What Secret Codes Are All Around Us But We Don't Recognize? (r/AskReddit | Reddit Stories)

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what secret codes are all around us that only people in the know recognize at the mall they taught us to use nor if someone was being belligerent and we needed to get the cops in here nor an equals Neal officer right away for example if the guy was at the counter screaming and cursing threatening us but we couldn't escape he won't leave and we felt in safe we'd ask him to hold on while I call the manager then I'd get the phone call a police station in the mall legit cops not mole cops and say something like hi Norah this is so-and-so calling I have a customer issue I was hoping you can help with then hang up and announce the manager was on the way cops showed up instead in Indonesia whenever you're dealing with anyone working in the government police officers custom officers airport security etc comma when they start talking about how strict the rules are or how they need to meet some sort of quota that means they're expecting a big bribe I tend to play dumb and go oh okay then I guess I'll just have to throw this thing out go to court not bother getting this document double quote it's fun watching them panic and try to find a subtle way of asking for a bribe without saying they want a bribe when dealing with the Japanese that will be very difficult means no when dealing with Saudis God willing means Lehr few years ago I worked as a nightclub bouncer so I could make some extra cash the code for all security to the dance floor because she is erupting riot imminent was for the DJ to play usher yeah noticeable because it was an EDM club that had a bad reputation for fighting and the song was so obviously out of place we'd all be alerted to this day I can't hear the song without getting a surge of adrenaline and getting ready to brawl for my life four hundred and thirty seven thousand seven hundred and thirty seven means herpes in online dating I saw a profile of a girl saying she has four hundred and thirty seven thousand seven hundred and thirty seven cats and thought I'm sure that number has some significance apparently if a person puts that number in their profile it means they have herpes and they want to let people know without getting embarrassed I was once on a cruise ship and there was an announcement on the tannoy for the crew starlight starlight some were visibly shaken and it caused quite a bit of upset later discovered that was code for elderly passenger has died the QI I had a small onboard mortuary on a cruise ship I was on there was a meeting on the schedule for Friends of Bill which is code for Alcoholics Anonymous also friends of Dorothy which is gay lesbian transportation of dangerous goods labels on tanker trucks ko UN numbers 1202 is diesel 1203 is gasoline 1075 is propane 1267 is crude 1993 is anything flammable I was driving behind a truck on the highway the other day and didn't recognize 2448 molten sulfur utility locating is everywhere not sure if rules are international but US rules are such yellow equals gas red equals electric orange equals communications green equals sewer blue equals water pink equals engineering private work done where actual excavation is not planned purple equals irrigation I believe so anytime you see these marks under them as the aforementioned underground utility line the more you know also darle 811 before you dig us it's free yes you what happens if you knock out the telephone and your poor old neighbor is calling 911 blood on your hands for being the fool every married couple needs a secret code known only to the two of them that means I'm bored let's go home the code for that is I've got the sh TS we need to leave now double quote ironically the code having the sh TS is I'm bored when I worked at a supermarket many years ago we had code 12 which was cooled on the speakers if they saw a very attractive person in the store the code would also say where so for example code 12 bread we had a code for either SX just can't remember the other one kitchens and foodservice places will often have a code for this at one pizza place I worked for it was pans to the line in another pizza place it was hot fries coming out we didn't sell fries a few years ago I went to pick up a large pizza from Marcos in Michigan and the cashier asked would you like that cut with a clean knife and I was like WTF she looked super frightened and rushed the order after that was that a code I used to work at a pizza place we had a pretty big Indian population in the area nearly all of them were vegetarian for religious purposes and would ask for their vegetarian pizzas to be cut with a clean knife to avoid contamination by meat if you said not a day in my office when someone announces your rides here that means somebody unidentified has just walked in it's a closed private office with no receptionist or public coming and going if it's nobody we're expecting it sounds better than somebody just walked into the door code atom stickers on the front of stalls mean that the employees have been trained on how to deal with a missing child report named after Adam Walsh the murdered son of America's Most Wanted host john walsh comcast has an awesome one if you call the cancellation line and say i would like to cancel my account they will offer you premium channels and sh t for free in m saying that someone has a house in Virginia or giving someone a high five on the way in the door is a way of letting the other responders know that the patient is a blood-borne pathogen risk ie if plus edit a lot of people are T talking me for perpetuating a bias against people worth HIV what they're not realizing is that not in a hospital room we're on public most patients don't want to san ounce into the public that they have HIV or heparin a thing like that we're also legally obligated to not share that information to the public apparently protecting patient privacy isn't important here HIPAA anyone 110 on an application meant no higher if you draw a downward diagonal line between the eleven you get an N so 110 becomes no sneaky we just wrote no when a motorcycle taps his helmet it means cops up ahead when a car gives you two quick flashes it means speed-trap ahead sometimes it means put your f king lights on it's raining not so much anymore but back when everyone had to be secretive about being gay there were all kinds of signs and signals my uncle says he kind of misses those days because it was all like a tightly knit secret club that was strongly bonded because of the mutual mortal terror of have AIDS when it first appeared the Jeep Wave I rode in a jeep for the first time a few weeks ago and got waved at a few times before I asked what was going on my wife's Mini Cooper actually has instructions printed in the owner's manual that you are to way that all other Mini Coopers naturally one of our hobbies is mocking people who way that is when we're in her car man a woman wearing a black ring on your dominant hand ring finger means they are in the lifestyle hacker swingers well crap when I had to remove an unwanted visitor from the lobby reception would call me and say you're FedEx package has arrived I'm a police dispatcher and if you hear a 10 - 100 over the radio that Officer is busy in the bathroom AMD will be 10-8 clear as soon as he finished up in the UK at an all announcement that calls for mr sands to come to X location is code for a fire bomb threat in that area this is because sands is one of the most uncommon names in the UK so it's very unlikely this chaps gonna turn up at the location especially if it's on fire I was in Waterloo station and had a mr. sands cooled to platform 2 once and no P f ck out little while later and the station was closed I've seen my dog wink at me before I'm convinced she's in the know when my dog winks at me I usually went back just in case he's trying to tell me something I need him to know I understand graffiti is its own language two gangs there are ways to even politely correct whose turf it is without going to war gangs were even post rosters of who is in their clique who they are what area they claim to them what their businesses are act edit some examples in my local area California annex through some gangs graffiti is acolyte way to correct someone if they incorrectly claim turf no general hostility is implied just means hey this area's ours back off if a graffiti is circled then the next is put over it with another gangs writing to the side of it it means that this is our turf and we are keeping it that way it has a little hostility behind it this could also mean they are willing to brawl over it this may only apply to California but a 187 spray-painted over gang graffiti 187 being the California code for a homicide it Means War please note gang graffiti changes constantly and this can be regional what something may mean one day may not be what it means another day call your guy means you are about to get ditched by your cokehead friends when you're at a grocery store and you hear 21 on nine it means the employee a checkout counter nine is under 21 years and they need someone over 21 to sell the customer liquor live in Illinois still hear it call out a day the color of twist-tie on your bread bag indicates which day of the week that bread was made easy for grocery stores to spot aging bread on the shelves at the night markets in Malaysia the shop owners give you different colored bags depending on how good of a haggle you are to one of the shop owners the more bumper stickers the vehicle has the steer the driving becomes along this line for Asian restaurants which tear the service and the more pay at register signs posted everywhere the better the food peanut you I worked at a zoo where if one of the admission registers needed more change they would ask security on the radio for more paper clips if you hear waiters and waitresses talking about Canadians in the South they mean black people also if you hear them say they are in the weeds it means they're so busy they barely know what the f ck is going on and need help come a pinke point yes it's ridiculous it's also really really awesome thomas some of the more cliquish subreddits have little codes and secrets for identifying members across read it as a whole it's honestly pretty ridiculous there's the mail nod code I asked a guy what was up with it once and he explained it like this down is a nod of respect either to acknowledge doing something that nada approves it or it denotes a more professional business only relationship and not up is more context you'll if the men know each other the upward nod is like hey what's up I acknowledge that we know each other but have nothing to say right now and or am in a hurry busy an upward nod can also be disrespectful and aggressive in ways I don't quite grasp I guess as a display of dominance not easy to understand as an outside observer I just did this without even knowing it was a code common examples would be the hobo symbols and things like code white being a kidnapping at Walmart if the price tag ends in 97 cents the item is on clearance and won't be marked down further totally dependent on what chain you are shopping at for my stores . 97 is a regular priced item in the beauty department anything ending in 94 is clearance but we will still mark that t1 iiiiii down if we have to I've seen one hundred and fifty dollars items go for 594 because we had one left and it had B start mating on the shelf for months if we can get one dollar for it that's one dollar more than if we had to throw it out or donate it a friend allows versus a friend of mine ro sure looks like we've got a bunch of ID 10 T's around here at the bar I work at we had our tables labeled a 1 a 5 B 1 B 5 and C 1 C 11 if we ever want to have a shot while at work then one of us will say did you bring the drinks to C 12 yet and that means somebody has made a round of shots for all of the bartenders I dated a girl who worked at the same small company as I did she told me that the girls would make a page over the intercom that the package was here this meant that one of my male co-workers who appeared to have a big bulge had just walked into the building after that how I realized the girls would come out of their offices cubicles to get coffee or go to the bathroom any excuse to take a look at his bulge those freaking hand signs people do to display a language you mean sign language in hospitals and medical facilities they have security investigate fire alarms before calling in the fire department unless the sprinkler system actually goes off since they cannot announce over the PA system that the fire alarm is going off the page NR Gallagher to a location this is the code for security to investigate that location for a potential fire paging Mr Gallagher - room 202 9 4 NOx signifies imminent demise you know nothing that's amazing in 900 years of time and space I've never met anybody who knew nothing there's a secret telephone code you can use that connects you to a few different emergency clubs one of the clubs tries to help stop and solve crime another use if you are injured in the last you can get a help out if there's a fire Bosco in court a lawyer firmly stating my client was at the library at the time of the murder is subtly different from my client tells me that he was at the library at the time of the murder there are numerous variations on this such as my client would say all my client has just informed me with added inflection and emphasis each conveys a particular message to the judge given the circumstances I work at a coffee shop and a few co-workers and I have a secret language to alert each other when an attractive customer walks in googling the exact wording of an error message quite often results in the steps to fix it the OD badge is a secret code to all other road users to signal that the driver probably drives like an Abed I thought that was the BMW badge calling the store number means you saw or think you saw theft those little numbers and letters all over your electronics actually mean useful things a programmer can use that information to well program your electronics or even debug them if it's worth it although these days people usually just buy something new the info is there though if you want to try fixing it instead lawyers know the terms and conditions are code for they will never read this T when you see an IP address in a TV show that says 180 for 365 90 245 it's fake if you see an IP address that's less than 223 255 255 255 it's probably legit do a reverse lookup or a hoist on it to see where it came from t3 doors iMac t3 draw del assign host 75 125 100 1212 100 125 75 in a de a per domain name point arrived house seven five one two five one zero zero one two type limit com truck drivers have some sort of code I don't know all of it generally if they're passing you you can double flash your headlights to let them know they can safely merge back they may flash their back not break lights to say thank you useful and polite I've also used this with my husband when convoying two cars so you can pass together a person with a pentagram necklace around their neck and purple clothing means they are into black magic all black means they are not or they just like purple and the occult that used to be me and I was into Wicca you see it every day you just don't know what it means it has existed since before you were born you just never noticed it and yet it's been right there right in front of you every single time start using your damn turn signal a buddy once told me to water biscuits and gravy and a McDonald's drive-thru after breakfast time and it would inform the worker that I too worked at a McDonald's and they would load up a bag with fries and double cheeseburgers for free so I got some friends and went said I'll have the biscuits and gravy guy said sorry so breakfast is over they said no no the biscuits and gravy he said sorry we don't have that I said it one more time as slowly and clearly as possible he refused again so I just ordered some eyes and cheeseburgers and paid for them guy thought I was an idiot turns out my buddy was messing with me he couldn't believe I tried it Canadian engineers receive an iron ring once they've been certified it goes on the small finger of the dominant hand it doesn't have to be iron but most are also in Canada if you see a license plate which follows the pattern vov a the asterisks are letters it's a ham radio operator and that is their callsign UPC codes have certain things like this if I remember correctly the first half signifies a vendor and the second half is the product the last small number is a checksum to verify the other numbers were read correctly I vaguely remember when researching couponing that there was some trick there to that the UPC code on the coupon could be read to see if the coupon was valid for a single product or a whole family but I could be remembering that one wrong 2319 we have a 2319 the codes printed on your beer cases or the bottom of cans etc tells you when it was made usually a letter followed by a series of numbers the letters correspond with the month an equals January B equals February and so on you can tell which beer has been sitting for a while or even worse the places who don't rotate and should be avoided source worked and managed an off sale for a few years and university edit they don't use I to avoid confusion so your December beer starts with M when you're on a Windows computer alt f4 will unlock the extra core letting your computer run way faster can confirm closed chrome and made the computer faster because closed Chrome sometimes we in the know types do this code where we call out a time like hey four o'clock most people don't know this but we're not actually referencing a time at all calling out a time is code for directions if you picture yourself at center of a flat clock it suddenly makes sense 12 o'clock would be in front of you three o'clock to your right 9 o'clock to your left and 6 o'clock is behind you now whenever you hear one of us in the know types shout 6 o'clock oh ma you'll know to turn around look at them and give them a knowing wink to let them know that you know codes too you can watch and laugh as other people get confused they have no idea he wasn't talking about something happening at dinner time the more you know
Channel: Reddit Tales
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Id: HMjdtDqAjdo
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Length: 23min 8sec (1388 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 12 2020
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