People Share Big Publicity Stunts That Massively Backfired (r/AskReddit | Reddit Stories)

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which publicity stunt back five worst Snapple tried to make the world's largest popsicle and Nick out of their new flavor of tea before they could even get it upright for the Guinness rep to measure it the popsicle melted sanitation workers spent hours trying to hose away the melted popsicle the Pepsi points campaign where the guy actually tried to cash in enough Pepsi points for a Harrier jet talk show host Morton Downey jr. said he was attacked in an airport bathroom by neo-nazis who drew a big swastika on his face and then people noticed that it was a backwards swastika on his face as if say it had been drawn on by someone looking in a mirror his show was canceled shortly thereafter and aside from an appearance in predator 2 he pretty much disappeared from sight until his death 10-cent beer night the baseball game where fans predictably got wasted and caused so much trouble that the Cleveland Indians had to forfeit the game all kind of downplaying just how crazy it got the fans stormed the field when they rotted and the Cleveland team had to form a circle around the visiting team and fight off fans with their bats to get them to safety during the 1984 Olympics McDonald's ran a deal kind of like their Monopoly game where if the USA won a medal in an event you will get free food well the biggest competition the USSR boycotted these games resulting in a massive medal at all for the USA the race together campaign by Starbucks because we all want to discuss race with the person who brings us our coffee pretty sure Taylor Swift once had a contest where she would sing thought to a school with the most votes the winning school was the Horace Mann School which was a School for the Deaf now that I think about there was also one involving Taylor Swift again where the winner would get to meet her the winner was a 39 year old man pitbull had a similar contest where he would perform a free concert at whatever Walmart got the most votes 4chan got oniton got the most remote Walmart in the middle of Alaska to win pitbull still went and performs for like 12 people bill stand-up guy Geraldo Rivera's special on opening Al Capone's vault that this isn't your father's Oldsmobile ad campaign it really hurt the brand's reputation and they never recovered it's one of the main reasons they don't make Oldsmobiles anymore I kind of feel like buck is doing the same thing right now over the last couple of years that's a buck it doesn't look like one the CEO of British jewelry store chain rattling roof now submit group made a speech in which he called his own jewelry cheap pieces of garbage and insulted the people who bought from him he hoped everyone would take it as a big joke they did not walkers the brand name of leis of the UK ran a promotion for a few weeks where you got a code on a pack of their crisps chips and if you predicted correctly that it would rain somewhere in the UK on that day you chose a location you got you a q10 needless to say they cancelled it soon after due to the money losses because one it's the UK rain is a fact of life and two the weather forecast is something that exists update after some researching the minimum bet was 40 P the price of a packet of crisps for one of around 20000 squares over a three hour time period with the 25 L return at odds of one in eight contrasted with the UK's National Lottery at one in 57 to win you acute 10 shows you just how stupid this campaign was there was a guerrilla marketing campaign for Aqua Teen Hunger Force in Boston Post 911 someone reported seeing a shady person who left a conspicuous box near a bridge so the police were called in and they blew it up turns out it was just a box of sh t for the marketing campaign I think Cartoon Network was fined two million dollars for it the finebros react world i'd say the biggest part to the backfire was the apology where they didn't even apologize we're sorry you guys didn't understand why this is a good thing for us you there was a guy that defiled demo bags grave as a publicity stunt for his sh tty metal band he received tons of death threats and had all his upcoming gigs canceled him edit since people are asking as far as I know he pissed on dimes and rave and wrote [ __ ] on it Florida State's brilliant asked jimmies de Barco , jammies he went 13-0 on the football field in 2-0 and the court system what was your overall record ask jammies comma after getting away with a high profile our pay and theft what crime will you commit to complete your triple crown ask jammies come or what do you think is worse the things that all these people are saying to you or the fact that you can't read them that guy who was going to let a snake eat him then he just didn't the you to free album giveaway on iTunes it was a while back pre-internet but an airline did a promotion to get couples to book flights together they thought it would be a good idea to send flowers to the same household of the man that booked the flight turns out had exposed a bazillion extramarital affairs Michael Dukakis is tank photoshoot Robert Durst's interview had he just kept his mouth shut and stayed out of the limelight I'd say the new Koch thing but others would argue they had that planned the whole time to revive fallen sales when they brought back coke classic sternness loaf Microsoft Twitter Gert @a tweets the most racist posting I Twitter bot of them all Sam Pappas pranks in 2003 Red Lobster did the promotion for all-you-can-eat crab legs and it almost bankrupted them I remember when they did it my wife and I went and they ran out of crab legs and had to offer vouchers for later it was crazy the president of the company ended up having to step down due to that David's anti-aircraft system in February 1982 the prototype was demonstrated for a group of US and British officers at Fort Bliss along with members of Congress and other VIPs when the computer was activated it immediately started aiming the guns at the review stands causing several minor injuries as members of the group jumped for cover technicians worked on the problem and the system was restarted this time had started shooting towards the target but fired into the ground 300 meters in front of the tank in spite of several attempts to get it working properly the vehicle never successfully engaged the sample targets a ford manager claimed that the problems were due to the vehicle being washed for the demonstration and fouling the electronics 18 in a report on the tests Easterbrook jokingly wondered if it ever rained in Central Europe , when the computer was activated it immediately started aiming the guns at the review stands causing several minor injuries as members of the group jumped for cover it's like that scene at Robocop when they are demonstrating ed-209 Michael Jackson hanging his baby off a balcony alas Rita Ora when she said she will release her new album if she got 100 zero zero zero retreats think she got about 4,000 then continued to tweet she was hacked and won't release new albums until she's ready Bud Lights take no out of your vocabulary for the night our pay miles sure Lobby elif's plagerism scandal followed by older witched he heated in response how has that backfired all this sh t he's been doing lately seems to be working perfectly the internet is eating it up john mccain suspending his campaign and the 2008 presidential race due to the collapse of the stock market it was meant to show how seriously he took the situation but the problem was that there was nothing he could actually do to fix the situation as a candidate so he just started campaigning again a few days later it was quite a strange scenario just about everything the new top gear does do you mean the American top gear I wasn't aware the new BBC Top Gear was even airing yet not really a stunt but the rampart AMA comes to mind does gun control count as a publicity stunt the 1994 assault weapons ban probably counts most of the people who voted in favor of it were voted out the next year giving Republicans the majority and the law sunset in 2004 leaving in its wake the revelation that it didn't do anything to the crime rate since long guns are rarely ever used in crimes Jared from Subway I can just imagine the subway publicity team sitting around a table with a newspaper in front of them no one says a word for like 15-20 mins then finally someone who is usually extremely calm and collected reaches into the jacket pocket of the person sitting beside them takes their smokes lights one up and says well f ck not sure if this counts but I used to work at a chain restaurants that offered half-price pizzas for Valentine's Day a few years back but as takeout only we had a ref King line out the door dozens of furious customers and somehow ran out of pizza dough before half the orders were even completed I have never seen so many angry customers Wyclef Jean's am a the Discovery Channel hype to life special eating the live in which survivalist kool Rhossili would be eating the live by a wild and a condor wearing a camera through the entire ordeal he stated he would literally enter the belly of the beast two problems a they couldn't find a wild anaconda to eat him during the live broadcast be the raised in captivity anaconda wasn't really that hungry and basically nibbled on the guy for a while and Paul Russell he gave up mid meal the whole thing was a major disaster Kali 2012 I remember back in the eighties a radio station in Ohio dropped live turkeys from a helicopter during Thanksgiving they didn't realize turkeys can't fly the holler as they hit the ground still haunts me placing a civilian aboard a space shuttle I think I saw on ready to hold back that they almost put big bird on that shuttle imagine the number of traumatized small children so it could have been worse a fair fraction of astronauts were and our civilian heck even though Neil Armstrong served he was a civilian at the time he steps on the moon the problem was that the media hype leading up to the launch of Challenger made it so much worse when something went wrong there was similar height when John Glenn went up again in the 90s also technically a civilian by that point and there was no disaster so few people remember remember when Bill Cosby encouraged everyone to make memes of him light after all the art pay stuff started coming to light June 2015 sure Donald you can be a Republican Party candidate snicker snicker this'll be a fun two-week campaign March 2016 my god what have we done the montreal canadiens tweeting images of new followers twitter handles on the backs of their jerseys trolls joined in and got all sorts of offensive handles tweeted on Canadiens jerseys this is made worse by the fact that the Patriots did the same Twitter stunt with the same results a couple of months earlier not sure if I consider it to backfire but boaty mcboatface should be on here and on the side of the ship no one would ever have heard of that expedition otherwise 1986 a Cleveland United Way plan to release 1 5 million balloons as an attempt to break a world record needless to say this being Cleveland things did not go as planned in 1986 organizers with United Way of Cleveland thought they had the perfect idea to generate a little publicity and create a beautiful spectacle in the process with the crowd of volunteers working all hours they fill 1 5 million helium balloons and release them all at once unfortunately they had no idea the terrible consequences they would unleash by doing so and their tragic mistake led to the deaths of two people and millions of dollars in damages through lawsuits Google for full story it turned into a chaotic mess all that writing and no explanation of what went wrong you
Channel: Reddit Tales
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Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, subreddit, reddit stories, reddit tales, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny posts, funny askreddit, r/, reddit funny, people of reddit, stories, updoot, toadfilms, reddit jar, planet reddit, storytime, publicity stunt, backfired, publicity, celebrity, big publicity stunt
Id: BwDCubXwDqM
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Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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