What Are Some 'Girl Secrets' Guys Don't Know?

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what are some girl secrets guys don't know about drunk girls in the bathroom are the nicest girls in the world single dad with a daughter this thread feels so important and also mind-numbingly terrifying expected girl secrets got mostly girl secrets posts instead for s sake if i say i'm about to come that does not mean change one single thing about what you're doing don't go faster or slower or god forbid change the position just stay exactly as you are please i don't care how terrible it looks i'm super late to this party but i lift my boobs up so i feel like i can breath without a weight of them have no idea if anyone else does this tbh it's a great feeling every so often something itches is it a yeast infection is it a bacterial infection is your pubic hair growing back in is it dryness is it irritation did something get stuck in your underwear the answer is that 99 of the time everything is fine but you're still gonna worry and squirm uncomfortably trying to get it to stop and also yeast infections in general much more common thn one would think and absolutely goddamn ruthless some of us get extremely horny during the period or little before that not the best timing and not so many men dig it half the time i'm readjusting my bra i'm actually trying to scratch my nipple edit seven eight k up votes thanks guys some of us have to shave our toes i suppose guys are warned about unexpected boners when they get sex ed the same how girls are warned that discharge is normal as they're going through puberty i see a lot of discussion about said boners i guess the girl secret would be just how frequent it was to go to the bathroom and suddenly your underwear was so soaked it was insane this is talking high school middle school age so careful with the replies lol and it could dry on them and make them crusty it could get bad enough that the underwear could get holes in them if they go long enough without being washed sorry for the grossness tween girls can be unsanitary too lol edit i feel like i should add this btw the comment about how people learn about unexpected boners and discharge the more i am thinking about it the more i am convinced it came from reading magazines targeted at teens girls how ha i think m was one haha that's where the holes came from our favorite bra hasn't been washed in two weeks edit it is winter so maybe i should have said six weeks oops some women get blood clots in our periods and it feels like you're giving birth so a jellyfish boo batley is a thing that happens and it's perfectly normal trust me same with stretch marks around the breasts and thighs if you have sex without a condom we need a good few minutes after to let everything drain out of us i always tell my boyfriend brb gotta go who's i try to come up with new ways to phrase this so far my partner's favorite has been exorcising the semens go to spice it up it now comma edit spelling ugh edit two we have so many hair related issues plucking dark random nipple hairs trying to line up when we shave our areas to when we hook up to avoid guys from seeing razor burn or ingrown hairs before getting out of the shower we have to pick out hair from our butt crack that fell out from washing our hair pube is growing and sticking out of our undies pubes getting stuck in pads or liners hell hath no fury like a woman who shaved and didn't get laid sometimes we have to take the extra long stride too because period blood and discharge can make things sticky down there how slowly we have to pull out a dry tampon in order not to rip our vegina tissue out sometimes if you fart it doesn't escape through the fabric instead it rolls all the way from the back to the front with a noticeable little pop it's never a good feeling edit apparently this happens to a lot of dudes too not gonna lie i assumed the balls stop it escaping the front we or at least some of us get ridiculously horny on our periods the aftermath of shaving our lady parts is a two-week long nightmare after three days of smoothness we're left with the world's itchiest stubble rubbing up against panties in grown hairs from the constant pressure of yoga pants and skinny jeans not to mention the fact that our jj now feels like the face of a scruffy man edit all the dudes saying just keep shaving it then idk if you read the other replies but it actually makes it no less than 100 x worse three days bliss i'm lucky if i get a day and a half [Music] we are almost always at least a little wet it's not that you're hot our bodies just need to be to function like a dog's nose sometimes a pubic hair gets stuck under a panty liner ouch we love it when you moan and make noises during sx don't be the silent type let me know i'm pleasing you god damn it we get so turned on that our [ __ ] actually hurts sometimes periods suck overall but they are very different depending on the girl some women get emotional some are completely normal some periods last for eight days some last for three days some girls are in extreme pain some just have mild discomfort some flows are very heavy some are very light akka i'm on my period can mean anything from sorry i'm completely incapacitated or i'm just feeling a little worse than usual might not be a gold exclusive thing but i personally need a lot more foreplay to actually enjoy sx can we bring back dry humping this thread makes me feel so normal phew thank you ladies under boob sweat is a thing some women have larger labias and sometimes they get stuck in our underwear it's very painful and extremely uncomfortable and then we have to either walk funny to try to get them unstuck or walk very very carefully to somewhere where we can just stick a hand down our pants to get things sorted and don't get me started about getting stuck in lace underwear in pants hard bulge pick actual pic of your dick when girls are particular about their hair products it's not just being overly superficial or picky when your hair is long the right shampoo conditioner drying routine can be the difference between soft waves and a dry ratty mess at least in my experience when you hold your breasts when you walk up the stairs so they don't jiggle because that's uncomfortable sometimes when we pee a stray drop or two starts to roll across our butt cheek or maybe that's just me the true reason we go to the toilet together is dart that the waiting queue would usually so long that alone we lay get really bored and be feel a little excluded from the conversation for some minutes when we come back to the group so we go together and share the whole time we are waiting sometimes a hug will do a million times more good than trying to get me to explain why i'm upset largely because i'm probably overwhelmed with my feelings and need to process them before i can explain them the fastest way to process and get them out a hug to feel loved my nipples can be like two clitorises on my chest rubbing them very gently licking being kind equals i get super wet and aroused usually when i am stubborn i stimulate a nipple at the same time i don't know why dudes don't try this more when i ask most go at my chest like they want to smoosh my boobs like dough or suck a nipple like they're angry and trying to lengthen it what i think they don't get is there's so much versatility in the body i like rough play too but tender play is a whole other lovely world if there are any men fashion designers on here women who like dresses want pockets in the dresses and i don't mean near my boob i mean on the actual skirt part i love my one dress with pockets the feeling of having fart bubble popping forwards and squeezing your thighs to pop it bro didn't expect this to blow up till that guys get this too now i have a mental image of dicks flapping up like the lid on a kettle the fart bubble that sometimes come forwards and goes into your vegeta and your squirming bcu you have butter your vegina now some girls like squeezing their boobs as a guy i also like squeezing my boobs i would say this only applies to women who are slightly bigger but this was an issue for me even when i was very slim thigh rubbish is horrible when you wear a dress or skirt particular in summer it was also bad for me if i was wearing stockings and they would ride down a bit below my bag essentially forcing the top of my thighs to rub together in glorious harmony it hurts i need jeans designers to reinforce the goddamn inner thigh bit it's always the first to give up and then i'm spending money on new games again ugh after you go to the toilet and you have discharge in your knickers pulling your knickers back up again is the most horrific feeling it gets cold very quick while stupi cold wet and slimy discharge knickers suck imagine that all day long when we say don't stop during sx it means don't stop doing what you are doing don't go harder don't go faster just don't stop doing it exactly as you are right now it seems that when this is said the guy speeds up or starts eyeing up the rhythm guys think girls are really complex but that's not always the case i mean sure sometimes i have a lot going on in my head but other times when we're in the car and i'm silent and you think i'm angry about something i'm just thinking i wish i'd ordered the tacos at dinner instead of the chicken or did i remember to switch the laundry over damn i may be late to this post but while we obviously can't get boners we can and quite frequently accidentally get turned on you just can't see it i find that myself and a lot of my female friends cross our legs to help the feeling go away but it could just be our weird thing but you can't assume that any woman standing like that is accidentally turned on sometimes we just like standing with our legs crossed sometimes we stand up and things just gush out of us we always think it's our period heavy makeup and no makeup looks mean something completely different than what you're thinking the feeling of pulling a really long hair out of your butt crack at first it's kind of gross than this good little shiver feeling i'll read it looks like our hair ends up in our guys butts too and you either love it or hate it so i'm not sure whether to apologize or say you're welcome you're welcome edit too my most upvoted comment is now about having hair in my ass thank you for that we squirm around sometimes to unstick our underwear from our thighs we also think periods are gross but we don't have the luxury of avoiding them queefs are not true farts in the sense of passing gas they happen when air gets pushed up in there often due to intercourse and then it needs back out be nice if it happens because we might be embarrassed and in a funny way it's sort of your fault some of us especially the natural hair black girls not all or guess ms are the same the org sm we give ourselves masturbating does not feel the same as the orgasm we get from intercourse and the orgasm we get from clitoral stimulation is not the same as a regional or guess m all are satisfying and wonderful but the i just sort of blacked out holy i am done or guess m is what we really want or guess ms are 80 percent menthol women notice everything naturally we have a keen eye for detail and don't mean to get mad when men don't i wish guys knew the difference between fake girls being cute and cute girls being cute and the difference between [ __ ] and strong-willed women ask your girl best friend trust me they know edit those who don't have any girl best friends to turn to an oversimplified gotch example certainly lannister is a [ __ ] while a grit and a rear stark are strong-willed girls all three are violent but the latter two don't want to rise above by pulling others down margaery tyrell is the girl who acts cute to get what you want but is not necessarily all that innocent and naive as she lets on gilly is an innocent girl who genuinely needs help and advice and someone to support her as a third party it is easy to understand the difference but put yourself in the shoes of the male characters of god and you will know how manipulative many women are perfect example of why girls are so confusing you could have easily elaborated on your post and given examples of these differences but you chose to leave it vague without any actual information squirting is not as enjoyable as you might think it's seriously the best thing ever when a guy actually takes the time to learn what you like during sx we may play it off like it's no big deal we didn't come but it really matters that your period doesn't just stop all of sudden it's not bleed for x amount of days and then it just magically stops now there's still a little bit of extra stuff left so feisty times aren't really gonna work the instant i'm off my period super late to the party and not sure anyone has said it but girls masturbate too in addition and more importantly if a girl wants to bring her sex toy into the bedroom it doesn't necessarily mean you bad in bed most likely it means she wants to experience something new or because it's impossible for you to physically vibrate we also like to look at reddit while pooping and unlike men while we're peeing also i don't know how many times i went to pee and sat on the toilet way longer than i needed to just cause i was caught up in some thread i was putting my hair on the wall in the shower the other day and my friend who is male was appalled i'm like duh we all do this in the shower so we don't get covered in mystery hair or hair in the butt crack a lot of women fake or guess ms and we are bloody good at it why though aren't you just encouraging your partner to do the wrong thing gonna take this opportunity to apologize about the amount of toilet paper we use but it's necessary sometimes we just play with our pubies when we're bored no s or aspect to it being on your period is the worst try being super horny but not being able to wank because everything is just one big slimy mess down there edit okie dokie wow this blew up for all my horny sad frustrated children out there trying listening to hamilton heather's or dare let the blood works run baby edit too holy my first silver y'all are awesome edit three and a gold periods don't stop nothing but a sentence that seeing a man in a well-fitted suit and tie is probably equivalent to men seeing women naked my husband recently tried on some suits and every time he came out of the dressing room my heart skipped a beat stop telling me to smile more [ __ ] [Music] pregnancy is way harder than you think it is even on a good day i had pain or at least discomfort in obscure parts of my body that overwhelmed me the exhaustion is unparalleled the hormones the muscle spasms bone aches crushing fears uncontrollable circumstances it is a lot to handle and you literally cannot get a break from those things until the kid comes out then you have a whole new set of things to deal with i say this as someone who actively wanted to get pregnant and will likely do it again someday i love my daughter and i loved a lot of things about being pregnant with her but it was also kind of the worst and birthing her was another nightmare in itself so basically react to pregnant and postpartum women with twice the kindness and empathy you think they deserve there's the why am i crying diagnostic is it mensuration ovulation birth control side effects is there any chance i could be pregnant am i just having a bad day does thinking about cats just make me cry now do i have unresolved feelings about something else in my life am i just a wreck now possibly all of the above hands are s i as hell hugs can be s why sometimes we just need a hug but there is nothing more attractive than being pressed up against a hot guy enough to smell his cologne hngg play with babies and animals even if you just tolerate them an attractive man holding a baby is overly explosion worthy don't grab girls by the chin it's weird run your fingers gently under her jaw and if she pulls away back tf off i've seen too many guys just not get the hint when the girl they're into is bending over backwards to avoid your lips nasty unless you know the girl and she's comfortable with it don't put your arms around her or anyone and we can be just as bad at hints the best way to communicate is to line communicate clearly and concisely girls are known to play mind games guys are too and they're just wasting everyone's time i love heels and makeup a lot of people think i dress up for a reaction but i will do myself all the way up just to clean my house or go four-wheeling with my brothers they laugh about it like why are you in heels and a dress to four-wheel because it's a sitting activity down the second coming region is produce excretions they can ruin underwear i wasn't even born with one and i can tell you guys flip there when they realize just how many quirks the things have my god daughter asked my wife and i how to stop the random leaking that happens her mother never really told her about it after we explained that it's normal she said what the hell i'm like an old faucet my husband was surprised to learn that i pee every time i poop they're not separate events fellas if i'm sitting on a toilet you best believe some amount of pee is about to emerge love how this thread is 90 s is all this might just be a gay woman thing but i'm still going to say it just because you have had a res exchange to being a woman does not mean i am attracted to you or one to you changing your gender snd calling yourself a lesbian then abusing me because i'm not interested is not supporting women's agendas we need to pee right after sx to reduce the risk of getting a ut also if on birth control and pulling out isn't necessary we need to go empty out the goo you just gifted us please don't try to throw your arm around me and fall asleep i don't want to sleep in the sx juice that will be leaking out of me momentarily let me go take care of that real quick while i pee looks like women really do make 80 cents to the dollar in comparison to a man's wage just look at all the gold in the other thread we love when you play with our hair our vegina smells sometimes like the things you eat it may not happen to every girl but if i eat onions garlic pineapple etc you gotta be ready to feel the exact smell or taste very sweet for the pineapple right into my vegina and it's juice anything i eat can transform my vegina smell it can be great or bad depending what i eat the eerie frictionless first wipe after sx not all girls are bearless down there some of us are pretty hairy and we let it grow into a bush too sometimes we don't really know what's wrong or why we're so upset so stop asking what's wrong repeatedly and just hug and love us if you're a guy and we're not that close and i tell you i'm cramping it's not because i want to gross you out when girls can't help but cry and we don't want to mess up our makeup dry humping is great for play i'm a dude i'm well aware of head hairs getting in your veginess i love going down on a girl and all of a sudden i pull out a 10 inch hair in amazement girls always get so insecure but i reassure them it has happened before and i'm used to it then i make them even more insecure because they start to think of me pulling hairs out of other viginese this is for my eyes or girls out there if you try and tell us we just haven't been with the right guy and imply you are the right guy you're not i don't like sx at best it's boring and at worst it's extremely uncomfortable if you don't want to date an isle girl that's fine it's not for everyone but do not try and change my mind or fix me when you fart and the fart bubble rolls forward into your vegina instead of up out the butt crack and you have to like wiggle around to pop the tiny fart bubble because it's trapped in the veginal folds and it feels funny [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Tales
Views: 82,132
Rating: 4.9084311 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, subreddit, reddit stories, reddit tales, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, reddit story, reddit best, funny posts, r/, reddit funny, people of reddit, stories, updoot, reddit jar, planet reddit, storytime, educational, podcast, audio, animated, animated story, cartoon, radio tts, girl secret, secret, reddit secret
Id: 7RHG4mpi0gU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 11sec (1451 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 08 2021
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