What's Happened When You Walked In On Someone "Doing It"?

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nsfw what is the strangest thing you've walked in on someone doing my friend's mom jerking off a much younger boyfriend they were in the kitchen and had their backs to me and my friend but her arm position and movement were obvious i didn't say anything about it to my friend and he seemed to be not bothered by it or maybe used to it or maybe too embarrassed to talk caught a former friend and his sister having sex on their couch they had a basement living room with an outside door we were going to play dance dance revolution i was bringing my pad over i texted him he responded he knew i was on my way over and it was only a five minute drive so not only did he bang his sister he also had piss-poor planning ability that was supposed to be a threesome chris lady at work held someone else's baby while she ran off to do something something that should only take a minute or two i go into my office and wake up the computer for some reason it automatically maximizes the security camera feed i see the lady holding the baby just plops out her boob and tries to breastfeed the baby then i guess a second later realizes it's not hers and tucks everything away worked as a waiter in college it was the late 80s the third floor of our place was tiny held four tables normally for lunch we weren't busy enough to put people up there had a couple come in and request a table on the third floor when i brought the drinks he told me to take my time coming back because his date had to run to the store for smokes i come back about 10 minutes later and she is gone this guy had a cell phone and it was the first one i had ever seen i asked him about it and we talked for a few minutes about how it worked he showed it to me and let me call my roommate so i could see how it sounded i thanked him for showing it to me and went back downstairs when i walked downstairs and my eyes got level with the floor i glanced over at his table and i could see her shoes and knees underneath the tablecloth he was in mid-blow job while calmly and patiently explaining to me how cell phones work not really a strange thing i walked into but i just remembered this i think 10 years ago i went to a public bathroom and saw my father washing his hands he saw me and pointed to the middle stool implying that the stall was empty when i entered the stall i saw an old asian man peeing and looking shocked walked in on friend's little brother as he was putting some of his mum's concealer powder on his ass before school he said his bum was too red and it made him look like a baboon he was around eight or nine what i really don't understand is why he was getting his ass out at school my brother and i arranged to meet another friend at his house and julie arrived there at the stated time we knocked the door and there is no response but he 100 wanted us to come round and we'd walk the best part of two miles to get to his house this was pre-mobile phone so we couldn't ring him so we looked in the windows there he was yo-yo around his [ __ ] dancing to music maybe eight or so years ago my boyfriend and i stayed at a hotel in dallas it was a nice hotel courtyard with pool and hot tub i couldn't wait to hang out in the hot tub after the long drive we looked out the window to see if it was occupied and saw five or six middle-aged guys doing a genuine circle jerk decided to skip the hot tub you witnessed a classic red did meet up walked in on my man sitting up in bed miming to herself miming for lack of a better word she was lifting invisible lids off jars and chucking stuff into invisible bowls and stirring tea she was enjoying herself you could tell but it was a bizarre sight what are doing man i was pretty horrified cooking she said simply first major sign of dementia a year later she barely knew who i was a friend of mine was picking his nose when i walked in then he proceeded to put it back in for some reason my old roommate would regularly down a whole bottle of whiskey in the middle of the night while doing lines of xanax and watching anime in his cheap tty kimono once he was good and f head up he would get one of his many swords daggers and proceed a fake fight along with the anime he did his own sound effects too is that guy still that cool i went to take a piss in a malls guy's room there were two guys fully clothed laying on the grimy floor playing chess with a full-size chess set they had to have been there for a while it was pretty far into the game edit about 20 years ago my dad's girlfriend and a family friend both had six-year-old sons i walked in his bedroom to tell them it was dinner time and they both had their dicks tied to the ceiling fan with strings the fan was on i have zero idea how they managed to do that i slowly backed away and sent the parents upstairs i once walked in on a care staff member eating the food that he was supposed to be feeding to the frail old woman [Music] when my son was five years old i gave him a bunch of coins to put in his bank after a while i went to check on him he was sitting naked on the floor showering his junk with the coins question mark many years ago a relative was staying over during the summer i was looking for something i thought i may have left in the spare bedroom he was in walked in on him combing his pubies with a comb i thought i lost only a few days earlier i work in a large corporate restaurant i once walked back into the kitchen on a slow day when there was only a few other servers on and this one new guy was standing by the soda station carefully trying to insert one straw into another after a moment he put it down walked around in a circle did a little jig thing then went right back to it i left him to his business being bored is a hell of a drug i had a roommate once who was sheltered sheltered as in she went to a school run by nuns before she came to university by the second week of uni she started getting out of her shell started to realize she didn't need to do much to get boys it was fun but also annoying because at night i could hear her having whisper phone sx while she thought i was asleep this was the old days way before tinder or smartphones so there was no photos only her whispering voice and her dirty descriptive words anyway one day she was in our room and i walked in on her with a digital camera my digital camera taking photos of herself with a cylindrical perfume bottle half inside her it was also my perfume bottle it later became known as odi puss spray but did you get an odypus complex a co-worker was sitting in his office armchair holding his fishing wheel on his lap and stroking it godfather style i just slowly backed out of his office and no it is not a euphemism for [ __ ] he was actually stroking a fishing reel i walked in on my college roommate shoving a cucumber down his throat and we made eye contact so he just chomped down and started eating this huge mouth full of raw cucumber like he meant to do it all along or something i saw he had tears welling up in his eyes and wanted to spit it out so i asked him wtf he was doing and he said i just don't understand how girls do it man i just wanted to see don't tell anyone okay my cousin at age 12 farting in his own hand and sniffing it see i used to do that but instead of sniffing it i'd quickly swing my hand over to my little brother's face i walked into a bathroom in elementary where there was a dude about three feet from the urinal as i walked in he slowly moved up next to it he didn't stop peeing the whole time admitted we've all backed up from the toilets to see how far we could shoot one time me and my dad grabbed the same doorknob from different sides of the door not exactly walking in but one night i was out drinking with a friend we got so hammered i had a hard time standing and was on the verge of passing out so we head back to his place to find his crazy ex banging on his door screaming for him he sends me inside and talks to her on the porch i head into his room and pass out on a chair about an hour later i wake up to the meth king right next to me he [ __ ] her she starts cleaning herself up and he offers to have her blow me i know about her there for a few reasons and don't see that girl again well at least he tried to hook a brother up walked in on a roommate jerking off into the kitchen sink i once had a roommate that decided to come all over the dishes in the dishwasher i worked as a merchandiser it was 3 a.m on black friday and the boss ordered everyone to load the shelves of product way before the doors opened during a pre-break walked into the bathroom to see two employees tying off their arms with a needle in the other hand just noped right out of that situation walked into a public toilet in beijing and realized they didn't have partitions between the squad toilets so was now walk out then realized there were two chinese dudes talking to each other side by side while squatting staring each other in the eyes just chatting away with two logs of tea coming out their asses they looked at me then continued their conversation like it was all g i walked out and sat in the mcdonald's down the road i woke up next to my parents having sex in the bedroom tent does that count did it people are asking what's going on when we my sister and i were kids our parents put a large tent up in the master bedroom it was big enough to fit a twin inflatable twin and queen mattress inside it where we all slept in various spots one night when i was about 11 or 12 i woke up to my parents having sex after i exclaimed my disapproval of the situation they stopped and my mom said i told you we'd wake him up thanks fam comma bedroom tent what does this mean is your house one big campground do you have a kitchen tent my housemates watching pokemon with the sound off i said you're watching pokemon and he said yeah and then i said with the sound off and he said yeah and no further juicificlen was given came home to my flatmate watching world war ii documentaries wearing full nazi gear like the ss he was completely relaxed about it not walked in more of walked on i was at a park one day and i needed to go real bad and the public toilets weren't available i started walking around the park when i came across a water drain gate in the ground walked up to it and as i'm about to unzip i see two eyes look up at me and say hi removed pooping it's not weird or unique sure but the way i walked in was funny i was the front desk of my job and was asked to clean the bathrooms i transitioned over to the bathrooms and give a quick i'll knock knock kick in the door entry i was trying to make a boring task somewhat entertaining i guess now while i admit i should have waited for a response the dude should have locked the door regardless me kicking in the door really scared the shitty out of him the ahu huja sound he made in fright and the magazine he threw in the air was both hilarious and embarrassing i apologized and went into the back office until he left thankfully he didn't ask for a manager probably out of embarrassment i'm laughing at the mental image of narcity knock knock wham i tease occupied man my friend was watching an anime and i walked in at the most awkward moment of the anime and i thought he was watching hentai nowadays it's hard to tell the difference everything seems to be borderline a key and for some reason college administrator here i used to work in campus housing so the amount of times i've knocked on a door to a student who was very clearly having sex is more than i can count not even phased by it anymore always happens the same way you knock on the door because you need to check a maintenance report or something then you hear the rustling and the whispering then you realize there's no light coming through the bottom of the door you hear the music turn off and you silently curse under your breath door opens usually the guy answers the door you see the girl in the bed with the covers pulled up to her neck the guy tries to act all casual but you know he knows you know you know he knows you know then the smell hits you college sophomore year walked into my friend's room as i normally did as he had a double room to himself that semester and i find this chick planted on the floor facing me bent over like she's trying to blow herself she looks up as i walk in and i see a carrot sticking out of her bag i'm like wtf she just took the carrot out took a big bite of it and hustled out of the room with a cheeky grin on her face never saw her again my friend to this day does not believe me a couple buddies and i were playing ding dong ditch on the wednesday before thanksgiving on the way to the bar yeah we were really old for pranking anyways we ring this house and we hear a loud dog bark and we run we end up in some dude's backyard where this dude is in a kimono waving his samurai sword at 1am during a full moon seeing this we ran faster my ex-boyfriend's roommate fisting his girlfriend literally elbow deep as a girl i literally don't even understand how the hell you get a fist up there edit both the vegena and the anus f king ouch walking in on a guy eating out his sister did you get pushed out the window years ago i was at my small mountain village with some friends when we decided to go to a near place for dinner we took the only possible road to leave the village on the road we found a dude standing out of his car with his girlfriend need in front giving head we couldn't help but pass next to them slowly with the curves being strict and windy while no real side space was next to the road the couple neither stopped nor paused the action every now and then i catch my boss doing his job my cousin humping a pillow we all have done it but it was still weird to walk it on i walked in on someone giving themselves a coffee enema i was walking through a public square late one night after a bar shift and there was a guy banging a chick up against a wall face to face standing up but the weird part was that he had just pulled his jeans down a little whereas she was completely naked i always think how persuasive was that guy he's not just getting laid in public but he managed to talk her into taking every stitch of clothing off to do it would regularly walk into the kitchen to find the kids doing hilarious which tea my favorite was when they gathered up every broom in the store about 15 brooms then stood them up on their bristles so they'd stand vertically on their own and then they'd work around them like a makeshift obstacle course but act like everything was regular ordinary i miss those weirdos sometimes not me but i kind of caused it i had a guy rent a room from me for a couple months he was from utor and a recently ex-mormon and was trying to experience life out of his home state i lived in washington at the time back then i threw parties a lot but the guy never attended cause he worked the graveyard shift in security anyways he came home one morning after a fairly wild party and when he opened the door he was met with a view of a guy and girl sprawled on the floor without any bottoms on at all they passed out mid sx and that's how the mormon roommate found them haha he literally moved back to utah within the next two weeks and decided he was going back to church i think that's how he views all non-mormons now at work walked into the kitchen seeing a colleague making a cup of tea he was waiting for the kettle to finish boiling and was pouring milk over the tea bag milk before the hot water we locked eyes and he looked as though i just discovered his most intimate secret i used to work at h greg where i had this big douche of a general manager he sent me for a random drug test one day because my eyes were suspiciously red when i passed the test he seemed awfully surprised then a few weeks later i walked into the store bathroom to find him sniffing lines off the bathroom sink unlike most of the stories here i didn't turn around and walk out no sir i fully embraced what i saw hit him with a nice smile and a well hey there then proceeded on to take care of business he ended up getting fired not long after that for some crazy tea that i can't remember i almost walked in on two people having sex in the lift elevator saw the doors opened i saw them there and declined to ride down with them now sx in a lift doesn't seem so unusual but this was a five-story building and they had brought a red satin sheet with them it wasn't spur-of-the-moment stuff i was taking a sh t in a walmart bathroom big mistake anyway but i had to go when two dudes came in i hear a lot of shuffling and next thing i know i hear smacking sounds and moaning well the stall i was in was in front of the mirror and through the crack and the door i could see the sky in a walmart vest getting a blowy from another guy in a walmart vest i just sat there on the toilet for like 15 minutes paralyzed in shock and fear weirdest thing to ever happen to me at walmart i walked in on my six-year-old nephew getting a bj from his three-year-old brother the elder one was laid out on the floor with his pants off giving his little brother instructions and guiding his head i ran the hell out of there and told their grandfather to deal with it abusing the family someone's taught that not a walk-in but i bought an iphone off a work friend i was renting a room under he had set the phone up under his apple account i didn't realize and open up my new phone i found a bunch of gay sx picks and his manhunt account then a few weeks later my ex and i walked in on him allowing a dude in the front room as we just got home that night he wasn't my first gay roomie but he was rather open about it as a teenager i worked on a number of old sailing ships as a tourist guide i think it was my second summer there i was closing down a ship called sigeon and approached the back of the mess hall when i saw my male colleague squatting with his pants off at the corner where the mess led to the kitchen he saw me and quickly raised his pants and without saying anything just rushed past me i still have no clue what the fck he was doing but it looked like he was trying to take a dump we never talked about it walked in on a gay glory hole situation going on the sucker was on the outside of the loan cubicle just bent over going for it he froze up when i walked in and just faced the wall thing is that this wasn't 2 a.m in a gay neighborhood or anything it was middle of the day in but ck nowhere rural australia about a year ago in the middle of the night i walked in on my dad's ex-girlfriend sauteing checks and cough syrup on the stovetop my roommate once walked in on me playing my guitar whilst in the nude i got out of the shower and was too cold to unwrap myself to dry off so i sat down in my towel until i was dry and during the process i got distracted and picked up my guitar and then forgot i was naked until she walked in adhd ruins lives during my time at university i saw a 40 year old guy in the library who was watching prn in the computer lab and jacking off he called it a foofer my awesome parents had shipped me off to boarding school it was my first day there my crazy roommate was f king a pillow it seemed full stop but wait he did not stop when i walked and he casually explained what he was doing later after i came back he offered to make me on it was a trash bag wrapped systematically with a pillowcase the pillow then wraps around i don't really know i was cool with my hand in the shower i guess flesh light beater i once climbed in trowel window only to realize my mate who lived there was having sex with his new girlfriend inside the room he proceeded to introduce a raider and i then quickly climbed down introduced god damn you autocorrect to a non-english language your first mistake was randomly climbing through a window your second mistake was not joining in i once walked in on a kid frantically drawing a map of some underground tunnel system used by some kind of monster from another dimension crazy thing is the kid drew the map on a scale that was way too big so he used like a gazillion papers and a lot of crayons that certainly is stranger than a lot of these things turned up to a burglary in progress at work to find a guy wrapped with a bit of bacon around his [ __ ] wanking off over a leg of lamb he turned around and said to me what are you doing here this is not a joke and 100 happened also turned up to another burglary in progress to find a guy dressed in women's clothes high heels wanking off to a cheap prno whilst he had positioned two mirrors extremely carefully so he could see himself doing it whilst watching the prno merry christmas you
Channel: Reddit Tales
Views: 346,468
Rating: 4.9271092 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, subreddit, reddit stories, reddit tales, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, reddit story, reddit best, funny posts, r/, reddit funny, people of reddit, stories, updoot, reddit jar, planet reddit, storytime, educational, podcast, audio, animated, animated story, cartoon, radio tts, walked in on, someone doing it, doing it
Id: KT-AaAcLZkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 4sec (1444 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 06 2020
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