh dissertation she was posting think pieces she was posting this kind of get her side of the story so you can kind of put it together and say okay now let me see now this is this man crazy what's going on and when and and not even listening good enough what i'm noticing women ain't even listening good enough [Music] and looking at the situation and just asking questions you know just kind of so yeah how things going and always tell people not don't go to talking about your exes but when you just get to know somebody that's going to come out like if you asking the questions now if you ask anything wrong asking a question it's up to the person if they want to answer the question and how they want to answer the question and that's what we got to realize but what i really want to see happen is if you single if you're a single woman you getting ready to meet this man pump your brakes a little bit pump your brakes a little bit do a google search you may not find anything on him if you don't great because if it's a mug shot if it's something to do with getting arrested that's gonna come up so at least you're gonna see that and if it's something else crazy he did you know you'll see that but if nothing come up great but then just kind of you know if he been in that city he been around like he'd been living there send that picture show that to your co-workers show his picture to your co-worker show it show it to and cause he is me and we do the same thing man that's what we do hey bro you know her hey you know anything about her hey you ever heard of her oh yeah that's such-and-such um baby mom well that's such as girl oh oh for real wow okay um i ain't know that all right yeah ain't gonna better do that that's what men do check checking resources except for the nasty men the nasty men they finna jump right in there like you you'll see some women get passed from man to man to man to man to man and all these men is thinking with the little head stood at a big head and but the only thing they want to do with her is sleep with her whereas with women women jumping in line for the man that's for the community and it ain't just to sleep with them like it's so many women that'll jump in line with a no good man it's like how do we as men have a refuge with another woman if we leaving a woman who is pregnant with our child or if we leaving a woman who just popped our child up her body ain't came back together yet she's still flapping in the wind for the next six weeks and the man will be gone and have refuge with another woman another woman got a got a house for us to live in hot meals a day some action in that bed got a cough off to dry got a savings for us to live out of and and we'll know and we'll know that we got a newborn well just stuff doesn't work out it's just like you know what am i to do just sit here and be single because him and her didn't work out it's like okay stuff happens yeah they got a newborn but maybe the relationship has been broken for years and it just so happened that the baby was the you know distraught that broke the camel's back it's like what am i supposed to do like send them to seminary school before i get with them just because she's on facebook crying a river with justin timberlake and so it's like i don't know who's saying that song grab me your ring and i'm like uh yeah need to do something send him to some bible college like have he done any coaching [Music] do you know if he's done anything do he know how to spell my do you know that have you asked so so like okay you coming out this relationship like so how has it been like how's your heart feel like how has it been healing oh i'm really healed like i'm straight like netflix and chill on hill on netflix and chill like it is like i'm a man like and see the thing about me is like i'm from the street so it's like with me it's like my brody jack got shot and killed no no i watch a man die like right here oh oh good like you imagine no question and then the man hit you with that so like you know what do you think about like um you know therapy or like counseling just to talk it out i don't need to talk nobody i ain't got something people don't even know what they be talking about and people just enough for the money it's like people only know what they talk about so now this man telling you he own bad terms with his baby mama or his girlfriend he fresh shot he fresh out a day a week and and you nobody now see this the thing if he fresh out this woman and you don't know about it okay that's totally different but when you know he had no time to heal he did nothing to heal when you know that and you still get with him come on now you're going to get everything coming to you because you got to heal before you deal so if the man has done no healing now he just walking right to you and guess what you are you are a band-aid you're a band-aid you're rebound you a teddy bear when we get hurt what we need we need some tender love and care so his heart is hurting because he human and he failed in the relationship either he failed her or she failed him or they failed each other but the relationship failed so he got a bruise of failure on his head he's feeling bad his heart is hurting he cry in the car oh yeah he cry in the car and this is the mistake that we made this is the mistake that we made and guess what nearly every woman make it nearly every woman make it you know why because men one out of ten men take time to heal so if you're a woman and you find this out you have to then take it upon yourself to say hold on hold on hold on you know if you just fresh out of that we not gonna be able to get into nothing like you know that's that's that's not gonna work so what what i need from you is you know like just take some time to heal you know and if i'm not taking off the market like if i don't meet somebody amazing i'm still gonna be single because i'm not gonna settle but one thing i'm not gonna do is i can't be in no relationship with you and you just got a relationship a month ago like two weeks ago a day ago a week ago and that's how it be and there are women who become and this what women don't like to talk about so many women become the therapists for their man and they talked to him about his ex and he bashed his ex and then the woman take and cap it off with a night cap so he's sitting in her therapy unpaid he ain't sacrificing nothing it's unpaid he with the woman that he's sleeping with or about to sleep with bashing his ex and the woman sit there and listen to him and chime in realizing that it's three sides to a story his side her side in the truth but the woman sit down oh no she did that oh my goodness see i don't even understand these women it's like so you mean to tell me you busting your butt you got corns on your toes because you wear steel toe boots that's how your toe look [Music] yeah so like i'm saying you got corns on your toes your hands is callous i'm looking at your hands you got black stuff in the cracks in the crevices of your hand that does not come out let me see it again yeah it we'll figure something out cuz you gonna be rubbing on me okay we'll figure something out but see this went on and she don't cook three meals a day oh my goodness let me you know what as a matter of fact i got to get a hand cooked now because i was just getting ready to cook because i'm not that tight woman getting ready to cook but hold on let me go put my thumb on because i like to cook my thong and now you ain't not cooking you look back at it look and uh just a little scent in the rice rice taking tasting like [Music] can't stand the heat in the kitchen with that thorn on but this is how the mana get you he come in and he play on your motherly nature this your motherly nature so it's in you to nurture your nurturing nature so now he come in and this is how a lot of women get the man tuna with the woman they call it the damsel in distress so now what the man called the lad in distress and this hot that's how people get played on it go both ways now it go both ways because we love to put a cape on we love to put us a cape on to save somebody and and guess what i had to realize that what what i do that's why i call it both ways so i i did a video earlier today or yesterday and i'm talking to the lame men but at the same time women got to understand what they doing wrong too i got to call it both ways but i i remember i'll be sitting on the phone talking to a woman and she just got all the soft story in the world and i'll be naive and then every night then i get to hear the man's side i'm like whoa so first i'm telling the woman i'm mad with the man then i talked to the man now i'm mad with the woman i'm like wow this is a mess so that's why a lot of times that stuff don't work when you do individual individuals you kind of got to do it together so both stories can be heard at one time and i remember though when i used to just coach the women because the men wouldn't get help it'd just be the women getting help and i'll be coaching the women and i remember my wife would tell me you know i can't talk to her about what i'm talking about because confidentiality but my wife would tell me listen i'ma tell you something when you talking to these women they a lot of them gonna play damsel in distress and they're gonna be everything perfect they're gonna be everything perfect they ain't gonna tell you nothing they did wrong they're not gonna tell you about this and that and this and that this this pers personality quirk and all that because also they don't know where you at in your marriage they see you online they see how you think they so they'll assume the type of woman you want so they gonna be exactly that and you're so transparent if you ever said anything that i don't do as a mother or as a wife they and they picked up on that they finna hire they finna get on a session and say oh yeah you know i cook you know every day because my wife you know she's not really a cook like that now she cooking every day right now we're in school but she's not really she's all into that you know and i'm fine with it because i'm okay with chef bonefish grill chef olive garden chef ruby tools the chef domino pizza hey all y'all send me a check i'm all right with it but and i don't feel like that to find a woman how much she love to cook or how good she cook or how often she cook and so i had to remove gender roles from my relationship so that my relationship could be more healthy because it's things that a woman feel a man should be doing that i don't want to do you hear me like i'm not going to be around here all on my knees fixing stuff and all of that it's like i'm in a call somebody this what he do god called me to this he's not on youtube he's not on instagram he ain't got to sit on the phone and talk to nobody for no hour god called me to this i'm not gonna do this and be down on my knee land tile that's what he called to do that's what he loved to do i'm gonna let him do that and often to do me and if you feel like i'm less than a man because i don't want to get out there and be mowing lawns and holiday go right ahead feel how you want to feel and so yeah it's a couple times my wife looked at me like you can't do this and i look you can't do that all right now we got to move gender roles now we got to remove general so listen so this is the thing i understand that but see what happened here my wife let me know this and i was naive to it i wasn't thinking about it i said you know what you will right everyone now by almost every woman i coach is perfect i mean she made a mistake she cooked three meals a day she she worked all day and grind and she come home and cook a full course five course meal with a dessert you know what everybody house clean everybody laundry done always and so i think about that thing and this is the thing this how the man will come in and he'll come in with a broken heart i get questions from women so many questions that i'm looking at that i'm reading that's saying um how do i help him heal when he has a hard time trusting because he's been hurt [Music] are you are you a professional do you work on my that you got a cow on there that you can send him the link to click and pay for a session okay then that's not your job he's supposed to heal before he deal send his butt to the website to get some coaching when you see he broke and say listen listen i don't want to crop like i'm here for you i want to support you but at the same time i don't want to mix business with love business with friends in this in this stage right here so it's like i want you to get unbiased opinion i want you to get a neutral opinion because i'm the person you're going to be sleeping with so you talking to me about this your last relationship i'm biased because i'm i'm up next so i want you to go get some help and you work on that and you heal from that oh no see uh see they ain't i get down because see me on all that right here like listen no you already know about me on i'm from the street i ain't going to be sending them people all over man people got holes and they saw what do you mean they got hoes that mean you can't see their problem you ain't going to be off enough man [Music] so that's what you want know what you oh that's what you want huh yeah let me ask you something what you watch on youtube what what is name start what tony uh i don't heard that i don't heard that so you don't watch you don't watch my boy do you you know what i'm talking about my boy you don't watch him he'll be having stuff spinning on the desk you know watch that see that you don't want to hear the truth dude you don't want to hear the truth you want somebody that's going to pat you on the bank you want somebody going to tell you everything you do is right see that's the problem with y'all now man get my blunt that's the problem with y'all now see this oh yo like a man who smoke either huh you know what i ain't even gonna smoke this right now you know blew my high see you want your old beta symp you want your old beta male huh beta male simp huh see i'm i'm um i'm asm aware rsm aware whatever it's called i don't know what it called the man be calling itself what's it called [Music] rp aware of some i don't know and so yeah i ain't that kind of man see this right here i'm gonna tell you one thing right about me right now see um a alpha i'm a real alpha i ain't talking about no fraternity so if this ain't the kind of man you want then okay go go get going get him off youtube then get you one of them that you can run all over tell what to do that ain't how i move so now he come in brokenhearted lost heard confused he needed he he needed a shoulder to lay on he he sub tweeting his ex he saw he put stories bottle on it he he posting quotes that's taking jabs out of he posting songs about it and then he'll go to woman who uh he'll go pick misha oh oh yeah oh my goodness that's what she did to you see i'm not gonna say i told you so because you should have known better you should have come over to a real woman from the goal and so now here she go right in though pit me pick me pick me and then he'll go the thing that's what y'all do first he broken-hearted and he need to talk to you he needs some therapy he opening up he crying he all it is you know how i know this so well cause i was that guy then as soon as you kind of want him to get over it and you want him to do something about it you want him to read this book or take this course or hire his coach then he get mad so now he just went from the beta man that he calling other people like myself calling me a beta he went from the beta man but they're crying in your lap and complaining about his ex tonight when you provide a solution that he need to do not he not he all of a sudden alpha man and he to he too good for that he too strong for that he don't need no help nah he checking you and so now when he check you if you lost and confused and you don't know who you are as a woman first your nurturing nature is pulled on and you want to be his therapist and then his life coach any business consultant you want to help him heal his heart you want to help him realize his vision you want to help him start his company map it out and now he'll go to the thing you could have barely walked across that stage i mean you had to be in a professor office um yes i want to know is it is would it be any would it be any opportunity for extra credit because you know how life gets it i don't mean to cry but it's just like this this degree means so much to me oh i could do extra credit oh okay now you could be them barely got across that stage whether it was high school or ged online cosmetology uh bachelor masters doctor whatever you barely got across that stage but this man finna make you feel like you is oprah bill gates elon musk uh what's up warren buffett all in one oh for real oh ain't him think about that so so um so like how much it now what you call it what you said a little ll what it is a who oh llc oh what i heard about what a lemon lemon lemon law oh was it limit limited liability company oh okay yeah i know i heard about that so let me ask you so how do you know about this [Music] man man i feel stupid because i'm over here with her and she's just trying to get me to go to m scott get a payday loan when i needed 500 i'm gonna get a payday loan i'm like what kind of woman is it and then here i am with you a real queen like bossed up like you teaching me llp i mean what you said well let me know i mean limited liability company and they're like see what i'm saying and then he said i need to be with the sex court i mean what you say escort you know what i'm saying it's like you teaching me because he one thing about me like for real like i'm from the street like they don't get with that kind of knowledge and then here you go and it's like man you don't mind if i post about you on facebook do you because man i got to let people know i'm finna grab that quote just by boss women like jess when you get your boss women like because i just seen a little dirt posted the other day like hey you got a good one keep that good one and don't let the world hey you chasing what the world wants you to have i seen the dirt tweet that other day often matter of fact i'm gonna retweet him because he the voice i'm just gonna retweet him cause it's like and then a little baby the hero and so this is the thing it's like dumb guys come from where i come from and it's like data voice and hero but it's like you can't be the voice in hero and he ain't got you know a woman that gonna be beside you so now he didn't came he don't played on you he then played on he got you feeling like [Music] you a therapist and so you so now you're enough bam in the table you think you are yellow she shouldn't did that and see this one you know what i need to do a youtube for me to teach y'all how to deal with these jezebels cause he ain't like that so i got the spirit of roof so now he got you feeling like a therapist then you get tired because you're not getting paid to be no therapist then that thing you know now he now he moved you from i young fans on knife in the movie the souls armin knight sues armin he getting financial advice but he playing so dumb that you put your money up well it ain't nothing but like 300 also i started llc for you because i know what i'm doing cause i could do it in like 30 seconds like and i don't want you on there and trying to click keys and all that because i know you from screens and stuff so i'm gonna just get on there and it ain't gonna take me long to find this llc for you and then what else you need okay you're gonna need business credit so i'm gonna start building business credit for you and then you need personal credit too so i'm gonna help you with personal credit so what i'm doing first credit they have a thing called trade lines okay so where do you trailer i'm gonna add you to my car okay i'm gonna add to my car and it's gonna skyrocket your credit you know someone put it because see for me i got like three fifth thousand dollar credit cards and so i'm put you on there and i never go over thirty so i'm gonna be under the third person i'm gonna put you on the other one okay let me do this real quick so you got that cape on huh yeah that you got that cake tight that cake so tight around you choking over there so now you got that manner llc you're building a business credit you're building your personal credit and you finna gonna tap in and give a little bit alone just to have you a warm body and you don't care how many bodies he done caught how many bodies he done slept with i'm in the body he didn't caught in the streets and the newborn baby he walking away from or the pregnant woman he walking away from you right there ready open arms come on home come to mama and that what you treating him like like he your son instead of like he's a man auditioning for the role of husband he got to show you that he worthy to be a husband and you show him that you worthy to be a wife but y'all don't give husband and wife benefits you courting you getting to know the mindset you get to watch the work ethic you getting to watch the character that's what you're doing in this season right here you're not on there to be doing all that extra what y'all be doing and so this is the thing everybody ain't gonna like the truth and and he'll go to uh i gotta get a good pop cuz that's how they oh tony got i am so tired of y'all man online making mine off telling women what to do talk to the man you talk to the man's healthy men and stop leaving a baby around teddy man i stop uh leaving her pregnant instead of trying to tell me not to put up with him why don't you tell him not to leave her you don't see i got 300 videos on here you don't think you don't think it's plenty whole video i got a whole playlist called man to man it's like listen i can only talk to one person at a time so a video one video for the man one video for the woman i got to call it straight down the middle i ain't taking no sides you know whose side i'm on he who sent me that's why you don't hear no tomfoolery that's why i ain't on here with all that cursing and cursing people out and acting a donkey and with all them spirits and all that know he who sent me that's whose side i'm on so sometimes the message gonna be for the man sometime the mess is gonna be for the woman what we have to do when i do a message for the man oh i see all you doing bash me what about these no good women that's why i'm older i'm a boy podcast and you hold up with a drop feed on my boy being suits see that white ain't respect you yeah no alpha man see all right man let me get off the page you need to talk to the women so when the message for the man talk to the women when the mess for the one i talk to the man that's why the world in this place that it's in right now don't nobody want to hear nothing that's for them everybody wants something to be for somebody else no nobody wanna hear nothing for them everybody wanna hear was for somebody else if it's some for somebody else is music to our eels when the truth stepping on our toes and i'ma tell you how i changed my life how i went from 9.50 an hour to owning several companies of my own i had to step on my toes i went from being a womanizer a lost dog a stray dog to being a king i had to step on my toes i'm talking about just stop the mess out of today bleed just getting the truth oh man i'm stepping on my toe for real i'm trying to demonstrate i'm stepping on the toe and that's this the thing we don't want that though but what i tell you the truth only step on your toes when you walking out of line like your boy said orange juice if it don't fit you muscle quit he did it again i ain't gonna judge nobody but hey if you don't apply let it fly if it's on your toes don't holler like grandma used to say he a hit dog a holler and that's what i'm trying to tell you too when you're out here and you just want somebody just to have somebody need checking no resume when you own a company and you gonna hire somebody for your fortune 500 company you can build from the ground up are you gonna check a resume so when you talk to this person getting to know this person before you become exclusive before you get all the way in before you go to posting about them on facebook and introducing them to your friends and family you got to check the resume and the resume is giving yourself some time three months at least to watch how they move watch their character see if they can stand on their own two feet because see we play games as humans we come in with an angle and we either coming in and we finna play on you we finna play on you we finna play on that nurturing nature and how you you know feeling like or we finna play on that desperation that frustration that isolation we finna play on something and so you got to be self-aware you got to know who you are where you are what you want where you going how you going to get there so that now you patient because you know what's for you is for you and everything is coming you ain't got to rush it and look if it's the right person it'll be the right time because love transcends time if it ain't the right time it ain't the right person so if they need to go heal shoot bye bye go go heal and then if it's meant to be you'll still be single after they get that healing and they come on bike after they did them 10 sessions or read them 12 books or went to a 12-step program or you know went on a retreat you know and they don't got that healing process going now they got a daily routine that they feeding they mind feeding their spirit feeding their body they round the right people they hanging with the right people they got the right input they doing the right thing now you could see that growth now okay now we could talk now we could make something happen but without that no we better make that happen we're gonna better make that happen i'm gonna need you to heal before you deal and so listen stop stop being desperate i'm next pick me pick me and and and that and you know it started at the wedding we get jealous of seeing other people get married and that lady get ready to throw that thing and it'll be a woman come through there and she doing the major she's stepping on this she just stepped on this woman's thigh step on this woman elbow this woman sky high through the leg they catch that thing in the air catch that uh what the thing they throwing off her leg and think it really means something okay well you know caught you caught five of those i've seen you at five where you you the michael jordan five of them and still same so can you stop kicking people to catch that and let somebody else catch one it's like listen don't be desperate don't be dead know who you are know what you want know what you bring to the table and then let it let it show up let it let it play out like don't don't feel like uh a letter said he got a girlfriend in the question he got a girlfriend but i'm starting to catch feelings what should i do somebody said god ain't gonna send you somebody a man so key word he got a girlfriend that's not your man he he's single they him and his girlfriend broke up they've been broke he's been broke up for six months three months at least three months and then the next three months you could be he healing like he doing the work and y'all getting to know each other but it's like he'd be fresh out he still smell like her and have another woman we could come out a relationship and have the woman perform on us and get another one i know it's perfume i just say perfume because i like to put my orange some stuff we can have in one per room on us and get right they'll tell you you they ain't love spell is or um uh what you call that a watermelon cucumber that's a from victoria's secret or bath and body works i thought i think i got that same smell but what what i was just wondering why you smell like that it kind of a little feminine oh well it's like i was just hugging my sister he still smells like that relationship come on that with that melon cucumber smell like love potion love spell whatever y'all be wearing and you'll see it right there come on over here let me cook you something let me cook some cook my special meal he paid now bill you ain't no cooking it's like listen i'm trying to help you out now i'm trying to help you out because getting rough out here and that's the thing you got to make sure the man do some healing and i try and i tried that in my life i tried that in my life trying to go from one to the next my wife kept me to the curb two months a day i hadn't healed she didn't know though that i was fresh out but my actions showed it kicked me right to the curb next time we spoke with six months later hey i hadn't learned my lesson then hadn't learned my lesson then and so this is the thing if it's meant to be it's gonna be when my wife kicked me to the curb after two or three months a day and she didn't know that we would ever come back together she never wrote me one time i see women oh i broke up with him because he needed to grow but i miss him and should i contact them or i wrote them and now he's ignoring me it's like how you break up with him then chase him that don't go together he not even lost all respect how you break up with a man and then chase the man come on now you can't do that if it's meant to be and you got to kick him to the curb he gonna come back to you and say listen i realize what broke us up the last time and i needed some things that i had to fix i had some things i had to fix and how to fix those things and now i'm ready to be your man and i want to know if we could give it another shot that's how you gonna come just like that correct hey this tony gassman um y'all you know forgive me for going this here alone but you know sometimes they ain't getting flowing and i realize hey this is a new day i realized it's a new day only here youtube you know a lot of we can't get to moving around like we want to outside so those of us that call to teach and share some things and share our experience is what we it's what we're doing we talking so y'all got to forgive me you know for talking your head off but uh god bless you we'll talk soon
Channel: Tony Gaskins
Views: 41,660
Rating: 4.9692307 out of 5
Id: qXkgYKSOkw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 14sec (3014 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 24 2021
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